path: root/src/main/java/gregtech/loaders/oreprocessing
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-06-15Merge branch 'experimental' into reMergeTechnus
2017-06-15Merge branch 'unstable_BLOOD' into reMergeTechnus
2017-06-15Cherry PickDream-Master
2017-06-14fixed derpDream-Master
2017-06-07cables are to expensivevlad20012
2017-06-07change cables backDream-Master
2017-06-06Oil Cracking Update from Johannes GaesslerDream-Master
2017-06-03fixed compressed platesDream-Master
2017-06-03no messageDream-Master
2017-06-02Fix compressed meteoric iron recipe. #1071Blood-Asp
2017-06-02Fix compressed meteoric iron recipe. #1071Blood-Asp
2017-05-28added new molds for Stick, round, long stick, ring, bolt, screwDream-Master
2017-05-12Fix oreProcessingTechnus
2017-05-12rounds and small spring recipe changed a bit.Dream-Master
2017-05-12To make Foils you need a Hammer and a Saw nowDream-Master
2017-05-08Change time 16cable needsDream-Master
2017-05-07fic Gears and RingsDream-Master
2017-05-07added small and large Spring Shaped craftingDream-Master
2017-05-07this code is obsolete because shows double recipes in nei.Dream-Master
2017-05-06Remove compiletime dependency of CoreMod, Add runtime dependency of CoreModTechnus
2017-05-05all Cable recipes changes doneDream-Master
2017-05-05Added cableGT16 processingTechnus
2017-05-05Add gem upgrading recipesTechnus
2017-05-05Merge branch 'mergeGTNH' of https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/GT5-Unofficial i...Technus
2017-05-05EBF 20000K disable auto genned recipe supportTechnus
2017-05-05more recipe nerfsDream-Master
2017-05-02make things more easy and realisticDream-Master
2017-05-01new Etched wire recipesDream-Master
2017-05-01Optimize importsTechnus
2017-04-30rework circuits Basic and GoodDream-Master
2017-04-28fixed to jump from basic circuit to integrated circuitDream-Master
2017-04-27Merge branch 'experimental' from GTNH into mergeGTNH (based on BLOODASP)Technus
2017-04-10All foils can be made in bender.Blood-Asp
2017-03-29Fixed recipeDream-Master
2017-03-29Code cleanupDream-Master
2017-03-22PIC Wafer needs cleanroom tooBlood-Asp
2017-03-12fix adv circuitTechlone
2017-03-10Add Amethyst Dust to Implosion compressor.Dream-Master
2017-03-05Remove original IC2 adv circuit recipe.Blood-Asp
2017-02-28Circuit changesBlood-Asp
2017-02-24missing filesDream-Master
2017-02-24fixed the 32 to 30 eu recipe 128-120 etcDream-Master
2017-01-27making an impregnated stick out of a wood log?? very funnyDream-Master
2017-01-03change 32 eu to 30Dream-Master
2016-12-27Port LightningRod (To be changed by Bloody) & Character fixMuramasa-
2016-12-27Fix ToolHead processorsMuramasa-
2016-12-16Fix ULV and LV wire/cable recipesBlood-Asp
2016-12-16Fix gem recipes this time for real.Technus
2016-12-13Replace all literal numbers referring to tool types with named constantsDavid Vierra