path: root/src/main/java/net/elytrium/limboauth/Settings.java
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/java/net/elytrium/limboauth/Settings.java')
1 files changed, 32 insertions, 32 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/elytrium/limboauth/Settings.java b/src/main/java/net/elytrium/limboauth/Settings.java
index 9dbbcc4..43e1fe6 100644
--- a/src/main/java/net/elytrium/limboauth/Settings.java
+++ b/src/main/java/net/elytrium/limboauth/Settings.java
@@ -17,13 +17,12 @@
package net.elytrium.limboauth;
-import java.io.File;
import java.util.List;
-import net.elytrium.limboauth.config.Config;
+import net.elytrium.java.commons.config.YamlConfig;
import net.kyori.adventure.title.Title;
import net.kyori.adventure.util.Ticks;
-public class Settings extends Config {
+public class Settings extends YamlConfig {
public static final Settings IMP = new Settings();
@@ -31,11 +30,21 @@ public class Settings extends Config {
public String VERSION = BuildConstants.AUTH_VERSION;
+ @Comment({
+ "Available serializers:",
+ "LEGACY_AMPERSAND - \"&c&lExample &c&9Text\".",
+ "LEGACY_SECTION - \"§c§lExample §c§9Text\".",
+ "MINIMESSAGE - \"<bold><red>Example</red> <blue>Text</blue></bold>\". (https://webui.adventure.kyori.net/)",
+ "GSON - \"[{\"text\":\"Example\",\"bold\":true,\"color\":\"red\"},{\"text\":\" \",\"bold\":true},{\"text\":\"Text\",\"bold\":true,\"color\":\"blue\"}]\". (https://minecraft.tools/en/json_text.php/)",
+ "GSON_COLOR_DOWNSAMPLING - Same as GSON, but uses downsampling."
+ })
public String PREFIX = "LimboAuth &6>>&f";
public MAIN MAIN;
+ @Comment("Don't use \\n, use {NL} for new line, and {PRFX} for prefix.")
public static class MAIN {
@Comment("Maximum time for player to authenticate in milliseconds. If the player stays on the auth limbo for longer than this time, then the player will be kicked.")
@@ -68,6 +77,8 @@ public class Settings extends Config {
public boolean TOTP_NEED_PASSWORD = true;
public boolean REGISTER_NEED_REPEAT_PASSWORD = true;
+ @Comment("Used in unregister and premium commands.")
+ public String CONFIRM_KEYWORD = "confirm";
@Comment("This prefix will be added to offline mode players nickname")
public String OFFLINE_MODE_PREFIX = "";
@Comment("This prefix will be added to online mode players nickname")
@@ -157,7 +168,6 @@ public class Settings extends Config {
public Title.Times toTimes() {
return Title.Times.times(Ticks.duration(this.FADE_IN), Ticks.duration(this.STAY), Ticks.duration(this.FADE_OUT));
@@ -190,12 +200,12 @@ public class Settings extends Config {
- @Comment("You can left blank the fields marked with \"*\" comment.")
public static class STRINGS {
public String RELOAD = "{PRFX} &aReloaded successfully!";
public String RELOAD_FAILED = "{PRFX} &cReload failed, check console for details.";
public String ERROR_OCCURRED = "{PRFX} &cAn internal error has occurred!";
+ public String DATABASE_ERROR_KICK = "{PRFX} &cA database error has occurred!";
public String NOT_PLAYER = "{PRFX} &cСonsole is not allowed to execute this command!";
public String NOT_REGISTERED = "{PRFX} &cYou are not registered or your account is &6PREMIUM!";
@@ -205,36 +215,36 @@ public class Settings extends Config {
public String NICKNAME_INVALID_KICK = "{PRFX}{NL}&cYour nickname contains forbidden characters. Please, change your nickname!";
@Comment("6 hours by default in ip-limit-valid-time")
- public String IP_LIMIT = "{PRFX} &cYour IP has reached max registered accounts. If this is an error, restart your router, or wait about 6 hours.";
+ public String IP_LIMIT_KICK = "{PRFX}{NL}{NL}&cYour IP has reached max registered accounts. If this is an error, restart your router, or wait about 6 hours.";
public String WRONG_NICKNAME_CASE_KICK = "{PRFX}{NL}&cThe case of your nickname is wrong. Nickname is CaSe SeNsItIvE.";
public String BOSSBAR = "{PRFX} You have &6{0} &fseconds left to log in.";
public String TIMES_UP = "{PRFX}{NL}&cAuthorization time is up.";
- @Comment("*")
+ @Comment(value = "Can be empty.", at = Comment.At.SAME_LINE)
public String LOGIN_PREMIUM = "{PRFX} You've been logged in automatically using the premium account!";
- @Comment("*")
