path: root/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountData.cpp
diff options
authorPetr Mrázek <peterix@gmail.com>2021-07-26 21:44:11 +0200
committerPetr Mrázek <peterix@gmail.com>2021-08-15 23:18:50 +0200
commit3a53349e332599221bc325f7fac9dc7927194bc2 (patch)
tree2ee40fa6044c241b3b7db27fe0b83931b453c2b2 /launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountData.cpp
parentfca2e9e44cb44004eec7f47c03b186bd5e44dc32 (diff)
GH-3392 dirty initial MSA support that shares logic with Mojang flows
Both act as the first step of AuthContext.
Diffstat (limited to 'launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountData.cpp')
1 files changed, 387 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountData.cpp b/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountData.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..77c73c1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/launcher/minecraft/auth/AccountData.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
+#include "AccountData.h"
+#include <QJsonDocument>
+#include <QJsonObject>
+#include <QJsonArray>
+#include <QDebug>
+#include <QUuid>
+namespace {
+void tokenToJSONV3(QJsonObject &parent, Katabasis::Token t, const char * tokenName) {
+ if(!t.persistent) {
+ return;
+ }
+ QJsonObject out;
+ if(t.issueInstant.isValid()) {
+ out["iat"] = QJsonValue(t.issueInstant.toMSecsSinceEpoch() / 1000);
+ }
+ if(t.notAfter.isValid()) {
+ out["exp"] = QJsonValue(t.notAfter.toMSecsSinceEpoch() / 1000);
+ }
+ bool save = false;
+ if(!t.token.isEmpty()) {
+ out["token"] = QJsonValue(t.token);
+ save = true;
+ }
+ if(!t.refresh_token.isEmpty()) {
+ out["refresh_token"] = QJsonValue(t.refresh_token);
+ save = true;
+ }
+ if(t.extra.size()) {
+ out["extra"] = QJsonObject::fromVariantMap(t.extra);
+ save = true;
+ }
+ if(save) {
+ parent[tokenName] = out;
+ }
+Katabasis::Token tokenFromJSONV3(const QJsonObject &parent, const char * tokenName) {
+ Katabasis::Token out;
+ auto tokenObject = parent.value(tokenName).toObject();
+ if(tokenObject.isEmpty()) {
+ return out;
+ }
+ auto issueInstant = tokenObject.value("iat");
+ if(issueInstant.isDouble()) {
+ out.issueInstant = QDateTime::fromMSecsSinceEpoch(((int64_t) issueInstant.toDouble()) * 1000);
+ }
+ auto notAfter = tokenObject.value("exp");
+ if(notAfter.isDouble()) {
+ out.notAfter = QDateTime::fromMSecsSinceEpoch(((int64_t) notAfter.toDouble()) * 1000);
+ }
+ auto token = tokenObject.value("token");
+ if(token.isString()) {
+ out.token = token.toString();
+ out.validity = Katabasis::Validity::Assumed;
+ }
+ auto refresh_token = tokenObject.value("refresh_token");
+ if(refresh_token.isString()) {
+ out.refresh_token = refresh_token.toString();
+ }
+ auto extra = tokenObject.value("extra");
+ if(extra.isObject()) {
+ out.extra = extra.toObject().toVariantMap();
+ }
+ return out;
+void profileToJSONV3(QJsonObject &parent, MinecraftProfile p, const char * tokenName) {
+ if(p.id.isEmpty()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ QJsonObject out;
+ out["id"] = QJsonValue(p.id);
+ out["name"] = QJsonValue(p.name);
+ if(p.currentCape != -1) {
+ out["cape"] = p.capes[p.currentCape].id;
+ }
+ {
+ QJsonObject skinObj;
+ skinObj["id"] = p.skin.id;
