path: root/api/logic/InstanceList.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'api/logic/InstanceList.cpp')
1 files changed, 134 insertions, 374 deletions
diff --git a/api/logic/InstanceList.cpp b/api/logic/InstanceList.cpp
index d89b8ea7..9bdcc113 100644
--- a/api/logic/InstanceList.cpp
+++ b/api/logic/InstanceList.cpp
@@ -16,39 +16,21 @@
#include <QDir>
#include <QSet>
#include <QFile>
-#include <QDirIterator>
#include <QThread>
#include <QTextStream>
-#include <QJsonDocument>
-#include <QJsonObject>
-#include <QJsonArray>
#include <QXmlStreamReader>
-#include <QRegularExpression>
#include <QDebug>
#include "InstanceList.h"
#include "BaseInstance.h"
-//FIXME: this really doesn't belong *here*
-#include "minecraft/onesix/OneSixInstance.h"
-#include "minecraft/legacy/LegacyInstance.h"
-#include "minecraft/ftb/FTBPlugin.h"
-#include "minecraft/MinecraftVersion.h"
-#include "settings/INISettingsObject.h"
-#include "NullInstance.h"
-#include "FileSystem.h"
-#include "pathmatcher/RegexpMatcher.h"
-const static int GROUP_FILE_FORMAT_VERSION = 1;
+#include "FolderInstanceProvider.h"
InstanceList::InstanceList(SettingsObjectPtr globalSettings, const QString &instDir, QObject *parent)
: QAbstractListModel(parent), m_instDir(instDir)
m_globalSettings = globalSettings;
- if (!QDir::current().exists(m_instDir))
- {
- QDir::current().mkpath(m_instDir);
- }
+ resumeWatch();
@@ -120,34 +102,11 @@ Qt::ItemFlags InstanceList::flags(const QModelIndex &index) const
return f;
-void InstanceList::groupChanged()
- // save the groups. save all of them.
- saveGroupList();
QStringList InstanceList::getGroups()
return m_groups.toList();
-void InstanceList::suspendGroupSaving()
- suspendedGroupSave = true;
-void InstanceList::resumeGroupSaving()
- if(suspendedGroupSave)
- {
- suspendedGroupSave = false;
- if(queuedGroupSave)
- {
- saveGroupList();
- }
- }
void InstanceList::deleteGroup(const QString& name)
for(auto & instance: m_instances)
@@ -160,230 +119,180 @@ void InstanceList::deleteGroup(const QString& name)
-void InstanceList::saveGroupList()
+static QMap<InstanceId, InstanceLocator> getIdMapping(const QList<InstancePtr> &list)
- if(suspendedGroupSave)
+ QMap<InstanceId, InstanceLocator> out;
+ int i = 0;
+ for(auto & item: list)
- queuedGroupSave = true;
- return;
+ auto id = item->id();
+ if(out.contains(id))
+ {
+ qWarning() << "Duplicate ID" << id << "in instance list";
+ }
+ out[id] = std::make_pair(item, i);
+ i++;
+ return out;
- QString groupFileName = m_instDir + "/instgroups.json";
- QMap<QString, QSet<QString>> groupMap;
- for (auto instance : m_instances)
- {
- QString id = instance->id();
- QString group = instance->group();
- if (group.isEmpty())
- continue;
+InstanceList::InstListError InstanceList::loadList(bool complete)
+ auto existingIds = getIdMapping(m_instances);
- // keep a list/set of groups for choosing
- m_groups.insert(group);
+ QList<InstancePtr> newList;
- if (!groupMap.count(group))
+ auto processIds = [&](BaseInstanceProvider * provider, QList<InstanceId> ids)
+ {
+ for(auto & id: ids)
- QSet<QString> set;
- set.insert(id);
- groupMap[group] = set;
+ if(existingIds.contains(id))
+ {
+ auto instPair = existingIds[id];
+ /*
+ auto & instPtr = instPair.first;
+ auto & instIdx = instPair.second;
+ */
+ existingIds.remove(id);
+ qDebug() << "Should keep and soft-reload" << id;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ InstancePtr instPtr = provider->loadInstance(id);
+ newList.append(instPtr);
+ }
- else
+ };
+ if(complete)
+ {
+ for(auto & item: m_providers)
- QSet<QString> &set = groupMap[group];
- set.insert(id);
+ processIds(item.get(), item->discoverInstances());
- QJsonObject toplevel;
- toplevel.insert("formatVersion", QJsonValue(QString("1")));
- QJsonObject groupsArr;
- for (auto iter = groupMap.begin(); iter != groupMap.end(); iter++)
+ else
- auto list = iter.value();
- auto name = iter.key();
- QJsonObject groupObj;
- QJsonArray instanceArr;
- groupObj.insert("hidden", QJsonValue(QString("false")));
- for (auto item : list)
+ for (auto & item: m_updatedProviders)
- instanceArr.append(QJsonValue(item));
+ processIds(item, item->discoverInstances());
- groupObj.insert("instances", instanceArr);
- groupsArr.insert(name, groupObj);
- toplevel.insert("groups", groupsArr);
- QJsonDocument doc(toplevel);
- try
+ // TODO: looks like a general algorithm with a few specifics inserted. Do something about it.
