path: root/api
diff options
authorPetr Mrázek <peterix@gmail.com>2016-04-14 01:23:54 +0200
committerPetr Mrázek <peterix@gmail.com>2016-05-01 00:02:15 +0200
commit771dd6f9abe29c1d24c5ea8f0e7ca949bc24f84d (patch)
tree52962ddf547b3227f1b637dd1da2b3d0b5a5a766 /api
parente8ba5dafc63de65ed8a469353b808e391633f0fc (diff)
NOISSUE reorganize unit tests to be placed next to the code they test. Nuke more dead tests.
Diffstat (limited to 'api')
37 files changed, 2568 insertions, 51 deletions
diff --git a/api/gui/CMakeLists.txt b/api/gui/CMakeLists.txt
index 1551a927..39cd5895 100644
--- a/api/gui/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/api/gui/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+project(MultiMC_gui LANGUAGES CXX)
diff --git a/api/logic/CMakeLists.txt b/api/logic/CMakeLists.txt
index abae7b90..b534f970 100644
--- a/api/logic/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/api/logic/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
+include (UnitTest)
# LOGIC - Base classes and infrastructure
@@ -42,12 +44,6 @@ set(LOGIC_SOURCES
# a smart pointer wrapper intended for safer use with Qt signal/slot mechanisms
- # Path matchers
- pathmatcher/FSTreeMatcher.h
- pathmatcher/IPathMatcher.h
- pathmatcher/MultiMatcher.h
- pathmatcher/RegexpMatcher.h
# Compression support
@@ -60,6 +56,31 @@ set(LOGIC_SOURCES
+ # A Recursive file system watcher
+ RecursiveFileSystemWatcher.h
+ RecursiveFileSystemWatcher.cpp
+ SOURCES FileSystem_test.cpp
+ LIBS MultiMC_logic
+ DATA testdata
+ )
+ SOURCES GZip_test.cpp
+ LIBS MultiMC_logic
+ )
+ # Path matchers
+ pathmatcher/FSTreeMatcher.h
+ pathmatcher/IPathMatcher.h
+ pathmatcher/MultiMatcher.h
+ pathmatcher/RegexpMatcher.h
# network stuffs
@@ -76,24 +97,10 @@ set(LOGIC_SOURCES
- # Yggdrasil login stuff
- minecraft/auth/AuthSession.h
- minecraft/auth/AuthSession.cpp
- minecraft/auth/MojangAccountList.h
- minecraft/auth/MojangAccountList.cpp
- minecraft/auth/MojangAccount.h
- minecraft/auth/MojangAccount.cpp
- minecraft/auth/YggdrasilTask.h
- minecraft/auth/YggdrasilTask.cpp
- minecraft/auth/flows/AuthenticateTask.h
- minecraft/auth/flows/AuthenticateTask.cpp
- minecraft/auth/flows/RefreshTask.cpp
- minecraft/auth/flows/RefreshTask.cpp
- minecraft/auth/flows/ValidateTask.h
- minecraft/auth/flows/ValidateTask.cpp
- # Game launch logic
+# Game launch logic
@@ -110,30 +117,70 @@ set(LOGIC_SOURCES
- # Update system
+# Old update system
+ SOURCES updater/UpdateChecker_test.cpp
+ LIBS MultiMC_logic
+ DATA updater/testdata
+ )
+ SOURCES updater/DownloadTask_test.cpp
+ LIBS MultiMC_logic
+ DATA updater/testdata
+ )
+# Rarely used notifications
# Notifications - short warning messages
+# Backend for the news bar... there's usually no news.
# News System
+# Minecraft services status checker
# Status system
+# Support for Minecraft instances and launch
# Minecraft support
+ minecraft/auth/AuthSession.h
+ minecraft/auth/AuthSession.cpp
+ minecraft/auth/MojangAccountList.h
+ minecraft/auth/MojangAccountList.cpp
+ minecraft/auth/MojangAccount.h
+ minecraft/auth/MojangAccount.cpp
+ minecraft/auth/YggdrasilTask.h
+ minecraft/auth/YggdrasilTask.cpp
+ minecraft/auth/flows/AuthenticateTask.h
+ minecraft/auth/flows/AuthenticateTask.cpp
+ minecraft/auth/flows/RefreshTask.cpp
+ minecraft/auth/flows/RefreshTask.cpp
+ minecraft/auth/flows/ValidateTask.h
+ minecraft/auth/flows/ValidateTask.cpp
@@ -201,17 +248,67 @@ set(LOGIC_SOURCES
- # A Recursive file system watcher
- RecursiveFileSystemWatcher.h
- RecursiveFileSystemWatcher.cpp
+ # Assets
+ minecraft/AssetsUtils.h
+ minecraft/AssetsUtils.cpp
- # the screenshots feature
+ # Forge and all things forge related
+ minecraft/forge/ForgeVersion.h
+ minecraft/forge/ForgeVersion.cpp
+ minecraft/forge/ForgeVersionList.h
+ minecraft/forge/ForgeVersionList.cpp
+ minecraft/forge/ForgeXzDownload.h
+ minecraft/forge/ForgeXzDownload.cpp
+ minecraft/forge/LegacyForge.h
+ minecraft/forge/LegacyForge.cpp
+ minecraft/forge/ForgeInstaller.h
+ minecraft/forge/ForgeInstaller.cpp
+ # Liteloader and related things
+ minecraft/liteloader/LiteLoaderInstaller.h
+ minecraft/liteloader/LiteLoaderInstaller.cpp
+ minecraft/liteloader/LiteLoaderVersionList.h
+ minecraft/liteloader/LiteLoaderVersionList.cpp
+ SOURCES minecraft/GradleSpecifier_test.cpp
+ LIBS MultiMC_logic
+ )
+ SOURCES minecraft/MojangVersionFormat_test.cpp
+ LIBS MultiMC_logic
+ DATA minecraft/testdata
+ )
+ SOURCES minecraft/Library_test.cpp
+ LIBS MultiMC_logic
+ )
+# FIXME: shares data with FileSystem test
+ SOURCES minecraft/ModList_test.cpp
+ DATA testdata
+ LIBS MultiMC_logic
+ )
+ SOURCES minecraft/ParseUtils_test.cpp
+ LIBS MultiMC_logic
+ )
+# the screenshots feature
# Tasks
@@ -219,7 +316,9 @@ set(LOGIC_SOURCES
# Settings
@@ -233,7 +332,14 @@ set(LOGIC_SOURCES
+ SOURCES settings/INIFile_test.cpp
+ LIBS MultiMC_logic
+ )
# Java related code
@@ -249,33 +355,20 @@ set(LOGIC_SOURCES
- # Assets
- minecraft/AssetsUtils.h
- minecraft/AssetsUtils.cpp
- # Forge and all things forge related
- minecraft/forge/ForgeVersion.h
- minecraft/forge/ForgeVersion.cpp
- minecraft/forge/ForgeVersionList.h
- minecraft/forge/ForgeVersionList.cpp
- minecraft/forge/ForgeXzDownload.h
- minecraft/forge/ForgeXzDownload.cpp
- minecraft/forge/LegacyForge.h
- minecraft/forge/LegacyForge.cpp
- minecraft/forge/ForgeInstaller.h
- minecraft/forge/ForgeInstaller.cpp
- # Liteloader and related things
- minecraft/liteloader/LiteLoaderInstaller.h
- minecraft/liteloader/LiteLoaderInstaller.cpp
- minecraft/liteloader/LiteLoaderVersionList.h
- minecraft/liteloader/LiteLoaderVersionList.cpp
+ SOURCES java/JavaVersion_test.cpp
+ LIBS MultiMC_logic
+ )
# Translations
# Tools
@@ -287,7 +380,9 @@ set(LOGIC_SOURCES
# Wonko
@@ -310,11 +405,36 @@ set(LOGIC_SOURCES
+ SOURCES wonko/WonkoIndex_test.cpp
+ LIBS MultiMC_logic
+ )
################################ COMPILE ################################
# we need zlib
find_package(ZLIB REQUIRED)
add_library(MultiMC_logic SHARED ${LOGIC_SOURCES})
diff --git a/api/logic/FileSystem_test.cpp b/api/logic/FileSystem_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d5e1eedb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/logic/FileSystem_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+#include <QTest>
+#include <QTemporaryDir>
+#include <QStandardPaths>
+#include "TestUtil.h"
+#include "FileSystem.h"
+class FileSystemTest : public QObject
+ const QString bothSlash = "/foo/";
+ const QString trailingSlash = "foo/";
+ const QString leadingSlash = "/foo";
+ void test_pathCombine()
+ {
+ QCOMPARE(QString("/foo/foo"), FS::PathCombine(bothSlash, bothSlash));
+ QCOMPARE(QString("foo/foo"), FS::PathCombine(trailingSlash, trailingSlash));
+ QCOMPARE(QString("/foo/foo"), FS::PathCombine(leadingSlash, leadingSlash));
+ QCOMPARE(QString("/foo/foo/foo"), FS::PathCombine(bothSlash, bothSlash, bothSlash));
+ QCOMPARE(QString("foo/foo/foo"), FS::PathCombine(trailingSlash, trailingSlash, trailingSlash));
+ QCOMPARE(QString("/foo/foo/foo"), FS::PathCombine(leadingSlash, leadingSlash, leadingSlash));
+ }
+ void test_PathCombine1_data()
+ {
+ QTest::addColumn<QString>("result");
+ QTest::addColumn<QString>("path1");
+ QTest::addColumn<QString>("path2");
+ QTest::newRow("qt 1") << "/abc/def/ghi/jkl" << "/abc/def" << "ghi/jkl";
+ QTest::newRow("qt 2") << "/abc/def/ghi/jkl" << "/abc/def/" << "ghi/jkl";
+#if defined(Q_OS_WIN)
+ QTest::newRow("win native, from C:") << "C:/abc" << "C:" << "abc";
+ QTest::newRow("win native 1") << "C:/abc/def/ghi/jkl" << "C:\\abc\\def" << "ghi\\jkl";
+ QTest::newRow("win native 2") << "C:/abc/def/ghi/jkl" << "C:\\abc\\def\\" << "ghi\\jkl";
+ }
+ void test_PathCombine1()
+ {
+ QFETCH(QString, result);
+ QFETCH(QString, path1);
+ QFETCH(QString, path2);
+ QCOMPARE(FS::PathCombine(path1, path2), result);
+ }
+ void test_PathCombine2_data()
+ {
+ QTest::addColumn<QString>("result");
+ QTest::addColumn<QString>("path1");
+ QTest::addColumn<QString>("path2");
+ QTest::addColumn<QString>("path3");
+ QTest::newRow("qt 1") << "/abc/def/ghi/jkl" << "/abc" << "def" << "ghi/jkl";
+ QTest::newRow("qt 2") << "/abc/def/ghi/jkl" << "/abc/" << "def" << "ghi/jkl";
+ QTest::newRow("qt 3") << "/abc/def/ghi/jkl" << "/abc" << "def/" << "ghi/jkl";
+ QTest::newRow("qt 4") << "/abc/def/ghi/jkl" << "/abc/" << "def/" << "ghi/jkl";
+#if defined(Q_OS_WIN)
+ QTest::newRow("win 1") << "C:/abc/def/ghi/jkl" << "C:\\abc" << "def" << "ghi\\jkl";
+ QTest::newRow("win 2") << "C:/abc/def/ghi/jkl" << "C:\\abc\\" << "def" << "ghi\\jkl";
+ QTest::newRow("win 3") << "C:/abc/def/ghi/jkl" << "C:\\abc" << "def\\" << "ghi\\jkl";
+ QTest::newRow("win 4") << "C:/abc/def/ghi/jkl" << "C:\\abc\\" << "def" << "ghi\\jkl";
+ }
+ void test_PathCombine2()
+ {
