path: root/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/CustomPage.ui
diff options
authorTrial97 <alexandru.tripon97@gmail.com>2023-06-28 13:21:00 +0300
committerTrial97 <alexandru.tripon97@gmail.com>2023-06-28 13:21:00 +0300
commitc04cee7ff75730df2c859ecae4567abb4e98dcd4 (patch)
treea0e3025c131099576f79efd6dfb79caf7b926975 /launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/CustomPage.ui
parent2680dba0aa74abefea58903dadad6578381101cb (diff)
parentfaec21d572549793293bf41127e384811f8a66dc (diff)
Merge branch 'develop' of https://github.com/PrismLauncher/PrismLauncher into feat/acknowledge_release_type
Signed-off-by: Trial97 <alexandru.tripon97@gmail.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/CustomPage.ui')
1 files changed, 290 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/CustomPage.ui b/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/CustomPage.ui
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0d89b595
--- /dev/null
+++ b/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/CustomPage.ui
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<ui version="4.0">
+ <class>CustomPage</class>
+ <widget class="QWidget" name="CustomPage">
+ <property name="geometry">
+ <rect>
+ <x>0</x>
+ <y>0</y>
+ <width>815</width>
+ <height>607</height>
+ </rect>
+ </property>
+ <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_5">
+ <property name="leftMargin">
+ <number>0</number>
+ </property>
+ <property name="topMargin">
+ <number>0</number>
+ </property>
+ <property name="rightMargin">
+ <number>0</number>
+ </property>
+ <property name="bottomMargin">
+ <number>0</number>
+ </property>
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QTabWidget" name="tabWidget">
+ <property name="currentIndex">
+ <number>0</number>
+ </property>
+ <widget class="QWidget" name="tab">
+ <attribute name="title">
+ <string notr="true"/>
+ </attribute>
+ <layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout_2">
+ <item row="2" column="0">
+ <widget class="Line" name="line">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Minimum" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
+ <property name="orientation">
+ <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="0" column="0">
+ <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="minecraftLayout">
+ <item>
+ <widget class="VersionSelectWidget" name="versionList" native="true">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Expanding" vsizetype="Expanding">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout">
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QLabel" name="label">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>Filter</string>
+ </property>
+ <property name="alignment">
+ <set>Qt::AlignCenter</set>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QCheckBox" name="releaseFilter">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>Releases</string>
+ </property>
+ <property name="checkable">
+ <bool>true</bool>
+ </property>
+ <property name="checked">
+ <bool>true</bool>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QCheckBox" name="snapshotFilter">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>Snapshots</string>
+ </property>
+ <property name="checkable">
+ <bool>true</bool>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QCheckBox" name="oldSnapshotFilter">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>Old Snapshots</string>
+ </property>
+ <property name="checkable">
+ <bool>true</bool>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QCheckBox" name="betaFilter">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>Betas</string>
+ </property>
+ <property name="checkable">
+ <bool>true</bool>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QCheckBox" name="alphaFilter">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>Alphas</string>
+ </property>
+ <property name="checkable">
+ <bool>true</bool>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QCheckBox" name="experimentsFilter">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>Experiments</string>
+ </property>
+ <property name="checkable">
+ <bool>true</bool>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <spacer name="verticalSpacer">
+ <property name="orientation">
+ <enum>Qt::Vertical</enum>
+ </property>
+ <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
+ <size>
+ <width>20</width>
+ <height>40</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ </spacer>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QPushButton" name="refreshBtn">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>Refresh</string>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ </layout>
+ </item>
+ </layout>
+ </item>
+ <item row="4" column="0">
+ <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="loaderLayout">
+ <item>
+ <widget class="VersionSelectWidget" name="loaderVersionList" native="true">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Expanding" vsizetype="Expanding">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_2">
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QLabel" name="loaderLabel">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>Mod Loader</string>
+ </property>
+ <property name="alignment">
+ <set>Qt::AlignCenter</set>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QRadioButton" name="noneFilter">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>None</string>
+ </property>
+ <property name="checked">
+ <bool>true</bool>
+ </property>
+ <attribute name="buttonGroup">
+ <string notr="true">loaderBtnGroup</string>
+ </attribute>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QRadioButton" name="forgeFilter">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>Forge</string>
+ </property>
+ <attribute name="buttonGroup">
+ <string notr="true">loaderBtnGroup</string>
+ </attribute>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QRadioButton" name="fabricFilter">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>Fabric</string>
+ </property>
+ <attribute name="buttonGroup">
+ <string notr="true">loaderBtnGroup</string>
+ </attribute>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QRadioButton" name="quiltFilter">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>Quilt</string>
+ </property>
+ <attribute name="buttonGroup">
+ <string notr="true">loaderBtnGroup</string>
+ </attribute>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QRadioButton" name="liteLoaderFilter">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>LiteLoader</string>
+ </property>
+ <attribute name="buttonGroup">
+ <string notr="true">loaderBtnGroup</string>
+ </attribute>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <spacer name="verticalSpacer_2">
+ <property name="orientation">
+ <enum>Qt::Vertical</enum>
+ </property>
+ <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
+ <size>
+ <width>20</width>
+ <height>40</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ </spacer>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QPushButton" name="loaderRefreshBtn">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>Refresh</string>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ </layout>
+ </item>
+ </layout>
+ </item>
+ </layout>
+ </widget>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ </layout>
+ </widget>
+ <customwidgets>
+ <customwidget>
+ <class>VersionSelectWidget</class>
+ <extends>QWidget</extends>
+ <header>ui/widgets/VersionSelectWidget.h</header>
+ <container>1</container>
+ </customwidget>
+ </customwidgets>
+ <tabstops>
+ <tabstop>tabWidget</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>releaseFilter</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>snapshotFilter</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>oldSnapshotFilter</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>betaFilter</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>alphaFilter</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>experimentsFilter</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>refreshBtn</tabstop>
+ </tabstops>
+ <resources/>
+ <connections/>
+ <buttongroups>
+ <buttongroup name="loaderBtnGroup"/>
+ </buttongroups>