path: root/application/pages/global/MultiMCSettingsPage.cpp
diff options
authorPetr Mrázek <peterix@gmail.com>2019-07-09 21:51:19 +0200
committerPetr Mrázek <peterix@gmail.com>2019-07-09 21:51:19 +0200
commit739a86f17194e60f44767d5830d7c214edc5d276 (patch)
tree4fd43d9a4f97670895d3c7fd77f9be40e36bbfe3 /application/pages/global/MultiMCSettingsPage.cpp
parent48b2f95129cb8ad67932ae000e32ce212080e037 (diff)
Revert "NOISSUE Import page is now a MultiMC pack page"
This reverts commit f74e3db804f2fb3d73cbf7ab5fbdb12ecea0f259.
Diffstat (limited to 'application/pages/global/MultiMCSettingsPage.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 473 deletions
diff --git a/application/pages/global/MultiMCSettingsPage.cpp b/application/pages/global/MultiMCSettingsPage.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b5505127..00000000
--- a/application/pages/global/MultiMCSettingsPage.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,473 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 2013-2019 MultiMC Contributors
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "MultiMCSettingsPage.h"
-#include "ui_MultiMCSettingsPage.h"
-#include <QFileDialog>
-#include <QMessageBox>
-#include <QDir>
-#include <QTextCharFormat>
-#include "updater/UpdateChecker.h"
-#include "settings/SettingsObject.h"
-#include <FileSystem.h>
-#include "MultiMC.h"
-#include "BuildConfig.h"
-#include "themes/ITheme.h"
-// FIXME: possibly move elsewhere
-enum InstSortMode
- // Sort alphabetically by name.
- Sort_Name,
- // Sort by which instance was launched most recently.
- Sort_LastLaunch
-MultiMCSettingsPage::MultiMCSettingsPage(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), ui(new Ui::MultiMCSettingsPage)
- ui->setupUi(this);
- auto origForeground = ui->fontPreview->palette().color(ui->fontPreview->foregroundRole());
- auto origBackground = ui->fontPreview->palette().color(ui->fontPreview->backgroundRole());
- m_colors.reset(new LogColorCache(origForeground, origBackground));
- ui->sortingModeGroup->setId(ui->sortByNameBtn, Sort_Name);
- ui->sortingModeGroup->setId(ui->sortLastLaunchedBtn, Sort_LastLaunch);
- defaultFormat = new QTextCharFormat(ui->fontPreview->currentCharFormat());
- m_languageModel = MMC->translations();
- loadSettings();
- if(BuildConfig.UPDATER_ENABLED)
- {
- QObject::connect(MMC->updateChecker().get(), &UpdateChecker::channelListLoaded, this,
- &MultiMCSettingsPage::refreshUpdateChannelList);
- if (MMC->updateChecker()->hasChannels())
- {
- refreshUpdateChannelList();
- }
- else
- {
- MMC->updateChecker()->updateChanList(false);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- ui->updateSettingsBox->setHidden(true);
- }
- // Analytics
- if(BuildConfig.ANALYTICS_ID.isEmpty())
- {
- ui->tabWidget->removeTab(ui->tabWidget->indexOf(ui->analyticsTab));
- }
- connect(ui->fontSizeBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(refreshFontPreview()));
- connect(ui->consoleFont, SIGNAL(currentFontChanged(QFont)), SLOT(refreshFontPreview()));
- connect(ui->languageBox, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), SLOT(languageIndexChanged(int)));
- delete ui;
-bool MultiMCSettingsPage::apply()
- applySettings();
- return true;
-void MultiMCSettingsPage::on_instDirBrowseBtn_clicked()
- QString raw_dir = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this, tr("Instance Folder"), ui->instDirTextBox->text());
- // do not allow current dir - it's dirty. Do not allow dirs that don't exist
- if (!raw_dir.isEmpty() && QDir(raw_dir).exists())
- {
- QString cooked_dir = FS::NormalizePath(raw_dir);
- if (FS::checkProblemticPathJava(QDir(cooked_dir)))
- {
- QMessageBox warning;
- warning.setText(tr("You're trying to specify an instance folder which\'s path "
- "contains at least one \'!\'. "
- "Java is known to cause problems if that is the case, your "
- "instances (probably) won't start!"));
- warning.setInformativeText(
- tr("Do you really want to use this path? "
