path: root/launcher/FileSystem.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'launcher/FileSystem.cpp')
1 files changed, 84 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/launcher/FileSystem.cpp b/launcher/FileSystem.cpp
index aee5245d..ec4af98c 100644
--- a/launcher/FileSystem.cpp
+++ b/launcher/FileSystem.cpp
@@ -152,9 +152,11 @@ bool ensureFolderPathExists(QString foldernamepath)
return success;
-/// @brief Copies a directory and it's contents from src to dest
-/// @param offset subdirectory form src to copy to dest
-/// @return if there was an error during the filecopy
+ * @brief Copies a directory and it's contents from src to dest
+ * @param offset subdirectory form src to copy to dest
+ * @return if there was an error during the filecopy
+ */
bool copy::operator()(const QString& offset, bool dryRun)
using copy_opts = fs::copy_options;
@@ -215,6 +217,85 @@ bool copy::operator()(const QString& offset, bool dryRun)
return err.value() == 0;
+ * @brief links a directory and it's contents from src to dest
+ * @param offset subdirectory form src to link to dest
+ * @return if there was an error during the attempt to link
+ */
+bool create_link::operator()(const QString& offset, bool dryRun)
+ m_linked = 0; // reset counter
+ auto src = PathCombine(m_src.absolutePath(), offset);
+ auto dst = PathCombine(m_dst.absolutePath(), offset);
+ std::error_code err;
+ // you can't hard link a directory so make sure if we deal with a directory we do so recursively
+ if (m_useHardLinks)
+ m_recursive = true;
+ // Function that'll do the actual linking
+ auto link_file = [&](QString src_path, QString relative_dst_path) {
+ if (m_matcher && (m_matcher->matches(relative_dst_path) != m_whitelist))
+ return;
+ auto dst_path = PathCombine(dst, relative_dst_path);
+ if (!dryRun) {
+ ensureFilePathExists(dst_path);
+ if (m_useHardLinks) {
+ if (m_debug)
+ qDebug() << "making hard link:" << src_path << "to" << dst_path;
+ fs::create_hard_link(StringUtils::toStdString(src_path), StringUtils::toStdString(dst_path), err);
+ } else if (fs::is_directory(StringUtils::toStdString(src_path))) {
+ if (m_debug)
+ qDebug() << "making directory_symlink:" << src_path << "to" << dst_path;
+ fs::create_directory_symlink(StringUtils::toStdString(src_path), StringUtils::toStdString(dst_path), err);
+ } else {
+ if (m_debug)
+ qDebug() << "making symlink:" << src_path << "to" << dst_path;
+ fs::create_symlink(StringUtils::toStdString(src_path), StringUtils::toStdString(dst_path), err);
+ }
+ }
+ if (err) {
+ qWarning() << "Failed to link files:" << QString::fromStdString(err.message());
+ qDebug() << "Source file:" << src_path;
+ qDebug() << "Destination file:" << dst_path;
+ qDebug() << "Error catagory:" << err.category().name();
+ qDebug() << "Error code:" << err.value();
+ m_last_os_err = err.value();
+ emit linkFailed(src_path, dst_path, err);
+ } else {
+ m_linked++;
+ emit fileLinked(relative_dst_path);
+ }
+ };
+ if ((!m_recursive) || !fs::is_directory(StringUtils::toStdString(src))) {
+ if (m_debug)
+ qDebug() << "linking single file or dir:" << src << "to" << dst;
+ link_file(src, "");
+ } else {
+ if (m_debug)
+ qDebug() << "linking recursivly:" << src << "to" << dst;
+ QDir src_dir(src);
+ QDirIterator source_it(src, QDir::Filter::Files | QDir::Filter::Hidden, QDirIterator::Subdirectories);
+ while (source_it.hasNext()) {
+ auto src_path = source_it.next();
+ auto relative_path = src_dir.relativeFilePath(src_path);
+ link_file(src_path, relative_path);
+ }
+ }
+ return err.value() == 0;
bool move(const QString& source, const QString& dest)
std::error_code err;