+ skinObj["url"] = p.skin.url;
+ skinObj["variant"] = p.skin.variant;
+ if(p.skin.data.size()) {
+ skinObj["data"] = QString::fromLatin1(p.skin.data.toBase64());
+ }
+ out["skin"] = skinObj;
+ }
+ QJsonArray capesArray;
+ for(auto & cape: p.capes) {
+ QJsonObject capeObj;
+ capeObj["id"] = cape.id;
+ capeObj["url"] = cape.url;
+ capeObj["alias"] = cape.alias;
+ if(cape.data.size()) {
+ capeObj["data"] = QString::fromLatin1(cape.data.toBase64());
+ }
+ capesArray.push_back(capeObj);
+ }
+ out["capes"] = capesArray;
+ parent[tokenName] = out;
+MinecraftProfile profileFromJSONV3(const QJsonObject &parent, const char * tokenName) {
+ MinecraftProfile out;
+ auto tokenObject = parent.value(tokenName).toObject();
+ if(tokenObject.isEmpty()) {
+ return out;
+ }
+ {
+ auto idV = tokenObject.value("id");
+ auto nameV = tokenObject.value("name");
+ if(!idV.isString() || !nameV.isString()) {
+ qWarning() << "mandatory profile attributes are missing or of unexpected type";
+ return MinecraftProfile();
+ }
+ out.name = nameV.toString();
+ out.id = idV.toString();
+ }
+ {
+ auto skinV = tokenObject.value("skin");
+ if(!skinV.isObject()) {
+ qWarning() << "skin is missing";
+ return MinecraftProfile();
+ }
+ auto skinObj = skinV.toObject();
+ auto idV = skinObj.value("id");
+ auto urlV = skinObj.value("url");
+ auto variantV = skinObj.value("variant");
+ if(!idV.isString() || !urlV.isString() || !variantV.isString()) {
+ qWarning() << "mandatory skin attributes are missing or of unexpected type";
+ return MinecraftProfile();
+ }
+ out.skin.id = idV.toString();
+ out.skin.url = urlV.toString();
+ out.skin.variant = variantV.toString();
+ // data for skin is optional
+ auto dataV = skinObj.value("data");
+ if(dataV.isString()) {
+ // TODO: validate base64
+ out.skin.data = QByteArray::fromBase64(dataV.toString().toLatin1());
+ }
+ else if (!dataV.isUndefined()) {
+ qWarning() << "skin data is something unexpected";
+ return MinecraftProfile();
+ }
+ }
+ auto capesV = tokenObject.value("capes");
+ if(!capesV.isArray()) {
+ qWarning() << "capes is not an array!";
+ return MinecraftProfile();
+ }
+ auto capesArray = capesV.toArray();
+ for(auto capeV: capesArray) {
+ if(!capeV.isObject()) {
+ qWarning() << "cape is not an object!";
+ return MinecraftProfile();
+ }
+ auto capeObj = capeV.toObject();
+ auto idV = capeObj.value("id");
+ auto urlV = capeObj.value("url");
+ auto aliasV = capeObj.value("alias");
+ if(!idV.isString() || !urlV.isString() || !aliasV.isString()) {
+ qWarning() << "mandatory skin attributes are missing or of unexpected type";
+ return MinecraftProfile();
+ }
+ Cape cape;
+ cape.id = idV.toString();
+ cape.url = urlV.toString();
+ cape.alias = aliasV.toString();
+ // data for cape is optional.
+ auto dataV = capeObj.value("data");
+ if(dataV.isString()) {
+ // TODO: validate base64
+ cape.data = QByteArray::fromBase64(dataV.toString().toLatin1());
+ }
+ else if (!dataV.isUndefined()) {
+ qWarning() << "cape data is something unexpected";
+ return MinecraftProfile();
+ }
+ out.capes.push_back(cape);
+ }
+ out.validity = Katabasis::Validity::Assumed;
+ return out;
+bool AccountData::resumeStateFromV2(QJsonObject data) {
+ // The JSON object must at least have a username for it to be valid.