- "Selecting \"No\" will close this and not alter your instance path."));
- warning.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No);
- int result = warning.exec();
- if (result == QMessageBox::Yes)
- {
- ui->instDirTextBox->setText(cooked_dir);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- ui->instDirTextBox->setText(cooked_dir);
- }
- }
-void MultiMCSettingsPage::on_iconsDirBrowseBtn_clicked()
- QString raw_dir = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this, tr("Icons Folder"), ui->iconsDirTextBox->text());
- // do not allow current dir - it's dirty. Do not allow dirs that don't exist
- if (!raw_dir.isEmpty() && QDir(raw_dir).exists())
- {
- QString cooked_dir = FS::NormalizePath(raw_dir);
- ui->iconsDirTextBox->setText(cooked_dir);
- }
-void MultiMCSettingsPage::on_modsDirBrowseBtn_clicked()
- QString raw_dir = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this, tr("Mods Folder"), ui->modsDirTextBox->text());
- // do not allow current dir - it's dirty. Do not allow dirs that don't exist
- if (!raw_dir.isEmpty() && QDir(raw_dir).exists())
- {
- QString cooked_dir = FS::NormalizePath(raw_dir);
- ui->modsDirTextBox->setText(cooked_dir);
- }
-void MultiMCSettingsPage::languageIndexChanged(int index)
- auto languageCode = ui->languageBox->itemData(ui->languageBox->currentIndex()).toString();
- if(languageCode.isEmpty())
- {
- qWarning() << "Unknown language at index" << index;
- return;
- }
- auto translations = MMC->translations();
- translations->selectLanguage(languageCode);
- translations->updateLanguage(languageCode);
-void MultiMCSettingsPage::refreshUpdateChannelList()
- // Stop listening for selection changes. It's going to change a lot while we update it and
- // we don't need to update the
- // description label constantly.
- QObject::disconnect(ui->updateChannelComboBox, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this,
- SLOT(updateChannelSelectionChanged(int)));
- QList<UpdateChecker::ChannelListEntry> channelList = MMC->updateChecker()->getChannelList();
- ui->updateChannelComboBox->clear();
- int selection = -1;
- for (int i = 0; i < channelList.count(); i++)
- {
- UpdateChecker::ChannelListEntry entry = channelList.at(i);
- // When it comes to selection, we'll rely on the indexes of a channel entry being the
- // same in the
- // combo box as it is in the update checker's channel list.
- // This probably isn't very safe, but the channel list doesn't change often enough (or
- // at all) for
- // this to be a big deal. Hope it doesn't break...
- ui->updateChannelComboBox->addItem(entry.name);
- // If the update channel we just added was the selected one, set the current index in
- // the combo box to it.
- if (entry.id == m_currentUpdateChannel)
- {
- qDebug() << "Selected index" << i << "channel id" << m_currentUpdateChannel;
- selection = i;
- }
- }
- ui->updateChannelComboBox->setCurrentIndex(selection);
- // Start listening for selection changes again and update the description label.
- QObject::connect(ui->updateChannelComboBox, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this,
- SLOT(updateChannelSelectionChanged(int)));
- refreshUpdateChannelDesc();
- // Now that we've updated the channel list, we can enable the combo box.
- // It starts off disabled so that if the channel list hasn't been loaded, it will be
- // disabled.
- ui->updateChannelComboBox->setEnabled(true);
-void MultiMCSettingsPage::updateChannelSelectionChanged(int index)
- refreshUpdateChannelDesc();
-void MultiMCSettingsPage::refreshUpdateChannelDesc()
- // Get the channel list.
- QList<UpdateChecker::ChannelListEntry> channelList = MMC->updateChecker()->getChannelList();
- int selectedIndex = ui->updateChannelComboBox->currentIndex();
- if (selectedIndex < 0)
- {
- return;
- }
- if (selectedIndex < channelList.count())
- {
- // Find the channel list entry with the given index.
- UpdateChecker::ChannelListEntry selected = channelList.at(selectedIndex);
- // Set the description text.