+ QFETCH(QString, result);
+ QFETCH(QString, path1);
+ QFETCH(QString, path2);
+ QFETCH(QString, path3);
+ QCOMPARE(FS::PathCombine(path1, path2, path3), result);
+ }
+ void test_copy()
+ {
+ QString folder = QFINDTESTDATA("data/test_folder");
+ auto f = [&folder]()
+ {
+ QTemporaryDir tempDir;
+ tempDir.setAutoRemove(true);
+ qDebug() << "From:" << folder << "To:" << tempDir.path();
+ QDir target_dir(FS::PathCombine(tempDir.path(), "test_folder"));
+ qDebug() << tempDir.path();
+ qDebug() << target_dir.path();
+ FS::copy c(folder, target_dir.path());
+ c();
+ for(auto entry: target_dir.entryList())
+ {
+ qDebug() << entry;
+ }
+ QVERIFY(target_dir.entryList().contains("pack.mcmeta"));
+ QVERIFY(target_dir.entryList().contains("assets"));
+ };
+ // first try variant without trailing /
+ QVERIFY(!folder.endsWith('/'));
+ f();
+ // then variant with trailing /
+ folder.append('/');
+ QVERIFY(folder.endsWith('/'));
+ f();
+ }
+ void test_getDesktop()
+ {
+ QCOMPARE(FS::getDesktopDir(), QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::DesktopLocation));
+ }
+// this is only valid on linux
+// FIXME: implement on windows, OSX, then test.
+#if defined(Q_OS_LINUX)
+ void test_createShortcut_data()
+ {
+ QTest::addColumn<QString>("location");
+ QTest::addColumn<QString>("dest");
+ QTest::addColumn<QStringList>("args");
+ QTest::addColumn<QString>("name");
+ QTest::addColumn<QString>("iconLocation");
+ QTest::addColumn<QByteArray>("result");
+ QTest::newRow("unix") << QDir::currentPath()
+ << "asdfDest"
+ << (QStringList() << "arg1" << "arg2")
+ << "asdf"
+ << QString()
+ #if defined(Q_OS_LINUX)
+ << MULTIMC_GET_TEST_FILE("data/FileSystem-test_createShortcut-unix")
+ #elif defined(Q_OS_WIN)
+ << QByteArray()
+ #endif
+ ;
+ }
+ void test_createShortcut()
+ {
+ QFETCH(QString, location);
+ QFETCH(QString, dest);
+ QFETCH(QStringList, args);
+ QFETCH(QString, name);
+ QFETCH(QString, iconLocation);
+ QFETCH(QByteArray, result);
+ QVERIFY(FS::createShortCut(location, dest, args, name, iconLocation));
+ QCOMPARE(QString::fromLocal8Bit(TestsInternal::readFile(location + QDir::separator() + name + ".desktop")), QString::fromLocal8Bit(result));
+ //QDir().remove(location);
+ }
+#include "FileSystem_test.moc"
diff --git a/api/logic/GZip_test.cpp b/api/logic/GZip_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f4c9214c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/logic/GZip_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+#include <QTest>
+#include "TestUtil.h"
+#include "GZip.h"
+#include <random>
+void fib(int &prev, int &cur)
+ auto ret = prev + cur;
+ prev = cur;
+ cur = ret;
+class GZipTest : public QObject
+ void test_Through()
+ {
+ // test up to 10 MB
+ static const int size = 10 * 1024 * 1024;
+ QByteArray random;
+ QByteArray compressed;
+ QByteArray decompressed;
+ std::default_random_engine eng((std::random_device())());
+ std::uniform_int_distribution<uint8_t> idis(0, std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max());
+ // initialize random buffer
+ for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
+ {
+ random.append((char)idis(eng));
+ }
+ // initialize fibonacci
+ int prev = 1;
+ int cur = 1;
+ // test if fibonacci long random buffers pass through GZip
+ do
+ {
+ QByteArray copy = random;
+ copy.resize(cur);
+ compressed.clear();
+ decompressed.clear();
+ QVERIFY(GZip::zip(copy, compressed));
+ QVERIFY(GZip::unzip(compressed, decompressed));
+ QCOMPARE(decompressed, copy);
+ fib(prev, cur);
+ } while (cur < size);
+ }
+#include "GZip_test.moc"
diff --git a/api/logic/Version_test.cpp b/api/logic/Version_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4c083934
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/logic/Version_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+/* Copyright 2013-2015 MultiMC Contributors
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <QTest>
+#include "TestUtil.h"
+#include <Version.h>
+class ModUtilsTest : public QObject
+ void setupVersions()
+ {
+ QTest::addColumn<QString>("first");
+ QTest::addColumn<QString>("second");
+ QTest::addColumn<bool>("lessThan");
+ QTest::addColumn<bool>("equal");
+ QTest::newRow("equal, explicit") << "1.2.0" << "1.2.0" << false << true;
+ QTest::newRow("equal, implicit 1") << "1.2" << "1.2.0" << false << true;
+ QTest::newRow("equal, implicit 2") << "1.2.0" << "1.2" << false << true;
+ QTest::newRow("equal, two-digit") << "1.42" << "1.42" << false << true;
+ QTest::newRow("lessThan, explicit 1") << "1.2.0" << "1.2.1" << true << false;
+ QTest::newRow("lessThan, explicit 2") << "1.2.0" << "1.3.0" << true << false;
+ QTest::newRow("lessThan, explicit 3") << "1.2.0" << "2.2.0" << true << false;
+ QTest::newRow("lessThan, implicit 1") << "1.2" << "1.2.1" << true << false;
+ QTest::newRow("lessThan, implicit 2") << "1.2" << "1.3.0" << true << false;
+ QTest::newRow("lessThan, implicit 3") << "1.2" << "2.2.0" << true << false;
+ QTest::newRow("lessThan, two-digit") << "1.41" << "1.42" << true << false;
+ QTest::newRow("greaterThan, explicit 1") << "1.2.1" << "1.2.0" << false << false;
+ QTest::newRow("greaterThan, explicit 2") << "1.3.0" << "1.2.0" << false << false;
+ QTest::newRow("greaterThan, explicit 3") << "2.2.0" << "1.2.0" << false << false;
+ QTest::newRow("greaterThan, implicit 1") << "1.2.1" << "1.2" << false << false;
+ QTest::newRow("greaterThan, implicit 2") << "1.3.0" << "1.2" << false << false;
+ QTest::newRow("greaterThan, implicit 3") << "2.2.0" << "1.2" << false << false;
+ QTest::newRow("greaterThan, two-digit") << "1.42" << "1.41" << false << false;
+ }
+private slots:
+ void initTestCase()
+ {
+ }
+ void cleanupTestCase()
+ {
+ }
+ void test_versionIsInInterval_data()
+ {
+ QTest::addColumn<QString>("version");
+ QTest::addColumn<QString>("interval");
+ QTest::addColumn<bool>("result");
+ QTest::newRow("empty, true") << "1.2.3" << "" << true;
+ QTest::newRow("one version, true") << "1.2.3" << "1.2.3" << true;
+ QTest::newRow("one version, false") << "1.2.3" << "1.2.2" << false;
+ QTest::newRow("one version inclusive <-> infinity, true") << "1.2.3" << "[1.2.3,)" << true;
+ QTest::newRow("one version exclusive <-> infinity, true") << "1.2.3" << "(1.2.2,)" << true;
+ QTest::newRow("one version inclusive <-> infitity, false") << "1.2.3" << "[1.2.4,)" << false;
+ QTest::newRow("one version exclusive <-> infinity, false") << "1.2.3" << "(1.2.3,)" << false;
+ QTest::newRow("infinity <-> one version inclusive, true") << "1.2.3" << "(,1.2.3]" << true;
+ QTest::newRow("infinity <-> one version exclusive, true") << "1.2.3" << "(,1.2.4)" << true;
+ QTest::newRow("infinity <-> one version inclusive, false") << "1.2.3" << "(,1.2.2]" << false;
+ QTest::newRow("infinity <-> one version exclusive, false") << "1.2.3" << "(,1.2.3)" << false;
+ QTest::newRow("inclusive <-> inclusive, true") << "1.2.3" << "[1.2.2,1.2.3]" << true;
+ QTest::newRow("inclusive <-> exclusive, true") << "1.2.3" << "[1.2.3,1.2.4)" << true;
+ QTest::newRow("exclusive <-> inclusive, true") << "1.2.3" << "(1.2.2,1.2.3]" << true;
+ QTest::newRow("exclusive <-> exclusive, true") << "1.2.3" << "(1.2.2,1.2.4)" << true;
+ QTest::newRow("inclusive <-> inclusive, false") << "1.2.3" << "[1.0.0,1.2.2]" << false;
+ QTest::newRow("inclusive <-> exclusive, false") << "1.2.3" << "[1.0.0,1.2.3)" << false;
+ QTest::newRow("exclusive <-> inclusive, false") << "1.2.3" << "(1.2.3,2.0.0]" << false;
+ QTest::newRow("exclusive <-> exclusive, false") << "1.2.3" << "(1.0.0,1.2.3)" << false;
+ }
+ void test_versionIsInInterval()
+ {
+ QFETCH(QString, version);
+ QFETCH(QString, interval);
+ QFETCH(bool, result);
+ QCOMPARE(versionIsInInterval(version, interval), result);
+ }
+ void test_versionCompare_data()
+ {
+ setupVersions();
+ }
+ void test_versionCompare()
+ {
+ QFETCH(QString, first);
+ QFETCH(QString, second);
+ QFETCH(bool, lessThan);
+ QFETCH(bool, equal);
+ const auto v1 = Version(first);
+ const auto v2 = Version(second);
+ QCOMPARE(v1 < v2, lessThan);
+ QCOMPARE(v1 > v2, !lessThan && !equal);
+ QCOMPARE(v1 == v2, equal);
+ }
+#include "Version_test.moc"
diff --git a/api/logic/java/JavaVersion_test.cpp b/api/logic/java/JavaVersion_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9dae0ba6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/logic/java/JavaVersion_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+#include <QTest>
+#include "TestUtil.h"
+#include "java/JavaVersion.h"
+class JavaVersionTest : public QObject
+ void test_Parse_data()
+ {
+ QTest::addColumn<QString>("string");
+ QTest::addColumn<int>("major");
+ QTest::addColumn<int>("minor");
+ QTest::addColumn<int>("security");
+ QTest::addColumn<QString>("prerelease");
+ QTest::newRow("old format") << "1.6.0_33" << 6 << 0 << 33 << QString();
