diff options
authorJesse Plamondon-Willard <>2016-11-14 20:09:44 -0500
committerJesse Plamondon-Willard <>2016-11-14 20:09:44 -0500
commitbff02ffd9b313a91243c95c2a5df0597391ef9f8 (patch)
parentf9823c2ed091df8c31c6d7338acd69e63f598537 (diff)
format & document TrainerMod code
2 files changed, 316 insertions, 302 deletions
diff --git a/src/TrainerMod/Framework/Extensions.cs b/src/TrainerMod/Framework/Extensions.cs
index 30019748..705d09b7 100644
--- a/src/TrainerMod/Framework/Extensions.cs
+++ b/src/TrainerMod/Framework/Extensions.cs
@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
/// <summary>Provides extension methods on primitive types.</summary>
public static class Extensions
+ /*********
+ ** Public methods
+ *********/
/// <summary>Get whether an object is a number.</summary>
/// <param name="value">The object value.</param>
public static bool IsInt(this object value)
diff --git a/src/TrainerMod/TrainerMod.cs b/src/TrainerMod/TrainerMod.cs
index 3c40a941..1c1c3711 100644
--- a/src/TrainerMod/TrainerMod.cs
+++ b/src/TrainerMod/TrainerMod.cs
@@ -13,113 +13,154 @@ using Object = StardewValley.Object;
namespace TrainerMod
+ /// <summary>The main entry point for the mod.</summary>
public class TrainerMod : Mod
- public static int frozenTime;
- public static bool infHealth, infStamina, infMoney, freezeTime;
+ /*********
+ ** Properties
+ *********/
+ /// <summary>The time of day at which to freeze time.</summary>
+ public static int FrozenTime;
+ /// <summary>Whether to keep the player's health at its maximum.</summary>
+ public static bool InfiniteHealth;
+ /// <summary>Whether to keep the player's stamina at its maximum.</summary>
+ public static bool InfiniteStamina;
+ /// <summary>Whether to keep the player's money at a set value.</summary>
+ public static bool InfiniteMoney;
+ /// <summary>Whether to freeze time.</summary>
+ public static bool FreezeTime;
+ /*********
+ ** Public methods
+ *********/
/// <summary>The entry point for your mod. It will always be called once when the mod loads.</summary>
/// <param name="helper">Provides methods for interacting with the mod directory, such as read/writing a config file or custom JSON files.</param>
public override void Entry(ModHelper helper)
- RegisterCommands();
- GameEvents.UpdateTick += Events_UpdateTick;
+ TrainerMod.RegisterCommands();
+ GameEvents.UpdateTick += TrainerMod.ReceiveUpdateTick;
- private static void Events_UpdateTick(object sender, EventArgs e)
+ /*********
+ ** Private methods
+ *********/
+ /****
+ ** Implementation
+ ****/
+ /// <summary>The method invoked when the game updates its state.</summary>
+ /// <param name="sender">The event sender.</param>
+ /// <param name="e">The event arguments.</param>
+ private static void ReceiveUpdateTick(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (Game1.player == null)
- if (infHealth)
- {
+ if (TrainerMod.InfiniteHealth) = Game1.player.maxHealth;
- }
- if (infStamina)
- {
+ if (TrainerMod.InfiniteStamina)
Game1.player.stamina = Game1.player.MaxStamina;
- }
- if (infMoney)
- {
+ if (TrainerMod.InfiniteMoney) = 999999;
- }
- if (freezeTime)
- {
- Game1.timeOfDay = frozenTime;
- }
+ if (TrainerMod.FreezeTime)
+ Game1.timeOfDay = TrainerMod.FrozenTime;
+ /// <summary>Register all trainer commands.</summary>
public static void RegisterCommands()
- Command.RegisterCommand("types", "Lists all value types | types").CommandFired += types_CommandFired;
+ Command.RegisterCommand("types", "Lists all value types | types").CommandFired += TrainerMod.HandleTypes;
- Command.RegisterCommand("save", "Saves the game? Doesn't seem to work. | save").CommandFired += save_CommandFired;
- Command.RegisterCommand("load", "Shows the load screen | load").CommandFired += load_CommandFired;
+ Command.RegisterCommand("save", "Saves the game? Doesn't seem to work. | save").CommandFired += TrainerMod.HandleSave;
+ Command.RegisterCommand("load", "Shows the load screen | load").CommandFired += TrainerMod.HandleLoad;
- Command.RegisterCommand("exit", "Closes the game | exit").CommandFired += exit_CommandFired;
- Command.RegisterCommand("stop", "Closes the game | stop").CommandFired += exit_CommandFired;
