path: root/src
diff options
authornea <nea@nea.moe>2023-01-19 15:45:18 +0100
committernea <nea@nea.moe>2023-01-19 15:45:18 +0100
commit3ebdac823fdb5dcbbbf80b36c9370878a1cbb1d2 (patch)
treee754ecf7ff8a9ae6b361781e12c14b7b0f934fd7 /src
parent82d3c94ddd024d38bd594787c2779a3cc1935462 (diff)
Make use of new collections api in collectionspagepvlevel
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
6 files changed, 294 insertions, 419 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/core/util/StringUtils.java b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/core/util/StringUtils.java
index c19c4826..c7c118bb 100644
--- a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/core/util/StringUtils.java
+++ b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/core/util/StringUtils.java
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.FontRenderer;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
+import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.net.URLEncoder;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.Set;
@@ -71,7 +72,17 @@ public class StringUtils {
return shortNumberFormat(n, 0);
- private static final char[] c = new char[] { 'k', 'm', 'b', 't' };
+ private static final char[] sizeSuffix = new char[]{'k', 'm', 'b', 't'};
+ public static String shortNumberFormat(BigInteger bigInteger) {
+ BigInteger THOUSAND = BigInteger.valueOf(1000);
+ int i = -1;
+ while (bigInteger.compareTo(THOUSAND) > 0 && i < sizeSuffix.length) {
+ bigInteger = bigInteger.divide(THOUSAND);
+ i++;
+ }
+ return bigInteger.toString() + (i == -1 ? "" : sizeSuffix[i]);
+ }
public static String shortNumberFormat(double n, int iteration) {
if (n < 1000) {
@@ -84,7 +95,7 @@ public class StringUtils {
double d = ((long) n / 100) / 10.0;
boolean isRound = (d * 10) % 10 == 0;
- return d < 1000 ? (isRound || d > 9.99 ? (int) d * 10 / 10 : d + "") + "" + c[iteration] : shortNumberFormat(d, iteration + 1);
+ return d < 1000 ? (isRound || d > 9.99 ? (int) d * 10 / 10 : d + "") + "" + sizeSuffix[iteration] : shortNumberFormat(d, iteration + 1);
public static String urlEncode(String something) {
diff --git a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/profileviewer/CollectionsPage.java b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/profileviewer/CollectionsPage.java
index e2e40ed1..45d9370b 100644
--- a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/profileviewer/CollectionsPage.java
+++ b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/profileviewer/CollectionsPage.java
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import io.github.moulberry.notenoughupdates.NotEnoughUpdates;
import io.github.moulberry.notenoughupdates.core.util.StringUtils;
import io.github.moulberry.notenoughupdates.util.Constants;
import io.github.moulberry.notenoughupdates.util.Utils;
+import io.github.moulberry.notenoughupdates.util.hypixelapi.ProfileCollectionInfo;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.GlStateManager;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
@@ -35,9 +36,11 @@ import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;
import java.awt.*;
import java.io.IOException;
+import java.math.BigDecimal;
+import java.math.BigInteger;
+import java.math.RoundingMode;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
@@ -88,7 +91,8 @@ public class CollectionsPage extends GuiProfileViewerPage {
Utils.drawTexturedRect(guiLeft, guiTop, getInstance().sizeX, getInstance().sizeY, GL11.GL_NEAREST);
- JsonObject collectionInfo = GuiProfileViewer.getProfile().getCollectionInfo(GuiProfileViewer.getProfileId());
+ ProfileCollectionInfo collectionInfo =
+ GuiProfileViewer.getProfile().getCollectionInfo(GuiProfileViewer.getProfileId());
if (collectionInfo == null) {
EnumChatFormatting.RED + "Collection API not enabled!",
@@ -198,110 +202,114 @@ public class CollectionsPage extends GuiProfileViewerPage {
- JsonObject minionTiers = collectionInfo.get("minion_tiers").getAsJsonObject();
- JsonObject collectionTiers = collectionInfo.get("collection_tiers").getAsJsonObject();
- JsonObject maxAmounts = collectionInfo.get("max_amounts").getAsJsonObject();
- JsonObject totalAmounts = collectionInfo.get("total_amounts").getAsJsonObject();
- JsonObject personalAmounts = collectionInfo.get("personal_amounts").getAsJsonObject();
if (collections != null) {
for (int i = page * 20, j = 0; i < Math.min((page + 1) * 20, collections.size()); i++, j++) {
String collection = collections.get(i);
- if (collection != null) {
- ItemStack collectionItem = ProfileViewer.getCollectionToCollectionDisplayMap().get(collection);
