path: root/items/GAIA_CONSTRUCT_MONSTER.json
diff options
authorjani270 <69345714+jani270@users.noreply.github.com>2021-06-07 00:36:38 +0200
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2021-06-06 18:36:38 -0400
commita92da1429711043a51875e15892f1754e2f486d2 (patch)
tree8fc6bbba60ac11201db0197d73b5051792d795b4 /items/GAIA_CONSTRUCT_MONSTER.json
parent6faea2bb8ad1158a71957b551169cd09e94f4100 (diff)
Added Myth Mobs and other Stuff (#514)
Diffstat (limited to 'items/GAIA_CONSTRUCT_MONSTER.json')
1 files changed, 42 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/items/GAIA_CONSTRUCT_MONSTER.json b/items/GAIA_CONSTRUCT_MONSTER.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0cf1d8e4
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ "itemid": "minecraft:skull",
+ "displayname": "§cGaia Construct (Mythological Creature)",
+ "nbttag": "{HideFlags:254,SkullOwner:{Id:\"a46a9adf-60a3-38f2-a3dd-335d85f1cc10\",Properties:{textures:[0:{Value:\"eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMjJiY2FjZWViNDE2MmY0MDBkNDQ3NDMzMTU5MzJhYzgyMGQzMTE5YWM4OTg2YTAxNjFhNzI2MTYxY2NjOTNmYyJ9fX0\"}]}},display:{Lore:[0:\"§7The Gaia Construct is a Mythological Creature\",1:\"§7that can be found by using a §9rare §7or higher \",2:\"§7Griffin Pet. It deals §6True Knockback §7and ignores \",3:\"§7anti-knockback capabilities like Dwarf Turtle\",4:\"§7Shelmet. It has three stages upon spawning:\",5:\"\",6:\"§aStage 1§8: §7Damaged once every 6 hits, \",7:\"§7summons a little lightning.\",8:\"§9Stage 2 (66% HP)§8: §7Damaged once every 7 hits,\",9:\"§7summons more lightning. \",10:\"§cStage 3 (33% HP)§8: §7Damaged once every 8 hits,\",11:\"§7summons the most lightning.\",12:\"\",13:\"§c❤ Health§8:\",14:\"§8[§9Griffin§8/§5Griffin§8] §c300.000 ❤\",15:\"§8[§6Griffin§8] §c1.500.000 ❤\",16:\"\",17:\"§6§lPossible Drops:\",18:\"§8[§9Griffin§8/§5Griffin§8]: §aAncient Claws §8x2-4\",19:\"§8[§6Griffin§8]: §aAncient Claws §8x2-8\",20:\"§8[§6Griffin§8]: §aEnchanted Iron §8x2-4\",21:\"§8[§6Griffin§8]: §9Dwarf Turtle Shelmet\",22:\"§8[§6Griffin§8]: §5Crochet Tiger Plushie\",23:\"§8[§6Griffin§8]: §5Antique Remedies\",24:\"\",25:\"§9§lRARE\"],Name:\"§cGaia Construct (Mythological Creature)\"},ExtraAttributes:{id:\"GAIA_CONSTRUCT_MONSTER\"}}",
+ "damage": 3,
+ "lore": [
+ "§7The Gaia Construct is a Mythological Creature",
+ "§7that can be found by using a §9rare §7or higher ",
+ "§7Griffin Pet. It deals §6True Knockback §7and ignores ",
+ "§7anti-knockback capabilities like Dwarf Turtle",
+ "§7Shelmet. It has three stages upon spawning:",
+ "",
+ "§aStage 1§8: §7Damaged once every 6 hits, ",
+ "§7summons a little lightning.",
+ "§9Stage 2 (66% HP)§8: §7Damaged once every 7 hits,",
+ "§7summons more lightning. ",
+ "§cStage 3 (33% HP)§8: §7Damaged once every 8 hits,",
+ "§7summons the most lightning.",
+ "",
+ "§c❤ Health§8:",
+ "§8[§9Griffin§8/§5Griffin§8] §c300.000 ❤",
+ "§8[§6Griffin§8] §c1.500.000 ❤",
+ "",
+ "§6§lPossible Drops:",
+ "§8[§9Griffin§8/§5Griffin§8]: §aAncient Claws §8x2-4",
+ "§8[§6Griffin§8]: §aAncient Claws §8x2-8",
+ "§8[§6Griffin§8]: §aEnchanted Iron §8x2-4",
+ "§8[§6Griffin§8]: §9Dwarf Turtle Shelmet",
+ "§8[§6Griffin§8]: §5Crochet Tiger Plushie",
+ "§8[§6Griffin§8]: §5Antique Remedies",
+ "",
+ "§9§lRARE"
+ ],
+ "internalname": "GAIA_CONSTRUCT_MONSTER",
+ "clickcommand": "",
+ "modver": "2.0.0-REL",
+ "infoType": "WIKI_URL",
+ "info": [
+ "https://hypixel-skyblock.fandom.com/wiki/Gaia_Construct"
+ ],
+ "crafttext": ""
+} \ No newline at end of file