+ QTest::newRow("old format prerelease") << "1.9.0_1-ea" << 9 << 0 << 1 << "ea";
+ QTest::newRow("new format major") << "9" << 9 << 0 << 0 << QString();
+ QTest::newRow("new format minor") << "9.1" << 9 << 1 << 0 << QString();
+ QTest::newRow("new format security") << "9.0.1" << 9 << 0 << 1 << QString();
+ QTest::newRow("new format prerelease") << "9-ea" << 9 << 0 << 0 << "ea";
+ QTest::newRow("new format long prerelease") << "9.0.1-ea" << 9 << 0 << 1 << "ea";
+ }
+ void test_Parse()
+ {
+ QFETCH(QString, string);
+ QFETCH(int, major);
+ QFETCH(int, minor);
+ QFETCH(int, security);
+ QFETCH(QString, prerelease);
+ JavaVersion test(string);
+ QCOMPARE(test.string, string);
+ QCOMPARE(test.toString(), string);
+ QCOMPARE(test.major, major);
+ QCOMPARE(test.minor, minor);
+ QCOMPARE(test.security, security);
+ QCOMPARE(test.prerelease, prerelease);
+ }
+ void test_Sort_data()
+ {
+ QTest::addColumn<QString>("lhs");
+ QTest::addColumn<QString>("rhs");
+ QTest::addColumn<bool>("smaller");
+ QTest::addColumn<bool>("equal");
+ QTest::addColumn<bool>("bigger");
+ // old format and new format equivalence
+ QTest::newRow("1.6.0_33 == 6.0.33") << "1.6.0_33" << "6.0.33" << false << true << false;
+ // old format major version
+ QTest::newRow("1.5.0_33 < 1.6.0_33") << "1.5.0_33" << "1.6.0_33" << true << false << false;
+ // new format - first release vs first security patch
+ QTest::newRow("9 < 9.0.1") << "9" << "9.0.1" << true << false << false;
+ QTest::newRow("9.0.1 > 9") << "9.0.1" << "9" << false << false << true;
+ // new format - first minor vs first release/security patch
+ QTest::newRow("9.1 > 9.0.1") << "9.1" << "9.0.1" << false << false << true;
+ QTest::newRow("9.0.1 < 9.1") << "9.0.1" << "9.1" << true << false << false;
+ QTest::newRow("9.1 > 9") << "9.1" << "9" << false << false << true;
+ QTest::newRow("9 > 9.1") << "9" << "9.1" << true << false << false;
+ // new format - omitted numbers
+ QTest::newRow("9 == 9.0") << "9" << "9.0" << false << true << false;
+ QTest::newRow("9 == 9.0.0") << "9" << "9.0.0" << false << true << false;
+ QTest::newRow("9.0 == 9.0.0") << "9.0" << "9.0.0" << false << true << false;
+ // early access and prereleases compared to final release
+ QTest::newRow("9-ea < 9") << "9-ea" << "9" << true << false << false;
+ QTest::newRow("9 < 9.0.1-ea") << "9" << "9.0.1-ea" << true << false << false;
+ QTest::newRow("9.0.1-ea > 9") << "9.0.1-ea" << "9" << false << false << true;
+ // prerelease difference only testing
+ QTest::newRow("9-1 == 9-1") << "9-1" << "9-1" << false << true << false;
+ QTest::newRow("9-1 < 9-2") << "9-1" << "9-2" << true << false << false;
+ QTest::newRow("9-5 < 9-20") << "9-5" << "9-20" << true << false << false;
+ QTest::newRow("9-rc1 < 9-rc2") << "9-rc1" << "9-rc2" << true << false << false;
+ QTest::newRow("9-rc5 < 9-rc20") << "9-rc5" << "9-rc20" << true << false << false;
+ QTest::newRow("9-rc < 9-rc2") << "9-rc" << "9-rc2" << true << false << false;
+ QTest::newRow("9-ea < 9-rc") << "9-ea" << "9-rc" << true << false << false;
+ }
+ void test_Sort()
+ {
+ QFETCH(QString, lhs);
+ QFETCH(QString, rhs);
+ QFETCH(bool, smaller);
+ QFETCH(bool, equal);
+ QFETCH(bool, bigger);
+ JavaVersion lver(lhs);
+ JavaVersion rver(rhs);
+ QCOMPARE(lver < rver, smaller);
+ QCOMPARE(lver == rver, equal);
+ QCOMPARE(lver > rver, bigger);
+ }
+ void test_PermGen_data()
+ {
+ QTest::addColumn<QString>("version");
+ QTest::addColumn<bool>("needs_permgen");
+ QTest::newRow("1.6.0_33") << "1.6.0_33" << true;
+ QTest::newRow("1.7.0_60") << "1.7.0_60" << true;
+ QTest::newRow("1.8.0_22") << "1.8.0_22" << false;
+ QTest::newRow("9-ea") << "9-ea" << false;
+ QTest::newRow("9.2.4") << "9.2.4" << false;
+ }
+ void test_PermGen()
+ {
+ QFETCH(QString, version);
+ QFETCH(bool, needs_permgen);
+ JavaVersion v(version);
+ QCOMPARE(needs_permgen, v.requiresPermGen());
+ }
+#include "JavaVersion_test.moc"
diff --git a/api/logic/minecraft/GradleSpecifier_test.cpp b/api/logic/minecraft/GradleSpecifier_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..155522cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/logic/minecraft/GradleSpecifier_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+#include <QTest>
+#include "TestUtil.h"
+#include "minecraft/GradleSpecifier.h"
+class GradleSpecifierTest : public QObject
+ void initTestCase()
+ {
+ }
+ void cleanupTestCase()
+ {
+ }
+ void test_Positive_data()
+ {
+ QTest::addColumn<QString>("through");
+ QTest::newRow("3 parter") << "org.gradle.test.classifiers:service:1.0";
+ QTest::newRow("classifier") << "org.gradle.test.classifiers:service:1.0:jdk15";
+ QTest::newRow("jarextension") << "org.gradle.test.classifiers:service:1.0@jar";
+ QTest::newRow("jarboth") << "org.gradle.test.classifiers:service:1.0:jdk15@jar";
+ QTest::newRow("packxz") << "org.gradle.test.classifiers:service:1.0:jdk15@jar.pack.xz";
+ }
+ void test_Positive()
+ {
+ QFETCH(QString, through);
+ QString converted = GradleSpecifier(through);
+ QCOMPARE(converted, through);
+ }
+ void test_Path_data()
+ {
+ QTest::addColumn<QString>("spec");
+ QTest::addColumn<QString>("expected");
+ QTest::newRow("3 parter") << "group.id:artifact:1.0" << "group/id/artifact/1.0/artifact-1.0.jar";
+ QTest::newRow("doom") << "id.software:doom:1.666:demons@wad" << "id/software/doom/1.666/doom-1.666-demons.wad";
+ }
+ void test_Path()
+ {
+ QFETCH(QString, spec);
+ QFETCH(QString, expected);
+ QString converted = GradleSpecifier(spec).toPath();
+ QCOMPARE(converted, expected);
+ }
+ void test_Negative_data()
+ {
+ QTest::addColumn<QString>("input");
+ QTest::newRow("too many :") << "org:gradle.test:class:::ifiers:service:1.0::";
+ QTest::newRow("nonsense") << "I like turtles";
+ QTest::newRow("empty string") << "";
+ QTest::newRow("missing version") << "herp.derp:artifact";
+ }
+ void test_Negative()
+ {
+ QFETCH(QString, input);
+ GradleSpecifier spec(input);
+ QVERIFY(!spec.valid());
+ QCOMPARE(spec.operator QString(), QString("INVALID"));
+ }
+#include "GradleSpecifier_test.moc"
diff --git a/api/logic/minecraft/Library_test.cpp b/api/logic/minecraft/Library_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fcf0b4d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/logic/minecraft/Library_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+#include <QTest>
+#include "TestUtil.h"
+#include "minecraft/MojangVersionFormat.h"
+#include "minecraft/onesix/OneSixVersionFormat.h"
+#include "minecraft/Library.h"
+#include "net/HttpMetaCache.h"
+#include "FileSystem.h"
+class LibraryTest : public QObject
+ LibraryPtr readMojangJson(const char *file)
+ {
+ auto path = QFINDTESTDATA(file);
+ QFile jsonFile(path);
+ jsonFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly);
+ auto data = jsonFile.readAll();
+ jsonFile.close();
+ return MojangVersionFormat::libraryFromJson(QJsonDocument::fromJson(data).object(), file);
+ }
+ // get absolute path to expected storage, assuming default cache prefix
+ QStringList getStorage(QString relative)
+ {
+ return {FS::PathCombine(cache->getBasePath("libraries"), relative)};
+ }
+ void initTestCase()
+ {
+ cache.reset(new HttpMetaCache());
+ cache->addBase("libraries", QDir("libraries").absolutePath());
+ }
+ void test_legacy()
+ {
+ Library test("test.package:testname:testversion");
+ QCOMPARE(test.artifactPrefix(), QString("test.package:testname"));
+ QCOMPARE(test.isNative(), false);
+ QStringList jar, native, native32, native64;
+ test.getApplicableFiles(currentSystem, jar, native, native32, native64);
+ QCOMPARE(jar, getStorage("test/package/testname/testversion/testname-testversion.jar"));
+ QCOMPARE(native, {});
+ QCOMPARE(native32, {});
+ QCOMPARE(native64, {});
+ }
+ void test_legacy_url()
+ {
+ QStringList failedFiles;
+ Library test("test.package:testname:testversion");
+ test.setRepositoryURL("file://foo/bar");
+ auto downloads = test.getDownloads(currentSystem, cache.get(), failedFiles);
+ QCOMPARE(downloads.size(), 1);
+ QCOMPARE(failedFiles, {});
+ NetActionPtr dl = downloads[0];
+ QCOMPARE(dl->m_url, QUrl("file://foo/bar/test/package/testname/testversion/testname-testversion.jar"));
+ }
+ void test_legacy_url_local_broken()
+ {
+ Library test("test.package:testname:testversion");
+ QCOMPARE(test.isNative(), false);
+ QStringList failedFiles;
+ test.setHint("local");
+ auto downloads = test.getDownloads(currentSystem, cache.get(), failedFiles);
+ QCOMPARE(downloads.size(), 0);
+ QCOMPARE(failedFiles, getStorage("test/package/testname/testversion/testname-testversion.jar"));
+ }
+ void test_legacy_native()
+ {
+ Library test("test.package:testname:testversion");
+ test.m_nativeClassifiers[OpSys::Os_Linux]="linux";
+ QCOMPARE(test.isNative(), true);
