path: root/.gitignore
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-12-20Move MSA Client ID to the same place as the othersLenny McLennington
2021-12-10NOISSUE Ignore Install DirectoryOwen Wang
2021-11-06NOISSUE Exclude run directoryJanrupf
2021-10-21NOISSUE continue debranding...Petr Mrázek
2021-10-21NOISSUE debranding for real, initial workPetr Mrázek
2021-08-27NOISSUE introduce the concept of secrets static libraryPetr Mrázek
2021-07-22Added total playtimeLeland Liu
2019-09-26NOISSUE remove some dead thingsPetr Mrázek
2018-11-12NOISSUE Ignore stuff from CLionjanrupf
2014-03-07Add project files I use to gitignore.robotbrain
2014-01-17Improve Console window output.Orochimarufan
2014-01-02Added .DS_Store to .gitignore.Noah Mayr
2013-12-02Unit testingJan Dalheimer
2013-11-13Added YouCompleteMe config to .gitignoreAndrew
2013-11-11Added vim *.swp files to .gitignoreAndrew
2013-09-23Ignore KDE dir metadata filesPetr Mrázek
2013-08-14Working on legacy support, incomplete.Petr Mrázek
2013-01-25Add .user files to gitignore and remove deleted files from CMakeLists.Andrew
2013-01-11CMake build system, big pile of libs: bspatch, quazip, java, the launcherPetr Mrázek
2013-01-09Initial commitAndrew