+ Command.RegisterCommand("exit", "Closes the game | exit").CommandFired += TrainerMod.HandleExit;
+ Command.RegisterCommand("stop", "Closes the game | stop").CommandFired += TrainerMod.HandleExit;
- Command.RegisterCommand("player_setname", "Sets the player's name | player_setname <object> <value>", new[] {"(player, pet, farm)<object> (String)<value> The target name"}).CommandFired += player_setName;
- Command.RegisterCommand("player_setmoney", "Sets the player's money | player_setmoney <value>|inf", new[] {"(Int32)<value> The target money"}).CommandFired += player_setMoney;
- Command.RegisterCommand("player_setstamina", "Sets the player's stamina | player_setstamina <value>|inf", new[] {"(Int32)<value> The target stamina"}).CommandFired += player_setStamina;
- Command.RegisterCommand("player_setmaxstamina", "Sets the player's max stamina | player_setmaxstamina <value>", new[] {"(Int32)<value> The target max stamina"}).CommandFired += player_setMaxStamina;
- Command.RegisterCommand("player_sethealth", "Sets the player's health | player_sethealth <value>|inf", new[] {"(Int32)<value> The target health"}).CommandFired += player_setHealth;
- Command.RegisterCommand("player_setmaxhealth", "Sets the player's max health | player_setmaxhealth <value>", new[] {"(Int32)<value> The target max health"}).CommandFired += player_setMaxHealth;
- Command.RegisterCommand("player_setimmunity", "Sets the player's immunity | player_setimmunity <value>", new[] {"(Int32)<value> The target immunity"}).CommandFired += player_setImmunity;
+ Command.RegisterCommand("player_setname", "Sets the player's name | player_setname <object> <value>", new[] { "(player, pet, farm)<object> (String)<value> The target name" }).CommandFired += TrainerMod.HandlePlayerSetName;
+ Command.RegisterCommand("player_setmoney", "Sets the player's money | player_setmoney <value>|inf", new[] { "(Int32)<value> The target money" }).CommandFired += TrainerMod.HandlePlayerSetMoney;
+ Command.RegisterCommand("player_setstamina", "Sets the player's stamina | player_setstamina <value>|inf", new[] { "(Int32)<value> The target stamina" }).CommandFired += TrainerMod.HandlePlayerSetStamina;
+ Command.RegisterCommand("player_setmaxstamina", "Sets the player's max stamina | player_setmaxstamina <value>", new[] { "(Int32)<value> The target max stamina" }).CommandFired += TrainerMod.HandlePlayerSetMaxStamina;
+ Command.RegisterCommand("player_sethealth", "Sets the player's health | player_sethealth <value>|inf", new[] { "(Int32)<value> The target health" }).CommandFired += TrainerMod.HandlePlayerSetHealth;
+ Command.RegisterCommand("player_setmaxhealth", "Sets the player's max health | player_setmaxhealth <value>", new[] { "(Int32)<value> The target max health" }).CommandFired += TrainerMod.HandlePlayerSetMaxHealth;
+ Command.RegisterCommand("player_setimmunity", "Sets the player's immunity | player_setimmunity <value>", new[] { "(Int32)<value> The target immunity" }).CommandFired += TrainerMod.HandlePlayerSetImmunity;
- Command.RegisterCommand("player_setlevel", "Sets the player's specified skill to the specified value | player_setlevel <skill> <value>", new[] {"(luck, mining, combat, farming, fishing, foraging)<skill> (1-10)<value> The target level"}).CommandFired += player_setLevel;
- Command.RegisterCommand("player_setspeed", "Sets the player's speed to the specified value?", new[] {"(Int32)<value> The target speed [0 is normal]"}).CommandFired += player_setSpeed;
- Command.RegisterCommand("player_changecolour", "Sets the player's colour of the specified object | player_changecolor <object> <colour>", new[] {"(hair, eyes, pants)<object> (r,g,b)<colour>"}).CommandFired += player_changeColour;
- Command.RegisterCommand("player_changestyle", "Sets the player's style of the specified object | player_changecolor <object> <value>", new[] {"(hair, shirt, skin, acc, shoe, swim, gender)<object> (Int32)<value>"}).CommandFired += player_changeStyle;
+ Command.RegisterCommand("player_setlevel", "Sets the player's specified skill to the specified value | player_setlevel <skill> <value>", new[] { "(luck, mining, combat, farming, fishing, foraging)<skill> (1-10)<value> The target level" }).CommandFired += TrainerMod.HandlePlayerSetLevel;
