diff options
authorPetr Mrázek <peterix@gmail.com>2016-10-20 01:02:28 +0200
committerPetr Mrázek <peterix@gmail.com>2016-10-26 18:23:39 +0200
commitcee53f7f3ceb120aac83dbb60683fb228b385c2e (patch)
parent1b4851a941cbafb7bf7a45feee7149cefa7e0acb (diff)
Revert "NOISSUE nuke builtin Minecraft versions"
This reverts commit 5ae3b2c11416eb897a08b0d9531843d0357332f8. We need those builtin versions for now.
15 files changed, 924 insertions, 54 deletions
diff --git a/api/gui/icons/IconList.cpp b/api/gui/icons/IconList.cpp
index b6be007f..bdcada32 100644
--- a/api/gui/icons/IconList.cpp
+++ b/api/gui/icons/IconList.cpp
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ bool IconList::deleteIcon(const QString &key)
return false;
-bool IconList::addIcon(QString key, QString name, QString path, IconType type)
+bool IconList::addIcon(const QString &key, const QString &name, const QString &path, const IconType type)
// replace the icon even? is the input valid?
QIcon icon(path);
@@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ bool IconList::addIcon(QString key, QString name, QString path, IconType type)
+void IconList::saveIcon(const QString &key, const QString &path, const char * format) const
+ auto icon = getIcon(key);
+ auto pixmap = icon.pixmap(128, 128);
+ pixmap.save(path, format);
void IconList::reindex()
@@ -334,7 +342,7 @@ void IconList::reindex()
-QIcon IconList::getIcon(QString key)
+QIcon IconList::getIcon(const QString &key) const
int icon_index = getIconIndex(key);
@@ -349,15 +357,12 @@ QIcon IconList::getIcon(QString key)
return QIcon();
-QIcon IconList::getBigIcon(QString key)
+QIcon IconList::getBigIcon(const QString &key) const
int icon_index = getIconIndex(key);
- if (icon_index == -1)
- key = "infinity";
// Fallback for icons that don't exist.
- icon_index = getIconIndex(key);
+ icon_index = getIconIndex(icon_index == -1 ? "infinity" : key);
if (icon_index == -1)
return QIcon();
@@ -366,12 +371,9 @@ QIcon IconList::getBigIcon(QString key)
return QIcon(bigone);
-int IconList::getIconIndex(QString key)
+int IconList::getIconIndex(const QString &key) const
- if (key == "default")
- key = "infinity";
- auto iter = name_index.find(key);
+ auto iter = name_index.find(key == "default" ? "infinity" : key);
if (iter != name_index.end())
return *iter;
diff --git a/api/gui/icons/IconList.h b/api/gui/icons/IconList.h
index 24ff4454..7b07797f 100644
--- a/api/gui/icons/IconList.h
+++ b/api/gui/icons/IconList.h
@@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ public:
explicit IconList(QString builtinPath, QString path, QObject *parent = 0);
virtual ~IconList() {};
- QIcon getIcon(QString key);
- QIcon getBigIcon(QString key);
- int getIconIndex(QString key);
+ QIcon getIcon(const QString &key) const;
+ QIcon getBigIcon(const QString &key) const;
+ int getIconIndex(const QString &key) const;
virtual QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const override;
virtual int rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const override;
diff --git a/api/logic/minecraft/MinecraftInstance.cpp b/api/logic/minecraft/MinecraftInstance.cpp
index 174ec9be..d3af5011 100644
--- a/api/logic/minecraft/MinecraftInstance.cpp
+++ b/api/logic/minecraft/MinecraftInstance.cpp
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@
#include "minecraft/launch/ModMinecraftJar.h"
#include "java/launch/CheckJava.h"
+#include <icons/IIconList.h>
#define IBUS "@im=ibus"
// all of this because keeping things compatible with deprecated old settings
