path: root/application/pages/modplatform/flame/FlameModel.cpp
diff options
authorkb1000 <kaeptmblaubaer1000@gmail.com>2021-03-24 00:59:43 +0100
committerkb1000 <kaeptmblaubaer1000@gmail.com>2021-03-24 00:59:43 +0100
commita0cb1a0d427087c84690224b37c2c9d0fba4f6cb (patch)
tree0bba964c2e4f5bcc3f27cecce57c4ebbaf78ebcb /application/pages/modplatform/flame/FlameModel.cpp
parentcbc973a5afb1a2ba321ea851f89e7189ce322460 (diff)
NOISSUE rename Twitch to flame internally for consistency and to CurseForge for user displayed strings
Diffstat (limited to 'application/pages/modplatform/flame/FlameModel.cpp')
1 files changed, 312 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/application/pages/modplatform/flame/FlameModel.cpp b/application/pages/modplatform/flame/FlameModel.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cd3109e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/application/pages/modplatform/flame/FlameModel.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+#include "FlameModel.h"
+#include "MultiMC.h"
+#include <MMCStrings.h>
+#include <Version.h>
+#include <QtMath>
+#include <QLabel>
+#include <RWStorage.h>
+#include <Env.h>
+namespace Flame {
+ListModel::ListModel(QObject *parent) : QAbstractListModel(parent)
+int ListModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
+ return modpacks.size();
+int ListModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
+ return 1;
+QVariant ListModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
+ int pos = index.row();
+ if(pos >= modpacks.size() || pos < 0 || !index.isValid())
+ {
+ return QString("INVALID INDEX %1").arg(pos);
+ }
+ Modpack pack = modpacks.at(pos);
+ if(role == Qt::DisplayRole)
+ {
+ return pack.name;
+ }
+ else if (role == Qt::ToolTipRole)
+ {
+ if(pack.description.length() > 100)
+ {
+ //some magic to prevent to long tooltips and replace html linebreaks
+ QString edit = pack.description.left(97);
+ edit = edit.left(edit.lastIndexOf("<br>")).left(edit.lastIndexOf(" ")).append("...");
+ return edit;
+ }
+ return pack.description;
+ }
+ else if(role == Qt::DecorationRole)
+ {
+ if(m_logoMap.contains(pack.logoName))
+ {
+ return (m_logoMap.value(pack.logoName));
+ }
+ QIcon icon = MMC->getThemedIcon("screenshot-placeholder");
+ ((ListModel *)this)->requestLogo(pack.logoName, pack.logoUrl);
+ return icon;
+ }
+ else if(role == Qt::UserRole)
+ {
+ QVariant v;
+ v.setValue(pack);
+ return v;
+ }
+ return QVariant();
+void ListModel::logoLoaded(QString logo, QIcon out)
+ m_loadingLogos.removeAll(logo);
+ m_logoMap.insert(logo, out);
+ for(int i = 0; i < modpacks.size(); i++) {
+ if(modpacks[i].logoName == logo) {
+ emit dataChanged(createIndex(i, 0), createIndex(i, 0), {Qt::DecorationRole});
+ }
+ }
+void ListModel::logoFailed(QString logo)
+ m_failedLogos.append(logo);
+ m_loadingLogos.removeAll(logo);
+void ListModel::requestLogo(QString logo, QString url)
+ if(m_loadingLogos.contains(logo) || m_failedLogos.contains(logo))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ MetaEntryPtr entry = ENV.metacache()->resolveEntry("FlamePacks", QString("logos/%1").arg(logo.section(".", 0, 0)));
+ NetJob *job = new NetJob(QString("Flame Icon Download %1").arg(logo));
+ job->addNetAction(Net::Download::makeCached(QUrl(url), entry));
+ auto fullPath = entry->getFullPath();
+ QObject::connect(job, &NetJob::succeeded, this, [this, logo, fullPath]
+ {
+ emit logoLoaded(logo, QIcon(fullPath));
+ if(waitingCallbacks.contains(logo))
+ {
+ waitingCallbacks.value(logo)(fullPath);
+ }
+ });
+ QObject::connect(job, &NetJob::failed, this, [this, logo]
+ {
+ emit logoFailed(logo);
+ });
+ job->start();
+ m_loadingLogos.append(logo);
+void ListModel::getLogo(const QString &logo, const QString &logoUrl, LogoCallback callback)
+ if(m_logoMap.contains(logo))
+ {
+ callback(ENV.metacache()->resolveEntry("FlamePacks", QString("logos/%1").arg(logo.section(".", 0, 0)))->getFullPath());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ requestLogo(logo, logoUrl);
+ }
+Qt::ItemFlags ListModel::flags(const QModelIndex &index) const
+ return QAbstractListModel::flags(index);
+bool ListModel::canFetchMore(const QModelIndex& parent) const
+ return searchState == CanPossiblyFetchMore;
+void ListModel::fetchMore(const QModelIndex& parent)
+ if (parent.isValid())
+ return;
+ if(nextSearchOffset == 0) {
+ qWarning() << "fetchMore with 0 offset is wrong...";
+ return;
+ }
+ performPaginatedSearch();
+void ListModel::performPaginatedSearch()
+ NetJob *netJob = new NetJob("Flame::Search");
+ auto searchUrl = QString(
+ "https://addons-ecs.forgesvc.net/api/v2/addon/search?"