- if (collectionItem != null) {
- int xIndex = j % COLLS_XCOUNT;
- int yIndex = j / COLLS_XCOUNT;
- float x = 39 + COLLS_XPADDING + (COLLS_XPADDING + 20) * xIndex;
- float y = 7 + COLLS_YPADDING + (COLLS_YPADDING + 20) * yIndex;
- String tierString;
- int tier = (int) Utils.getElementAsFloat(collectionTiers.get(collection), 0);
- if (tier > 20 || tier <= 0) {
- tierString = String.valueOf(tier);
- } else {
- tierString = romans[tier-1];
- }
- float amount = Utils.getElementAsFloat(totalAmounts.get(collection), 0);
- float maxAmount = Utils.getElementAsFloat(maxAmounts.get(collection), 0);
- Color color = new Color(128, 128, 128, 255);
- int tierStringColour = color.getRGB();
- float completedness = 0;
- if (maxAmount > 0) {
- completedness = amount / maxAmount;
- }
- completedness = Math.min(1, completedness);
- if (maxAmounts.has(collection) && completedness >= 1) {
- tierStringColour = new Color(255, 215, 0).getRGB();
- }
- GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1);
- Minecraft.getMinecraft().getTextureManager().bindTexture(pv_elements);
- Utils.drawTexturedRect(
- guiLeft + x,
- guiTop + y,
- 20,
- 20 * (1 - completedness),
- 0,
- 20 / 256f,
- 0,
- 20 * (1 - completedness) / 256f,
- );
- GlStateManager.color(1, 185 / 255f, 0, 1);
- Minecraft.getMinecraft().getTextureManager().bindTexture(pv_elements);
- Utils.drawTexturedRect(
- guiLeft + x,
- guiTop + y + 20 * (1 - completedness),
- 20,
- 20 * (completedness),
- 0,
- 20 / 256f,
- 20 * (1 - completedness) / 256f,
- 20 / 256f,
+ if (collection == null) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ ProfileCollectionInfo.CollectionInfo thisCollection = collectionInfo.getCollections().get(collection);
+ if (thisCollection == null) {
+ Utils.showOutdatedRepoNotification();
+ continue;
+ }
+ ItemStack collectionItem = ProfileViewer.getCollectionToCollectionDisplayMap().get(collection);
+ if (collectionItem == null) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ int xIndex = j % COLLS_XCOUNT;
+ int yIndex = j / COLLS_XCOUNT;
+ float x = 39 + COLLS_XPADDING + (COLLS_XPADDING + 20) * xIndex;
+ float y = 7 + COLLS_YPADDING + (COLLS_YPADDING + 20) * yIndex;
+ String tierString;
+ int tier = thisCollection.getUnlockedTiers().size();
+ if (tier > 20 || tier == 0) {
+ tierString = String.valueOf(tier);
+ } else {
+ tierString = romans[tier - 1];
+ }
+ BigInteger amount = thisCollection.getTotalCollectionCount();
+ BigInteger maxAmount = BigInteger.valueOf(thisCollection.getCollection().getTiers().get(thisCollection.getCollection().getTiers().size() - 1).getAmountRequired());
+ Color color = new Color(128, 128, 128, 255);
+ int tierStringColour = color.getRGB();
+ float completedness = 0;
+ if (maxAmount.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) > 0) {
+ if (amount.compareTo(maxAmount) > 0) {
+ completedness = 1;
+ } else {
+ completedness = amount.floatValue() / maxAmount.floatValue();
+ }
+ }
+ if (completedness >= 1) {
+ tierStringColour = new Color(255, 215, 0).getRGB();
+ }
+ GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().getTextureManager().bindTexture(pv_elements);
+ Utils.drawTexturedRect(
+ guiLeft + x,
+ guiTop + y,
+ 20,
+ 20 * (1 - completedness),
+ 0,
+ 20 / 256f,
+ 0,
+ 20 * (1 - completedness) / 256f,
+ );
+ GlStateManager.color(1, 185 / 255f, 0, 1);
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().getTextureManager().bindTexture(pv_elements);
+ Utils.drawTexturedRect(
+ guiLeft + x,
+ guiTop + y + 20 * (1 - completedness),
+ 20,
+ 20 * (completedness),
+ 0,
+ 20 / 256f,
+ 20 * (1 - completedness) / 256f,
+ 20 / 256f,
+ );
+ Utils.drawItemStack(collectionItem, guiLeft + (int) x + 2, guiTop + (int) y + 2);
+ if (mouseX > guiLeft + (int) x + 2 && mouseX < guiLeft + (int) x + 18) {
+ if (mouseY > guiTop + (int) y + 2 && mouseY < guiTop + (int) y + 18) {
+ tooltipToDisplay = new ArrayList<>();
+ tooltipToDisplay.add(
+ collectionItem.getDisplayName() +
+ " " +
+ (completedness >= 1 ? EnumChatFormatting.GOLD : EnumChatFormatting.GRAY) +
+ tierString
- Utils.drawItemStack(collectionItem, guiLeft + (int) x + 2, guiTop + (int) y + 2);
- if (mouseX > guiLeft + (int) x + 2 && mouseX < guiLeft + (int) x + 18) {
- if (mouseY > guiTop + (int) y + 2 && mouseY < guiTop + (int) y + 18) {
- tooltipToDisplay = new ArrayList<>();
- tooltipToDisplay.add(
- collectionItem.getDisplayName() +
- " " +
- (completedness >= 1 ? EnumChatFormatting.GOLD : EnumChatFormatting.GRAY) +
- tierString
- );
- tooltipToDisplay.add(