@@ -392,6 +394,8 @@ std::shared_ptr<LaunchTask> MinecraftInstance::createLaunchTask(AuthSessionPtr s
auto process = LaunchTask::create(std::dynamic_pointer_cast<MinecraftInstance>(getSharedPtr()));
auto pptr = process.get();
+ ENV.icons()->saveIcon(iconKey(), FS::PathCombine(minecraftRoot(), "icon.png"), "PNG");
// print a header
process->appendStep(std::make_shared<TextPrint>(pptr, "Minecraft folder is:\n" + minecraftRoot() + "\n\n", MessageLevel::MultiMC));
diff --git a/api/logic/minecraft/MinecraftVersion.cpp b/api/logic/minecraft/MinecraftVersion.cpp
index 1e1d273c..248c7eed 100644
--- a/api/logic/minecraft/MinecraftVersion.cpp
+++ b/api/logic/minecraft/MinecraftVersion.cpp
@@ -3,22 +3,20 @@
#include "VersionBuildError.h"
#include "ProfileUtils.h"
#include "settings/SettingsObject.h"
-#include "minecraft/VersionFilterData.h"
bool MinecraftVersion::usesLegacyLauncher()
- return getReleaseDateTime() < g_VersionFilterData.legacyCutoffDate;
+ return m_traits.contains("legacyLaunch") || m_traits.contains("aplhaLaunch");
QString MinecraftVersion::descriptor()
- return m_version;
+ return m_descriptor;
QString MinecraftVersion::name()
- return m_version;
+ return m_name;
QString MinecraftVersion::typeString() const
@@ -62,13 +60,13 @@ bool MinecraftVersion::isMinecraftVersion()
void MinecraftVersion::applyFileTo(MinecraftProfile *profile)
- if(m_versionSource == Local && getVersionFile())
+ if(m_versionSource == VersionSource::Local && getVersionFile())
- throw VersionIncomplete(QObject::tr("Can't apply incomplete/builtin Minecraft version %1").arg(m_version));
+ throw VersionIncomplete(QObject::tr("Can't apply incomplete/builtin Minecraft version %1").arg(m_name));
@@ -77,7 +75,7 @@ QString MinecraftVersion::getUrl() const
// legacy fallback
- return QString("http://") + URLConstants::AWS_DOWNLOAD_VERSIONS + m_version + "/" + m_version + ".json";
+ return QString("http://") + URLConstants::AWS_DOWNLOAD_VERSIONS + m_descriptor + "/" + m_descriptor + ".json";
// current
return m_versionFileURL;
@@ -85,8 +83,9 @@ QString MinecraftVersion::getUrl() const
VersionFilePtr MinecraftVersion::getVersionFile()
- QFileInfo versionFile(QString("versions/%1/%1.dat").arg(m_version));
+ QFileInfo versionFile(QString("versions/%1/%1.dat").arg(m_descriptor));
+ m_problemSeverity = PROBLEM_NONE;
@@ -121,10 +120,12 @@ bool MinecraftVersion::isCustomizable()
- case Local:
- case Remote:
+ case VersionSource::Local:
+ case VersionSource::Remote:
// locally cached file, or a remote file that we can acquire can be customized
return true;
+ case VersionSource::Builtin:
+ // builtins do not follow the normal OneSix format. They are not customizable.
// Everything else is undefined and therefore not customizable.
return false;
@@ -134,7 +135,7 @@ bool MinecraftVersion::isCustomizable()
const QList<PatchProblem> &MinecraftVersion::getProblems()
- if(getVersionFile())
+ if(m_versionSource != VersionSource::Builtin && getVersionFile())
return getVersionFile()->getProblems();
@@ -143,7 +144,7 @@ const QList<PatchProblem> &MinecraftVersion::getProblems()
ProblemSeverity MinecraftVersion::getProblemSeverity()
- if(getVersionFile())
+ if(m_versionSource != VersionSource::Builtin && getVersionFile())
return getVersionFile()->getProblemSeverity();
@@ -153,12 +154,24 @@ ProblemSeverity MinecraftVersion::getProblemSeverity()
void MinecraftVersion::applyTo(MinecraftProfile *profile)
// do we have this one cached?
