diff options
authorJesse Plamondon-Willard <>2020-04-15 19:20:53 -0400
committerJesse Plamondon-Willard <>2020-04-15 19:20:53 -0400
commit3a247fa75c56f315d82ea55143e89d28d61c064c (patch)
parent01b970c84a565ff264f0482a3c544c609886912e (diff)
tweak new code, update release notes
3 files changed, 74 insertions, 80 deletions
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index d08e7476..5bf8a803 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
* Fixed rare intermittent "CGI application encountered an error" errors.
* For modders:
+ * Extended `SDate` with `SeasonIndex`, `FromDaysSinceStart`, `FromWorldDate`, `ToWorldDate`, and `ToLocaleString` fields/methods (thanks to kdau!).
* Fixed asset propagation on Linux/Mac for monster sprites, NPC dialogue, and NPC schedules.
* Fixed asset propagation for NPC dialogue sometimes causing a spouse to skip marriage dialogue or not allow kisses.
diff --git a/src/SMAPI.Tests/Utilities/SDateTests.cs b/src/SMAPI.Tests/Utilities/SDateTests.cs
index 3fca9b29..0461952e 100644
--- a/src/SMAPI.Tests/Utilities/SDateTests.cs
+++ b/src/SMAPI.Tests/Utilities/SDateTests.cs
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using NUnit.Framework;
using StardewModdingAPI.Utilities;
using StardewValley;
-using LC = StardewValley.LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode;
namespace SMAPI.Tests.Utilities
@@ -84,6 +83,46 @@ namespace SMAPI.Tests.Utilities
+ ** FromDaysSinceStart
+ ****/
+ [Test(Description = "Assert that FromDaysSinceStart returns the expected date.")]
+ [TestCase(1, ExpectedResult = "01 spring Y1")]
+ [TestCase(2, ExpectedResult = "02 spring Y1")]
+ [TestCase(28, ExpectedResult = "28 spring Y1")]
+ [TestCase(29, ExpectedResult = "01 summer Y1")]
+ [TestCase(141, ExpectedResult = "01 summer Y2")]
+ public string FromDaysSinceStart(int daysSinceStart)
+ {
+ // act
+ return SDate.FromDaysSinceStart(daysSinceStart).ToString();
+ }
+ [Test(Description = "Assert that FromDaysSinceStart throws an exception if the number of days is invalid.")]
+ [TestCase(-1)] // day < 0
+ [TestCase(0)] // day == 0
+ [SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "AssignmentIsFullyDiscarded", Justification = "Deliberate for unit test.")]
+ public void FromDaysSinceStart_RejectsInvalidValues(int daysSinceStart)
+ {
+ // act & assert
+ Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(() => _ = SDate.FromDaysSinceStart(daysSinceStart), "Passing the invalid number of days didn't throw the expected exception.");
+ }
+ /****
+ ** From
+ ****/
+ [Test(Description = "Assert that SDate.From constructs the correct instance for a given date.")]
+ [TestCase(0, ExpectedResult = "01 spring Y1")]
+ [TestCase(1, ExpectedResult = "02 spring Y1")]
+ [TestCase(27, ExpectedResult = "28 spring Y1")]
+ [TestCase(28, ExpectedResult = "01 summer Y1")]
+ [TestCase(140, ExpectedResult = "01 summer Y2")]
+ public string From_WorldDate(int totalDays)
+ {
+ return SDate.From(new WorldDate { TotalDays = totalDays }).ToString();
+ }
+ /****
** SeasonIndex
[Test(Description = "Assert the numeric index of the season.")]
@@ -98,6 +137,7 @@ namespace SMAPI.Tests.Utilities
return this.GetDate(dateStr).SeasonIndex;
** DayOfWeek
@@ -136,6 +176,7 @@ namespace SMAPI.Tests.Utilities
return this.GetDate(dateStr).DayOfWeek;
** DaysSinceStart
@@ -151,6 +192,7 @@ namespace SMAPI.Tests.Utilities
return this.GetDate(dateStr).DaysSinceStart;
** ToString
@@ -164,57 +206,6 @@ namespace SMAPI.Tests.Utilities
return this.GetDate(dateStr).ToString();
- /****
- ** ToLocaleString
- ****/
- // TODO: Provide an appropriate XNA/MonoGame context to run this in, or else remove the test.