+ Command.RegisterCommand("player_setspeed", "Sets the player's speed to the specified value?", new[] { "(Int32)<value> The target speed [0 is normal]" }).CommandFired += TrainerMod.HandlePlayerSetSpeed;
+ Command.RegisterCommand("player_changecolour", "Sets the player's colour of the specified object | player_changecolor <object> <colour>", new[] { "(hair, eyes, pants)<object> (r,g,b)<colour>" }).CommandFired += TrainerMod.HandlePlayerChangeColor;
+ Command.RegisterCommand("player_changestyle", "Sets the player's style of the specified object | player_changecolor <object> <value>", new[] { "(hair, shirt, skin, acc, shoe, swim, gender)<object> (Int32)<value>" }).CommandFired += TrainerMod.HandlePlayerChangeStyle;
- Command.RegisterCommand("player_additem", "Gives the player an item | player_additem <item> [count] [quality]", new[] {"(Int32)<id> (Int32)[count] (Int32)[quality]"}).CommandFired += player_addItem;
- Command.RegisterCommand("player_addmelee", "Gives the player a melee item | player_addmelee <item>", new[] {"?<item>"}).CommandFired += player_addMelee;
- Command.RegisterCommand("player_addring", "Gives the player a ring | player_addring <item>", new[] {"?<item>"}).CommandFired += player_addRing;
+ Command.RegisterCommand("player_additem", "Gives the player an item | player_additem <item> [count] [quality]", new[] { "(Int32)<id> (Int32)[count] (Int32)[quality]" }).CommandFired += TrainerMod.HandlePlayerAddItem;
+ Command.RegisterCommand("player_addmelee", "Gives the player a melee item | player_addmelee <item>", new[] { "?<item>" }).CommandFired += TrainerMod.HandlePlayerAddMelee;
+ Command.RegisterCommand("player_addring", "Gives the player a ring | player_addring <item>", new[] { "?<item>" }).CommandFired += TrainerMod.HandlePlayerAddRing;
- Command.RegisterCommand("out_items", "Outputs a list of items | out_items", new[] {""}).CommandFired += out_items;
- Command.RegisterCommand("out_melee", "Outputs a list of melee weapons | out_melee", new[] {""}).CommandFired += out_melee;
- Command.RegisterCommand("out_rings", "Outputs a list of rings | out_rings", new[] {""}).CommandFired += out_rings;
- Command.RegisterCommand("newitem", "not to be used | newitem", new[] {""}).CommandFired += RegisterNewItem;
+ Command.RegisterCommand("out_items", "Outputs a list of items | out_items", new[] { "" }).CommandFired += TrainerMod.HandleOutItems;
+ Command.RegisterCommand("out_melee", "Outputs a list of melee weapons | out_melee", new[] { "" }).CommandFired += TrainerMod.HandleOutMelee;
+ Command.RegisterCommand("out_rings", "Outputs a list of rings | out_rings", new[] { "" }).CommandFired += TrainerMod.HandleOutRings;
+ Command.RegisterCommand("newitem", "not to be used | newitem", new[] { "" }).CommandFired += TrainerMod.HandleNewItem;
- Command.RegisterCommand("world_settime", "Sets the time to the specified value | world_settime <value>", new[] {"(Int32)<value> The target time [06:00 AM is 600]"}).CommandFired += world_setTime;
- Command.RegisterCommand("world_freezetime", "Freezes or thaws time | world_freezetime <value>", new[] {"(0 - 1)<value> Whether or not to freeze time. 0 is thawed, 1 is frozen"}).CommandFired += world_freezeTime;
- Command.RegisterCommand("world_setday", "Sets the day to the specified value | world_setday <value>", new[] {"(Int32)<value> The target day [1-28]"}).CommandFired += world_setDay;
- Command.RegisterCommand("world_setseason", "Sets the season to the specified value | world_setseason <value>", new[] {"(winter, spring, summer, fall)<value> The target season"}).CommandFired += world_setSeason;
- Command.RegisterCommand("world_downminelevel", "Goes down one mine level? | world_downminelevel", new[] {""}).CommandFired += world_downMineLevel;
- Command.RegisterCommand("world_setminelevel", "Sets mine level? | world_setminelevel", new[] {"(Int32)<value> The target level"}).CommandFired += world_setMineLevel;
+ Command.RegisterCommand("world_settime", "Sets the time to the specified value | world_settime <value>", new[] { "(Int32)<value> The target time [06:00 AM is 600]" }).CommandFired += TrainerMod.HandleWorldSetTime;