- "Collected: " + numberFormat.format(Utils.getElementAsFloat(personalAmounts.get(collection), 0))
- );
- tooltipToDisplay.add("Total Collected: " + numberFormat.format(amount));
- }
- }
- GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1);
- if (tier >= 0) {
- Utils.drawStringCentered(
- tierString,
- Minecraft.getMinecraft().fontRendererObj,
- guiLeft + x + 10,
- guiTop + y - 4,
- true,
- tierStringColour
- );
- }
- Utils.drawStringCentered(
- StringUtils.shortNumberFormat(amount) + "",
- Minecraft.getMinecraft().fontRendererObj,
- guiLeft + x + 10,
- guiTop + y + 26,
- true,
- color.getRGB()
+ tooltipToDisplay.add(
+ "Collected: " + numberFormat.format(thisCollection.getPersonalCollectionCount())
+ tooltipToDisplay.add("Total Collected: " + numberFormat.format(amount));
+ GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ if (tier >= 0) {
+ Utils.drawStringCentered(
+ tierString,
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().fontRendererObj,
+ guiLeft + x + 10,
+ guiTop + y - 4,
+ true,
+ tierStringColour
+ );
+ }
+ Utils.drawStringCentered(
+ StringUtils.shortNumberFormat(amount) + "",
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().fontRendererObj,
+ guiLeft + x + 10,
+ guiTop + y + 26,
+ true,
+ color.getRGB()
+ );
@@ -317,97 +325,99 @@ public class CollectionsPage extends GuiProfileViewerPage {
if (minions != null) {
for (int i = page * 20, j = 0; i < Math.min((page + 1) * 20, minions.size()); i++, j++) {
String minion = minions.get(i);
- if (minion != null) {
- JsonObject misc = Constants.MISC;
- float MAX_MINION_TIER = Utils.getElementAsFloat(Utils.getElement(misc, "minions." + minion + "_GENERATOR"), 11);
- int tier = (int) Utils.getElementAsFloat(minionTiers.get(minion), 0);
- JsonObject minionJson;
- if (tier == 0) {
- minionJson = NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get(minion + "_GENERATOR_1");
- } else {
- minionJson = NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get(minion + "_GENERATOR_" + tier);
- }
+ if (minion == null) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ JsonObject misc = Constants.MISC;
+ float MAX_MINION_TIER = Utils.getElementAsFloat(Utils.getElement(misc, "minions." + minion + "_GENERATOR"), 11);
- if (minionJson != null) {
- int xIndex = j % COLLS_XCOUNT;
- int yIndex = j / COLLS_XCOUNT;
- float x = 231 + COLLS_XPADDING + (COLLS_XPADDING + 20) * xIndex;
- float y = 7 + COLLS_YPADDING + (COLLS_YPADDING + 20) * yIndex;
- String tierString;
- if (tier - 1 >= romans.length || tier - 1 < 0) {
- tierString = String.valueOf(tier);
- } else {
- tierString = romans[tier - 1];
- }
- Color color = new Color(128, 128, 128, 255);
- int tierStringColour = color.getRGB();
- float completedness = tier / MAX_MINION_TIER;
- completedness = Math.min(1, completedness);
- if (completedness >= 1) {
- tierStringColour = new Color(255, 215, 0).getRGB();
- }
- GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1);
- Minecraft.getMinecraft().getTextureManager().bindTexture(pv_elements);
- Utils.drawTexturedRect(
- guiLeft + x,
- guiTop + y,
- 20,
- 20 * (1 - completedness),
- 0,
- 20 / 256f,
- 0,
- 20 * (1 - completedness) / 256f,
- );
- GlStateManager.color(1, 185 / 255f, 0, 1);
- Minecraft.getMinecraft().getTextureManager().bindTexture(pv_elements);
- Utils.drawTexturedRect(
- guiLeft + x,
- guiTop + y + 20 * (1 - completedness),
- 20,
- 20 * (completedness),
- 0,
- 20 / 256f,
- 20 * (1 - completedness) / 256f,
- 20 / 256f,
- );
+ int tier = collectionInfo.getCraftedGenerators().getOrDefault(minion, 0);
+ JsonObject minionJson;
+ if (tier == 0) {
+ minionJson = NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get(minion + "_GENERATOR_1");
+ } else {
+ minionJson = NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.getItemInformation().get(minion + "_GENERATOR_" + tier);
+ }
- Utils.drawItemStack(
- NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(minionJson),
- guiLeft + (int) x + 2,
- guiTop + (int) y + 2
- );
+ if (minionJson == null) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ int xIndex = j % COLLS_XCOUNT;
+ int yIndex = j / COLLS_XCOUNT;
+ float x = 231 + COLLS_XPADDING + (COLLS_XPADDING + 20) * xIndex;
+ float y = 7 + COLLS_YPADDING + (COLLS_YPADDING + 20) * yIndex;
+ String tierString;
+ if (tier - 1 >= romans.length || tier - 1 < 0) {
+ tierString = String.valueOf(tier);
+ } else {
+ tierString = romans[tier - 1];
+ }
+ Color color = new Color(128, 128, 128, 255);
+ int tierStringColour = color.getRGB();
+ float completedness = tier / MAX_MINION_TIER;
+ completedness = Math.min(1, completedness);
+ if (completedness >= 1) {