+ test.setRepositoryURL("file://foo/bar");
+ {
+ QStringList jar, native, native32, native64;
+ test.getApplicableFiles(Os_Linux, jar, native, native32, native64);
+ QCOMPARE(jar, {});
+ QCOMPARE(native, getStorage("test/package/testname/testversion/testname-testversion-linux.jar"));
+ QCOMPARE(native32, {});
+ QCOMPARE(native64, {});
+ QStringList failedFiles;
+ auto dls = test.getDownloads(Os_Linux, cache.get(), failedFiles);
+ QCOMPARE(dls.size(), 1);
+ QCOMPARE(failedFiles, {});
+ auto dl = dls[0];
+ QCOMPARE(dl->m_url, QUrl("file://foo/bar/test/package/testname/testversion/testname-testversion-linux.jar"));
+ }
+ }
+ void test_legacy_native_arch()
+ {
+ Library test("test.package:testname:testversion");
+ test.m_nativeClassifiers[OpSys::Os_Linux]="linux-${arch}";
+ test.m_nativeClassifiers[OpSys::Os_OSX]="osx-${arch}";
+ test.m_nativeClassifiers[OpSys::Os_Windows]="windows-${arch}";
+ QCOMPARE(test.isNative(), true);
+ test.setRepositoryURL("file://foo/bar");
+ {
+ QStringList jar, native, native32, native64;
+ test.getApplicableFiles(Os_Linux, jar, native, native32, native64);
+ QCOMPARE(jar, {});
+ QCOMPARE(native, {});
+ QCOMPARE(native32, getStorage("test/package/testname/testversion/testname-testversion-linux-32.jar"));
+ QCOMPARE(native64, getStorage("test/package/testname/testversion/testname-testversion-linux-64.jar"));
+ QStringList failedFiles;
+ auto dls = test.getDownloads(Os_Linux, cache.get(), failedFiles);
+ QCOMPARE(dls.size(), 2);
+ QCOMPARE(failedFiles, {});
+ QCOMPARE(dls[0]->m_url, QUrl("file://foo/bar/test/package/testname/testversion/testname-testversion-linux-32.jar"));
+ QCOMPARE(dls[1]->m_url, QUrl("file://foo/bar/test/package/testname/testversion/testname-testversion-linux-64.jar"));
+ }
+ {
+ QStringList jar, native, native32, native64;
+ test.getApplicableFiles(Os_Windows, jar, native, native32, native64);
+ QCOMPARE(jar, {});
+ QCOMPARE(native, {});
+ QCOMPARE(native32, getStorage("test/package/testname/testversion/testname-testversion-windows-32.jar"));
+ QCOMPARE(native64, getStorage("test/package/testname/testversion/testname-testversion-windows-64.jar"));
+ QStringList failedFiles;
+ auto dls = test.getDownloads(Os_Windows, cache.get(), failedFiles);
+ QCOMPARE(dls.size(), 2);
+ QCOMPARE(failedFiles, {});
+ QCOMPARE(dls[0]->m_url, QUrl("file://foo/bar/test/package/testname/testversion/testname-testversion-windows-32.jar"));
+ QCOMPARE(dls[1]->m_url, QUrl("file://foo/bar/test/package/testname/testversion/testname-testversion-windows-64.jar"));
+ }
+ {
+ QStringList jar, native, native32, native64;
+ test.getApplicableFiles(Os_OSX, jar, native, native32, native64);
+ QCOMPARE(jar, {});
+ QCOMPARE(native, {});
+ QCOMPARE(native32, getStorage("test/package/testname/testversion/testname-testversion-osx-32.jar"));
+ QCOMPARE(native64, getStorage("test/package/testname/testversion/testname-testversion-osx-64.jar"));
+ QStringList failedFiles;
+ auto dls = test.getDownloads(Os_OSX, cache.get(), failedFiles);
+ QCOMPARE(dls.size(), 2);
+ QCOMPARE(failedFiles, {});
+ QCOMPARE(dls[0]->m_url, QUrl("file://foo/bar/test/package/testname/testversion/testname-testversion-osx-32.jar"));
+ QCOMPARE(dls[1]->m_url, QUrl("file://foo/bar/test/package/testname/testversion/testname-testversion-osx-64.jar"));
+ }
+ }
+ void test_onenine()
+ {
+ auto test = readMojangJson("data/lib-simple.json");
+ QStringList jar, native, native32, native64;
+ test->getApplicableFiles(Os_OSX, jar, native, native32, native64);
+ QCOMPARE(jar, getStorage("com/paulscode/codecwav/20101023/codecwav-20101023.jar"));
+ QCOMPARE(native, {});
+ QCOMPARE(native32, {});
+ QCOMPARE(native64, {});
+ QStringList failedFiles;
+ auto dls = test->getDownloads(Os_Linux, cache.get(), failedFiles);
+ QCOMPARE(dls.size(), 1);
+ QCOMPARE(failedFiles, {});
+ QCOMPARE(dls[0]->m_url, QUrl("https://libraries.minecraft.net/com/paulscode/codecwav/20101023/codecwav-20101023.jar"));
+ }
+ void test_onenine_native()
+ {
+ auto test = readMojangJson("data/lib-native.json");
+ QStringList jar, native, native32, native64;
+ test->getApplicableFiles(Os_OSX, jar, native, native32, native64);
+ QCOMPARE(jar, getStorage("org/lwjgl/lwjgl/lwjgl-platform/2.9.4-nightly-20150209/lwjgl-platform-2.9.4-nightly-20150209.jar"));
+ QCOMPARE(native, getStorage("org/lwjgl/lwjgl/lwjgl-platform/2.9.4-nightly-20150209/lwjgl-platform-2.9.4-nightly-20150209-natives-osx.jar"));
+ QCOMPARE(native32, {});
+ QCOMPARE(native64, {});
+ QStringList failedFiles;
+ auto dls = test->getDownloads(Os_OSX, cache.get(), failedFiles);
+ QCOMPARE(dls.size(), 2);
+ QCOMPARE(failedFiles, {});
+ QCOMPARE(dls[0]->m_url, QUrl("https://libraries.minecraft.net/org/lwjgl/lwjgl/lwjgl-platform/2.9.4-nightly-20150209/lwjgl-platform-2.9.4-nightly-20150209.jar"));
+ QCOMPARE(dls[1]->m_url, QUrl("https://libraries.minecraft.net/org/lwjgl/lwjgl/lwjgl-platform/2.9.4-nightly-20150209/lwjgl-platform-2.9.4-nightly-20150209-natives-osx.jar"));
+ }
+ void test_onenine_native_arch()
+ {
+ auto test = readMojangJson("data/lib-native-arch.json");
+ QStringList jar, native, native32, native64;
+ test->getApplicableFiles(Os_Windows, jar, native, native32, native64);
+ QCOMPARE(jar, {});
+ QCOMPARE(native, {});
+ QCOMPARE(native32, getStorage("tv/twitch/twitch-platform/5.16/twitch-platform-5.16-natives-windows-32.jar"));
+ QCOMPARE(native64, getStorage("tv/twitch/twitch-platform/5.16/twitch-platform-5.16-natives-windows-64.jar"));
+ QStringList failedFiles;
+ auto dls = test->getDownloads(Os_Windows, cache.get(), failedFiles);
+ QCOMPARE(dls.size(), 2);
+ QCOMPARE(failedFiles, {});
+ QCOMPARE(dls[0]->m_url, QUrl("https://libraries.minecraft.net/tv/twitch/twitch-platform/5.16/twitch-platform-5.16-natives-windows-32.jar"));
+ QCOMPARE(dls[1]->m_url, QUrl("https://libraries.minecraft.net/tv/twitch/twitch-platform/5.16/twitch-platform-5.16-natives-windows-64.jar"));
+ }
+ std::unique_ptr<HttpMetaCache> cache;
+ QString workDir;
+#include "Library_test.moc"
diff --git a/api/logic/minecraft/ModList_test.cpp b/api/logic/minecraft/ModList_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..155c238a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/logic/minecraft/ModList_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+#include <QTest>
+#include <QTemporaryDir>
+#include "TestUtil.h"
+#include "FileSystem.h"
+#include "minecraft/ModList.h"
+class ModListTest : public QObject
+ // test for GH-1178 - install a folder with files to a mod list
+ void test_1178()
+ {
+ // source
+ QString source = QFINDTESTDATA("data/test_folder");
+ // sanity check
+ QVERIFY(!source.endsWith('/'));
+ auto verify = [](QString path)
+ {
+ QDir target_dir(FS::PathCombine(path, "test_folder"));
+ QVERIFY(target_dir.entryList().contains("pack.mcmeta"));
+ QVERIFY(target_dir.entryList().contains("assets"));
+ };
+ // 1. test with no trailing /
+ {
+ QString folder = source;
+ QTemporaryDir tempDir;
+ ModList m(tempDir.path());
+ m.installMod(folder);
+ verify(tempDir.path());
+ }
+ // 2. test with trailing /
+ {
+ QString folder = source + '/';
+ QTemporaryDir tempDir;
+ ModList m(tempDir.path());
+ m.installMod(folder);
+ verify(tempDir.path());
+ }
+ }
+#include "ModList_test.moc"
diff --git a/api/logic/minecraft/MojangVersionFormat_test.cpp b/api/logic/minecraft/MojangVersionFormat_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5b836271
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/logic/minecraft/MojangVersionFormat_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+#include <QTest>
+#include <QDebug>
+#include "TestUtil.h"
+#include "minecraft/MojangVersionFormat.h"
+class MojangVersionFormatTest : public QObject
+ static QJsonDocument readJson(const char *file)
+ {
+ auto path = QFINDTESTDATA(file);
+ QFile jsonFile(path);
+ jsonFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly);
+ auto data = jsonFile.readAll();
+ jsonFile.close();
+ return QJsonDocument::fromJson(data);
+ }
+ static void writeJson(const char *file, QJsonDocument doc)
+ {
+ QFile jsonFile(file);
+ jsonFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text);
+ auto data = doc.toJson(QJsonDocument::Indented);
+ jsonFile.write(data);
+ jsonFile.close();
+ }
+ void test_Through_Simple()
+ {
+ QJsonDocument doc = readJson("data/1.9-simple.json");
+ auto vfile = MojangVersionFormat::versionFileFromJson(doc, "1.9-simple.json");
+ auto doc2 = MojangVersionFormat::versionFileToJson(vfile);
+ writeJson("1.9-simple-passthorugh.json", doc2);
+ QCOMPARE(doc, doc2);
+ }
+ void test_Through()
+ {
+ QJsonDocument doc = readJson("data/1.9.json");
+ auto vfile = MojangVersionFormat::versionFileFromJson(doc, "1.9.json");
+ auto doc2 = MojangVersionFormat::versionFileToJson(vfile);
