path: root/src/main/java/gregtech/loaders/postload/GT_MachineRecipeLoader.java
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-06-24Made the Large Chemical Reactor cheaper, added more Cell MaterialsJohannes Gäßler
2017-06-24Added more recipes for Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide, Acetic AcidJohannes Gäßler
2017-06-18Merge branch 'ChemistryUpdate' into unstableJohannes Gäßler
2017-06-17Merge pull request #1074 from Techlone/advminer2_improvementsBlood-Asp
2017-06-15fix naquadah wafer recipe #1094Blood-Asp
2017-06-15Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/unstable' into ChemistryUpdateJohannes Gäßler
2017-06-15Made it so that Pyrolyse Oven recipes are consistentJohannes Gäßler
2017-06-14Fixed Allyl Chloride recipe consuming a Fluid CellJohannes Gäßler
2017-06-14fix IC Classic compat #1090Blood-Asp
2017-06-13Reworking DataOrb and DataStickTechlone
2017-06-12Fixed Chloromethane and Chloroform recipes missing empty cell outputsJohannes Gäßler
2017-06-05fix OsmiridiumCasing recipe in AssemblerTechlone
2017-06-01Merge branch 'unstable' into advminer2_improvementsTechlone
2017-06-01Merge branch 'unstable' into ChemistryUpdateJohannesGaessler
2017-05-31Add recipe for very heavy oilBlood-Asp
2017-06-01AdvMiner rewriting; now it's Ore Drilling PlantTechlone
2017-05-31Added recipes for oil desulfurization with Fluids and Cells swapped.Johannes Gäßler
2017-05-25Fixed stocheometrically incorrect Chloroform recipe.Johannes Gäßler
2017-05-16Moved the Biomass -> Ethanol recipes to the simplified chemical recipes.Johannes Gäßler
2017-05-14Bugfix: I had accidentally copied the IC2 Biogas recipes instead ofJohannes Gäßler
2017-05-14Moved old IC2 Biogas recipes to the simplified recipes.Johannes Gäßler
2017-05-13Merge branch 'LargeChemicalReactor' into ChemistryUpdateJohannes Gäßler
2017-05-13Corrected several chlorination recipes in terms of stoichiometricsJohannes Gäßler
2017-05-13Fixed a bug that caused there to be two identical recipes for TiF4Johannes Gäßler
2017-05-12Added crafting recipes for the LCHJohannes Gäßler
2017-05-12Merge branch 'ChemistryUpdate' into LargeChemicalReactorJohannes Gäßler
2017-05-04Small tweak to Rocket Fuel to ensure that production cost > burn valueJohannes Gäßler
2017-05-04Added a graphic for acids, made the javadoc more descriptiveJohannes Gäßler
2017-05-03Added an svg for misc chemical recipes, tweaked several recipesJohannes Gäßler
2017-05-03Added distillation recipe for Phenol, tweaked the graphic for plasticsJohannes Gäßler
2017-05-02Materials for existing fluids, ash nerf, plastic production svgJohannes Gäßler
2017-05-01Added molecular formulas for the new materials, added alternativeJohannes Gäßler
2017-05-01Added config for simple chemical recipes and stone dust centifugationJohannes Gäßler
2017-05-01Added recipes for centrifuging Stone DustJohannes Gäßler
2017-05-01methods for pipe creation, new plastic pipes, implemented PVCJohannes Gäßler
2017-04-30Changed the newly added recipes so that they use the new APIJohannes Gäßler
2017-04-30New recipes, convenience methods, recipe rebalancingsJohannes Gäßler
2017-04-30Chem reactors can now output 2 items, implemented recipes for NitricJohannes Gäßler
2017-04-28Implemented Nitric Acid, Rocket FuelJohannes Gäßler
2017-04-24Expanded Charcoal Byproducts, added recipes that produce themJohannes Gäßler
2017-04-24Made the centrifuge recipes for ash more realisticJohannes Gäßler
2017-04-23Tweaked Titanium, implemented Silicone and GunpowderJohannes Gäßler
2017-04-23Added additional recipes for acids and basesJohannes Gäßler
2017-04-22Enabled solid output for Distilleries, implemented Epoxy Resin / PTFEJohannes Gäßler
2017-04-22fix #1029Techlone
2017-04-21Added recipes for EpichlorohydrinJohannes Gäßler
2017-04-20Fixed a typo, Added a missing glue recipeJohannes Gäßler
2017-04-19Added a lot of (petro)chemistry stuff, expanded the APIJohannes Gäßler
2017-04-01Move some recipes since max java method size was reachedBlood-Asp
2017-03-31Add assemblyrecipes for all circuits per oredictBlood-Asp