+ tierStringColour = new Color(255, 215, 0).getRGB();
+ }
- if (mouseX > guiLeft + (int) x + 2 && mouseX < guiLeft + (int) x + 18) {
- if (mouseY > guiTop + (int) y + 2 && mouseY < guiTop + (int) y + 18) {
- tooltipToDisplay =
- NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager
- .jsonToStack(minionJson)
- .getTooltip(Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer, false);
- }
- }
- GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1);
- if (tier >= 0) {
- Utils.drawStringCentered(
- tierString,
- Minecraft.getMinecraft().fontRendererObj,
- guiLeft + x + 10,
- guiTop + y - 4,
- true,
- tierStringColour
- );
- }
+ GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().getTextureManager().bindTexture(pv_elements);
+ Utils.drawTexturedRect(
+ guiLeft + x,
+ guiTop + y,
+ 20,
+ 20 * (1 - completedness),
+ 0,
+ 20 / 256f,
+ 0,
+ 20 * (1 - completedness) / 256f,
+ );
+ GlStateManager.color(1, 185 / 255f, 0, 1);
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().getTextureManager().bindTexture(pv_elements);
+ Utils.drawTexturedRect(
+ guiLeft + x,
+ guiTop + y + 20 * (1 - completedness),
+ 20,
+ 20 * (completedness),
+ 0,
+ 20 / 256f,
+ 20 * (1 - completedness) / 256f,
+ 20 / 256f,
+ );
+ Utils.drawItemStack(
+ NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager.jsonToStack(minionJson),
+ guiLeft + (int) x + 2,
+ guiTop + (int) y + 2
+ );
+ if (mouseX > guiLeft + (int) x + 2 && mouseX < guiLeft + (int) x + 18) {
+ if (mouseY > guiTop + (int) y + 2 && mouseY < guiTop + (int) y + 18) {
+ tooltipToDisplay =
+ NotEnoughUpdates.INSTANCE.manager
+ .jsonToStack(minionJson)
+ .getTooltip(Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer, false);
+ GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ if (tier >= 0) {
+ Utils.drawStringCentered(
+ tierString,
+ Minecraft.getMinecraft().fontRendererObj,
+ guiLeft + x + 10,
+ guiTop + y - 4,
+ true,
+ tierStringColour
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/profileviewer/PlayerStats.java b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/profileviewer/PlayerStats.java
index 64ea0f6c..5b5c6cda 100644
--- a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/profileviewer/PlayerStats.java
+++ b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/profileviewer/PlayerStats.java
@@ -293,7 +293,6 @@ public class PlayerStats {
private static Stats getSetBonuses(
Stats stats,
JsonObject inventoryInfo,
- JsonObject collectionInfo,
Map<String, ProfileViewer.Level> skyblockInfo,
JsonObject profile
) {
@@ -304,17 +303,11 @@ public class PlayerStats {
String fullset = getFullset(armor, -1);
if (fullset != null) {
+ // TODO @nea: repo based stat delivery? (with lisp)
switch (fullset) {
case "LAPIS_ARMOR_":
bonuses.addStat(HEALTH, 60);
- case "EMERALD_ARMOR_":
- {
- int bonus = (int) Math.floor(Utils.getElementAsFloat(Utils.getElement(collectionInfo, "EMERALD"), 0) / 3000);
- bonuses.addStat(HEALTH, bonus);
- bonuses.addStat(DEFENCE, bonus);
- }
- break;
case "FAIRY_":
bonuses.addStat(HEALTH, Utils.getElementAsFloat(Utils.getElement(profile, "fairy_souls_collected"), 0));
@@ -622,11 +615,10 @@ public class PlayerStats {
public static Stats getStats(
Map<String, ProfileViewer.Level> skyblockInfo,
JsonObject inventoryInfo,
- JsonObject collectionInfo,
JsonObject petsInfo,
JsonObject profile
) {
- if (skyblockInfo == null || inventoryInfo == null || collectionInfo == null || profile == null) return null;
+ if (skyblockInfo == null || inventoryInfo == null || profile == null) return null;
JsonArray armor = Utils.getElement(inventoryInfo, "inv_armor").getAsJsonArray();
JsonArray inventory = Utils.getElement(inventoryInfo, "inv_contents").getAsJsonArray();
@@ -651,7 +643,7 @@ public class PlayerStats {
stats = stats.add(passiveBonuses).add(armorBonuses).add(talismanBonuses).add(petBonus).add(hotmBonuses);
- stats.add(getSetBonuses(stats, inventoryInfo, collectionInfo, skyblockInfo, profile));
+ stats.add(getSetBonuses(stats, inventoryInfo, skyblockInfo, profile));
diff --git a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/profileviewer/ProfileViewer.java b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/profileviewer/ProfileViewer.java
index d1d2f553..48a4cfd2 100644
--- a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/profileviewer/ProfileViewer.java
+++ b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/profileviewer/ProfileViewer.java
@@ -54,15 +54,14 @@ import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
-import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