+ writeJson("1.9-passthorugh.json", doc2);
+ QCOMPARE(doc, doc2);
+ }
+#include "MojangVersionFormat_test.moc"
diff --git a/api/logic/minecraft/ParseUtils_test.cpp b/api/logic/minecraft/ParseUtils_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..79bed1d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/logic/minecraft/ParseUtils_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+#include <QTest>
+#include "TestUtil.h"
+#include "minecraft/ParseUtils.h"
+class ParseUtilsTest : public QObject
+ void test_Through_data()
+ {
+ QTest::addColumn<QString>("timestamp");
+ const char * timestamps[] =
+ {
+ "2016-02-29T13:49:54+01:00",
+ "2016-02-26T15:21:11+00:01",
+ "2016-02-24T15:52:36+01:13",
+ "2016-02-18T17:41:00+00:00",
+ "2016-02-17T15:23:19+00:00",
+ "2016-02-16T15:22:39+09:22",
+ "2016-02-10T15:06:41+00:00",
+ "2016-02-04T15:28:02-05:33"
+ };
+ for(int i = 0; i < (sizeof(timestamps) / sizeof(const char *)); i++)
+ {
+ QTest::newRow(timestamps[i]) << QString(timestamps[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ void test_Through()
+ {
+ QFETCH(QString, timestamp);
+ auto time_parsed = timeFromS3Time(timestamp);
+ auto time_serialized = timeToS3Time(time_parsed);
+ QCOMPARE(time_serialized, timestamp);
+ }
+#include "ParseUtils_test.moc"
diff --git a/api/logic/minecraft/testdata/1.9-simple.json b/api/logic/minecraft/testdata/1.9-simple.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..574c5b06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/logic/minecraft/testdata/1.9-simple.json
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+ "assets": "1.9",
+ "id": "1.9",
+ "libraries": [
+ {
+ "name": "oshi-project:oshi-core:1.1"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "net.java.dev.jna:jna:3.4.0"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "net.java.dev.jna:platform:3.4.0"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "com.ibm.icu:icu4j-core-mojang:51.2"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "net.sf.jopt-simple:jopt-simple:4.6"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "com.paulscode:codecjorbis:20101023"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "com.paulscode:codecwav:20101023"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "com.paulscode:libraryjavasound:20101123"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "com.paulscode:librarylwjglopenal:20100824"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "com.paulscode:soundsystem:20120107"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "io.netty:netty-all:4.0.23.Final"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "com.google.guava:guava:17.0"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:3.3.2"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "commons-io:commons-io:2.4"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "commons-codec:commons-codec:1.9"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "net.java.jinput:jinput:2.0.5"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "net.java.jutils:jutils:1.0.0"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "com.google.code.gson:gson:2.2.4"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "com.mojang:authlib:1.5.22"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "com.mojang:realms:1.8.4"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "org.apache.commons:commons-compress:1.8.1"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:4.3.3"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "commons-logging:commons-logging:1.1.3"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:4.3.2"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-api:2.0-beta9"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-core:2.0-beta9"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "org.lwjgl.lwjgl:lwjgl:2.9.4-nightly-20150209",
+ "rules": [
+ {
+ "action": "allow"
+ },
+ {
+ "action": "disallow",
+ "os": {
+ "name": "osx"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "org.lwjgl.lwjgl:lwjgl_util:2.9.4-nightly-20150209",
+ "rules": [
+ {
+ "action": "allow"
+ },
+ {
+ "action": "disallow",
+ "os": {
+ "name": "osx"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "extract": {
+ "exclude": [
+ ]
+ },
+ "name": "org.lwjgl.lwjgl:lwjgl-platform:2.9.4-nightly-20150209",
+ "natives": {
+ "linux": "natives-linux",
+ "osx": "natives-osx",
+ "windows": "natives-windows"
+ },
+ "rules": [
+ {
+ "action": "allow"
+ },
+ {
+ "action": "disallow",
+ "os": {
+ "name": "osx"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "org.lwjgl.lwjgl:lwjgl:2.9.2-nightly-20140822",
+ "rules": [
+ {
+ "action": "allow",
+ "os": {
+ "name": "osx"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "org.lwjgl.lwjgl:lwjgl_util:2.9.2-nightly-20140822",
+ "rules": [
+ {
+ "action": "allow",
+ "os": {
+ "name": "osx"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
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+ "url": "https://libraries.minecraft.net/org/lwjgl/lwjgl/lwjgl-platform/2.9.2-nightly-20140822/lwjgl-platform-2.9.2-nightly-20140822-natives-osx.jar"
+ },
+ "natives-windows": {
+ "path": "org/lwjgl/lwjgl/lwjgl-platform/2.9.2-nightly-20140822/lwjgl-platform-2.9.2-nightly-20140822-natives-windows.jar",
+ "sha1": "78b2a55ce4dc29c6b3ec4df8ca165eba05f9b341",
+ "size": 613680,
+ "url": "https://libraries.minecraft.net/org/lwjgl/lwjgl/lwjgl-platform/2.9.2-nightly-20140822/lwjgl-platform-2.9.2-nightly-20140822-natives-windows.jar"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "extract": {
+ "exclude": [
+ ]
+ },
+ "name": "org.lwjgl.lwjgl:lwjgl-platform:2.9.2-nightly-20140822",
+ "natives": {
+ "linux": "natives-linux",
+ "osx": "natives-osx",
+ "windows": "natives-windows"
+ },
+ "rules": [
+ {
+ "action": "allow",
+ "os": {
+ "name": "osx"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "downloads": {
+ "classifiers": {
+ "natives-linux": {
+ "path": "net/java/jinput/jinput-platform/2.0.5/jinput-platform-2.0.5-natives-linux.jar",
+ "sha1": "7ff832a6eb9ab6a767f1ade2b548092d0fa64795",
+ "size": 10362,
+ "url": "https://libraries.minecraft.net/net/java/jinput/jinput-platform/2.0.5/jinput-platform-2.0.5-natives-linux.jar"
+ },
+ "natives-osx": {
+ "path": "net/java/jinput/jinput-platform/2.0.5/jinput-platform-2.0.5-natives-osx.jar",
+ "sha1": "53f9c919f34d2ca9de8c51fc4e1e8282029a9232",
+ "size": 12186,
+ "url": "https://libraries.minecraft.net/net/java/jinput/jinput-platform/2.0.5/jinput-platform-2.0.5-natives-osx.jar"
+ },
+ "natives-windows": {
+ "path": "net/java/jinput/jinput-platform/2.0.5/jinput-platform-2.0.5-natives-windows.jar",
+ "sha1": "385ee093e01f587f30ee1c8a2ee7d408fd732e16",
+ "size": 155179,
+ "url": "https://libraries.minecraft.net/net/java/jinput/jinput-platform/2.0.5/jinput-platform-2.0.5-natives-windows.jar"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "extract": {
+ "exclude": [
+ ]
+ },
+ "name": "net.java.jinput:jinput-platform:2.0.5",
+ "natives": {
+ "linux": "natives-linux",
+ "osx": "natives-osx",
+ "windows": "natives-windows"
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "mainClass": "net.minecraft.client.main.Main",
+ "minecraftArguments": "--username ${auth_player_name} --version ${version_name} --gameDir ${game_directory} --assetsDir ${assets_root} --assetIndex ${assets_index_name} --uuid ${auth_uuid} --accessToken ${auth_access_token} --userType ${user_type} --versionType ${version_type}",
+ "minimumLauncherVersion": 18,
+ "releaseTime": "2016-02-29T13:49:54+00:00",
+ "time": "2016-03-01T13:14:53+00:00",
+ "type": "release"
diff --git a/api/logic/minecraft/testdata/lib-native-arch.json b/api/logic/minecraft/testdata/lib-native-arch.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a73aac54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/logic/minecraft/testdata/lib-native-arch.json
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ "downloads": {
+ "classifiers": {
+ "natives-osx": {
+ "path": "tv/twitch/twitch-platform/5.16/twitch-platform-5.16-natives-osx.jar",
+ "sha1": "62503ee712766cf77f97252e5902786fd834b8c5",
+ "size": 418331,
+ "url": "https://libraries.minecraft.net/tv/twitch/twitch-platform/5.16/twitch-platform-5.16-natives-osx.jar"
+ },
+ "natives-windows-32": {
+ "path": "tv/twitch/twitch-platform/5.16/twitch-platform-5.16-natives-windows-32.jar",
+ "sha1": "7c6affe439099806a4f552da14c42f9d643d8b23",
+ "size": 386792,
+ "url": "https://libraries.minecraft.net/tv/twitch/twitch-platform/5.16/twitch-platform-5.16-natives-windows-32.jar"
+ },
+ "natives-windows-64": {
+ "path": "tv/twitch/twitch-platform/5.16/twitch-platform-5.16-natives-windows-64.jar",
+ "sha1": "39d0c3d363735b4785598e0e7fbf8297c706a9f9",
+ "size": 463390,