+ if (!data.value("username").isString())
+ {
+ qCritical() << "Can't load Mojang account info from JSON object. Username field is missing or of the wrong type.";
+ return false;
+ }
+ QString userName = data.value("username").toString("");
+ QString clientToken = data.value("clientToken").toString("");
+ QString accessToken = data.value("accessToken").toString("");
+ QJsonArray profileArray = data.value("profiles").toArray();
+ if (profileArray.size() < 1)
+ {
+ qCritical() << "Can't load Mojang account with username \"" << userName << "\". No profiles found.";
+ return false;
+ }
+ struct AccountProfile
+ {
+ QString id;
+ QString name;
+ bool legacy;
+ };
+ QList<AccountProfile> profiles;
+ int currentProfileIndex = 0;
+ int index = -1;
+ QString currentProfile = data.value("activeProfile").toString("");
+ for (QJsonValue profileVal : profileArray)
+ {
+ index++;
+ QJsonObject profileObject = profileVal.toObject();
+ QString id = profileObject.value("id").toString("");
+ QString name = profileObject.value("name").toString("");
+ bool legacy = profileObject.value("legacy").toBool(false);
+ if (id.isEmpty() || name.isEmpty())
+ {
+ qWarning() << "Unable to load a profile" << name << "because it was missing an ID or a name.";
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(id == currentProfile) {
+ currentProfileIndex = index;
+ }
+ profiles.append({id, name, legacy});
+ }
+ auto & profile = profiles[currentProfileIndex];
+ type = AccountType::Mojang;
+ legacy = profile.legacy;
+ minecraftProfile.id = profile.id;
+ minecraftProfile.name = profile.name;
+ minecraftProfile.validity = Katabasis::Validity::Assumed;
+ yggdrasilToken.token = accessToken;
+ yggdrasilToken.extra["clientToken"] = clientToken;
+ yggdrasilToken.extra["userName"] = userName;
+ yggdrasilToken.validity = Katabasis::Validity::Assumed;
+ validity_ = minecraftProfile.validity;
+ return true;
+bool AccountData::resumeStateFromV3(QJsonObject data) {
+ auto typeV = data.value("type");
+ if(!typeV.isString()) {
+ qWarning() << "Failed to parse account data: type is missing.";
+ return false;
+ }
+ auto typeS = typeV.toString();
+ if(typeS == "MSA") {
+ type = AccountType::MSA;
+ } else if (typeS == "Mojang") {
+ type = AccountType::Mojang;
+ } else {
+ qWarning() << "Failed to parse account data: type is not recognized.";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(type == AccountType::Mojang) {
+ legacy = data.value("legacy").toBool(false);
+ canMigrateToMSA = data.value("canMigrateToMSA").toBool(false);
+ }
+ if(type == AccountType::MSA) {
+ msaToken = tokenFromJSONV3(data, "msa");
+ userToken = tokenFromJSONV3(data, "utoken");
+ xboxApiToken = tokenFromJSONV3(data, "xrp-main");
+ mojangservicesToken = tokenFromJSONV3(data, "xrp-mc");
+ }
+ yggdrasilToken = tokenFromJSONV3(data, "ygg");
+ minecraftProfile = profileFromJSONV3(data, "profile");
+ validity_ = minecraftProfile.validity;
+ return true;
+QJsonObject AccountData::saveState() const {
+ QJsonObject output;
+ if(type == AccountType::Mojang) {
+ output["type"] = "Mojang";
+ if(legacy) {
+ output["legacy"] = true;
+ }
+ if(canMigrateToMSA) {
+ output["canMigrateToMSA"] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (type == AccountType::MSA) {
+ output["type"] = "MSA";
+ tokenToJSONV3(output, msaToken, "msa");
+ tokenToJSONV3(output, userToken, "utoken");
+ tokenToJSONV3(output, xboxApiToken, "xrp-main");
+ tokenToJSONV3(output, mojangservicesToken, "xrp-mc");
+ }
+ tokenToJSONV3(output, yggdrasilToken, "ygg");
+ profileToJSONV3(output, minecraftProfile, "profile");
+ return output;
+QString AccountData::userName() const {
+ if(type != AccountType::Mojang) {
+ return QString();
+ }
+ return yggdrasilToken.extra["userName"].toString();
+QString AccountData::accessToken() const {
+ return yggdrasilToken.token;
+QString AccountData::clientToken() const {
+ if(type != AccountType::Mojang) {
+ return QString();
+ }
+ return yggdrasilToken.extra["clientToken"].toString();
+void AccountData::setClientToken(QString clientToken) {
+ if(type != AccountType::Mojang) {
+ return;
+ }
+ yggdrasilToken.extra["clientToken"] = clientToken;
+void AccountData::generateClientTokenIfMissing() {
+ if(yggdrasilToken.extra.contains("clientToken")) {
+ return;
+ }
+ invalidateClientToken();
+void AccountData::invalidateClientToken() {
+ if(type != AccountType::Mojang) {
+ return;
+ }
+ yggdrasilToken.extra["clientToken"] = QUuid::createUuid().toString().remove(QRegExp("[{-}]"));
+QString AccountData::profileId() const {
+ return minecraftProfile.id;
+QString AccountData::profileName() const {
+ return minecraftProfile.name;
+QString AccountData::accountDisplayString() const {
+ switch(type) {
+ case AccountType::Mojang: {
+ return userName();
+ }
+ case AccountType::MSA: {
+ if(xboxApiToken.extra.contains("gtg")) {
+ return xboxApiToken.extra["gtg"].toString();
+ }
+ return "Xbox profile missing";
+ }
+ default: {
+ return "Invalid Account";
+ }
+ }