- if (m_versionSource == Local)
+ if (m_versionSource == VersionSource::Local)
- throw VersionIncomplete(QObject::tr("Minecraft version %1 could not be applied: version files are missing.").arg(m_version));
+ // if not builtin, do not proceed any further.
+ if (m_versionSource != VersionSource::Builtin)
+ {
+ throw VersionIncomplete(QObject::tr(
+ "Minecraft version %1 could not be applied: version files are missing.").arg(m_descriptor));
+ }
+ profile->applyMinecraftVersion(m_descriptor);
+ profile->applyMainClass(m_mainClass);
+ profile->applyAppletClass(m_appletClass);
+ profile->applyMinecraftArguments(" ${auth_player_name} ${auth_session}"); // all builtin versions are legacy
+ profile->applyMinecraftVersionType(m_type);
+ profile->applyTraits(m_traits);
+ profile->applyProblemSeverity(m_problemSeverity);
int MinecraftVersion::getOrder()
@@ -182,7 +195,7 @@ QString MinecraftVersion::getName()
QString MinecraftVersion::getVersion()
- return m_version;
+ return m_descriptor;
QString MinecraftVersion::getID()
@@ -200,16 +213,18 @@ QDateTime MinecraftVersion::getReleaseDateTime()
bool MinecraftVersion::needsUpdate()
- return m_versionSource == Remote || hasUpdate();
+ return m_versionSource == VersionSource::Remote || hasUpdate();
bool MinecraftVersion::hasUpdate()
- return m_versionSource == Remote || (m_versionSource == Local && upstreamUpdate);
+ return m_versionSource == VersionSource::Remote || (m_versionSource == VersionSource::Local && upstreamUpdate);
bool MinecraftVersion::isCustom()
// if we add any other source types, this will evaluate to false for them.
- return m_versionSource != Local && m_versionSource != Remote;
+ return m_versionSource != VersionSource::Builtin
+ && m_versionSource != VersionSource::Local
+ && m_versionSource != VersionSource::Remote;
diff --git a/api/logic/minecraft/MinecraftVersion.h b/api/logic/minecraft/MinecraftVersion.h
index b21427d9..8ccab115 100644
--- a/api/logic/minecraft/MinecraftVersion.h
+++ b/api/logic/minecraft/MinecraftVersion.h
@@ -34,9 +34,7 @@ class MULTIMC_LOGIC_EXPORT MinecraftVersion : public BaseVersion, public Profile
friend class MinecraftVersionList;
public: /* methods */
- // FIXME: nuke this.
bool usesLegacyLauncher();
virtual QString descriptor() override;
virtual QString name() override;
virtual QString typeString() const override;
@@ -91,13 +89,25 @@ private: /* methods */
void applyFileTo(MinecraftProfile *profile);
protected: /* data */
- VersionSource m_versionSource = Remote;
+ VersionSource m_versionSource = VersionSource::Builtin;
/// The URL that this version will be downloaded from.
QString m_versionFileURL;
/// the human readable version name
- QString m_version;
+ QString m_name;
+ /// the version ID.
+ QString m_descriptor;
+ /// version traits. added by MultiMC
+ QSet<QString> m_traits;
+ /// The main class this version uses (if any, can be empty).
+ QString m_mainClass;
+ /// The applet class this version uses (if any, can be empty).
