path: root/src/main/java/kubatech
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-05-20fix (#125)HoleFish
2024-05-20fix (#124)HoleFish
2024-05-03Add improved Dragonblood DEFC recipes with comb (#123)Serenibyss
2024-03-30Fix gui for Mega Apiary and greenhouse (#121)Quetz4l
2024-03-28Make EIG produce drops as described in the tooltip (bug fixes) (#120)Jakub
2024-02-17Fix recipe (#118)Jakub
2024-02-16Fix not dropping weapon (#117)HoleFish
2024-01-122024 already wowkuba6000
2024-01-12Add a mode for EEC to void all enchanted and damaged outputs (#116)HoleFish
2024-01-02Fix Soldering Iron unable to set redstone output strength for the EEC. (#115)Abdiel Kavash
2023-12-19Fix queen dupe bug in Mega Apiary (#114)Jakub
2023-12-19Allow the EIG and MApiary to use IC2 Distilled Water in place of regular wate...Abdiel Kavash
2023-12-18Remove now unneeded IMC for DEFusionCrafter (#111)miozune
2023-12-06EEC: Fix infernal spawns not happening with 4 EV hatches (#110)Jakub
2023-12-04Rework GUIs (#108)Jakub
2023-12-03Migrate to new RecipeMap (#104)miozune
2023-12-01Rename EEC to Extreme Entity Crusher (#103)Alexdoru
2023-11-16Added onUnload method to ExtremeExterminationChamber to not leak the worldPelotrio
2023-10-30Add survival placekuba6000
2023-10-30Add noOptimizekuba6000
2023-10-30Add conversion recipeskuba6000
2023-10-30Fix overclockkuba6000
2023-10-30Add casing recipes and alternative dragonbloodkuba6000
2023-10-30NEI handlerkuba6000
2023-10-30dont crashkuba6000
2023-10-30Handle missing blockskuba6000
2023-10-30Start working on moving DEFC from EMTkuba6000
2023-10-14Small cleanup (#100)glowredman
2023-10-10Use the new method to copy entity from MobsInfo (#98)Jakub
2023-09-23Cleanup noXXXYYY methods (#96)miozune
2023-09-05Merge identical slots in EIG + MApiary GUI (#93)Jakub
2023-08-29Fix massive lags when EEC is running at high voltage (#94)Jakub
2023-08-17Allow EEC to get drops that have requirements (e.g. skulls) (#92)Jakub
2023-08-02Partially fix quiver on skeletons in EEC (#91)Jakub
2023-07-25Fix no output from Mega Apiary + some misc. changes (#90)Jakub
2023-07-18Changed EEC tooltip's glass specification (#88)Tyler
2023-07-02Clean up and fixes (#84)Jakub
2023-07-01Small EEC fixes (#83)chochem
2023-06-22Remove Mobs Info NEI page from KubaTech (#82)Jakub
2023-06-22Fix outputting to normal output bus (#81)Jakub
2023-06-22Output all crops / bees when controller is broken (#80)Jakub
2023-06-18Save/read NBT in config files as a string to be more readable (#79)Jakub
2023-06-17Fix crash when there are spaces in the game path (#78)Jakub
2023-06-15Use mixins accessors + some misc fixes (#77)Jakub
2023-06-10Fix bug with flowers and show what flowers are missing in Mega Apiary (#76)Jakub
2023-05-01ForgeDirection (#74)Jason Mitchell
2023-04-27Use texture getters (#73)Jakub
2023-04-26Move the research to GTNH tab for now (#72)Jakub