+ Command.RegisterCommand("world_freezetime", "Freezes or thaws time | world_freezetime <value>", new[] { "(0 - 1)<value> Whether or not to freeze time. 0 is thawed, 1 is frozen" }).CommandFired += TrainerMod.HandleWorldFreezeTime;
+ Command.RegisterCommand("world_setday", "Sets the day to the specified value | world_setday <value>", new[] { "(Int32)<value> The target day [1-28]" }).CommandFired += TrainerMod.world_setDay;
+ Command.RegisterCommand("world_setseason", "Sets the season to the specified value | world_setseason <value>", new[] { "(winter, spring, summer, fall)<value> The target season" }).CommandFired += TrainerMod.HandleWorldSetSeason;
+ Command.RegisterCommand("world_downminelevel", "Goes down one mine level? | world_downminelevel", new[] { "" }).CommandFired += TrainerMod.HandleWorldDownMineLevel;
+ Command.RegisterCommand("world_setminelevel", "Sets mine level? | world_setminelevel", new[] { "(Int32)<value> The target level" }).CommandFired += TrainerMod.HandleWorldSetMineLevel;
- private static void types_CommandFired(object sender, EventArgsCommand e)
+ /****
+ ** Command handlers
+ ****/
+ /// <summary>The event raised when the 'types' command is triggered.</summary>
+ /// <param name="sender">The event sender.</param>
+ /// <param name="e">The event arguments.</param>
+ private static void HandleTypes(object sender, EventArgsCommand e)
Log.AsyncY($"[Int32: {int.MinValue} - {int.MaxValue}], [Int64: {long.MinValue} - {long.MaxValue}], [String: \"raw text\"], [Colour: r,g,b (EG: 128, 32, 255)]");
- private static void save_CommandFired(object sender, EventArgsCommand e)
+ /// <summary>The event raised when the 'save' command is triggered.</summary>
+ /// <param name="sender">The event sender.</param>
+ /// <param name="e">The event arguments.</param>
+ private static void HandleSave(object sender, EventArgsCommand e)
- private static void load_CommandFired(object sender, EventArgsCommand e)
+ /// <summary>The event raised when the 'load' command is triggered.</summary>
+ /// <param name="sender">The event sender.</param>
+ /// <param name="e">The event arguments.</param>
+ private static void HandleLoad(object sender, EventArgsCommand e)
Game1.hasLoadedGame = false;
Game1.activeClickableMenu = new LoadGameMenu();
- private static void exit_CommandFired(object sender, EventArgsCommand e)
+ /// <summary>The event raised when the 'exit' command is triggered.</summary>
+ /// <param name="sender">The event sender.</param>
+ /// <param name="e">The event arguments.</param>
+ private static void HandleExit(object sender, EventArgsCommand e)
- private static void player_setName(object sender, EventArgsCommand e)
+ /// <summary>The event raised when the 'player_setName' command is triggered.</summary>
+ /// <param name="sender">The event sender.</param>
+ /// <param name="e">The event arguments.</param>
+ private static void HandlePlayerSetName(object sender, EventArgsCommand e)
if (e.Command.CalledArgs.Length > 1)
- var obj = e.Command.CalledArgs[0];
- var objs = "player,pet,farm".Split(',');
- if (objs.Contains(obj))
+ string target = e.Command.CalledArgs[0];
+ string[] validTargets = { "player", "pet", "farm" };
+ if (validTargets.Contains(target))
- switch (obj)
+ switch (target)
case "player":
Game1.player.Name = e.Command.CalledArgs[1];
@@ -133,245 +174,233 @@ namespace TrainerMod
- {
- }
- {
- }
- private static void player_setMoney(object sender, EventArgsCommand e)
+ /// <summary>The event raised when the 'player_setMoney' command is triggered.</summary>
+ /// <param name="sender">The event sender.</param>
+ /// <param name="e">The event arguments.</param>
+ private static void HandlePlayerSetMoney(object sender, EventArgsCommand e)
if (e.Command.CalledArgs.Length > 0)
- if (e.Command.CalledArgs[0] == "inf")
- {
- infMoney = true;
- }
+ string amountStr = e.Command.CalledArgs[0];
+ if (amountStr == "inf")
+ TrainerMod.InfiniteMoney = true;
- infMoney = false;
- var ou = 0;
- if (int.TryParse(e.Command.CalledArgs[0], out ou))
+ TrainerMod.InfiniteMoney = false;
+ int amount;
+ if (int.TryParse(amountStr, out amount))
- Game1.player.Money = ou;
+ Game1.player.Money = amount;
Log.Async($"Set {Game1.player.Name}'s money to {Game1.player.Money}");
- {
- }
- {
- }
