path: root/launcher/FileSystem.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'launcher/FileSystem.cpp')
1 files changed, 145 insertions, 76 deletions
diff --git a/launcher/FileSystem.cpp b/launcher/FileSystem.cpp
index 9e51f932..c48a3bba 100644
--- a/launcher/FileSystem.cpp
+++ b/launcher/FileSystem.cpp
@@ -66,7 +66,6 @@
#include <string>
//for ShellExecute
#include <shlobj.h>
-//#include <shlwapi.h>
#include <objbase.h>
#include <Shellapi.h>
@@ -228,94 +227,120 @@ bool copy::operator()(const QString& offset, bool dryRun)
bool create_link::operator()(const QString& offset, bool dryRun)
+ m_linked = 0; // reset counter
+ m_path_results.clear();
+ m_links_to_make.clear();
+ m_path_results.clear();
+ make_link_list(offset);
+ if (!dryRun)
+ return make_links();
- for (auto pair : m_path_pairs) {
- if (!make_link(pair.src, pair.dst, offset, dryRun)) {
- return false;
- }
- }
return true;
- * @brief links a directory and it's contents from src to dest
+ * @brief make a list off all the links ot make
* @param offset subdirectory form src to link to dest
* @return if there was an error during the attempt to link
-bool create_link::make_link(const QString& srcPath, const QString& dstPath, const QString& offset, bool dryRun)
+void create_link::make_link_list( const QString& offset)
- m_linked = 0; // reset counter
+ for (auto pair : m_path_pairs) {
+ const QString& srcPath = pair.src;
+ const QString& dstPath = pair.dst;
- auto src = PathCombine(QDir(srcPath).absolutePath(), offset);
- auto dst = PathCombine(QDir(dstPath).absolutePath(), offset);
+ auto src = PathCombine(QDir(srcPath).absolutePath(), offset);
+ auto dst = PathCombine(QDir(dstPath).absolutePath(), offset);
- // you can't hard link a directory so make sure if we deal with a directory we do so recursively
- if (m_useHardLinks)
- m_recursive = true;
+ // you can't hard link a directory so make sure if we deal with a directory we do so recursively
+ if (m_useHardLinks)
+ m_recursive = true;
- // Function that'll do the actual linking
- auto link_file = [&](QString src_path, QString relative_dst_path) {
- if (m_matcher && (m_matcher->matches(relative_dst_path) != m_whitelist))
- return;
+ // Function that'll do the actual linking
+ auto link_file = [&](QString src_path, QString relative_dst_path) {
+ if (m_matcher && (m_matcher->matches(relative_dst_path) != m_whitelist)) {
+ qDebug() << "path" << relative_dst_path << "in black list or not in whitelist";
+ return;
+ }
- auto dst_path = PathCombine(dst, relative_dst_path);
- if (!dryRun) {
- ensureFilePathExists(dst_path);
- if (m_useHardLinks) {
- if (m_debug)
- qDebug() << "making hard link:" << src_path << "to" << dst_path;
- fs::create_hard_link(StringUtils::toStdString(src_path), StringUtils::toStdString(dst_path), m_os_err);
- } else if (fs::is_directory(StringUtils::toStdString(src_path))) {
- if (m_debug)
- qDebug() << "making directory_symlink:" << src_path << "to" << dst_path;
- fs::create_directory_symlink(StringUtils::toStdString(src_path), StringUtils::toStdString(dst_path), m_os_err);
- } else {
- if (m_debug)
- qDebug() << "making symlink:" << src_path << "to" << dst_path;
- fs::create_symlink(StringUtils::toStdString(src_path), StringUtils::toStdString(dst_path), m_os_err);
+ auto dst_path = PathCombine(dst, relative_dst_path);
