diff options
2 files changed, 46 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/launcher/FileSystem.cpp b/launcher/FileSystem.cpp
index aaa75e6f..4026d6c1 100644
--- a/launcher/FileSystem.cpp
+++ b/launcher/FileSystem.cpp
@@ -183,6 +183,21 @@ bool copy::operator()(const QString& offset)
if (!m_followSymlinks)
opt |= copy_opts::copy_symlinks;
+ // Function that'll do the actual copying
+ auto copy_file = [&](QString src_path, QString relative_dst_path) {
+ if (m_blacklist && m_blacklist->matches(relative_dst_path))
+ return;
+ auto dst_path = PathCombine(dst, relative_dst_path);
+ ensureFilePathExists(dst_path);
+ fs::copy(toStdString(src_path), toStdString(dst_path), opt, err);
+ if (err) {
+ qWarning() << "Failed to copy files:" << QString::fromStdString(err.message());
+ qDebug() << "Source file:" << src_path;
+ qDebug() << "Destination file:" << dst_path;
+ }
+ };
// We can't use copy_opts::recursive because we need to take into account the
// blacklisted paths, so we iterate over the source directory, and if there's no blacklist
@@ -194,20 +209,13 @@ bool copy::operator()(const QString& offset)
auto src_path = source_it.next();
auto relative_path = src_dir.relativeFilePath(src_path);
- if (m_blacklist && m_blacklist->matches(relative_path))
- continue;
- auto dst_path = PathCombine(dst, relative_path);
- ensureFilePathExists(dst_path);
- fs::copy(toStdString(src_path), toStdString(dst_path), opt, err);
- if (err) {
- qWarning() << "Failed to copy files:" << QString::fromStdString(err.message());
- qDebug() << "Source file:" << src_path;
- qDebug() << "Destination file:" << dst_path;
- }
+ copy_file(src_path, relative_path);
+ // If the root src is not a directory, the previous iterator won't run.
+ if (!fs::is_directory(toStdString(src)))
+ copy_file(src, "");
return err.value() == 0;
diff --git a/tests/FileSystem_test.cpp b/tests/FileSystem_test.cpp
index 47a963b0..21270f6f 100644
--- a/tests/FileSystem_test.cpp
+++ b/tests/FileSystem_test.cpp
@@ -183,6 +183,32 @@ slots:
+ void test_copy_single_file()
+ {
+ QTemporaryDir tempDir;
+ tempDir.setAutoRemove(true);
+ {
+ QString file = QFINDTESTDATA("testdata/FileSystem/test_folder/pack.mcmeta");
+ qDebug() << "From:" << file << "To:" << tempDir.path();
+ QDir target_dir(FS::PathCombine(tempDir.path(), "pack.mcmeta"));
+ qDebug() << tempDir.path();
+ qDebug() << target_dir.path();
+ FS::copy c(file, target_dir.filePath("pack.mcmeta"));
+ c();
+ auto filter = QDir::Filter::Files;
+ for (auto entry: target_dir.entryList(filter)) {
+ qDebug() << entry;
+ }
+ QVERIFY(target_dir.entryList(filter).contains("pack.mcmeta"));
+ }
+ }
void test_getDesktop()
QCOMPARE(FS::getDesktopDir(), QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::DesktopLocation));