- ui->updateChannelDescLabel->setText(selected.description);
- // Set the currently selected channel ID.
- m_currentUpdateChannel = selected.id;
- }
-void MultiMCSettingsPage::applySettings()
- auto s = MMC->settings();
- // Language
- auto langCode = ui->languageBox->itemData(ui->languageBox->currentIndex()).toString();
- s->set("Language", langCode.isEmpty() ? "en" : langCode);
- if (ui->resetNotificationsBtn->isChecked())
- {
- s->set("ShownNotifications", QString());
- }
- // Updates
- s->set("AutoUpdate", ui->autoUpdateCheckBox->isChecked());
- s->set("UpdateChannel", m_currentUpdateChannel);
- auto original = s->get("IconTheme").toString();
- //FIXME: make generic
- switch (ui->themeComboBox->currentIndex())
- {
- case 1:
- s->set("IconTheme", "pe_dark");
- break;
- case 2:
- s->set("IconTheme", "pe_light");
- break;
- case 3:
- s->set("IconTheme", "pe_blue");
- break;
- case 4:
- s->set("IconTheme", "pe_colored");
- break;
- case 5:
- s->set("IconTheme", "OSX");
- break;
- case 6:
- s->set("IconTheme", "iOS");
- break;
- case 7:
- s->set("IconTheme", "flat");
- break;
- case 8:
- s->set("IconTheme", "custom");
- break;
- case 0:
- default:
- s->set("IconTheme", "multimc");
- break;
- }
- if(original != s->get("IconTheme"))
- {
- MMC->setIconTheme(s->get("IconTheme").toString());
- }
- auto originalAppTheme = s->get("ApplicationTheme").toString();
- auto newAppTheme = ui->themeComboBoxColors->currentData().toString();
- if(originalAppTheme != newAppTheme)
- {
- s->set("ApplicationTheme", newAppTheme);
- MMC->setApplicationTheme(newAppTheme, false);
- }
- // Console settings
- s->set("ShowConsole", ui->showConsoleCheck->isChecked());
- s->set("AutoCloseConsole", ui->autoCloseConsoleCheck->isChecked());
- s->set("ShowConsoleOnError", ui->showConsoleErrorCheck->isChecked());
- QString consoleFontFamily = ui->consoleFont->currentFont().family();
- s->set("ConsoleFont", consoleFontFamily);
- s->set("ConsoleFontSize", ui->fontSizeBox->value());
- s->set("ConsoleMaxLines", ui->lineLimitSpinBox->value());
- s->set("ConsoleOverflowStop", ui->checkStopLogging->checkState() != Qt::Unchecked);
- // Folders
- // TODO: Offer to move instances to new instance folder.
- s->set("InstanceDir", ui->instDirTextBox->text());
- s->set("CentralModsDir", ui->modsDirTextBox->text());
- s->set("IconsDir", ui->iconsDirTextBox->text());
- auto sortMode = (InstSortMode)ui->sortingModeGroup->checkedId();
- switch (sortMode)
- {
- case Sort_LastLaunch:
- s->set("InstSortMode", "LastLaunch");
- break;
- case Sort_Name:
- default:
- s->set("InstSortMode", "Name");
- break;
- }
- // Analytics
- if(!BuildConfig.ANALYTICS_ID.isEmpty())
- {
- s->set("Analytics", ui->analyticsCheck->isChecked());
- }
-void MultiMCSettingsPage::loadSettings()
- auto s = MMC->settings();
- // Language
- {
- ui->languageBox->setModel(m_languageModel.get());
- ui->languageBox->setCurrentIndex(ui->languageBox->findData(s->get("Language").toString()));
- }
- // Updates
- ui->autoUpdateCheckBox->setChecked(s->get("AutoUpdate").toBool());
- m_currentUpdateChannel = s->get("UpdateChannel").toString();
- //FIXME: make generic
- auto theme = s->get("IconTheme").toString();
- if (theme == "pe_dark")
- {
- ui->themeComboBox->setCurrentIndex(1);
- }
- else if (theme == "pe_light")
- {
- ui->themeComboBox->setCurrentIndex(2);
- }
- else if (theme == "pe_blue")
- {
- ui->themeComboBox->setCurrentIndex(3);
- }
