path: root/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus/xmod/gregtech/common/tileentities/machines
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-12-01Fix scanning calculations/optimal flow metrics of turbines (#3574)Mike_be
2024-12-01Fix ME Output Hatch void protection checks (#3585)Maya
2024-11-28Add info in the tooltip of the chemplant (#3559)Alexdoru
2024-11-24Fix crash in Fishing Port when no recipe is found (#3547)Wilhelm Schuster
2024-11-23Use ofBlocksTiered for steam water pump structure (#3521)Lyft
2024-11-23Fix NEI preview for Implosion Compressor and Density^2 (#3522)Ableytner
2024-11-20Follow up fixes for multiple muffler hatches. (#3505)Abdiel Kavash
2024-11-15Added mode swap button to Utupu Tanuri (#3499)Noc
2024-11-14Fix advanced mufflers in the XLGT and other multiblocks with >1 muffler hatch...nshepperd
2024-11-14Add explicit mention of exotic energy hatches (#3491)Mary
2024-11-11Add tool batch mode for some multis (#3475)StaffiX
2024-11-09Turbine Texture Refactor (#3435)BlueHero233
2024-11-07Remove fast mode mention from XL Steam Turbines (#3458)StaffiX
2024-10-31Fix mabs crash when breaking energy hatches (#3425)HoleFish
2024-10-25fix waterline cycle breaking on reload (#3420)VinDevGH
2024-10-21Import pollution mixins from hodgepodge (#3395)Alexdoru
2024-10-21Buff TGS sapling production (#3382)HoleFish
2024-10-21Make some machine drops stackable with new ones (#3392)HoleFish
2024-10-14Multi ToolTip unification (#3343)Alexdoru
2024-10-10Allow chemical bath to count flowing water as a valid fluid block (#3330)NotAPenguin
2024-10-09Remove tremendous and useless RAM allocation from GT++ algae pond recipes (#3...Alexdoru
2024-10-06Fix the cursed chembath again (#3337)NotAPenguin
2024-10-03Fix flocculation plant deforming when it has a cover emitting a strong redsto...NotAPenguin
2024-10-03Fix issues with catalyst damage + empty catalyst output (#3321)Maya
2024-10-02Cleanup the codebase (#3311)Alexdoru
2024-10-01Remove 32x textures (#3276)BlueHero233
2024-09-28Unify machine sound loop to use SoundResource (#3289)miozune
2024-09-28Remove steam blender hatches (#3293)RecursivePineapple
2024-09-26Fix Heat Exchanger interaction with Stocking Input Hatch(ME) (#3271)reobf
2024-09-23New sounds for multi (#3139)evgengoldwar
2024-09-21Delete more reflection (#3233)Alexdoru
2024-09-19migrate GT++ config to GTNHLib (#3193)boubou19
2024-09-17remove reflection from MTEAdvFusionMk4 and MTEAdvFusionMk5Alexdoru
2024-09-17cache some Enum.values() call to reduce RAM allocationsAlexdoru
2024-09-17Fix steam min casings (#3216)Mary
2024-09-15Remove GT++ AutoMap (#3199)NotAPenguin
2024-09-15Small optimizations & MultiBlockBase cleanup (#3197)NotAPenguin
2024-09-14Don't allow PA or LPF to do HIP/Black hole compression recipes (#3195)Mary
2024-09-12Merge config categories (#3152)boubou19
2024-09-11Various turbine fixes (#3147)Sampsa
2024-09-11Fixes for previous PR (#3157)Alexdoru
2024-09-11Steam Machine Fixes & Improvements (#3143)PlayfulPiano
2024-09-09Removed implicit forestry dep (#3140)RecursivePineapple
2024-09-09Rebalance Steam multi (#3108)evgengoldwar
2024-09-09Large Large & Larger Turbine Rework (#3075)Sampsa
2024-09-09Remove findRecipe methods (#3084)miozune
2024-09-08Fix crop manager tooltip being incorrect (#3126)Temm
2024-09-07Finishing touches on black hole compressor (#3060)Mary
2024-09-06Deprecate Large Processing Factory (#3086)Mary
2024-09-05update steam multi tooltips (#3067)chochem