+ "url": "https://libraries.minecraft.net/tv/twitch/twitch-platform/5.16/twitch-platform-5.16-natives-windows-64.jar"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "extract": {
+ "exclude": [
+ ]
+ },
+ "name": "tv.twitch:twitch-platform:5.16",
+ "natives": {
+ "linux": "natives-linux",
+ "osx": "natives-osx",
+ "windows": "natives-windows-${arch}"
+ },
+ "rules": [
+ {
+ "action": "allow"
+ },
+ {
+ "action": "disallow",
+ "os": {
+ "name": "linux"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/api/logic/minecraft/testdata/lib-native.json b/api/logic/minecraft/testdata/lib-native.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0a95b2b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/logic/minecraft/testdata/lib-native.json
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+ "downloads": {
+ "artifact": {
+ "path": "org/lwjgl/lwjgl/lwjgl-platform/2.9.4-nightly-20150209/lwjgl-platform-2.9.4-nightly-20150209.jar",
+ "sha1": "b04f3ee8f5e43fa3b162981b50bb72fe1acabb33",
+ "size": 22,
+ "url": "https://libraries.minecraft.net/org/lwjgl/lwjgl/lwjgl-platform/2.9.4-nightly-20150209/lwjgl-platform-2.9.4-nightly-20150209.jar"
+ },
+ "classifiers": {
+ "natives-linux": {
+ "path": "org/lwjgl/lwjgl/lwjgl-platform/2.9.4-nightly-20150209/lwjgl-platform-2.9.4-nightly-20150209-natives-linux.jar",
+ "sha1": "931074f46c795d2f7b30ed6395df5715cfd7675b",
+ "size": 578680,
+ "url": "https://libraries.minecraft.net/org/lwjgl/lwjgl/lwjgl-platform/2.9.4-nightly-20150209/lwjgl-platform-2.9.4-nightly-20150209-natives-linux.jar"
+ },
+ "natives-osx": {
+ "path": "org/lwjgl/lwjgl/lwjgl-platform/2.9.4-nightly-20150209/lwjgl-platform-2.9.4-nightly-20150209-natives-osx.jar",
+ "sha1": "bcab850f8f487c3f4c4dbabde778bb82bd1a40ed",
+ "size": 426822,
+ "url": "https://libraries.minecraft.net/org/lwjgl/lwjgl/lwjgl-platform/2.9.4-nightly-20150209/lwjgl-platform-2.9.4-nightly-20150209-natives-osx.jar"
+ },
+ "natives-windows": {
+ "path": "org/lwjgl/lwjgl/lwjgl-platform/2.9.4-nightly-20150209/lwjgl-platform-2.9.4-nightly-20150209-natives-windows.jar",
+ "sha1": "b84d5102b9dbfabfeb5e43c7e2828d98a7fc80e0",
+ "size": 613748,
+ "url": "https://libraries.minecraft.net/org/lwjgl/lwjgl/lwjgl-platform/2.9.4-nightly-20150209/lwjgl-platform-2.9.4-nightly-20150209-natives-windows.jar"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "extract": {
+ "exclude": [
+ ]
+ },
+ "name": "org.lwjgl.lwjgl:lwjgl-platform:2.9.4-nightly-20150209",
+ "natives": {
+ "linux": "natives-linux",
+ "osx": "natives-osx",
+ "windows": "natives-windows"
+ },
+ "rules": [
+ {
+ "action": "allow"
+ },
+ {
+ "action": "disallow",
+ "os": {
+ "name": "osx"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/api/logic/minecraft/testdata/lib-simple.json b/api/logic/minecraft/testdata/lib-simple.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ef0f490
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/logic/minecraft/testdata/lib-simple.json
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ "downloads": {
+ "artifact": {
+ "path": "com/paulscode/codecwav/20101023/codecwav-20101023.jar",
+ "sha1": "12f031cfe88fef5c1dd36c563c0a3a69bd7261da",
+ "size": 5618,
+ "url": "https://libraries.minecraft.net/com/paulscode/codecwav/20101023/codecwav-20101023.jar"
+ }
+ },
+ "name": "com.paulscode:codecwav:20101023"
diff --git a/api/logic/settings/INIFile_test.cpp b/api/logic/settings/INIFile_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b3ae7375
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/logic/settings/INIFile_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+#include <QTest>
+#include "TestUtil.h"
+#include "settings/INIFile.h"
+class IniFileTest : public QObject
+ void initTestCase()
+ {
+ }
+ void cleanupTestCase()
+ {
+ }
+ void test_Escape_data()
+ {
+ QTest::addColumn<QString>("through");
+ QTest::newRow("unix path") << "/abc/def/ghi/jkl";
+ QTest::newRow("windows path") << "C:\\Program files\\terrible\\name\\of something\\";
+ QTest::newRow("Plain text") << "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.";
+ QTest::newRow("Escape sequences") << "Lorem\n\t\n\\n\\tAAZ\nipsum dolor\n\nsit amet.";
+ QTest::newRow("Escape sequences 2") << "\"\n\n\"";
+ }
+ void test_Escape()
+ {
+ QFETCH(QString, through);
+ QString there = INIFile::escape(through);
+ QString back = INIFile::unescape(there);
+ QCOMPARE(back, through);
+ }
+ void test_SaveLoad()
+ {
+ QString a = "a";
+ QString b = "a\nb\t\n\\\\\\C:\\Program files\\terrible\\name\\of something\\";
+ QString filename = "test_SaveLoad.ini";
+ // save
+ INIFile f;
+ f.set("a", a);
+ f.set("b", b);
+ f.saveFile(filename);
+ // load
+ INIFile f2;
+ f2.loadFile(filename);
+ QCOMPARE(a, f2.get("a","NOT SET").toString());
+ QCOMPARE(b, f2.get("b","NOT SET").toString());
+ }
+#include "INIFile_test.moc"
diff --git a/api/logic/testdata/FileSystem-test_createShortcut-unix b/api/logic/testdata/FileSystem-test_createShortcut-unix
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..1ce3a2bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/logic/testdata/FileSystem-test_createShortcut-unix
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Exec=asdfDest 'arg1' 'arg2'
diff --git a/api/logic/testdata/test_folder/assets/minecraft/textures/blah.txt b/api/logic/testdata/test_folder/assets/minecraft/textures/blah.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8d1c8b69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/logic/testdata/test_folder/assets/minecraft/textures/blah.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/api/logic/testdata/test_folder/pack.mcmeta b/api/logic/testdata/test_folder/pack.mcmeta
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..67ee0434
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/logic/testdata/test_folder/pack.mcmeta
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ "pack": {
+ "pack_format": 1,
+ "description": "Some resource pack maybe"
+ }
diff --git a/api/logic/testdata/test_folder/pack.nfo b/api/logic/testdata/test_folder/pack.nfo
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8d1c8b69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/logic/testdata/test_folder/pack.nfo
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/api/logic/updater/DownloadTask_test.cpp b/api/logic/updater/DownloadTask_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..edf0f507
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/logic/updater/DownloadTask_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+#include <QTest>
+#include <QSignalSpy>
+#include "TestUtil.h"
+#include "updater/GoUpdate.h"
+#include "updater/DownloadTask.h"
+#include "updater/UpdateChecker.h"
+#include <FileSystem.h>
+using namespace GoUpdate;
+FileSourceList encodeBaseFile(const char *suffix)
+ auto base = qApp->applicationDirPath();
+ QUrl localFile = QUrl::fromLocalFile(base + suffix);
+ QString localUrlString = localFile.toString(QUrl::FullyEncoded);
+ auto item = FileSource("http", localUrlString);
+ return FileSourceList({item});
+QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const FileSource &f)
+ dbg.nospace() << "FileSource(type=" << f.type << " url=" << f.url
+ << " comp=" << f.compressionType << ")";
+ return dbg.maybeSpace();
+QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const VersionFileEntry &v)
+ dbg.nospace() << "VersionFileEntry(path=" << v.path << " mode=" << v.mode
+ << " md5=" << v.md5 << " sources=" << v.sources << ")";
+ return dbg.maybeSpace();
+QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const Operation::Type &t)
+ switch (t)
+ {
+ case Operation::OP_REPLACE:
+ dbg << "OP_COPY";
+ break;
+ case Operation::OP_DELETE:
+ dbg << "OP_DELETE";
+ break;
+ }
+ return dbg.maybeSpace();
+QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const Operation &u)
+ dbg.nospace() << "Operation(type=" << u.type << " file=" << u.file
+ << " dest=" << u.dest << " mode=" << u.mode << ")";
+ return dbg.maybeSpace();
+class DownloadTaskTest : public QObject
+ void initTestCase()
+ {
+ }
+ void cleanupTestCase()
+ {
+ }
+ void test_parseVersionInfo_data()
+ {
+ QTest::addColumn<QByteArray>("data");
+ QTest::addColumn<VersionFileList>("list");
+ QTest::addColumn<QString>("error");
+ QTest::addColumn<bool>("ret");
+ QTest::newRow("one")
+ << MULTIMC_GET_TEST_FILE("data/1.json")
+ << (VersionFileList()
+ << VersionFileEntry{"fileOne",
+ 493,
+ encodeBaseFile("/data/fileOneA"),
+ "9eb84090956c484e32cb6c08455a667b"}
+ << VersionFileEntry{"fileTwo",
+ 644,
+ encodeBaseFile("/data/fileTwo"),
+ "38f94f54fa3eb72b0ea836538c10b043"}
+ << VersionFileEntry{"fileThree",
+ 750,
+ encodeBaseFile("/data/fileThree"),
+ "f12df554b21e320be6471d7154130e70"})
+ << QString() << true;
+ QTest::newRow("two")
+ << MULTIMC_GET_TEST_FILE("data/2.json")