+ if(!existingIds.isEmpty())
- FS::write(groupFileName, doc.toJson());
+ // get the list of removed instances and sort it by their original index, from last to first
+ auto deadList = existingIds.values();
+ auto orderSortPredicate = [](const InstanceLocator & a, const InstanceLocator & b) -> bool
+ {
+ return a.second > b.second;
+ };
+ std::sort(deadList.begin(), deadList.end(), orderSortPredicate);
+ // remove the contiguous ranges of rows
+ int front_bookmark = -1;
+ int back_bookmark = -1;
+ int currentItem = -1;
+ auto removeNow = [&]()
+ {
+ beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), front_bookmark, back_bookmark);
+ m_instances.erase(m_instances.begin() + front_bookmark, m_instances.begin() + back_bookmark + 1);
+ endRemoveRows();
+ front_bookmark = -1;
+ back_bookmark = currentItem;
+ };
+ for(auto & removedItem: deadList)
+ {
+ auto instPtr = removedItem.first;
+ if(!complete && !m_updatedProviders.contains(instPtr->provider()))
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ instPtr->invalidate();
+ currentItem = removedItem.second;
+ if(back_bookmark == -1)
+ {
+ // no bookmark yet
+ back_bookmark = currentItem;
+ }
+ else if(currentItem == front_bookmark - 1)
+ {
+ // part of contiguous sequence, continue
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // seam between previous and current item
+ removeNow();
+ }
+ front_bookmark = currentItem;
+ }
+ if(back_bookmark != -1)
+ {
+ removeNow();
+ }
- catch(FS::FileSystemException & e)
+ if(newList.size())
- qCritical() << "Failed to write instance group file :" << e.cause();
+ add(newList);
+ m_updatedProviders.clear();
+ return NoError;
-void InstanceList::loadGroupList(QMap<QString, QString> &groupMap)
+void InstanceList::add(const QList<InstancePtr> &t)
- QString groupFileName = m_instDir + "/instgroups.json";
- // if there's no group file, fail
- if (!QFileInfo(groupFileName).exists())
- return;
- QByteArray jsonData;
- try
- {
- jsonData = FS::read(groupFileName);
- }
- catch (FS::FileSystemException & e)
- {
- qCritical() << "Failed to read instance group file :" << e.cause();
- return;
- }
- QJsonParseError error;
- QJsonDocument jsonDoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(jsonData, &error);
- // if the json was bad, fail
- if (error.error != QJsonParseError::NoError)
+ beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), m_instances.count(), m_instances.count() + t.size() - 1);
+ m_instances.append(t);
+ for(auto & ptr : t)
- qCritical() << QString("Failed to parse instance group file: %1 at offset %2")
- .arg(error.errorString(), QString::number(error.offset))
- .toUtf8();
- return;
+ connect(ptr.get(), &BaseInstance::propertiesChanged, this, &InstanceList::propertiesChanged);
+ endInsertRows();
- // if the root of the json wasn't an object, fail
- if (!jsonDoc.isObject())
+void InstanceList::resumeWatch()
+ if(m_watchLevel > 0)
- qWarning() << "Invalid group file. Root entry should be an object.";
+ qWarning() << "Bad suspend level resume in instance list";
- QJsonObject rootObj = jsonDoc.object();
- // Make sure the format version matches, otherwise fail.
- if (rootObj.value("formatVersion").toVariant().toInt() != GROUP_FILE_FORMAT_VERSION)
- return;
- // Get the groups. if it's not an object, fail
- if (!rootObj.value("groups").isObject())
+ m_watchLevel++;
+ if(m_watchLevel > 0 && !m_updatedProviders.isEmpty())
- qWarning() << "Invalid group list JSON: 'groups' should be an object.";
- return;
- }
- // Iterate through all the groups.
- QJsonObject groupMapping = rootObj.value("groups").toObject();
- for (QJsonObject::iterator iter = groupMapping.begin(); iter != groupMapping.end(); iter++)
- {
- QString groupName = iter.key();
- // If not an object, complain and skip to the next one.
