path: root/apps/website/src/components
diff options
authorPauline <git@ethanlibs.co>2024-01-10 19:58:58 -0500
committerPauline <git@ethanlibs.co>2024-01-10 19:58:58 -0500
commit8be3434d32d7ed9046000377f7f9e59ef2a971b3 (patch)
treea17c19137054e4768e57799cd3932dd92e66a69b /apps/website/src/components
parent75676183d008a07070db8fdd52af3fdf0bbfb8a7 (diff)
super unfinished stuff but i was getting yelled at by wybest
Diffstat (limited to 'apps/website/src/components')
3 files changed, 105 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/apps/website/src/components/base/Footer.astro b/apps/website/src/components/base/Footer.astro
index 9463edc..7a9071a 100644
--- a/apps/website/src/components/base/Footer.astro
+++ b/apps/website/src/components/base/Footer.astro
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ const props = Astro.props;
<div class="flex flex-col items-center md:flex-row md:items-start md:justify-between">
<p class="text-blue-gray text-sm">© {new Date().getFullYear()} Polyfrost. All rights reserved.</p>
- <p class="text-blue-gray text-sm">Not affiliated with Mojang Studios.</p>
+ <p class="text-blue-gray text-sm">Not an official Minecraft product. Not approved by or affiliated with Mojang Studios.</p>
diff --git a/apps/website/src/components/shared/BaseHead.astro b/apps/website/src/components/shared/BaseHead.astro
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ddb94e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/website/src/components/shared/BaseHead.astro
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+import smartypants from 'smartypants';
+import SEO from './SEO.astro';
+export type Props = {
+ siteName: string
+ title?: string
+ description: string
+ image: { src: string, alt: string }
+ canonicalURL?: URL | null
+ pageType?: 'website' | 'article'
+const twitterHandle = 'polyfrost';
diff --git a/apps/website/src/components/shared/SEO.astro b/apps/website/src/components/shared/SEO.astro
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6169185
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/website/src/components/shared/SEO.astro
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+import smartypants from 'smartypants';
+type SEOMetadata = {
+ name?: string
+ title: string
+ description: string
+ image?: { src: string, alt: string }
+ canonicalURL?: URL | null
+ locale?: string
+type OpenGraph = Partial<SEOMetadata> & {
+ type?: string
+type Twitter = Partial<SEOMetadata> & {
+ handle?: string
+ card?: 'summary' | 'summary_large_image'
+export type Props = SEOMetadata & {
+ og?: OpenGraph
+ twitter?: Twitter
+const {
+ name,
+ description,
+ image,
+ locale = 'en',
+ canonicalURL = new URL(Astro.url.pathname, Astro.site),
+ og: _og = {},
+ twitter: _twitter = {},
+} = Astro.props;
+const title = [Astro.props.title, name].filter(Boolean).join(' | ');
+const og: OpenGraph = { name, title, description, canonicalURL, image, locale, type: 'website', ..._og };
+const twitter: Twitter = { name, title, description, canonicalURL, image, locale, card: 'summary_large_image', ..._twitter };
+const ensureSlash = (url: string | URL) => `${url.toString().replace(/\/$/, '')}/`;
+<!-- Global Metadata -->
+<meta charset="utf-8" />
+<meta name="generator" content={Astro.generator} />
+<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
+<meta name="theme-color" content="#d2e1f9" />
+<link rel="icon" type="image/svg+xml" href="/favicon.svg" />
+<link rel="mask-icon" href="/favicon.svg" color="#d2e1f9" />
+<link rel="sitemap" href="/sitemap-index.xml" />
+<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" href="/rss.xml" title="RSS" />
+<title set:html={smartypants(title, 1)} />
+<!-- Page Metadata -->
+<meta name="generator" content={Astro.generator} />
+{canonicalURL && <link rel="canonical" href={ensureSlash(canonicalURL)} />}
+<meta name="description" content={description} />
+<!-- OpenGraph Tags -->
+<meta property="og:title" content={og.title} />
+<meta property="og:type" content={og.type} />
+{og.canonicalURL && <meta property="og:url" content={ensureSlash(og.canonicalURL)} />}
+<meta property="og:locale" content={og.locale} />
+<meta property="og:description" content={og.description} />
+<meta property="og:site_name" content={og.name} />
+ og.image && (
+ <>
+ <meta property="og:image" content={og.image.src} />
+ <meta property="og:image:alt" content={og.image.alt} />
+ </>
+ )
+<!-- Twitter Tags -->
+{twitter.card && <meta name="twitter:card" content={twitter.card} />}
+{twitter.handle && <meta name="twitter:site" content={twitter.handle} />}
+<meta name="twitter:title" content={twitter.title} />
+<meta name="twitter:description" content={twitter.description} />
+ twitter.image && (
+ <>
+ <meta name="twitter:image" content={twitter.image.src} />
+ <meta name="twitter:image:alt" content={twitter.image.alt} />
+ </>
+ )