-import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
@@ -659,7 +658,7 @@ public class ProfileViewer {
private final HashMap<String, List<JsonObject>> coopProfileMap = new HashMap<>();
private final HashMap<String, Map<String, Level>> skyblockInfoCache = new HashMap<>();
private final HashMap<String, JsonObject> inventoryCacheMap = new HashMap<>();
- private final HashMap<String, JsonObject> collectionInfoMap = new HashMap<>();
+ private final HashMap<String, CompletableFuture<ProfileCollectionInfo>> collectionInfoMap = new HashMap<>();
private final List<String> profileNames = new ArrayList<>();
private final HashMap<String, PlayerStats.Stats> stats = new HashMap<>();
private final HashMap<String, PlayerStats.Stats> passiveStats = new HashMap<>();
@@ -1086,6 +1085,10 @@ public class ProfileViewer {
double skyblockLevel = getSkyblockLevel(profileName);
EnumChatFormatting previousColor = EnumChatFormatting.WHITE;
+ if (Constants.SBLEVELS == null || !Constants.SBLEVELS.has("sblevel_colours")) {
+ Utils.showOutdatedRepoNotification();
+ return EnumChatFormatting.WHITE;
+ }
JsonObject sblevelColours = Constants.SBLEVELS.getAsJsonObject("sblevel_colours");
try {
for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> stringJsonElementEntry : sblevelColours.entrySet()) {
@@ -1336,69 +1339,62 @@ public class ProfileViewer {
public JsonObject getProfileInformation(String profileName) {
+ if (profileName == null) profileName = latestProfile;
+ if (profileMap.containsKey(profileName)) return profileMap.get(profileName);
+ JsonObject profile = getRawProfileInformation(profileName);
+ if (profile == null) return null;
+ if (!profile.has("members")) return null;
+ JsonObject members = profile.get("members").getAsJsonObject();
+ if (!members.has(uuid)) return null;
+ JsonObject profileInfo = members.get(uuid).getAsJsonObject();
+ if (profile.has("banking")) {
+ profileInfo.add("banking", profile.get("banking").getAsJsonObject());
+ }
+ if (profile.has("game_mode")) {
+ profileInfo.add("game_mode", profile.get("game_mode"));
+ }
+ if (profile.has("community_upgrades")) {
+ profileInfo.add("community_upgrades", profile.get("community_upgrades"));
+ }
+ profileMap.put(profileName, profileInfo);
+ return profileInfo;
+ }
+ public JsonObject getRawProfileInformation(String profileName) {
JsonArray playerInfo = getSkyblockProfiles(() -> {});
if (playerInfo == null) return null;
if (profileName == null) profileName = latestProfile;
- if (profileMap.containsKey(profileName)) return profileMap.get(profileName);
- for (int i = 0; i < skyblockProfiles.size(); i++) {
- if (!skyblockProfiles.get(i).isJsonObject()) {
+ for (JsonElement skyblockProfile : skyblockProfiles) {
+ if (!skyblockProfile.isJsonObject()) {
skyblockProfiles = null;
return null;
- JsonObject profile = skyblockProfiles.get(i).getAsJsonObject();
- if (profile.get("cute_name").getAsString().equalsIgnoreCase(profileName)) {
- if (!profile.has("members")) return null;
- JsonObject members = profile.get("members").getAsJsonObject();
- if (!members.has(uuid)) continue;
- JsonObject profileInfo = members.get(uuid).getAsJsonObject();
- if (profile.has("banking")) {
- profileInfo.add("banking", profile.get("banking").getAsJsonObject());
- }
- if (profile.has("game_mode")) {
- profileInfo.add("game_mode", profile.get("game_mode"));
- }
- if (profile.has("community_upgrades")) {
- profileInfo.add("community_upgrades", profile.get("community_upgrades"));
- }
- profileInfo.add("members", members);
- profileMap.put(profileName, profileInfo);
- return profileInfo;
- }
+ if (skyblockProfile.getAsJsonObject().get("cute_name").getAsString().equalsIgnoreCase(profileName))
+ return skyblockProfile.getAsJsonObject();
return null;
public List<JsonObject> getCoopProfileInformation(String profileName) {
- JsonArray playerInfo = getSkyblockProfiles(() -> {});
- if (playerInfo == null) return null;
if (profileName == null) profileName = latestProfile;
if (coopProfileMap.containsKey(profileName)) return coopProfileMap.get(profileName);
- for (int i = 0; i < skyblockProfiles.size(); i++) {
- if (!skyblockProfiles.get(i).isJsonObject()) {
- skyblockProfiles = null;
- return null;
- }
- JsonObject profile = skyblockProfiles.get(i).getAsJsonObject();
- if (profile.get("cute_name").getAsString().equalsIgnoreCase(profileName)) {
- if (!profile.has("members")) return null;
- JsonObject members = profile.get("members").getAsJsonObject();
- if (!members.has(uuid)) return null;
- List<JsonObject> coopList = new ArrayList<>();