- // [Test(Description = "Assert that ToLocaleString returns the expected string in various locales.")]
- // [TestCase("14 spring Y1", LC.en, ExpectedResult = "Day 14 of Spring, Year 1")]
- // [TestCase("01 summer Y16", LC.en, ExpectedResult = "Day 1 of Summer, Year 16")]
- // [TestCase("28 fall Y10", LC.en, ExpectedResult = "Day 28 of Fall, Year 10")]
- // [TestCase("01 winter Y1", LC.en, ExpectedResult = "Day 1 of Winter, Year 1")]
- // [TestCase("14 spring Y1",, ExpectedResult = "Día 14 de primavera, año 1")]
- // [TestCase("01 summer Y16",, ExpectedResult = "Día 1 de verano, año 16")]
- // [TestCase("28 fall Y10",, ExpectedResult = "Día 28 de otoño, año 10")]
- // [TestCase("01 winter Y1",, ExpectedResult = "Día 1 de invierno, año 1")]
- // public string ToLocaleString(string dateStr, LC langCode)
- // {
- // LC oldCode = LocalizedContentManager.CurrentLanguageCode;
- // try
- // {
- // LocalizedContentManager.CurrentLanguageCode = langCode;
- // return this.GetDate(dateStr).ToLocaleString();
- // }
- // finally
- // {
- // LocalizedContentManager.CurrentLanguageCode = oldCode;
- // }
- // }
- /****
- ** FromDaysSinceStart
- ****/
- [Test(Description = "Assert that FromDaysSinceStart returns the expected date.")]
- [TestCase(1, ExpectedResult = "01 spring Y1")]
- [TestCase(2, ExpectedResult = "02 spring Y1")]
- [TestCase(28, ExpectedResult = "28 spring Y1")]
- [TestCase(29, ExpectedResult = "01 summer Y1")]
- [TestCase(141, ExpectedResult = "01 summer Y2")]
- public string FromDaysSinceStart(int daysSinceStart)
- {
- // act
- return SDate.FromDaysSinceStart(daysSinceStart).ToString();
- }
- [Test(Description = "Assert that FromDaysSinceStart throws an exception if the number of days is invalid.")]
- [TestCase(-1)] // day < 0
- [TestCase(0)] // day == 0
- [SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "AssignmentIsFullyDiscarded", Justification = "Deliberate for unit test.")]
- public void FromDaysSinceStart_RejectsInvalidValues(int daysSinceStart)
- {
- // act & assert
- Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(() => _ = SDate.FromDaysSinceStart(daysSinceStart), "Passing the invalid number of days didn't throw the expected exception.");
- }
** AddDays
@@ -246,6 +237,7 @@ namespace SMAPI.Tests.Utilities
Assert.Throws<ArithmeticException>(() => _ = this.GetDate(dateStr).AddDays(addDays), "Passing the invalid number of days didn't throw the expected exception.");
** GetHashCode
@@ -274,28 +266,25 @@ namespace SMAPI.Tests.Utilities
- [Test(Description = "Assert that the SDate operator for WorldDates returns the corresponding SDate.")]
- [TestCase(0, ExpectedResult = "01 spring Y1")]
- [TestCase(1, ExpectedResult = "02 spring Y1")]
- [TestCase(27, ExpectedResult = "28 spring Y1")]
- [TestCase(28, ExpectedResult = "01 summer Y1")]
- [TestCase(140, ExpectedResult = "01 summer Y2")]
- public string Operators_SDate_WorldDate(int totalDays)
- {
- return ((SDate)new WorldDate { TotalDays = totalDays }).ToString();
- }
+ /****
+ ** ToWorldDate
+ ****/
[Test(Description = "Assert that the WorldDate operator returns the corresponding WorldDate.")]