+ LinkPair link = {src_path, dst_path};
+ m_links_to_make.append(link);
+ };
+ if ((!m_recursive) || !fs::is_directory(StringUtils::toStdString(src))) {
+ if (m_debug)
+ qDebug() << "linking single file or dir:" << src << "to" << dst;
+ link_file(src, "");
+ } else {
+ if (m_debug)
+ qDebug() << "linking recursivly:" << src << "to" << dst;
+ QDir src_dir(src);
+ QDirIterator source_it(src, QDir::Filter::Files | QDir::Filter::Hidden, QDirIterator::Subdirectories);
+ while (source_it.hasNext()) {
+ auto src_path = source_it.next();
+ auto relative_path = src_dir.relativeFilePath(src_path);
+ link_file(src_path, relative_path);
+ }
+bool create_link::make_links()
+ for (auto link : m_links_to_make) {
+ QString src_path = link.src;
+ QString dst_path = link.dst;
+ ensureFilePathExists(dst_path);
+ if (m_useHardLinks) {
+ if (m_debug)
+ qDebug() << "making hard link:" << src_path << "to" << dst_path;
+ fs::create_hard_link(StringUtils::toStdString(src_path), StringUtils::toStdString(dst_path), m_os_err);
+ } else if (fs::is_directory(StringUtils::toStdString(src_path))) {
+ if (m_debug)
+ qDebug() << "making directory_symlink:" << src_path << "to" << dst_path;
+ fs::create_directory_symlink(StringUtils::toStdString(src_path), StringUtils::toStdString(dst_path), m_os_err);
+ } else {
+ if (m_debug)
+ qDebug() << "making symlink:" << src_path << "to" << dst_path;
+ fs::create_symlink(StringUtils::toStdString(src_path), StringUtils::toStdString(dst_path), m_os_err);
+ }
if (m_os_err) {
qWarning() << "Failed to link files:" << QString::fromStdString(m_os_err.message());
qDebug() << "Source file:" << src_path;
qDebug() << "Destination file:" << dst_path;
qDebug() << "Error catagory:" << m_os_err.category().name();
qDebug() << "Error code:" << m_os_err.value();
- emit linkFailed(src_path, dst_path, m_os_err);
+ emit linkFailed(src_path, dst_path, QString::fromStdString(m_os_err.message()), m_os_err.value());
} else {
- emit fileLinked(relative_dst_path);
- }
- };
- if ((!m_recursive) || !fs::is_directory(StringUtils::toStdString(src))) {
- if (m_debug)
- qDebug() << "linking single file or dir:" << src << "to" << dst;
- link_file(src, "");
- } else {
- if (m_debug)
- qDebug() << "linking recursivly:" << src << "to" << dst;
- QDir src_dir(src);
- QDirIterator source_it(src, QDir::Filter::Files | QDir::Filter::Hidden, QDirIterator::Subdirectories);
- while (source_it.hasNext()) {
- auto src_path = source_it.next();
- auto relative_path = src_dir.relativeFilePath(src_path);
- link_file(src_path, relative_path);
- if (m_os_err) return false;
+ emit fileLinked(src_path, dst_path);
+ if (m_os_err) return false;
- return m_os_err.value() == 0;
+ return true;
-bool create_link::runPrivlaged(const QString& offset)
+void create_link::runPrivlaged(const QString& offset)
+ m_linked = 0; // reset counter
+ m_path_results.clear();
+ m_links_to_make.clear();
+ bool gotResults = false;
+ make_link_list(offset);
QString serverName = BuildConfig.LAUNCHER_APP_BINARY_NAME + "_filelink_server" + StringUtils::getRandomAlphaNumeric(8);
@@ -325,25 +350,72 @@ bool create_link::runPrivlaged(const QString& offset)
// construct block of data to send
QByteArray block;
QDataStream out(&block, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
- out.setVersion(QDataStream::Qt_5_15); // choose correct version better?