- if (!iter.value().isObject())
- {
- qWarning() << QString("Group '%1' in the group list should "
- "be an object.")
- .arg(groupName)
- .toUtf8();
- continue;
- }
- QJsonObject groupObj = iter.value().toObject();
- if (!groupObj.value("instances").isArray())
- {
- qWarning() << QString("Group '%1' in the group list is invalid. "
- "It should contain an array "
- "called 'instances'.")
- .arg(groupName)
- .toUtf8();
- continue;
- }
- // keep a list/set of groups for choosing
- m_groups.insert(groupName);
- // Iterate through the list of instances in the group.
- QJsonArray instancesArray = groupObj.value("instances").toArray();
- for (QJsonArray::iterator iter2 = instancesArray.begin(); iter2 != instancesArray.end();
- iter2++)
- {
- groupMap[(*iter2).toString()] = groupName;
- }
+ loadList();
-InstanceList::InstListError InstanceList::loadList()
+void InstanceList::suspendWatch()
- // load the instance groups
- QMap<QString, QString> groupMap;
- loadGroupList(groupMap);
+ m_watchLevel --;
- QList<InstancePtr> tempList;
+void InstanceList::providerUpdated()
+ auto provider = dynamic_cast<BaseInstanceProvider *>(QObject::sender());
+ if(!provider)
- QDirIterator iter(m_instDir, QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoDot | QDir::NoDotDot | QDir::Readable,
- QDirIterator::FollowSymlinks);
- while (iter.hasNext())
- {
- QString subDir = iter.next();
- if (!QFileInfo(FS::PathCombine(subDir, "instance.cfg")).exists())
- continue;
- qDebug() << "Loading MultiMC instance from " << subDir;
- InstancePtr instPtr;
- auto error = loadInstance(instPtr, subDir);
- if(!continueProcessInstance(instPtr, error, subDir, groupMap))
- continue;
- tempList.append(instPtr);
- }
+ qWarning() << "InstanceList::providerUpdated triggered by a non-provider";
+ return;
- // FIXME: generalize
- FTBPlugin::loadInstances(m_globalSettings, groupMap, tempList);
- beginResetModel();
- m_instances.clear();
- for(auto inst: tempList)
+ m_updatedProviders.insert(provider);
+ if(m_watchLevel == 1)
- connect(inst.get(), SIGNAL(propertiesChanged(BaseInstance *)), this,
- SLOT(propertiesChanged(BaseInstance *)));
- connect(inst.get(), SIGNAL(groupChanged()), this, SLOT(groupChanged()));
- connect(inst.get(), SIGNAL(nuked(BaseInstance *)), this,
- SLOT(instanceNuked(BaseInstance *)));
- m_instances.append(inst);
+ loadList();
- endResetModel();
- emit dataIsInvalid();
- return NoError;
-/// Clear all instances. Triggers notifications.
-void InstanceList::clear()
- beginResetModel();
- saveGroupList();
- m_instances.clear();
- endResetModel();
- emit dataIsInvalid();
-void InstanceList::on_InstFolderChanged(const Setting &setting, QVariant value)
+void InstanceList::groupsPublished(QSet<QString> newGroups)
- m_instDir = value.toString();
- loadList();
+ m_groups.unite(newGroups);
-/// Add an instance. Triggers notifications, returns the new index
-int InstanceList::add(InstancePtr t)
+void InstanceList::addInstanceProvider(BaseInstanceProvider* provider)
- beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), m_instances.size(), m_instances.size());
- m_instances.append(t);
- t->setParent(this);
- connect(t.get(), SIGNAL(propertiesChanged(BaseInstance *)), this,
- SLOT(propertiesChanged(BaseInstance *)));
- connect(t.get(), SIGNAL(groupChanged()), this, SLOT(groupChanged()));
- connect(t.get(), SIGNAL(nuked(BaseInstance *)), this, SLOT(instanceNuked(BaseInstance *)));
- endInsertRows();
- return count() - 1;
+ connect(provider, &BaseInstanceProvider::instancesChanged, this, &InstanceList::providerUpdated);
+ connect(provider, &BaseInstanceProvider::groupsChanged, this, &InstanceList::groupsPublished);
+ m_providers.append(provider);
InstancePtr InstanceList::getInstanceById(QString instId) const
@@ -418,157 +327,6 @@ int InstanceList::getInstIndex(BaseInstance *inst) const
return -1;
-bool InstanceList::continueProcessInstance(InstancePtr instPtr, const int error,
- const QDir &dir, QMap<QString, QString> &groupMap)
- if (error != InstanceList::NoLoadError && error != InstanceList::NotAnInstance)
- {
- QString errorMsg = QString("Failed to load instance %1: ")
- .arg(QFileInfo(dir.absolutePath()).baseName())
- .toUtf8();
- switch (error)
- {
- default:
- errorMsg += QString("Unknown instance loader error %1").arg(error);
- break;
- }
- qCritical() << errorMsg.toUtf8();
- return false;
- }
- else if (!instPtr)
- {
- qCritical() << QString("Error loading instance %1. Instance loader returned null.")