[TestCase("01 spring Y1", ExpectedResult = 0)]
[TestCase("02 spring Y1", ExpectedResult = 1)]
[TestCase("28 spring Y1", ExpectedResult = 27)]
[TestCase("01 summer Y1", ExpectedResult = 28)]
[TestCase("01 summer Y2", ExpectedResult = 140)]
- public int Operators_WorldDate(string dateStr)
+ public int ToWorldDate(string dateStr)
- return ((WorldDate)this.GetDate(dateStr)).TotalDays;
+ return this.GetDate(dateStr).ToWorldDate().TotalDays;
+ /****
+ ** Operators
+ ****/
[Test(Description = "Assert that the == operator returns the expected values. We only need a few test cases, since it's based on GetHashCode which is tested more thoroughly.")]
[TestCase(Dates.Now, null, ExpectedResult = false)]
[TestCase(Dates.Now, Dates.PrevDay, ExpectedResult = false)]
diff --git a/src/SMAPI/Utilities/SDate.cs b/src/SMAPI/Utilities/SDate.cs
index 8cb55891..36907714 100644
--- a/src/SMAPI/Utilities/SDate.cs
+++ b/src/SMAPI/Utilities/SDate.cs
@@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI.Utilities
/// <summary>The season name.</summary>
public string Season { get; }
- /// <summary>The season index.</summary>
+ /// <summary>The index of the season (where 0 is spring, 1 is summer, 2 is fall, and 3 is winter).</summary>
+ /// <remarks>This is used in some game calculations (e.g. seasonal game sprites) and methods (e.g. <see cref="Utility.getSeasonNameFromNumber"/>).</remarks>
public int SeasonIndex { get; }
/// <summary>The year.</summary>
@@ -66,7 +67,7 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI.Utilities
return new SDate(Game1.dayOfMonth, Game1.currentSeason, Game1.year, allowDayZero: true);
- /// <summary>Get the date falling the given number of days after 0 spring Y1.</summary>
+ /// <summary>Get a date from the number of days after 0 spring Y1.</summary>
/// <param name="daysSinceStart">The number of days since 0 spring Y1.</param>
public static SDate FromDaysSinceStart(int daysSinceStart)
@@ -80,6 +81,16 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI.Utilities
+ /// <summary>Get a date from a game date instance.</summary>
+ /// <param name="date">The world date.</param>
+ public static SDate From(WorldDate date)
+ {
+ if (date == null)
+ return null;
+ return new SDate(date.DayOfMonth, date.Season, date.Year, allowDayZero: true);
+ }
/// <summary>Get a new date with the given number of days added.</summary>
/// <param name="offset">The number of days to add.</param>
/// <returns>Returns the resulting date.</returns>
@@ -109,13 +120,19 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI.Utilities
return new SDate(day, this.Seasons[seasonIndex], year);
+ /// <summary>Get a game date representation of the date.</summary>
+ public WorldDate ToWorldDate()
+ {
+ return new WorldDate(this.Year, this.Season, this.Day);
+ }
/// <summary>Get a string representation of the date. This is mainly intended for debugging or console messages.</summary>
public override string ToString()
return $"{this.Day:00} {this.Season} Y{this.Year}";
- /// <summary>Get a string representation of the date in the current game locale.</summary>
+ /// <summary>Get a translated string representation of the date in the current game locale.</summary>
public string ToLocaleString()
return Utility.getDateStringFor(this.Day, this.SeasonIndex, this.Year);
@@ -147,19 +164,6 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI.Utilities
** Operators
- /// <summary>Get the SDate equivalent to the given WorldDate.</summary>
- /// <param name="worldDate">A date returned from a core game property or method.</param>
- public static explicit operator SDate(WorldDate worldDate)
- {
- return new SDate(worldDate.DayOfMonth, worldDate.Season, worldDate.Year, allowDayZero: true);
- }
- /// <summary>Get the SDate as an instance of the game's WorldDate class. This is intended for passing to core game methods.</summary>
- public static explicit operator WorldDate(SDate date)
- {
- return new WorldDate(date.Year, date.Season, date.Day);
- }
/// <summary>Get whether one date is equal to another.</summary>
/// <param name="date">The base date to compare.</param>
/// <param name="other">The other date to compare.</param>