+ QString m_appletClass;
/// The type of this release
QString m_type;
@@ -108,6 +118,9 @@ protected: /* data */
/// the time this version was last updated by Mojang
QDateTime m_updateTime;
+ /// MD5 hash of the minecraft jar
+ QString m_jarChecksum;
/// order of this file... default = -2
int order = -2;
diff --git a/api/logic/minecraft/MinecraftVersionList.cpp b/api/logic/minecraft/MinecraftVersionList.cpp
index e3f416d9..4e42f204 100644
--- a/api/logic/minecraft/MinecraftVersionList.cpp
+++ b/api/logic/minecraft/MinecraftVersionList.cpp
@@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ public:
MinecraftVersionList::MinecraftVersionList(QObject *parent) : BaseVersionList(parent)
+ loadBuiltinList();
@@ -146,7 +147,7 @@ void MinecraftVersionList::loadCachedList()
throw ListLoadError(tr("Error reading the version list."));
- loadList(jsonDoc, Local);
+ loadMojangList(jsonDoc, VersionSource::Local);
catch (Exception &e)
@@ -158,9 +159,59 @@ void MinecraftVersionList::loadCachedList()
m_hasLocalIndex = true;
-void MinecraftVersionList::loadList(QJsonDocument jsonDoc, VersionSource source)
+void MinecraftVersionList::loadBuiltinList()
- qDebug() << "Loading" << ((source == Remote) ? "remote" : "local") << "version list.";
+ qDebug() << "Loading builtin version list.";
+ // grab the version list data from internal resources.
+ const QJsonDocument doc =
+ Json::requireDocument(QString(":/versions/minecraft.json"), "builtin version list");
+ const QJsonObject root = doc.object();
+ // parse all the versions
+ for (const auto version : Json::requireArray(root.value("versions")))
+ {
+ QJsonObject versionObj = version.toObject();
+ QString versionID = versionObj.value("id").toString("");
+ QString versionTypeStr = versionObj.value("type").toString("");
+ if (versionID.isEmpty() || versionTypeStr.isEmpty())
+ {
+ qCritical() << "Parsed version is missing ID or type";
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (g_VersionFilterData.legacyBlacklist.contains(versionID))
+ {
+ qWarning() << "Blacklisted legacy version ignored: " << versionID;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Now, we construct the version object and add it to the list.
+ std::shared_ptr<MinecraftVersion> mcVersion(new MinecraftVersion());
+ mcVersion->m_name = mcVersion->m_descriptor = versionID;
+ // Parse the timestamp.
+ mcVersion->m_releaseTime = timeFromS3Time(versionObj.value("releaseTime").toString(""));
+ mcVersion->m_versionFileURL = QString();
+ mcVersion->m_versionSource = VersionSource::Builtin;
+ mcVersion->m_type = versionTypeStr;
+ mcVersion->m_appletClass = versionObj.value("appletClass").toString("");
+ mcVersion->m_mainClass = versionObj.value("mainClass").toString("");
+ mcVersion->m_jarChecksum = versionObj.value("checksum").toString("");
+ if (versionObj.contains("+traits"))
+ {
+ for (auto traitVal : Json::requireArray(versionObj.value("+traits")))
+ {
+ mcVersion->m_traits.insert(Json::requireString(traitVal));
+ }
+ }
+ m_lookup[versionID] = mcVersion;
+ m_vlist.append(mcVersion);
+ }
+void MinecraftVersionList::loadMojangList(QJsonDocument jsonDoc, VersionSource source)
+ qDebug() << "Loading" << ((source == VersionSource::Remote) ? "remote" : "local") << "version list.";
if (!jsonDoc.isObject())
@@ -215,11 +266,16 @@ void MinecraftVersionList::loadList(QJsonDocument jsonDoc, VersionSource source)
// Now, we construct the version object and add it to the list.
std::shared_ptr<MinecraftVersion> mcVersion(new MinecraftVersion());
- mcVersion->m_version = versionID;
+ mcVersion->m_name = mcVersion->m_descriptor = versionID;
mcVersion->m_releaseTime = timeFromS3Time(versionObj.value("releaseTime").toString(""));
mcVersion->m_updateTime = timeFromS3Time(versionObj.value("time").toString(""));
+ if (mcVersion->m_releaseTime < g_VersionFilterData.legacyCutoffDate)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
// depends on where we load the version from -- network request or local file?