- else if (theme == "pe_colored")
- {
- ui->themeComboBox->setCurrentIndex(4);
- }
- else if (theme == "OSX")
- {
- ui->themeComboBox->setCurrentIndex(5);
- }
- else if (theme == "iOS")
- {
- ui->themeComboBox->setCurrentIndex(6);
- }
- else if (theme == "flat")
- {
- ui->themeComboBox->setCurrentIndex(7);
- }
- else if (theme == "custom")
- {
- ui->themeComboBox->setCurrentIndex(8);
- }
- else
- {
- ui->themeComboBox->setCurrentIndex(0);
- }
- {
- auto currentTheme = s->get("ApplicationTheme").toString();
- auto themes = MMC->getValidApplicationThemes();
- int idx = 0;
- for(auto &theme: themes)
- {
- ui->themeComboBoxColors->addItem(theme->name(), theme->id());
- if(currentTheme == theme->id())
- {
- ui->themeComboBoxColors->setCurrentIndex(idx);
- }
- idx++;
- }
- }
- // Console settings
- ui->showConsoleCheck->setChecked(s->get("ShowConsole").toBool());
- ui->autoCloseConsoleCheck->setChecked(s->get("AutoCloseConsole").toBool());
- ui->showConsoleErrorCheck->setChecked(s->get("ShowConsoleOnError").toBool());
- QString fontFamily = MMC->settings()->get("ConsoleFont").toString();
- QFont consoleFont(fontFamily);
- ui->consoleFont->setCurrentFont(consoleFont);
- bool conversionOk = true;
- int fontSize = MMC->settings()->get("ConsoleFontSize").toInt(&conversionOk);
- if(!conversionOk)
- {
- fontSize = 11;
- }
- ui->fontSizeBox->setValue(fontSize);
- refreshFontPreview();
- ui->lineLimitSpinBox->setValue(s->get("ConsoleMaxLines").toInt());
- ui->checkStopLogging->setChecked(s->get("ConsoleOverflowStop").toBool());
- // Folders
- ui->instDirTextBox->setText(s->get("InstanceDir").toString());
- ui->modsDirTextBox->setText(s->get("CentralModsDir").toString());
- ui->iconsDirTextBox->setText(s->get("IconsDir").toString());
- QString sortMode = s->get("InstSortMode").toString();
- if (sortMode == "LastLaunch")
- {
- ui->sortLastLaunchedBtn->setChecked(true);
- }
- else
- {
- ui->sortByNameBtn->setChecked(true);
- }
- // Analytics
- if(!BuildConfig.ANALYTICS_ID.isEmpty())
- {
- ui->analyticsCheck->setChecked(s->get("Analytics").toBool());
- }
-void MultiMCSettingsPage::refreshFontPreview()
- int fontSize = ui->fontSizeBox->value();
- QString fontFamily = ui->consoleFont->currentFont().family();
- ui->fontPreview->clear();
- defaultFormat->setFont(QFont(fontFamily, fontSize));
- {
- QTextCharFormat format(*defaultFormat);
- format.setForeground(m_colors->getFront(MessageLevel::Error));
- // append a paragraph/line
- auto workCursor = ui->fontPreview->textCursor();
- workCursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::End);
- workCursor.insertText(tr("[Something/ERROR] A spooky error!"), format);
- workCursor.insertBlock();
- }
- {
- QTextCharFormat format(*defaultFormat);
- format.setForeground(m_colors->getFront(MessageLevel::Message));
- // append a paragraph/line
- auto workCursor = ui->fontPreview->textCursor();
- workCursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::End);
- workCursor.insertText(tr("[Test/INFO] A harmless message..."), format);
- workCursor.insertBlock();
- }
- {
- QTextCharFormat format(*defaultFormat);
- format.setForeground(m_colors->getFront(MessageLevel::Warning));
- // append a paragraph/line
- auto workCursor = ui->fontPreview->textCursor();
- workCursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::End);
- workCursor.insertText(tr("[Something/WARN] A not so spooky warning."), format);
- workCursor.insertBlock();
- }