path: root/launcher/ui/pages
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Diffstat (limited to 'launcher/ui/pages')
1 files changed, 28 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/modrinth/ModrinthPage.cpp b/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/modrinth/ModrinthPage.cpp
index f7c5b2ce..d8500674 100644
--- a/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/modrinth/ModrinthPage.cpp
+++ b/launcher/ui/pages/modplatform/modrinth/ModrinthPage.cpp
@@ -224,19 +224,37 @@ void ModrinthPage::updateUI()
// TODO: Implement multiple authors with links
text += "<br>" + tr(" by ") + QString("<a href=%1>%2</a>").arg(std::get<1>(current.author).toString(), std::get<0>(current.author));
- if(!current.extra.donate.isEmpty()) {
- text += tr("<br><br>Donate information:<br>");
- auto donateToStr = [](Modrinth::DonationData& donate) -> QString {
- return QString("<a href=\"%1\">%2</a>").arg(donate.url, donate.platform);
- };
- QStringList donates;
- for (auto& donate : current.extra.donate) {
- donates.append(donateToStr(donate));
+ if(current.extraInfoLoaded) {
+ if (!current.extra.donate.isEmpty()) {
+ text += "<br><br>" + tr("Donate information: ");
+ auto donateToStr = [](Modrinth::DonationData& donate) -> QString {
+ return QString("<a href=\"%1\">%2</a>").arg(donate.url, donate.platform);
+ };
+ QStringList donates;
+ for (auto& donate : current.extra.donate) {
+ donates.append(donateToStr(donate));
+ }
+ text += donates.join(", ");
+ }
+ if (!current.extra.issuesUrl.isEmpty()
+ || !current.extra.sourceUrl.isEmpty()
+ || !current.extra.wikiUrl.isEmpty()
+ || !current.extra.discordUrl.isEmpty()) {
+ text += "<br><br>" + tr("External links:") + "<br>";
- text += donates.join(", ");
+ if (!current.extra.issuesUrl.isEmpty())
+ text += "- " + tr("Issues: <a href=%1>%1</a>").arg(current.extra.issuesUrl) + "<br>";
+ if (!current.extra.wikiUrl.isEmpty())
+ text += "- " + tr("Wiki: <a href=%1>%1</a>").arg(current.extra.wikiUrl) + "<br>";
+ if (!current.extra.sourceUrl.isEmpty())
+ text += "- " + tr("Source code: <a href=%1>%1</a>").arg(current.extra.sourceUrl) + "<br>";
+ if (!current.extra.discordUrl.isEmpty())
+ text += "- " + tr("Discord: <a href=%1>%1</a>").arg(current.extra.discordUrl) + "<br>";
- text += "<br>";
+ text += "<hr>";
HoeDown h;
text += h.process(current.extra.body.toUtf8());