mcVersion->m_versionSource = source;
mcVersion->m_versionFileURL = versionObj.value("url").toString("");
@@ -251,11 +307,11 @@ void MinecraftVersionList::loadList(QJsonDocument jsonDoc, VersionSource source)
mcVersion->m_type = versionTypeStr;
qDebug() << "Loaded version" << versionID << "from"
- << ((source == Remote) ? "remote" : "local") << "version list.";
+ << ((source == VersionSource::Remote) ? "remote" : "local") << "version list.";
- if(source == Remote)
+ if(source == VersionSource::Remote)
m_loaded = true;
@@ -348,7 +404,7 @@ void MinecraftVersionList::updateListData(QList<BaseVersionPtr> versions)
// updateListData is called after Mojang list loads. those can be local or remote
// remote comes always after local
// any other options are ignored
- if (orig->m_versionSource != Local || added->m_versionSource != Remote)
+ if (orig->m_versionSource != VersionSource::Local || added->m_versionSource != VersionSource::Remote)
@@ -394,7 +450,7 @@ void MCVListLoadTask::list_downloaded()
throw ListLoadError(
tr("Error parsing version list JSON: %1").arg(jsonError.errorString()));
- m_list->loadList(jsonDoc, Remote);
+ m_list->loadMojangList(jsonDoc, VersionSource::Remote);
catch (Exception &e)
@@ -471,6 +527,8 @@ void MCVListVersionUpdateTask::json_downloaded()
// Strip LWJGL from the version file. We use our own.
+ // TODO: recognize and add LWJGL versions here.
file->fileId = "net.minecraft";
// now dump the file to disk
@@ -533,7 +591,7 @@ void MinecraftVersionList::saveCachedList()
auto mcversion = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<MinecraftVersion>(version);
// do not save the remote versions.
- if (mcversion->m_versionSource != Local)
+ if (mcversion->m_versionSource != VersionSource::Local)
QJsonObject entryObj;
@@ -594,18 +652,22 @@ void MinecraftVersionList::finalizeUpdate(QString version)
auto updatedVersion = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<MinecraftVersion>(m_vlist[idx]);
+ // reject any updates to builtin versions.
+ if (updatedVersion->m_versionSource == VersionSource::Builtin)
+ return;
// if we have an update for the version, replace it, make the update local
if (updatedVersion->upstreamUpdate)
auto updatedWith = updatedVersion->upstreamUpdate;
- updatedWith->m_versionSource = Local;
+ updatedWith->m_versionSource = VersionSource::Local;
m_vlist[idx] = updatedWith;
m_lookup[version] = updatedWith;
// otherwise, just set the version as local;
- updatedVersion->m_versionSource = Local;
+ updatedVersion->m_versionSource = VersionSource::Local;
dataChanged(index(idx), index(idx));
diff --git a/api/logic/minecraft/MinecraftVersionList.h b/api/logic/minecraft/MinecraftVersionList.h
index 0fca02a7..6ab0877b 100644
--- a/api/logic/minecraft/MinecraftVersionList.h
+++ b/api/logic/minecraft/MinecraftVersionList.h
@@ -34,7 +34,8 @@ class MULTIMC_LOGIC_EXPORT MinecraftVersionList : public BaseVersionList
void sortInternal();
- void loadList(QJsonDocument jsonDoc, VersionSource source);
+ void loadBuiltinList();
+ void loadMojangList(QJsonDocument jsonDoc, VersionSource source);
void loadCachedList();
void saveCachedList();
void finalizeUpdate(QString version);
diff --git a/api/logic/minecraft/ProfilePatch.h b/api/logic/minecraft/ProfilePatch.h
index f0c65360..26230092 100644
--- a/api/logic/minecraft/ProfilePatch.h
+++ b/api/logic/minecraft/ProfilePatch.h
@@ -16,8 +16,9 @@ enum ProblemSeverity
/// where is a version from?
-enum VersionSource
+enum class VersionSource
+ Builtin, //!< version loaded from the internal resources.
Local, //!< version loaded from a file in the cache.