+ "categoryId=0&"
+ "gameId=432&"
+ //"gameVersion=1.12.2&"
+ "index=%1&"
+ "pageSize=25&"
+ "searchFilter=%2&"
+ "sectionId=4471&"
+ "sort=0"
+ ).arg(nextSearchOffset).arg(currentSearchTerm);
+ netJob->addNetAction(Net::Download::makeByteArray(QUrl(searchUrl), &response));
+ jobPtr = netJob;
+ jobPtr->start();
+ QObject::connect(netJob, &NetJob::succeeded, this, &ListModel::searchRequestFinished);
+ QObject::connect(netJob, &NetJob::failed, this, &ListModel::searchRequestFailed);
+void ListModel::searchWithTerm(const QString& term)
+ if(currentSearchTerm == term) {
+ return;
+ }
+ currentSearchTerm = term;
+ if(jobPtr) {
+ jobPtr->abort();
+ searchState = ResetRequested;
+ return;
+ }
+ else {
+ beginResetModel();
+ modpacks.clear();
+ endResetModel();
+ searchState = None;
+ }
+ nextSearchOffset = 0;
+ performPaginatedSearch();
+void Flame::ListModel::searchRequestFinished()
+ jobPtr.reset();
+ QJsonParseError parse_error;
+ QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(response, &parse_error);
+ if(parse_error.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) {
+ qWarning() << "Error while parsing JSON response from CurseForge at " << parse_error.offset << " reason: " << parse_error.errorString();
+ qWarning() << response;
+ return;
+ }
+ QList<Modpack> newList;
+ auto objs = doc.array();
+ for(auto projectIter: objs) {
+ Modpack pack;
+ auto project = projectIter.toObject();
+ pack.addonId = project.value("id").toInt(0);
+ if (pack.addonId == 0) {
+ qWarning() << "Pack without an ID, skipping: " << pack.name;
+ continue;
+ }
+ pack.name = project.value("name").toString();
+ pack.websiteUrl = project.value("websiteUrl").toString();
+ pack.description = project.value("summary").toString();
+ bool thumbnailFound = false;
+ auto attachments = project.value("attachments").toArray();
+ for(auto attachmentIter: attachments) {
+ auto attachment = attachmentIter.toObject();
+ bool isDefault = attachment.value("isDefault").toBool(false);
+ if(isDefault) {
+ thumbnailFound = true;
+ pack.logoName = attachment.value("title").toString();
+ pack.logoUrl = attachment.value("thumbnailUrl").toString();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!thumbnailFound) {
+ qWarning() << "Pack without an icon, skipping: " << pack.name;
+ continue;
+ }
+ auto authors = project.value("authors").toArray();
+ for(auto authorIter: authors) {
+ auto author = authorIter.toObject();
+ ModpackAuthor packAuthor;
+ packAuthor.name = author.value("name").toString();
+ packAuthor.url = author.value("url").toString();
+ pack.authors.append(packAuthor);
+ }
+ int defaultFileId = project.value("defaultFileId").toInt(0);
+ if(defaultFileId == 0) {
+ qWarning() << "Pack without default file, skipping: " << pack.name;
+ continue;
+ }
+ bool found = false;
+ auto files = project.value("latestFiles").toArray();
+ for(auto fileIter: files) {
+ auto file = fileIter.toObject();
+ int id = file.value("id").toInt(0);
+ // NOTE: for now, ignore everything that's not the default...
+ if(id != defaultFileId) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ pack.latestFile.addonId = pack.addonId;
+ pack.latestFile.fileId = id;
+ // FIXME: what to do when there's more than one, or there's no version?
+ auto versionArray = file.value("gameVersion").toArray();
+ if(versionArray.size() != 1) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ pack.latestFile.mcVersion = versionArray[0].toString();
+ pack.latestFile.version = file.value("displayName").toString();
+ pack.latestFile.downloadUrl = file.value("downloadUrl").toString();
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if(!found) {
+ qWarning() << "Pack with no good file, skipping: " << pack.name;
+ continue;
+ }
+ pack.broken = false;
+ newList.append(pack);
+ }
+ if(objs.size() < 25) {
+ searchState = Finished;
+ } else {
+ nextSearchOffset += 25;
+ searchState = CanPossiblyFetchMore;
+ }
+ beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), modpacks.size(), modpacks.size() + newList.size() - 1);
+ modpacks.append(newList);
+ endInsertRows();
+void Flame::ListModel::searchRequestFailed(QString reason)
+ jobPtr.reset();
+ if(searchState == ResetRequested) {
+ beginResetModel();
+ modpacks.clear();
+ endResetModel();
+ nextSearchOffset = 0;
+ performPaginatedSearch();
+ } else {
+ searchState = Finished;
+ }