+ << (VersionFileList()
+ << VersionFileEntry{"fileOne",
+ 493,
+ encodeBaseFile("/data/fileOneB"),
+ "42915a71277c9016668cce7b82c6b577"}
+ << VersionFileEntry{"fileTwo",
+ 644,
+ encodeBaseFile("/data/fileTwo"),
+ "38f94f54fa3eb72b0ea836538c10b043"})
+ << QString() << true;
+ }
+ void test_parseVersionInfo()
+ {
+ QFETCH(QByteArray, data);
+ QFETCH(VersionFileList, list);
+ QFETCH(QString, error);
+ QFETCH(bool, ret);
+ VersionFileList outList;
+ QString outError;
+ bool outRet = parseVersionInfo(data, outList, outError);
+ QCOMPARE(outRet, ret);
+ QCOMPARE(outList, list);
+ QCOMPARE(outError, error);
+ }
+ void test_processFileLists_data()
+ {
+ QTest::addColumn<QString>("tempFolder");
+ QTest::addColumn<VersionFileList>("currentVersion");
+ QTest::addColumn<VersionFileList>("newVersion");
+ QTest::addColumn<OperationList>("expectedOperations");
+ QTemporaryDir tempFolderObj;
+ QString tempFolder = tempFolderObj.path();
+ // update fileOne, keep fileTwo, remove fileThree
+ QTest::newRow("test 1")
+ << tempFolder << (VersionFileList()
+ << VersionFileEntry{
+ "data/fileOne", 493,
+ FileSourceList()
+ << FileSource(
+ "http", "http://host/path/fileOne-1"),
+ "9eb84090956c484e32cb6c08455a667b"}
+ << VersionFileEntry{
+ "data/fileTwo", 644,
+ FileSourceList()
+ << FileSource(
+ "http", "http://host/path/fileTwo-1"),
+ "38f94f54fa3eb72b0ea836538c10b043"}
+ << VersionFileEntry{
+ "data/fileThree", 420,
+ FileSourceList()
+ << FileSource(
+ "http", "http://host/path/fileThree-1"),
+ "f12df554b21e320be6471d7154130e70"})
+ << (VersionFileList()
+ << VersionFileEntry{
+ "data/fileOne", 493,
+ FileSourceList()
+ << FileSource("http",
+ "http://host/path/fileOne-2"),
+ "42915a71277c9016668cce7b82c6b577"}
+ << VersionFileEntry{
+ "data/fileTwo", 644,
+ FileSourceList()
+ << FileSource("http",
+ "http://host/path/fileTwo-2"),
+ "38f94f54fa3eb72b0ea836538c10b043"})
+ << (OperationList()
+ << Operation::DeleteOp("data/fileThree")
+ << Operation::CopyOp(
+ FS::PathCombine(tempFolder,
+ QString("data/fileOne").replace("/", "_")),
+ "data/fileOne", 493));
+ }
+ void test_processFileLists()
+ {
+ QFETCH(QString, tempFolder);
+ QFETCH(VersionFileList, currentVersion);
+ QFETCH(VersionFileList, newVersion);
+ QFETCH(OperationList, expectedOperations);
+ OperationList operations;
+ processFileLists(currentVersion, newVersion, QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath(), tempFolder, new NetJob("Dummy"), operations);
+ qDebug() << (operations == expectedOperations);
+ qDebug() << operations;
+ qDebug() << expectedOperations;
+ QCOMPARE(operations, expectedOperations);
+ }
+ void test_OSXPathFixup()
+ {
+ QString path, pathOrig;
+ bool result;
+ // Proper OSX path
+ pathOrig = path = "MultiMC.app/Foo/Bar/Baz";
+ qDebug() << "Proper OSX path: " << path;
+ result = fixPathForOSX(path);
+ QCOMPARE(path, QString("Foo/Bar/Baz"));
+ QCOMPARE(result, true);
+ // Bad OSX path
+ pathOrig = path = "translations/klingon.lol";
+ qDebug() << "Bad OSX path: " << path;
+ result = fixPathForOSX(path);
+ QCOMPARE(path, pathOrig);
+ QCOMPARE(result, false);
+ }
+extern "C"
+ QTEST_GUILESS_MAIN(DownloadTaskTest)
+#include "DownloadTask_test.moc"
diff --git a/api/logic/updater/UpdateChecker_test.cpp b/api/logic/updater/UpdateChecker_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..16b21614
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/logic/updater/UpdateChecker_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+#include <QTest>
+#include <QSignalSpy>
+#include "TestUtil.h"
+#include "updater/UpdateChecker.h"
+bool operator==(const UpdateChecker::ChannelListEntry &e1, const UpdateChecker::ChannelListEntry &e2)
+ qDebug() << e1.url << "vs" << e2.url;
+ return e1.id == e2.id &&
+ e1.name == e2.name &&
+ e1.description == e2.description &&
+ e1.url == e2.url;
+QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const UpdateChecker::ChannelListEntry &c)
+ dbg.nospace() << "ChannelListEntry(id=" << c.id << " name=" << c.name << " description=" << c.description << " url=" << c.url << ")";
+ return dbg.maybeSpace();
+class UpdateCheckerTest : public QObject
+ void initTestCase()
+ {
+ }
+ void cleanupTestCase()
+ {
+ }
+ static QString findTestDataUrl(const char *file)
+ {
+ return QUrl::fromLocalFile(QFINDTESTDATA(file)).toString();
+ }
+ void tst_ChannelListParsing_data()
+ {
+ QTest::addColumn<QString>("channel");
+ QTest::addColumn<QString>("channelUrl");
+ QTest::addColumn<bool>("hasChannels");
+ QTest::addColumn<bool>("valid");
+ QTest::addColumn<QList<UpdateChecker::ChannelListEntry> >("result");
+ QTest::newRow("garbage")
+ << QString()
+ << findTestDataUrl("data/garbageChannels.json")
+ << false
+ << false
+ << QList<UpdateChecker::ChannelListEntry>();
+ QTest::newRow("errors")
+ << QString()
+ << findTestDataUrl("data/errorChannels.json")
+ << false
+ << true
+ << QList<UpdateChecker::ChannelListEntry>();
+ QTest::newRow("no channels")
+ << QString()
+ << findTestDataUrl("data/noChannels.json")
+ << false
+ << true
+ << QList<UpdateChecker::ChannelListEntry>();
+ QTest::newRow("one channel")
+ << QString("develop")
+ << findTestDataUrl("data/oneChannel.json")
+ << true
+ << true
+ << (QList<UpdateChecker::ChannelListEntry>() << UpdateChecker::ChannelListEntry{"develop", "Develop", "The channel called \"develop\"", "http://example.org/stuff"});
+ QTest::newRow("several channels")
+ << QString("develop")
+ << findTestDataUrl("data/channels.json")
+ << true
+ << true
+ << (QList<UpdateChecker::ChannelListEntry>()
+ << UpdateChecker::ChannelListEntry{"develop", "Develop", "The channel called \"develop\"", findTestDataUrl("data")}
+ << UpdateChecker::ChannelListEntry{"stable", "Stable", "It's stable at least", findTestDataUrl("data")}
+ << UpdateChecker::ChannelListEntry{"42", "The Channel", "This is the channel that is going to answer all of your questions", "https://dent.me/tea"});
+ }
+ void tst_ChannelListParsing()
+ {
+ QFETCH(QString, channel);
+ QFETCH(QString, channelUrl);
+ QFETCH(bool, hasChannels);
+ QFETCH(bool, valid);
+ QFETCH(QList<UpdateChecker::ChannelListEntry>, result);
+ UpdateChecker checker(channelUrl, channel, 0);
+ QSignalSpy channelListLoadedSpy(&checker, SIGNAL(channelListLoaded()));
+ QVERIFY(channelListLoadedSpy.isValid());
+ checker.updateChanList(false);
+ if (valid)
+ {
+ QVERIFY(channelListLoadedSpy.wait());
+ QCOMPARE(channelListLoadedSpy.size(), 1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ channelListLoadedSpy.wait();
+ QCOMPARE(channelListLoadedSpy.size(), 0);
+ }
+ QCOMPARE(checker.hasChannels(), hasChannels);
+ QCOMPARE(checker.getChannelList(), result);
+ }
+ void tst_UpdateChecking()
+ {
+ QString channel = "develop";
+ QString channelUrl = findTestDataUrl("data/channels.json");
+ int currentBuild = 2;
+ UpdateChecker checker(channelUrl, channel, currentBuild);
+ QSignalSpy updateAvailableSpy(&checker, SIGNAL(updateAvailable(GoUpdate::Status)));
+ QVERIFY(updateAvailableSpy.isValid());
+ QSignalSpy channelListLoadedSpy(&checker, SIGNAL(channelListLoaded()));
+ QVERIFY(channelListLoadedSpy.isValid());
+ checker.updateChanList(false);
+ QVERIFY(channelListLoadedSpy.wait());
+ qDebug() << "CWD:" << QDir::current().absolutePath();
+ checker.m_channels[0].url = findTestDataUrl("data/");
+ checker.checkForUpdate(channel, false);
+ QVERIFY(updateAvailableSpy.wait());
+ auto status = updateAvailableSpy.first().first().value<GoUpdate::Status>();
+ QCOMPARE(checker.m_channels[0].url, status.newRepoUrl);
+ QCOMPARE(3, status.newVersionId);
+ QCOMPARE(currentBuild, status.currentVersionId);
+ }
+#include "UpdateChecker_test.moc"
diff --git a/api/logic/updater/testdata/1.json b/api/logic/updater/testdata/1.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3dd189e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/logic/updater/testdata/1.json
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ "ApiVersion": 0,
+ "Id": 1,
+ "Name": "1.0.1",
+ "Files": [
+ {
+ "Path": "fileOne",
+ "Sources": [
+ {
+ "SourceType": "http",
+ "Url": "@TEST_DATA_URL@/fileOneA"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Executable": true,
+ "Perms": 493,
+ "MD5": "9eb84090956c484e32cb6c08455a667b"
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "fileTwo",
+ "Sources": [
+ {
+ "SourceType": "http",
+ "Url": "@TEST_DATA_URL@/fileTwo"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Executable": false,
+ "Perms": 644,
+ "MD5": "38f94f54fa3eb72b0ea836538c10b043"
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "fileThree",
+ "Sources": [
+ {
+ "SourceType": "http",
+ "Url": "@TEST_DATA_URL@/fileThree"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Executable": false,
+ "Perms": "750",
+ "MD5": "f12df554b21e320be6471d7154130e70"