- for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> islandMember : members.entrySet()) {
- if (!islandMember.getKey().equals(uuid)) {
- JsonObject coopProfileInfo = islandMember.getValue().getAsJsonObject();
- coopList.add(coopProfileInfo);
- }
- }
- coopProfileMap.put(profileName, coopList);
- return coopList;
+ JsonObject profile = getRawProfileInformation(profileName);
+ if (profile == null) return null;
+ if (!profile.has("members")) return null;
+ JsonObject members = profile.get("members").getAsJsonObject();
+ if (!members.has(uuid)) return null;
+ List<JsonObject> coopList = new ArrayList<>();
+ for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> islandMember : members.entrySet()) {
+ if (!islandMember.getKey().equals(uuid)) {
+ JsonObject coopProfileInfo = islandMember.getValue().getAsJsonObject();
+ coopList.add(coopProfileInfo);
+ coopProfileMap.put(profileName, coopList);
+ return coopList;
- return null;
public void resetCache() {
@@ -1794,151 +1790,15 @@ public class ProfileViewer {
return null;
- public ProfileCollectionInfo getCollectionInfoNew(String profileName, String uuid)
- throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
- if (collectionInfoHashMap.containsKey(profileName)) {
- return collectionInfoHashMap.get(profileName).getNow(null);
- }
- JsonObject profileInfo = getProfileInformation(profileName);
- CompletableFuture<ProfileCollectionInfo> collectionData = ProfileCollectionInfo.getCollectionData(
- profileInfo,
- uuid
- );
- if(collectionData.isDone()) {
- collectionInfoHashMap.put(profileName, collectionData);
- return collectionData.get();
- }
- return null;
- }
- public JsonObject getCollectionInfo(String profileName) {
- JsonObject profileInfo = getProfileInformation(profileName);
- if (profileInfo == null) return null;
- JsonObject resourceCollectionInfo = getResourceCollectionInformation();
- if (resourceCollectionInfo == null) return null;
- if (profileName == null) profileName = latestProfile;
- if (collectionInfoMap.containsKey(profileName)) return collectionInfoMap.get(profileName);
- List<JsonObject> coopMembers = getCoopProfileInformation(profileName);
- JsonElement unlocked_coll_tiers_element = Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "unlocked_coll_tiers");
- JsonElement crafted_generators_element = Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "crafted_generators");
- JsonObject fakeMember = new JsonObject();
- fakeMember.add("crafted_generators", crafted_generators_element);
- coopMembers.add(coopMembers.size(), fakeMember);
- JsonElement collectionInfoElement = Utils.getElement(profileInfo, "collection");
- if (unlocked_coll_tiers_element == null || collectionInfoElement == null) {
- return null;
- }
- JsonObject collectionInfo = new JsonObject();
- JsonObject collectionTiers = new JsonObject();
- JsonObject minionTiers = new JsonObject();
- JsonObject personalAmounts = new JsonObject();
- JsonObject totalAmounts = new JsonObject();
- if (collectionInfoElement.isJsonObject()) {
- personalAmounts = collectionInfoElement.getAsJsonObject();
- }
- for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> entry : personalAmounts.entrySet()) {
- totalAmounts.addProperty(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().getAsLong());
- }
- List<JsonObject> coopProfiles = getCoopProfileInformation(profileName);
- if (coopProfiles != null) {
- for (JsonObject coopProfile : coopProfiles) {
- JsonElement coopCollectionInfoElement = Utils.getElement(coopProfile, "collection");
- if (coopCollectionInfoElement != null && coopCollectionInfoElement.isJsonObject()) {
- for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> entry : coopCollectionInfoElement.getAsJsonObject().entrySet()) {
- float existing = Utils.getElementAsFloat(totalAmounts.get(entry.getKey()), 0);
- totalAmounts.addProperty(entry.getKey(), existing + entry.getValue().getAsLong());
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (unlocked_coll_tiers_element.isJsonArray()) {
- JsonArray unlocked_coll_tiers = unlocked_coll_tiers_element.getAsJsonArray();
- for (int i = 0; i < unlocked_coll_tiers.size(); i++) {
- String unlocked = unlocked_coll_tiers.get(i).getAsString();
- Matcher matcher = COLL_TIER_PATTERN.matcher(unlocked);
- if (matcher.find()) {
- String tier_str = matcher.group(1);
- int tier = Integer.parseInt(tier_str);
- String coll = unlocked.substring(0, unlocked.length() - (matcher.group().length()));
- if (!collectionTiers.has(coll) || collectionTiers.get(coll).getAsInt() < tier) {
- collectionTiers.addProperty(coll, tier);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- for (JsonObject current_member_info : coopMembers) {