+ @Comment(value = "Can be empty.", at = Comment.At.SAME_LINE)
public String LOGIN_PREMIUM_TITLE = "{PRFX} Welcome!";
- @Comment("*")
+ @Comment(value = "Can be empty.", at = Comment.At.SAME_LINE)
public String LOGIN_PREMIUM_SUBTITLE = "&aYou has been logged in as premium player!";
- @Comment("*")
+ @Comment(value = "Can be empty.", at = Comment.At.SAME_LINE)
public String LOGIN_FLOODGATE = "{PRFX} You've been logged in automatically using the bedrock account!";
- @Comment("*")
+ @Comment(value = "Can be empty.", at = Comment.At.SAME_LINE)
public String LOGIN_FLOODGATE_TITLE = "{PRFX} Welcome!";
- @Comment("*")
+ @Comment(value = "Can be empty.", at = Comment.At.SAME_LINE)
public String LOGIN_FLOODGATE_SUBTITLE = "&aYou has been logged in as bedrock player!";
public String LOGIN = "{PRFX} &aPlease, login using &6/login <password>&a, you have &6{0} &aattempts.";
public String LOGIN_WRONG_PASSWORD = "{PRFX} &cYou''ve entered the wrong password, you have &6{0} &cattempts left.";
public String LOGIN_WRONG_PASSWORD_KICK = "{PRFX}{NL}&cYou've entered the wrong password numerous times!";
public String LOGIN_SUCCESSFUL = "{PRFX} &aSuccessfully logged in!";
- @Comment("*")
+ @Comment(value = "Can be empty.", at = Comment.At.SAME_LINE)
public String LOGIN_TITLE = "&fPlease, login using &6/login <password>&a.";
- @Comment("*")
+ @Comment(value = "Can be empty.", at = Comment.At.SAME_LINE)
public String LOGIN_SUBTITLE = "&aYou have &6{0} &aattempts.";
- @Comment("*")
+ @Comment(value = "Can be empty.", at = Comment.At.SAME_LINE)
- @Comment("*")
+ @Comment(value = "Can be empty.", at = Comment.At.SAME_LINE)
public String LOGIN_SUCCESSFUL_SUBTITLE = "&aSuccessfully logged in!";
@Comment("Or if register-need-repeat-password set to false remove the \"<repeat password>\" part.")
@@ -244,13 +254,13 @@ public class Settings extends Config {
public String REGISTER_PASSWORD_TOO_LONG = "{PRFX} &cYou entered too long password, use a different one!";
public String REGISTER_PASSWORD_UNSAFE = "{PRFX} &cYour password is unsafe, use a different one!";
public String REGISTER_SUCCESSFUL = "{PRFX} &aSuccessfully registered!";
- @Comment("*")
+ @Comment(value = "Can be empty.", at = Comment.At.SAME_LINE)
public String REGISTER_TITLE = "{PRFX}";
- @Comment("*")
+ @Comment(value = "Can be empty.", at = Comment.At.SAME_LINE)
public String REGISTER_SUBTITLE = "&aPlease, register using &6/register <password> <repeat password>";
- @Comment("*")
+ @Comment(value = "Can be empty.", at = Comment.At.SAME_LINE)
- @Comment("*")
+ @Comment(value = "Can be empty.", at = Comment.At.SAME_LINE)
public String REGISTER_SUCCESSFUL_SUBTITLE = "&aSuccessfully registered!";
public String UNREGISTER_SUCCESSFUL = "{PRFX}{NL}&aSuccessfully unregistered!";
@@ -278,9 +288,9 @@ public class Settings extends Config {
public String FORCE_CHANGE_PASSWORD_USAGE = "{PRFX} Usage: &6/forcechangepassword <nickname> <new password>";
public String TOTP = "{PRFX} Please, enter your 2FA key using &6/2fa <key>";
- @Comment("*")
+ @Comment(value = "Can be empty.", at = Comment.At.SAME_LINE)
public String TOTP_TITLE = "{PRFX}";
- @Comment("*")
+ @Comment(value = "Can be empty.", at = Comment.At.SAME_LINE)
public String TOTP_SUBTITLE = "&aEnter your 2FA key using &6/2fa <key>";
public String TOTP_SUCCESSFUL = "{PRFX} &aSuccessfully enabled 2FA!";
public String TOTP_DISABLED = "{PRFX} &aSuccessfully disabled 2FA!";
@@ -292,7 +302,6 @@ public class Settings extends Config {
public String TOTP_TOKEN = "{PRFX} &aYour 2FA token &7(Click to copy)&a: &6{0}";
public String TOTP_RECOVERY = "{PRFX} &aYour recovery codes &7(Click to copy)&a: &6{0}";
- public String DB_ERROR = "{PRFX} &aA database error has occurred.";
public String DESTROY_SESSION_SUCCESSFUL = "{PRFX} &eYour session is now destroyed, you'll need to log in again after reconnecting.";
@@ -325,13 +334,4 @@ public class Settings extends Config {
public String DATABASE = "limboauth";
public String CONNECTION_PARAMETERS = "?autoReconnect=true&initialTimeout=1&useSSL=false";
- public void reload(File file) {
- if (this.load(file, this.PREFIX)) {
- this.save(file);
- } else {
- this.save(file);
- this.load(file, this.PREFIX);
- }
- }