Remote, //!< incomplete version on a remote server.
diff --git a/api/logic/minecraft/VersionFile.h b/api/logic/minecraft/VersionFile.h
index 1b692f0f..249d0965 100644
--- a/api/logic/minecraft/VersionFile.h
+++ b/api/logic/minecraft/VersionFile.h
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ public: /* methods */
VersionSource getVersionSource() override
- return Local;
+ return VersionSource::Local;
std::shared_ptr<class VersionFile> getVersionFile() override
diff --git a/application/resources/versions/LWJGL/2.9.0.json b/application/resources/versions/LWJGL/2.9.0.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5dbd624e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/application/resources/versions/LWJGL/2.9.0.json
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+ {
+ "fileId": "org.lwjgl",
+ "name": "LWJGL",
+ "version": "2.9.0",
+ "+libraries": [
+ {
+ "name": "net.java.jinput:jinput:2.0.5"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "net.java.jinput:jinput-platform:2.0.5",
+ "natives": {
+ "linux": "natives-linux",
+ "windows": "natives-windows",
+ "osx": "natives-osx"
+ },
+ "extract": {
+ "exclude": [
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "net.java.jutils:jutils:1.0.0"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "org.lwjgl.lwjgl:lwjgl:2.9.0"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "org.lwjgl.lwjgl:lwjgl_util:2.9.0"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "org.lwjgl.lwjgl:lwjgl-platform:2.9.0",
+ "natives": {
+ "linux": "natives-linux",
+ "windows": "natives-windows",
+ "osx": "natives-osx"
+ },
+ "extract": {
+ "exclude": [
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/application/resources/versions/LWJGL/2.9.1-nightly-20130708-debug3.json b/application/resources/versions/LWJGL/2.9.1-nightly-20130708-debug3.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7265b3b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/application/resources/versions/LWJGL/2.9.1-nightly-20130708-debug3.json
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+ "fileId": "org.lwjgl",
+ "name": "LWJGL",
+ "version": "2.9.1-nightly-20130708-debug3",
+ "+libraries": [
+ {
+ "name": "net.java.jinput:jinput:2.0.5"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "net.java.jinput:jinput-platform:2.0.5",
+ "natives": {
+ "linux": "natives-linux",
+ "windows": "natives-windows",
+ "osx": "natives-osx"
+ },
+ "extract": {
+ "exclude": [
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "net.java.jutils:jutils:1.0.0"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "org.lwjgl.lwjgl:lwjgl:2.9.1-nightly-20130708-debug3"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "org.lwjgl.lwjgl:lwjgl_util:2.9.1-nightly-20130708-debug3"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "org.lwjgl.lwjgl:lwjgl-platform:2.9.1-nightly-20130708-debug3",
+ "natives": {
+ "linux": "natives-linux",
+ "windows": "natives-windows",
+ "osx": "natives-osx"
+ },
+ "extract": {
+ "exclude": [
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/application/resources/versions/LWJGL/2.9.2-nightly-20140822.json b/application/resources/versions/LWJGL/2.9.2-nightly-20140822.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..25b22eb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/application/resources/versions/LWJGL/2.9.2-nightly-20140822.json
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+ "fileId": "org.lwjgl",
+ "name": "LWJGL",
+ "version": "2.9.2-nightly-20140822",
+ "+libraries": [
+ {
+ "name": "net.java.jinput:jinput:2.0.5"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "net.java.jinput:jinput-platform:2.0.5",
+ "natives": {
+ "linux": "natives-linux",
+ "windows": "natives-windows",
+ "osx": "natives-osx"
+ },
+ "extract": {
+ "exclude": [
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "net.java.jutils:jutils:1.0.0"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "org.lwjgl.lwjgl:lwjgl:2.9.2-nightly-20140822"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "org.lwjgl.lwjgl:lwjgl_util:2.9.2-nightly-20140822"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "org.lwjgl.lwjgl:lwjgl-platform:2.9.2-nightly-20140822",
