path: root/items
diff options
authorCalMWolfs <94038482+CalMWolfs@users.noreply.github.com>2023-10-20 00:36:51 +1100
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2023-10-19 15:36:51 +0200
commit1102dc62c60916df7095d266e907ed191e658e2b (patch)
treeb2e6a2d588b2c3e40bd5931622e08c90d8c7046e /items
parentc5ab7e93d298f30a9d68714c563ca71c086f7511 (diff)
slimy (#1001)
Diffstat (limited to 'items')
3 files changed, 72 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/items/SLIMY_RUNE;1.json b/items/SLIMY_RUNE;1.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..86303036
--- /dev/null
+++ b/items/SLIMY_RUNE;1.json
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ "itemid": "minecraft:skull",
+ "displayname": "§a◆ Slimy Rune I",
+ "nbttag": "{HideFlags:254,SkullOwner:{Id:\"03c74a76-36d9-336b-aae3-57280712cd01\",Properties:{textures:[0:{Value:\"eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vdGV4dHVyZXMubWluZWNyYWZ0Lm5ldC90ZXh0dXJlLzE0MTM5OWU3OTFmNzk1YmJjNDc2YjU2OTZkNzUwNzg2NTY4NDdhNjliYmJiMzE3MzVmMWQ5MDU3OWZjZDA1NiJ9fX0\u003d\"}]}},display:{Lore:[0:\"§8Requires level 5\",1:\"§8Bows\",2:\"\",3:\"§7A squishy trail to follow your\",4:\"§7arrows!\",5:\"\",6:\"§7Apply this rune to bows or fuse\",7:\"§7two together at the Runic\",8:\"§7Pedestal!\",9:\"\",10:\"§f§lCOMMON COSMETIC\"],Name:\"§a◆ Slimy Rune I\"},ExtraAttributes:{runes:{SLIMY:1},id:\"SLIMY_RUNE;1\"}}",
+ "damage": 3,
+ "lore": [
+ "§8Requires level 5",
+ "§8Bows",
+ "",
+ "§7A squishy trail to follow your",
+ "§7arrows!",
+ "",
+ "§7Apply this rune to bows or fuse",
+ "§7two together at the Runic",
+ "§7Pedestal!",
+ "",
+ ],
+ "internalname": "SLIMY_RUNE;1",
+ "crafttext": "",
+ "clickcommand": "",
+ "modver": "2.1.1-PRE",
+ "infoType": ""
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/items/SLIMY_RUNE;2.json b/items/SLIMY_RUNE;2.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..51aaa817
--- /dev/null
+++ b/items/SLIMY_RUNE;2.json
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ "itemid": "minecraft:skull",
+ "displayname": "§a◆ Slimy Rune II",
+ "nbttag": "{HideFlags:254,SkullOwner:{Id:\"03c74a76-36d9-336b-aae3-57280712cd01\",Properties:{textures:[0:{Value:\"eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vdGV4dHVyZXMubWluZWNyYWZ0Lm5ldC90ZXh0dXJlLzE0MTM5OWU3OTFmNzk1YmJjNDc2YjU2OTZkNzUwNzg2NTY4NDdhNjliYmJiMzE3MzVmMWQ5MDU3OWZjZDA1NiJ9fX0\u003d\"}]}},display:{Lore:[0:\"§8Requires level 5\",1:\"§8Bows\",2:\"\",3:\"§7A squishy trail to follow your\",4:\"§7arrows!\",5:\"\",6:\"§7Apply this rune to bows or fuse\",7:\"§7two together at the Runic\",8:\"§7Pedestal!\",9:\"\",10:\"§f§lCOMMON COSMETIC\"],Name:\"§a◆ Slimy Rune II\"},ExtraAttributes:{runes:{SLIMY:2},id:\"SLIMY_RUNE;2\"}}",
+ "damage": 3,
+ "lore": [
+ "§8Requires level 5",
+ "§8Bows",
+ "",
+ "§7A squishy trail to follow your",
+ "§7arrows!",
+ "",
+ "§7Apply this rune to bows or fuse",
+ "§7two together at the Runic",
+ "§7Pedestal!",
+ "",
+ ],
+ "internalname": "SLIMY_RUNE;2",
+ "crafttext": "",
+ "clickcommand": "",
+ "modver": "2.1.1-PRE",
+ "infoType": ""
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/items/SLIMY_RUNE;3.json b/items/SLIMY_RUNE;3.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f1dcacae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/items/SLIMY_RUNE;3.json
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ "itemid": "minecraft:skull",
+ "displayname": "§a◆ Slimy Rune III",
+ "nbttag": "{HideFlags:254,SkullOwner:{Id:\"03c74a76-36d9-336b-aae3-57280712cd01\",Properties:{textures:[0:{Value:\"eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vdGV4dHVyZXMubWluZWNyYWZ0Lm5ldC90ZXh0dXJlLzE0MTM5OWU3OTFmNzk1YmJjNDc2YjU2OTZkNzUwNzg2NTY4NDdhNjliYmJiMzE3MzVmMWQ5MDU3OWZjZDA1NiJ9fX0\u003d\"}]}},display:{Lore:[0:\"§8Requires level 5\",1:\"§8Bows\",2:\"\",3:\"§7A squishy trail to follow your\",4:\"§7arrows!\",5:\"\",6:\"§7Apply this rune to bows or fuse\",7:\"§7two together at the Runic\",8:\"§7Pedestal!\",9:\"\",10:\"§f§lCOMMON COSMETIC\"],Name:\"§a◆ Slimy Rune III\"},ExtraAttributes:{runes:{SLIMY:3},id:\"SLIMY_RUNE;3\"}}",
+ "damage": 3,
+ "lore": [
+ "§8Requires level 5",
+ "§8Bows",
+ "",
+ "§7A squishy trail to follow your",
+ "§7arrows!",
+ "",
+ "§7Apply this rune to bows or fuse",
+ "§7two together at the Runic",
+ "§7Pedestal!",
+ "",
+ ],
+ "internalname": "SLIMY_RUNE;3",
+ "crafttext": "",
+ "clickcommand": "",
+ "modver": "2.1.1-PRE",
+ "infoType": ""
+} \ No newline at end of file