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/api/logic/updater/testdata/2.json b/api/logic/updater/testdata/2.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a7ba7029
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/logic/updater/testdata/2.json
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ "ApiVersion": 0,
+ "Id": 1,
+ "Name": "1.0.1",
+ "Files": [
+ {
+ "Path": "fileOne",
+ "Sources": [
+ {
+ "SourceType": "http",
+ "Url": "@TEST_DATA_URL@/fileOneB"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Executable": true,
+ "Perms": 493,
+ "MD5": "42915a71277c9016668cce7b82c6b577"
+ },
+ {
+ "Path": "fileTwo",
+ "Sources": [
+ {
+ "SourceType": "http",
+ "Url": "@TEST_DATA_URL@/fileTwo"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Executable": false,
+ "Perms": 644,
+ "MD5": "38f94f54fa3eb72b0ea836538c10b043"
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/api/logic/updater/testdata/channels.json b/api/logic/updater/testdata/channels.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b46c64c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/logic/updater/testdata/channels.json
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ "format_version": 0,
+ "channels": [
+ {
+ "id": "develop",
+ "name": "Develop",
+ "description": "The channel called \"develop\"",
+ "url": "@TEST_DATA_URL@"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "stable",
+ "name": "Stable",
+ "description": "It's stable at least",
+ "url": "@TEST_DATA_URL@"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "42",
+ "name": "The Channel",
+ "description": "This is the channel that is going to answer all of your questions",
+ "url": "https://dent.me/tea"
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/api/logic/updater/testdata/errorChannels.json b/api/logic/updater/testdata/errorChannels.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..333cd445
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/logic/updater/testdata/errorChannels.json
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ "format_version": 0,
+ "channels": [
+ {
+ "id": "",
+ "name": "Develop",
+ "description": "The channel called \"develop\"",
+ "url": "http://example.org/stuff"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "stable",
+ "name": "",
+ "description": "It's stable at least",
+ "url": "ftp://username@host/path/to/stuff"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "42",
+ "name": "The Channel",
+ "description": "This is the channel that is going to answer all of your questions",
+ "url": ""
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/api/logic/updater/testdata/fileOneA b/api/logic/updater/testdata/fileOneA
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f2e41136
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/logic/updater/testdata/fileOneA
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/api/logic/updater/testdata/fileOneB b/api/logic/updater/testdata/fileOneB
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f9aba922
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/logic/updater/testdata/fileOneB
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+more stuff that came in the new version
diff --git a/api/logic/updater/testdata/fileThree b/api/logic/updater/testdata/fileThree
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6353ff16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/logic/updater/testdata/fileThree
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+this is yet another file
diff --git a/api/logic/updater/testdata/fileTwo b/api/logic/updater/testdata/fileTwo
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..aad9a93a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/logic/updater/testdata/fileTwo
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+some other stuff
diff --git a/api/logic/updater/testdata/garbageChannels.json b/api/logic/updater/testdata/garbageChannels.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1450fb9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/logic/updater/testdata/garbageChannels.json
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ "format_version": 0,
+ "channels": [
+ {
+ "id": "develop",
+ "name": "Develop",
+ "description": "The channel called \"develop\"",
+aa "url": "http://example.org/stuff"
+ },
+a "id": "stable",
+ "name": "Stable",
+ "description": "It's stable at least",
+ "url": "ftp://username@host/path/to/stuff"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "42"f
+ "name": "The Channel",
+ "description": "This is the channel that is going to answer all of your questions",
+ "url": "https://dent.me/tea"
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/api/logic/updater/testdata/index.json b/api/logic/updater/testdata/index.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..20ceb9f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/logic/updater/testdata/index.json
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ "ApiVersion": 0,
+ "Versions": [
+ { "Id": 0, "Name": "1.0.0" },
+ { "Id": 1, "Name": "1.0.1" },
+ { "Id": 2, "Name": "1.0.2" },
+ { "Id": 3, "Name": "1.0.3" }
+ ]
diff --git a/api/logic/updater/testdata/noChannels.json b/api/logic/updater/testdata/noChannels.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bbb2cb70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/logic/updater/testdata/noChannels.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "format_version": 0,
+ "channels": [
+ ]
diff --git a/api/logic/updater/testdata/oneChannel.json b/api/logic/updater/testdata/oneChannel.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..84727ac7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/logic/updater/testdata/oneChannel.json
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ "format_version": 0,
+ "channels": [
+ {
+ "id": "develop",
+ "name": "Develop",
+ "description": "The channel called \"develop\"",
+ "url": "http://example.org/stuff"
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/api/logic/updater/testdata/tst_DownloadTask-test_writeInstallScript.xml b/api/logic/updater/testdata/tst_DownloadTask-test_writeInstallScript.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..09c162ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/logic/updater/testdata/tst_DownloadTask-test_writeInstallScript.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+<update version="3">
+ <install>
+ <file>
+ <source>sourceOne</source>
+ <dest>destOne</dest>
+ <mode>0777</mode>
+ </file>
+ <file>
+ <source>MultiMC.exe</source>
+ <dest>M/u/l/t/i/M/C/e/x/e</dest>
+ <mode>0644</mode>
+ </file>
+ </install>
+ <uninstall>
+ <file>toDelete.abc</file>
+ </uninstall>
diff --git a/api/logic/wonko/WonkoIndex_test.cpp b/api/logic/wonko/WonkoIndex_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7eb51bc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/logic/wonko/WonkoIndex_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+#include <QTest>
+#include "TestUtil.h"
+#include "wonko/WonkoIndex.h"
+#include "wonko/WonkoVersionList.h"
+#include "Env.h"
+class WonkoIndexTest : public QObject
+ void test_isProvidedByEnv()
+ {
+ QVERIFY(ENV.wonkoIndex() != nullptr);
+ QCOMPARE(ENV.wonkoIndex(), ENV.wonkoIndex());
+ }
+ void test_providesTasks()
+ {
+ QVERIFY(ENV.wonkoIndex()->localUpdateTask() != nullptr);
+ QVERIFY(ENV.wonkoIndex()->remoteUpdateTask() != nullptr);
+ }
+ void test_hasUid_and_getList()
+ {
+ WonkoIndex windex({std::make_shared<WonkoVersionList>("list1"), std::make_shared<WonkoVersionList>("list2"), std::make_shared<WonkoVersionList>("list3")});
+ QVERIFY(windex.hasUid("list1"));
+ QVERIFY(!windex.hasUid("asdf"));
+ QVERIFY(windex.getList("list2") != nullptr);
+ QCOMPARE(windex.getList("list2")->uid(), QString("list2"));
+ QVERIFY(windex.getList("adsf") == nullptr);
+ }
+ void test_merge()
+ {
+ WonkoIndex windex({std::make_shared<WonkoVersionList>("list1"), std::make_shared<WonkoVersionList>("list2"), std::make_shared<WonkoVersionList>("list3")});
+ QCOMPARE(windex.lists().size(), 3);
+ windex.merge(std::shared_ptr<WonkoIndex>(new WonkoIndex({std::make_shared<WonkoVersionList>("list1"), std::make_shared<WonkoVersionList>("list2"), std::make_shared<WonkoVersionList>("list3")})));
+ QCOMPARE(windex.lists().size(), 3);
+ windex.merge(std::shared_ptr<WonkoIndex>(new WonkoIndex({std::make_shared<WonkoVersionList>("list4"), std::make_shared<WonkoVersionList>("list2"), std::make_shared<WonkoVersionList>("list5")})));
+ QCOMPARE(windex.lists().size(), 5);
+ windex.merge(std::shared_ptr<WonkoIndex>(new WonkoIndex({std::make_shared<WonkoVersionList>("list6")})));
+ QCOMPARE(windex.lists().size(), 6);
+ }
+#include "WonkoIndex_test.moc"