+ "natives": {
+ "linux": "natives-linux",
+ "windows": "natives-windows",
+ "osx": "natives-osx"
+ },
+ "extract": {
+ "exclude": [
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/application/resources/versions/minecraft.json b/application/resources/versions/minecraft.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9c08a83f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/application/resources/versions/minecraft.json
@@ -0,0 +1,587 @@
+"versions": [
+ {
+ "id": "1.5.2",
+ "checksum": "6897c3287fb971c9f362eb3ab20f5ddd",
+ "releaseTime": "2013-04-25T17:45:00+02:00",
+ "type": "release",
+ "+traits": ["legacyLaunch", "texturepacks"]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "1.5.1",
+ "checksum": "5c1219d869b87d233de3033688ec7567",
+ "releaseTime": "2013-03-20T12:00:00+02:00",
+ "type": "release",
+ "+traits": ["legacyLaunch", "texturepacks"]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "1.5",
+ "checksum": "fd11cbc5b01aae1d62cff0145171f3d9",
+ "releaseTime": "2013-03-07T00:00:00+02:00",
+ "type": "snapshot",
+ "+traits": ["legacyLaunch", "texturepacks"]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "1.4.7",
+ "checksum": "8e80fb01b321c6b3c7efca397a3eea35",
+ "releaseTime": "2012-12-28T00:00:00+02:00",
+ "type": "release",
+ "+traits": ["legacyLaunch", "texturepacks"]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "1.4.6",
+ "checksum": "48677dc4c2b98c29918722b5ab27b4fd",
+ "releaseTime": "2012-12-20T00:00:00+02:00",
+ "type": "release",
+ "+traits": ["legacyLaunch", "texturepacks"]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "1.4.5",
+ "checksum": "b15e2b2b6b4629f0d99a95b6b44412a0",
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+ <file>LWJGL/2.9.0.json</file>
+ <file>LWJGL/2.9.1-nightly-20130708-debug3.json</file>
+ <file>LWJGL/2.9.2-nightly-20140822.json</file>
diff --git a/libraries/launcher/org/multimc/onesix/OneSixLauncher.java b/libraries/launcher/org/multimc/onesix/OneSixLauncher.java
index e3e4c283..053e3674 100644
--- a/libraries/launcher/org/multimc/onesix/OneSixLauncher.java
+++ b/libraries/launcher/org/multimc/onesix/OneSixLauncher.java
@@ -158,8 +158,6 @@ public class OneSixLauncher implements Launcher
- System.setProperty("minecraft.applet.TargetDirectory", cwd);
// Get the Minecraft Class.
Class<?> mc;
@@ -183,6 +181,53 @@ public class OneSixLauncher implements Launcher
return -1;
+ /*
+ final java.nio.ByteBuffer[] icons = IconLoader.load("icon.png");
+ new Thread() {
+ public void run() {
+ ClassLoader cl = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
+ try
+ {
+ Class<?> Display;
+ Method isCreated;
+ Method setTitle;
+ Method setIcon;
+ Field fieldWindowCreated;
+ Boolean created = false;
+ Display = cl.loadClass("org.lwjgl.opengl.Display");
+ fieldWindowCreated = Display.getDeclaredField("window_created");
+ fieldWindowCreated.setAccessible( true );
+ setTitle = Display.getMethod("setTitle", String.class);
+ setIcon = Display.getMethod("setIcon", java.nio.ByteBuffer[].class);
+ created = (Boolean) fieldWindowCreated.get( null );
+ // set the window title? Maybe?
+ while(!created)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ Thread.sleep(150);
+ created = (Boolean) fieldWindowCreated.get( null );
+ } catch (InterruptedException ignored) {}
+ }
+ // Give it a bit more time ;)
+ Thread.sleep(150);
+ // set the title
+ setTitle.invoke(null,windowTitle);
+ // only set icon when there's actually something to set...
+ if(icons.length > 0)
+ {
+ setIcon.invoke(null,(Object)icons);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ System.err.println("Couldn't set window icon or title.");
+ e.printStackTrace(System.err);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ .start();
+ */
// init params for the main method to chomp on.
String[] paramsArray = mcparams.toArray(new String[mcparams.size()]);