- if (
- !current_member_info.has("crafted_generators") || !current_member_info.get("crafted_generators").isJsonArray()
- ) continue;
- JsonArray crafted_generators = Utils.getElement(current_member_info, "crafted_generators").getAsJsonArray();
- for (int j = 0; j < crafted_generators.size(); j++) {
- String unlocked = crafted_generators.get(j).getAsString();
- Matcher matcher = COLL_TIER_PATTERN.matcher(unlocked);
- if (matcher.find()) {
- String tierString = matcher.group(1);
- int tier = Integer.parseInt(tierString);
- String coll = unlocked.substring(0, unlocked.length() - (matcher.group().length()));
- if (!minionTiers.has(coll) || minionTiers.get(coll).getAsInt() < tier) {
- minionTiers.addProperty(coll, tier);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- JsonObject maxAmount = new JsonObject();
- JsonObject updatedCollectionTiers = new JsonObject();
- for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> totalAmountsEntry : totalAmounts.entrySet()) {
- String collName = totalAmountsEntry.getKey();
- int collTier = (int) Utils.getElementAsFloat(collectionTiers.get(collName), 0);
- int currentAmount = (int) Utils.getElementAsFloat(totalAmounts.get(collName), 0);
- if (currentAmount > 0) {
- for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> resourceEntry : resourceCollectionInfo.entrySet()) {
- JsonElement tiersElement = Utils.getElement(resourceEntry.getValue(), "items." + collName + ".tiers");
- if (tiersElement != null && tiersElement.isJsonArray()) {
- JsonArray tiers = tiersElement.getAsJsonArray();
- int maxTierAcquired = -1;
- int maxAmountRequired = -1;
- for (int i = 0; i < tiers.size(); i++) {
- JsonObject tierInfo = tiers.get(i).getAsJsonObject();
- int tier = tierInfo.get("tier").getAsInt();
- int amountRequired = tierInfo.get("amountRequired").getAsInt();
- if (currentAmount >= amountRequired) {
- maxTierAcquired = tier;
- }
- maxAmountRequired = amountRequired;
- }
- if (maxTierAcquired >= 0) {
- updatedCollectionTiers.addProperty(collName, maxTierAcquired);
- }
- maxAmount.addProperty(collName, maxAmountRequired);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> collectionTiersEntry : updatedCollectionTiers.entrySet()) {
- collectionTiers.add(collectionTiersEntry.getKey(), collectionTiersEntry.getValue());
- }
- collectionInfo.add("minion_tiers", minionTiers);
- collectionInfo.add("max_amounts", maxAmount);
- collectionInfo.add("personal_amounts", personalAmounts);
- collectionInfo.add("total_amounts", totalAmounts);
- collectionInfo.add("collection_tiers", collectionTiers);
- collectionInfoMap.put(profileName, collectionInfo);
- return collectionInfo;
+ public ProfileCollectionInfo getCollectionInfo(String profileName) {
+ JsonObject rawProfileInformation = getRawProfileInformation(profileName);
+ if (rawProfileInformation == null) return null;
+ CompletableFuture<ProfileCollectionInfo> future =
+ collectionInfoMap.computeIfAbsent(
+ profileName.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT),
+ ignored -> ProfileCollectionInfo.getCollectionData(rawProfileInformation, uuid)
+ );
+ return future.getNow(null);
public PlayerStats.Stats getPassiveStats(String profileName) {
@@ -1967,7 +1827,6 @@ public class ProfileViewer {
PlayerStats.Stats stats = PlayerStats.getStats(
- getCollectionInfo(profileName),
diff --git a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/profileviewer/level/task/CoreTaskLevel.java b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/profileviewer/level/task/CoreTaskLevel.java
index 559966f7..33608dff 100644
--- a/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/profileviewer/level/task/CoreTaskLevel.java
+++ b/src/main/java/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/profileviewer/level/task/CoreTaskLevel.java
@@ -19,9 +19,7 @@
package io.github.moulberry.notenoughupdates.profileviewer.level.task;
-import com.google.gson.JsonElement;
import com.google.gson.JsonObject;
-import io.github.moulberry.notenoughupdates.profileviewer.GuiProfileViewer;
import io.github.moulberry.notenoughupdates.profileviewer.PlayerStats;
import io.github.moulberry.notenoughupdates.profileviewer.ProfileViewer;
import io.github.moulberry.notenoughupdates.profileviewer.level.LevelPage;
@@ -34,7 +32,6 @@ import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
public class CoreTaskLevel {
@@ -100,28 +97,20 @@ public class CoreTaskLevel {
int sbXpMinionTier = -1; // keeping at -1 here because cobblestone 1 minion XP isn't included for some reason?