- .arg(QFileInfo(dir.absolutePath()).baseName())
- .toUtf8();
- return false;
- }
- else
- {
- auto iter = groupMap.find(instPtr->id());
- if (iter != groupMap.end())
- {
- instPtr->setGroupInitial((*iter));
- }
- qDebug() << "Loaded instance " << instPtr->name() << " from " << dir.absolutePath();
- return true;
- }
-InstanceList::loadInstance(InstancePtr &inst, const QString &instDir)
- auto instanceSettings = std::make_shared<INISettingsObject>(FS::PathCombine(instDir, "instance.cfg"));
- instanceSettings->registerSetting("InstanceType", "Legacy");
- QString inst_type = instanceSettings->get("InstanceType").toString();
- // FIXME: replace with a map lookup, where instance classes register their types
- if (inst_type == "OneSix" || inst_type == "Nostalgia")
- {
- inst.reset(new OneSixInstance(m_globalSettings, instanceSettings, instDir));
- }
- else if (inst_type == "Legacy")
- {
- inst.reset(new LegacyInstance(m_globalSettings, instanceSettings, instDir));
- }
- else
- {
- inst.reset(new NullInstance(m_globalSettings, instanceSettings, instDir));
- }
- inst->init();
- return NoLoadError;
-InstanceList::createInstance(InstancePtr &inst, BaseVersionPtr version, const QString &instDir)
- QDir rootDir(instDir);
- qDebug() << instDir.toUtf8();
- if (!rootDir.exists() && !rootDir.mkpath("."))
- {
- qCritical() << "Can't create instance folder" << instDir;
- return InstanceList::CantCreateDir;
- }
- if (!version)
- {
- qCritical() << "Can't create instance for non-existing MC version";
- return InstanceList::NoSuchVersion;
- }
- auto instanceSettings = std::make_shared<INISettingsObject>(FS::PathCombine(instDir, "instance.cfg"));
- instanceSettings->registerSetting("InstanceType", "Legacy");
- auto minecraftVersion = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<MinecraftVersion>(version);
- if(minecraftVersion)
- {
- auto mcVer = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<MinecraftVersion>(version);
- instanceSettings->set("InstanceType", "OneSix");
- inst.reset(new OneSixInstance(m_globalSettings, instanceSettings, instDir));
- inst->setIntendedVersionId(version->descriptor());
- inst->init();
- return InstanceList::NoCreateError;
- }
- return InstanceList::NoSuchVersion;
-InstanceList::copyInstance(InstancePtr &newInstance, InstancePtr &oldInstance, const QString &instDir, bool copySaves)
- QDir rootDir(instDir);
- std::unique_ptr<IPathMatcher> matcher;
- if(!copySaves)
- {
- auto matcherReal = new RegexpMatcher("[.]?minecraft/saves");
- matcherReal->caseSensitive(false);
- matcher.reset(matcherReal);
- }
- qDebug() << instDir.toUtf8();
- FS::copy folderCopy(oldInstance->instanceRoot(), instDir);
- folderCopy.followSymlinks(false).blacklist(matcher.get());
- if (!folderCopy())
- {
- FS::deletePath(instDir);
- return InstanceList::CantCreateDir;
- }
- INISettingsObject settings_obj(FS::PathCombine(instDir, "instance.cfg"));
- settings_obj.registerSetting("InstanceType", "Legacy");
- QString inst_type = settings_obj.get("InstanceType").toString();
- oldInstance->copy(instDir);
- auto error = loadInstance(newInstance, instDir);
- switch (error)
- {
- case NoLoadError:
- return NoCreateError;
- case NotAnInstance:
- rootDir.removeRecursively();
- return CantCreateDir;
- default:
- case UnknownLoadError:
- rootDir.removeRecursively();
- return UnknownCreateError;
- }
-void InstanceList::instanceNuked(BaseInstance *inst)
- int i = getInstIndex(inst);
- if (i != -1)
- {
- beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), i, i);
- m_instances.removeAt(i);
- endRemoveRows();
- }
void InstanceList::propertiesChanged(BaseInstance *inst)
int i = getInstIndex(inst);
@@ -577,3 +335,5 @@ void InstanceList::propertiesChanged(BaseInstance *inst)
emit dataChanged(index(i), index(i));
+#include "InstanceList.moc"