- private static void player_setStamina(object sender, EventArgsCommand e)
+ /// <summary>The event raised when the 'player_setStamina' command is triggered.</summary>
+ /// <param name="sender">The event sender.</param>
+ /// <param name="e">The event arguments.</param>
+ private static void HandlePlayerSetStamina(object sender, EventArgsCommand e)
if (e.Command.CalledArgs.Length > 0)
- if (e.Command.CalledArgs[0] == "inf")
- {
- infStamina = true;
- }
+ string amountStr = e.Command.CalledArgs[0];
+ if (amountStr == "inf")
+ TrainerMod.InfiniteStamina = true;
- infStamina = false;
- var ou = 0;
- if (int.TryParse(e.Command.CalledArgs[0], out ou))
+ TrainerMod.InfiniteStamina = false;
+ int amount;
+ if (int.TryParse(amountStr, out amount))
- Game1.player.Stamina = ou;
+ Game1.player.Stamina = amount;
Log.Async($"Set {Game1.player.Name}'s stamina to {Game1.player.Stamina}");
- {
- }
- {
- }
- private static void player_setMaxStamina(object sender, EventArgsCommand e)
+ /// <summary>The event raised when the 'player_setMaxStamina' command is triggered.</summary>
+ /// <param name="sender">The event sender.</param>
+ /// <param name="e">The event arguments.</param>
+ private static void HandlePlayerSetMaxStamina(object sender, EventArgsCommand e)
if (e.Command.CalledArgs.Length > 0)
- var ou = 0;
- if (int.TryParse(e.Command.CalledArgs[0], out ou))
+ int amount;
+ if (int.TryParse(e.Command.CalledArgs[0], out amount))
- Game1.player.MaxStamina = ou;
+ Game1.player.MaxStamina = amount;
Log.Async($"Set {Game1.player.Name}'s max stamina to {Game1.player.MaxStamina}");
- {
- }
- {
- }
- private static void player_setLevel(object sender, EventArgsCommand e)
+ /// <summary>The event raised when the 'player_setLevel' command is triggered.</summary>
+ /// <param name="sender">The event sender.</param>
+ /// <param name="e">The event arguments.</param>
+ private static void HandlePlayerSetLevel(object sender, EventArgsCommand e)
if (e.Command.CalledArgs.Length > 1)
- var skill = e.Command.CalledArgs[0];
- var skills = "luck,mining,combat,farming,fishing,foraging".Split(',');
+ string skill = e.Command.CalledArgs[0];
+ string[] skills = { "luck", "mining", "combat", "farming", "fishing", "foraging" };
if (skills.Contains(skill))
- var ou = 0;
- if (int.TryParse(e.Command.CalledArgs[1], out ou))
+ int level;
+ if (int.TryParse(e.Command.CalledArgs[1], out level))
switch (skill)
case "luck":
- Game1.player.LuckLevel = ou;
+ Game1.player.LuckLevel = level;
case "mining":
- Game1.player.MiningLevel = ou;
+ Game1.player.MiningLevel = level;
case "combat":
- Game1.player.CombatLevel = ou;
+ Game1.player.CombatLevel = level;
case "farming":
- Game1.player.FarmingLevel = ou;
+ Game1.player.FarmingLevel = level;
case "fishing":
- Game1.player.FishingLevel = ou;
+ Game1.player.FishingLevel = level;
case "foraging":
- Game1.player.ForagingLevel = ou;
+ Game1.player.ForagingLevel = level;
- {
- }
- {
Log.AsyncR("<skill> is invalid");
- }
- {
Log.AsyncR("<skill> and <value> must be specified");
- }
- private static void player_setSpeed(object sender, EventArgsCommand e)
+ /// <summary>The event raised when the 'player_setSpeed' command is triggered.</summary>
+ /// <param name="sender">The event sender.</param>
+ /// <param name="e">The event arguments.</param>
+ private static void HandlePlayerSetSpeed(object sender, EventArgsCommand e)
if (e.Command.CalledArgs.Length > 0)
- if (e.Command.CalledArgs[0].IsInt())
+ string amountStr = e.Command.CalledArgs[0];
+ if (amountStr.IsInt())
- Game1.player.addedSpeed = e.Command.CalledArgs[0].ToInt();
+ Game1.player.addedSpeed = amountStr.ToInt();
Log.Async($"Set {Game1.player.Name}'s added speed to {Game1.player.addedSpeed}");
- {
- }
- {
- }
- private static void player_changeColour(object sender, EventArgsCommand e)
+ /// <summary>The event raised when the 'player_changeColour' command is triggered.</summary>
+ /// <param name="sender">The event sender.</param>
+ /// <param name="e">The event arguments.</param>
+ private static void HandlePlayerChangeColor(object sender, EventArgsCommand e)
if (e.Command.CalledArgs.Length > 1)
- var obj = e.Command.CalledArgs[0];
- var objs = "hair,eyes,pants".Split(',');
- if (objs.Contains(obj))