JsonObject minionXp = Constants.MISC.get("minionXp").getAsJsonObject();
int collectionsXp = coreTask.get("collections_xp").getAsInt();
- try {
- ProfileCollectionInfo collection;
- collection = levelPage.getProfile().getCollectionInfoNew(
- levelPage.getProfileId(),
- levelPage.getProfile().getUuid()
- );
- if (collection != null) {
- for (Map.Entry<String, ProfileCollectionInfo.CollectionInfo> stringCollectionInfoEntry : collection
- .getCollections()
- .entrySet()) {
- ProfileCollectionInfo.CollectionInfo value = stringCollectionInfoEntry.getValue();
- sbXpCollection = value.getUnlockedTiers().size() * collectionsXp;
- }
- for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> stringIntegerEntry : collection.getCraftedGenerators().entrySet()) {
- String key = stringIntegerEntry.getKey();
- int value = stringIntegerEntry.getValue();
- for (int i = 1; i <= value; i++) {
- if (minionXp.has(i + "")) sbXpMinionTier += minionXp.get(i + "").getAsInt();
- }
- }
+ ProfileCollectionInfo collection;
+ collection = levelPage.getProfile().getCollectionInfo(
+ levelPage.getProfileId()
+ );
+ if (collection != null) {
+ for (Map.Entry<String, ProfileCollectionInfo.CollectionInfo> stringCollectionInfoEntry : collection
+ .getCollections()
+ .entrySet()) {
+ ProfileCollectionInfo.CollectionInfo value = stringCollectionInfoEntry.getValue();
+ sbXpCollection = value.getUnlockedTiers().size() * collectionsXp;
+ }
+ for (Integer tier : collection.getCraftedGenerators().values()) {
+ if (minionXp.has(tier + "")) sbXpMinionTier += minionXp.get(tier + "").getAsInt();
- } catch (ExecutionException | InterruptedException e) {
List<String> lore = new ArrayList<>();
@@ -131,7 +120,8 @@ public class CoreTaskLevel {
lore.add(levelPage.buildLore("Museum Progression",
0, 0, false
- lore.add(levelPage.buildLore("Fairy Soul",
+ lore.add(levelPage.buildLore(
+ "Fairy Soul",
sbXpGainedFairy, coreTask.get("fairy_souls").getAsInt(), false
lore.add(levelPage.buildLore("Accessory Bag",
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/util/hypixelapi/Collection.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/util/hypixelapi/Collection.kt
index 2f2419eb..b2c7fcec 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/util/hypixelapi/Collection.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/github/moulberry/notenoughupdates/util/hypixelapi/Collection.kt
@@ -23,8 +23,21 @@ import com.google.gson.JsonArray
import com.google.gson.JsonObject
import io.github.moulberry.notenoughupdates.NotEnoughUpdates
import java.math.BigInteger
-import java.util.*
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture
+import kotlin.collections.List
+import kotlin.collections.Map
+import kotlin.collections.component1
+import kotlin.collections.component2
+import kotlin.collections.filter
+import kotlin.collections.flatMap
+import kotlin.collections.groupBy
+import kotlin.collections.mapNotNull
+import kotlin.collections.mapValues
+import kotlin.collections.maxOf
+import kotlin.collections.sumOf
+import kotlin.collections.toList
+import kotlin.collections.toMap
+import kotlin.collections.toSet
data class ProfileCollectionInfo(
val collections: Map<String, CollectionInfo>,