path: root/src/main/java/makamys/lodmod/renderer/LODRenderer.java
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-05-10Unload regions based on distancemakamys
2021-05-10Fix chunk load queue getting reset when the player movesmakamys
2021-05-10Fix invisible chunks in OptiFinemakamys
2021-05-10Move my render hook before renderSortedRenderersmakamys
2021-05-10A little refactor in LODRenderer#onWorldRendererRendermakamys
2021-05-10Don't hold onto distant Chunk objectsmakamys
2021-05-10Make things work nicer if LODRenderer is inactivemakamys
2021-05-10Print messages on savemakamys
2021-05-10Reduce RAM usage by storing invisible chunk meshes in NBT formmakamys
2021-05-09Revert "Don't save the model of chunks on the edge of the loaded world"makamys
2021-05-09Patch RenderBlocks to not render sides of water on the edge of the worldmakamys
2021-05-09Render first pass without blending, fix GCmakamys
2021-05-09Use correct player pos for cameramakamys
2021-05-09Sort pass 2 meshesmakamys
2021-05-09Render in two passes, no more G to sortmakamys
2021-05-09press G to sortmakamys
2021-05-09Include seabed in the simple meshes of chunks with a watery surfacemakamys
2021-05-09Don't save the model of chunks on the edge of the loaded worldmakamys
2021-05-09Fix some visibility bugsmakamys
2021-05-08No more flickersmakamys
2021-05-08Do some cleaning in LODRenderermakamys
2021-05-08Make render distance not hardcodedmakamys
2021-05-08Make far plane distance changeable on the flymakamys
2021-05-08Unload empty regionsmakamys
2021-05-08Disable blending (fixes derpy fancy leaves)makamys
2021-05-08Fix simple meshes not getting unloaded when they're replacedmakamys
2021-05-08less flickermakamys
2021-05-07Implemented loadingmakamys
2021-05-07Save ChunkMeshes to disk (no loading yet)makamys
2021-05-07Add used RAM and mesh count to F3makamys
2021-05-07Unload invisible meshes from VRAMmakamys
2021-05-07Unload stuff from RAM on world unloadmakamys
2021-05-07Add VRAM meter to F3 overlaymakamys
2021-05-07Rename MyRenderer to LODRenderermakamys