+ string target = e.Command.CalledArgs[0];
+ string[] validTargets = { "hair", "eyes", "pants" };
+ if (validTargets.Contains(target))
- var cs = e.Command.CalledArgs[1].Split(new[] {','}, 3);
- if (cs[0].IsInt() && cs[1].IsInt() && cs[2].IsInt())
+ string[] colorHexes = e.Command.CalledArgs[1].Split(new[] { ',' }, 3);
+ if (colorHexes[0].IsInt() && colorHexes[1].IsInt() && colorHexes[2].IsInt())
- var c = new Color(cs[0].ToInt(), cs[1].ToInt(), cs[2].ToInt());
- switch (obj)
+ var color = new Color(colorHexes[0].ToInt(), colorHexes[1].ToInt(), colorHexes[2].ToInt());
+ switch (target)
case "hair":
- Game1.player.hairstyleColor = c;
+ Game1.player.hairstyleColor = color;
case "eyes":
- Game1.player.changeEyeColor(c);
+ Game1.player.changeEyeColor(color);
case "pants":
- Game1.player.pantsColor = c;
+ Game1.player.pantsColor = color;
- {
Log.AsyncR("<colour> is invalid");
- }
- {
- }
- {
Log.AsyncR("<object> and <colour> must be specified");
- }
- private static void player_changeStyle(object sender, EventArgsCommand e)
+ /// <summary>The event raised when the 'player_changeStyle' command is triggered.</summary>
+ /// <param name="sender">The event sender.</param>
+ /// <param name="e">The event arguments.</param>
+ private static void HandlePlayerChangeStyle(object sender, EventArgsCommand e)
if (e.Command.CalledArgs.Length > 1)
- var obj = e.Command.CalledArgs[0];
- var objs = "hair,shirt,skin,acc,shoe,swim,gender".Split(',');
- if (objs.Contains(obj))
+ string target = e.Command.CalledArgs[0];
+ string[] validTargets = { "hair", "shirt", "skin", "acc", "shoe", "swim", "gender" };
+ if (validTargets.Contains(target))
if (e.Command.CalledArgs[1].IsInt())
- var i = e.Command.CalledArgs[1].ToInt();
- switch (obj)
+ var styleID = e.Command.CalledArgs[1].ToInt();
+ switch (target)
case "hair":
- Game1.player.changeHairStyle(i);
+ Game1.player.changeHairStyle(styleID);
case "shirt":
- Game1.player.changeShirt(i);
+ Game1.player.changeShirt(styleID);
case "acc":
- Game1.player.changeAccessory(i);
+ Game1.player.changeAccessory(styleID);
case "skin":
- Game1.player.changeSkinColor(i);
+ Game1.player.changeSkinColor(styleID);
case "shoe":
- Game1.player.changeShoeColor(i);
+ Game1.player.changeShoeColor(styleID);
case "swim":
- if (i == 0)
+ if (styleID == 0)
- else if (i == 1)
+ else if (styleID == 1)
Log.AsyncR("<value> must be 0 or 1 for this <object>");
case "gender":
- if (i == 0)
+ if (styleID == 0)
- else if (i == 1)
+ else if (styleID == 1)
Log.AsyncR("<value> must be 0 or 1 for this <object>");
@@ -379,204 +408,187 @@ namespace TrainerMod
- {
- }
- {
- }
- {
- }
- private static void world_freezeTime(object sender, EventArgsCommand e)
+ /// <summary>The event raised when the 'world_freezeTime' command is triggered.</summary>
+ /// <param name="sender">The event sender.</param>
+ /// <param name="e">The event arguments.</param>
+ private static void HandleWorldFreezeTime(object sender, EventArgsCommand e)
if (e.Command.CalledArgs.Length > 0)
- if (e.Command.CalledArgs[0].IsInt())
+ string valueStr = e.Command.CalledArgs[0];
+ if (valueStr.IsInt())
- if (e.Command.CalledArgs[0].ToInt() == 0 || e.Command.CalledArgs[0].ToInt() == 1)
+ int value = valueStr.ToInt();
+ if (value == 0 || value == 1)
- freezeTime = e.Command.CalledArgs[0].ToInt() == 1;
- frozenTime = freezeTime ? Game1.timeOfDay : 0;
- Log.AsyncY("Time is now " + (freezeTime ? "frozen" : "thawed"));
+ TrainerMod.FreezeTime = value == 1;
+ TrainerMod.FrozenTime = TrainerMod.FreezeTime ? Game1.timeOfDay : 0;
+ Log.AsyncY("Time is now " + (TrainerMod.FreezeTime ? "frozen" : "thawed"));
- {
Log.AsyncR("<value> should be 0 or 1");
- }
- {
- }
- {
- }
- private static void world_setTime(object sender, EventArgsCommand e)
+ /// <summary>The event raised when the 'world_setTime' command is triggered.</summary>
+ /// <param name="sender">The event sender.</param>
+ /// <param name="e">The event arguments.</param>
+ private static void HandleWorldSetTime(object sender, EventArgsCommand e)
if (e.Command.CalledArgs.Length > 0)
- if (e.Command.CalledArgs[0].IsInt())
+ string timeStr = e.Command.CalledArgs[0];
+ if (timeStr.IsInt())
- if (e.Command.CalledArgs[0].ToInt() <= 2600 && e.Command.CalledArgs[0].ToInt() >= 600)