+ out.setVersion(QDataStream::Qt_5_0); // choose correct version better?
qint32 blocksize = quint32(sizeof(quint32));
- for (auto pair : m_path_pairs) {
- blocksize += quint32(pair.src.size());
- blocksize += quint32(pair.dst.size());
+ for (auto link : m_links_to_make) {
+ blocksize += quint32(link.src.size());
+ blocksize += quint32(link.dst.size());
qDebug() << "About to write block of size:" << blocksize;
out << blocksize;
- out << quint32(m_path_pairs.length());
- for (auto pair : m_path_pairs) {
- out << pair.src;
- out << pair.dst;
+ out << quint32(m_links_to_make.length());
+ for (auto link : m_links_to_make) {
+ out << link.src;
+ out << link.dst;
QLocalSocket *clientConnection = m_linkServer.nextPendingConnection();
connect(clientConnection, &QLocalSocket::disconnected,
clientConnection, &QLocalSocket::deleteLater);
+ connect(clientConnection, &QLocalSocket::readyRead, this, [&, clientConnection](){
+ QDataStream in;
+ quint32 blockSize = 0;
+ in.setDevice(clientConnection);
+ in.setVersion(QDataStream::Qt_5_0);
+ qDebug() << "Reading path results from client";
+ qDebug() << "bytes avalible" << clientConnection->bytesAvailable();
+ // Relies on the fact that QDataStream serializes a quint32 into
+ // sizeof(quint32) bytes
+ if (clientConnection->bytesAvailable() < (int)sizeof(quint32))
+ return;
+ qDebug() << "reading block size";
+ in >> blockSize;
+ qDebug() << "blocksize is" << blockSize;
+ qDebug() << "bytes avalible" << clientConnection->bytesAvailable();
+ if (clientConnection->bytesAvailable() < blockSize || in.atEnd())
+ return;
+ quint32 numResults;
+ in >> numResults;
+ qDebug() << "numResults" << numResults;
+ for(int i = 0; i < numResults; i++) {
+ FS::LinkResult result;
+ in >> result.src;
+ in >> result.dst;
+ in >> result.err_msg;
+ qint32 err_value;
+ in >> err_value;
+ result.err_value = err_value;
+ if (result.err_value) {
+ qDebug() << "privlaged link fail" << result.src << "to" << result.dst << "code" << result.err_value << result.err_msg;
+ emit linkFailed(result.src, result.dst, result.err_msg, result.err_value);
+ } else {
+ qDebug() << "privlaged link success" << result.src << "to" << result.dst;
+ m_linked++;
+ emit fileLinked(result.src, result.dst);
+ }
+ m_path_results.append(result);
+ }
+ gotResults = true;
+ qDebug() << "results recieved, closing connection";
+ clientConnection->close();
+ });
qint64 byteswritten = clientConnection->write(block);
bool bytesflushed = clientConnection->flush();
@@ -354,20 +426,15 @@ bool create_link::runPrivlaged(const QString& offset)
qDebug() << "Listening on pipe" << serverName;
if (!m_linkServer.listen(serverName)) {
qDebug() << "Unable to start local pipe server on" << serverName << ":" << m_linkServer.errorString();
- return false;
+ return;
- ExternalLinkFileProcess *linkFileProcess = new ExternalLinkFileProcess(serverName, this);
- connect(linkFileProcess, &ExternalLinkFileProcess::processExited, this, [&](){
- emit finishedPrivlaged();
- });
+ ExternalLinkFileProcess* linkFileProcess = new ExternalLinkFileProcess(serverName, m_useHardLinks, this);
+ connect(linkFileProcess, &ExternalLinkFileProcess::processExited, this, [&]() { emit finishedPrivlaged(gotResults); });
connect(linkFileProcess, &ExternalLinkFileProcess::finished, linkFileProcess, &QObject::deleteLater);
- // linkFileProcess->wait();
- return true;
@@ -375,6 +442,8 @@ void ExternalLinkFileProcess::runLinkFile() {
QString fileLinkExe = PathCombine(QCoreApplication::instance()->applicationDirPath(), BuildConfig.LAUNCHER_APP_BINARY_NAME + "_filelink");
QString params = "-s " + m_server;
+ params += " -H " + QVariant(m_useHardLinks).toString();
#if defined Q_OS_WIN32