path: root/src
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2021-05-29Move debug mode toggle to config file, config max simple mesh heightmakamys
2021-05-25Use renderViewEntity for getting player locationmakamys
Fixes an IndexOutOfBoundsException that happened when I died (I guess the player list is empty while you're respawning)
2021-05-24Fix snow disappearing when it's nearbymakamys
2021-05-24Add config options for fog start and end, and mod enablednessmakamys
2021-05-24Tweak fog rendering, skybox edge is no longer visiblemakamys
2021-05-23Ignore BOP logs and GT6 tile entities in, make blacklist configurablemakamys
2021-05-23Override fog of other modsmakamys
2021-05-21Disable keys to toggle world and lod rendering unless in debug modemakamys
2021-05-21SimpleChunkMesh: Don't access server's WorldChunkManager on client threadmakamys
I did this in an attempt to fix a bug I had with OWG, but it turned out to be caused by something else. Still, accessing the server's data structures from the client thread is bad form, so I'll keep it like this.
2021-05-20Leave tree trunks out of simple meshesmakamys
2021-05-20When a chunk is loaded, update its modelmakamys
2021-05-19Make amount of chunk loads per tick configurablemakamys
2021-05-19Only tick once per tickmakamys
2021-05-19Fix NPE that can happen in onWorldUnloadmakamys
2021-05-19Disable chunk meshes because they're so memory leakymakamys
2021-05-11Set FOG_END as wellmakamys
Fixes weird fog in BOP biomes with fog
2021-05-11Do writing on threadmakamys
Reduces save time from 3.4s to 0.4s in my testing
2021-05-10Rewrite ChunkMesh#{readIntAt, readShortAt} to be faster hopefullymakamys
Sampling found it to be using a lot of CPU time
2021-05-10Change save interval to 60 secondsmakamys
2021-05-10Unload non-visible ChunkMeshes from memory completely, reload periodicallymakamys
Now the RAM usage should be as low as it can get... but there are lag spikes while the I/O transfer happens
2021-05-10Make seabeds darkermakamys
2021-05-10Fix regions not getting tickedmakamys
2021-05-10Fix yet more visibility issuesmakamys
2021-05-10Unload regions based on distancemakamys
2021-05-10Fix chunk load queue getting reset when the player movesmakamys
2021-05-10Fix invisible chunks in OptiFinemakamys
2021-05-10Move my render hook before renderSortedRenderersmakamys
2021-05-10Maintain mesh visibility when replacing a meshmakamys
Partial fix for invisible chunks on the edge of the loaded world when using OptiFine
2021-05-10A little refactor in LODRenderer#onWorldRendererRendermakamys
2021-05-10Setup fog distance using Forge eventmakamys
Fixes incompatibility with BOP
2021-05-10Don't hold onto distant Chunk objectsmakamys
Reduces RAM usage from 4GB to 3GB (peak heap from 1200 MB to 700 MB) in my testing done standing still after spawning
2021-05-10Track NBT arrays in ChunkMesh RAM usagemakamys
2021-05-10Make things work nicer if LODRenderer is inactivemakamys
2021-05-10Fix buildmakamys
2021-05-10Make simple chunk meshes less darkmakamys
2021-05-10Render snow im simple chunk meshesmakamys
2021-05-10Fix simple mesh grass colormakamys
2021-05-10Print messages on savemakamys
2021-05-10Reduce RAM usage by storing invisible chunk meshes in NBT formmakamys
2021-05-09Improve memory trackingmakamys
2021-05-09Revert "Don't save the model of chunks on the edge of the loaded world"makamys
This is not needed anymore
2021-05-09Patch RenderBlocks to not render sides of water on the edge of the worldmakamys
2021-05-09Render first pass without blending, fix GCmakamys
2021-05-09Use correct player pos for cameramakamys
2021-05-09Don't crash on NBT errorsmakamys
2021-05-09Sort pass 2 meshesmakamys
2021-05-09Render in two passes, no more G to sortmakamys
2021-05-09Remove some junk from ChunkMeshmakamys
2021-05-09press G to sortmakamys
2021-05-09Include seabed in the simple meshes of chunks with a watery surfacemakamys