+ int time = timeStr.ToInt();
+ if (time <= 2600 && time >= 600)
Game1.timeOfDay = e.Command.CalledArgs[0].ToInt();
- frozenTime = freezeTime ? Game1.timeOfDay : 0;
- Log.AsyncY("Time set to: " + Game1.timeOfDay);
+ TrainerMod.FrozenTime = TrainerMod.FreezeTime ? Game1.timeOfDay : 0;
+ Log.AsyncY($"Time set to: {Game1.timeOfDay}");
- {
Log.AsyncR("<value> should be between 600 and 2600 (06:00 AM - 02:00 AM [NEXT DAY])");
- }
- {
- }
- {
- }
+ /// <summary>The event raised when the 'world_setDay' command is triggered.</summary>
+ /// <param name="sender">The event sender.</param>
+ /// <param name="e">The event arguments.</param>
private static void world_setDay(object sender, EventArgsCommand e)
if (e.Command.CalledArgs.Length > 0)
- if (e.Command.CalledArgs[0].IsInt())
+ string dayStr = e.Command.CalledArgs[0];
+ if (dayStr.IsInt())
- if (e.Command.CalledArgs[0].ToInt() <= 28 && e.Command.CalledArgs[0].ToInt() > 0)
- {
- Game1.dayOfMonth = e.Command.CalledArgs[0].ToInt();
- }
+ int day = dayStr.ToInt();
+ if (day <= 28 && day > 0)
+ Game1.dayOfMonth = day;
- {
Log.AsyncY("<value> must be between 1 and 28");
- }
- {
- }
- {
- }
- private static void world_setSeason(object sender, EventArgsCommand e)
+ /// <summary>The event raised when the 'world_setSeason' command is triggered.</summary>
+ /// <param name="sender">The event sender.</param>
+ /// <param name="e">The event arguments.</param>
+ private static void HandleWorldSetSeason(object sender, EventArgsCommand e)
if (e.Command.CalledArgs.Length > 0)
- var obj = e.Command.CalledArgs[0];
- var objs = "winter,spring,summer,fall".Split(',');
- if (objs.Contains(obj))
- {
- Game1.currentSeason = obj;
- }
+ string season = e.Command.CalledArgs[0];
+ string[] validSeasons = { "winter", "spring", "summer", "fall" };
+ if (validSeasons.Contains(season))
+ Game1.currentSeason = season;
- {
- }
- {
- }
- private static void player_setHealth(object sender, EventArgsCommand e)
+ /// <summary>The event raised when the 'player_setHealth' command is triggered.</summary>
+ /// <param name="sender">The event sender.</param>
+ /// <param name="e">The event arguments.</param>
+ private static void HandlePlayerSetHealth(object sender, EventArgsCommand e)
if (e.Command.CalledArgs.Length > 0)
- if (e.Command.CalledArgs[0] == "inf")
- {
- infHealth = true;
- }
+ string amountStr = e.Command.CalledArgs[0];
+ if (amountStr == "inf")
+ TrainerMod.InfiniteHealth = true;
- infHealth = false;
- if (e.Command.CalledArgs[0].IsInt())
- {
- = e.Command.CalledArgs[0].ToInt();
- }
+ TrainerMod.InfiniteHealth = false;
+ if (amountStr.IsInt())
+ = amountStr.ToInt();
- {
- }
- {
- }
- private static void player_setMaxHealth(object sender, EventArgsCommand e)
+ /// <summary>The event raised when the 'player_setMaxHealth' command is triggered.</summary>
+ /// <param name="sender">The event sender.</param>
+ /// <param name="e">The event arguments.</param>
+ private static void HandlePlayerSetMaxHealth(object sender, EventArgsCommand e)
if (e.Command.CalledArgs.Length > 0)
- if (e.Command.CalledArgs[0].IsInt())
- {
- Game1.player.maxHealth = e.Command.CalledArgs[0].ToInt();
- }
+ string amountStr = e.Command.CalledArgs[0];
+ if (amountStr.IsInt())
+ Game1.player.maxHealth = amountStr.ToInt();
- {
- }
- {
- }
- private static void player_setImmunity(object sender, EventArgsCommand e)
+ /// <summary>The event raised when the 'player_setImmunity' command is triggered.</summary>
+ /// <param name="sender">The event sender.</param>
+ /// <param name="e">The event arguments.</param>
+ private static void HandlePlayerSetImmunity(object sender, EventArgsCommand e)
if (e.Command.CalledArgs.Length > 0)
- if (e.Command.CalledArgs[0].IsInt())
- {
- Game1.player.immunity = e.Command.CalledArgs[0].ToInt();
- }
+ string amountStr = e.Command.CalledArgs[0];
+ if (amountStr.IsInt())
+ Game1.player.immunity = amountStr.ToInt();
- {
- }
- {
- }
- private static void player_addItem(object sender, EventArgsCommand e)
+ /// <summary>The event raised when the 'player_addItem' command is triggered.</summary>
+ /// <param name="sender">The event sender.</param>
+ /// <param name="e">The event arguments.</param>
