path: root/libraries/tomlc99
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-09-24Replaced tomlc99 with tomlplusplusTrial97
2022-08-06chore(markdown): MD001 Heading levels should only increment by one level at a...txtsd
2022-08-06chore(markdown): MD037 Spaces inside emphasis markerstxtsd
2022-08-06chore(markdown): MD010 Hard tabstxtsd
2022-08-06chore(markdown): MD031 Fenced code blocks should be surrounded by blank linestxtsd
2022-08-06chore(markdown): MD040 Fenced code blocks should have a language specifiedtxtsd
2022-08-06chore(markdown): MD012 Multiple consecutive blank linestxtsd
2021-04-17switch to new toml librarykumquat-ir