path: root/apps/website/src
diff options
authorLynithDev <61880709+LynithDev@users.noreply.github.com>2024-01-06 12:28:15 +0100
committerLynithDev <61880709+LynithDev@users.noreply.github.com>2024-01-06 12:28:15 +0100
commitdd1c0e5cb6dbc7370c7d82b5150e0fa17e35b50a (patch)
tree557a1e26d843b5ce37e4419ba935e31e4af3f777 /apps/website/src
parent569eed93a68c0cc6707f8640f5dd569f6176964a (diff)
OSS Page
Diffstat (limited to 'apps/website/src')
1 files changed, 134 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/apps/website/src/pages/oss.astro b/apps/website/src/pages/oss.astro
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..453ea84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/website/src/pages/oss.astro
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+import Button from '@components/base/Button.astro';
+import Header from '@components/base/Header.astro';
+import Paragraph from '@components/base/Paragraph.astro';
+import Section from '@components/base/Section.astro';
+import configConst from '@config';
+import Layout from '@layouts/Layout.astro';
+import { Code } from 'astro:components';
+const leftCodeBlock = `public class MyConfig {
+ @Switch(
+ name = "Sub Switch",
+ type = OptionType.SWITCH
+ )
+ public static boolean subSwitch = false;
+ public MyConfig() {
+ super(new Mod("My Mod", ModType.UTIL_QOL), "config.json");
+ addDependency("subSwitch", () -> {
+ // Do stuff here
+ });
+ }
+const rightCodeBlock = leftCodeBlock;
+ <Section maxWidth="1920px" wFull class="flex-row justify-center items-center h-screen md:min-h-[600px] relative">
+ <div class="codeblock_container -left-12">
+ <Code lang="java" theme="github-light" code={leftCodeBlock}></Code>
+ </div>
+ <div class="flex flex-col justify-center items-center gap-y-4">
+ <Header align="center" size="xxl" class="text-navy-peony max-w-[600px]">
+ Open Source Forever
+ </Header>
+ <Paragraph class="max-w-[400px] lg:max-w-[600px] text-center text-navy-peony">
+ We believe it is the right of the user and developer to know what code they are trusting to run behind the scenes.
+ </Paragraph>
+ <Button iconLeft="github" style="secondary">GitHub</Button>
+ </div>
+ <div class="codeblock_container after:-scale-x-125 -right-12">
+ <Code lang="java" theme="github-light" code={rightCodeBlock}></Code>
+ </div>
+ </Section>
+ <Section tabindex="0" colReverse={false}>
+ <div slot="left" class="flex justify-center">
+ <img class="max-sm:w-full w-64" src="/media/oss/page_media_1.svg" alt="stuff"/>
+ </div>
+ <div slot="right">
+ <Header size="xl" class="text-navy-peony">
+ Rooted from the developers
+ </Header>
+ <Paragraph size="md" class="text-gray-400 max-w-[500px]">
+ We believe it's the only way forward, our developers learned and built on open source for years. Many even made their own contributions on our projects before joining our team.
+ </Paragraph>
+ </div>
+ </Section>
+ <Section tabindex="0">
+ <div slot="left">
+ <Header size="xl" class="text-navy-peony">
+ Makes development faster
+ </Header>
+ <Paragraph size="md" class="text-gray-400 max-w-[500px]">
+ Open source lets us join forces with other developers in our community. This means new features and bug fixes come much faster, and way better.
+ </Paragraph>
+ </div>
+ <div slot="right" class="flex justify-center">
+ <img class="max-sm:w-full w-64" src="/media/oss/page_media_2.svg" alt="stuff"/>
+ </div>
+ </Section>
+ <Section tabindex="0" colReverse={false}>
+ <div slot="left" class="flex justify-center">
+ <img class="max-sm:w-full w-64" src="/media/oss/page_media_3.svg" alt="stuff"/>
+ </div>
+ <div slot="right">
+ <Header size="xl" class="text-navy-peony">
+ Makes our code safer
+ </Header>
+ <Paragraph size="md" class="text-gray-400 max-w-[500px]">
+ There's no definite way to prevent anything from becoming malicious. But, open sourcing our code brings extra eyes to catch, and fix exploits before they’re abused.
+ </Paragraph>
+ </div>
+ </Section>
+ <Section wrapperClass="flex justify-center items-center mb-40" class="flex-col justify-center items-center">
+ <div class="flex flex-col gap-y-1 relative justify-center items-center">
+ <Header size="xl" class="text-navy-peony text-header-page text-center">
+ Contribute to our GitHub!
+ </Header>
+ <div class="flex flex-row justify-center items-center gap-x-2">
+ <Button style="secondary" iconLeft="github" href={configConst.socials.github}>GitHub</Button>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </Section>
+ .codeblock_container {
+ position: absolute;
+ max-width: 20vw;
+ @apply max-md:hidden;
+ & :global(.astro-code) {
+ background-color: transparent !important;
+ border: none !important;
+ overflow: hidden !important;
+ position: relative;
+ border-radius: 0 !important;
+ opacity: 0.7;
+ & :global(.line::before) {
+ content: "";
+ display: none;
+ }
+ }
+ &::after {
+ content: "";
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 100%;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ background-image: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0), theme(colors.gray.50 / 75%) 90%, theme(colors.gray.50) 100%);
+ }
+ }