+ private static void HandlePlayerAddItem(object sender, EventArgsCommand e)
if (e.Command.CalledArgs.Length > 0)
- if (e.Command.CalledArgs[0].IsInt())
+ string itemIdStr = e.Command.CalledArgs[0];
+ if (itemIdStr.IsInt())
- var count = 1;
- var quality = 0;
+ int itemID = itemIdStr.ToInt();
+ int count = 1;
+ int quality = 0;
if (e.Command.CalledArgs.Length > 1)
- Console.WriteLine(e.Command.CalledArgs[1]);
if (e.Command.CalledArgs[1].IsInt())
- {
count = e.Command.CalledArgs[1].ToInt();
- }
Log.AsyncR("[count] is invalid");
@@ -586,9 +598,7 @@ namespace TrainerMod
if (e.Command.CalledArgs.Length > 2)
if (e.Command.CalledArgs[2].IsInt())
- {
quality = e.Command.CalledArgs[2].ToInt();
- }
Log.AsyncR("[quality] is invalid");
@@ -597,158 +607,159 @@ namespace TrainerMod
- var o = new Object(e.Command.CalledArgs[0].ToInt(), count) {quality = quality};
+ var item = new Object(itemID, count) { quality = quality };
- Game1.player.addItemByMenuIfNecessary(o);
+ Game1.player.addItemByMenuIfNecessary(item);
- {
Log.AsyncR("<item> is invalid");
- }
- {
- }
- private static void player_addMelee(object sender, EventArgsCommand e)
+ /// <summary>The event raised when the 'player_addMelee' command is triggered.</summary>
+ /// <param name="sender">The event sender.</param>
+ /// <param name="e">The event arguments.</param>
+ private static void HandlePlayerAddMelee(object sender, EventArgsCommand e)
if (e.Command.CalledArgs.Length > 0)
if (e.Command.CalledArgs[0].IsInt())
- var toAdd = new MeleeWeapon(e.Command.CalledArgs[0].ToInt());
- Game1.player.addItemByMenuIfNecessary(toAdd);
- Log.Async($"Given {toAdd.Name} to {Game1.player.Name}");
+ MeleeWeapon weapon = new MeleeWeapon(e.Command.CalledArgs[0].ToInt());
+ Game1.player.addItemByMenuIfNecessary(weapon);
+ Log.Async($"Given {weapon.Name} to {Game1.player.Name}");
- {
Log.AsyncR("<item> is invalid");
- }
- {
- }
- private static void player_addRing(object sender, EventArgsCommand e)
+ /// <summary>The event raised when the 'player_addRing' command is triggered.</summary>
+ /// <param name="sender">The event sender.</param>
+ /// <param name="e">The event arguments.</param>
+ private static void HandlePlayerAddRing(object sender, EventArgsCommand e)
if (e.Command.CalledArgs.Length > 0)
if (e.Command.CalledArgs[0].IsInt())
- var toAdd = new Ring(e.Command.CalledArgs[0].ToInt());
- Game1.player.addItemByMenuIfNecessary(toAdd);
- Log.Async($"Given {toAdd.Name} to {Game1.player.Name}");
+ Ring ring = new Ring(e.Command.CalledArgs[0].ToInt());
+ Game1.player.addItemByMenuIfNecessary(ring);
+ Log.Async($"Given {ring.Name} to {Game1.player.Name}");
- {
Log.AsyncR("<item> is invalid");
- }
- {
- }
- private static void out_items(object sender, EventArgsCommand e)
+ /// <summary>The event raised when the 'out_items' command is triggered.</summary>
+ /// <param name="sender">The event sender.</param>
+ /// <param name="e">The event arguments.</param>
+ private static void HandleOutItems(object sender, EventArgsCommand e)
- for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
+ for (var itemID = 0; itemID < 1000; itemID++)
- Item it = new Object(i, 1);
- if (it.Name != "Error Item")
- Console.WriteLine(i + "| " + it.Name);
- }
- catch
- {
+ Item itemName = new Object(itemID, 1);
+ if (itemName.Name != "Error Item")
+ Console.WriteLine($"{itemID} | {itemName.Name}");
+ catch { }
- private static void out_melee(object sender, EventArgsCommand e)
+ /// <summary>The event raised when the 'out_melee' command is triggered.</summary>
+ /// <param name="sender">The event sender.</param>
+ /// <param name="e">The event arguments.</param>
+ private static void HandleOutMelee(object sender, EventArgsCommand e)
- var d = Game1.content.Load<Dictionary<int, string>>("Data\\weapons");
+ var data = Game1.content.Load<Dictionary<int, string>>("Data\\weapons");
Console.Write("DATA\\WEAPONS: ");
- foreach (var v in d)
- {
- Console.WriteLine(v.Key + " | " + v.Value);
- }
+ foreach (var pair in data)
+ Console.WriteLine($"{pair.Key} | {pair.Value}");
- private static void out_rings(object sender, EventArgsCommand e)
+ /// <summary>The event raised when the 'out_rings' command is triggered.</summary>
+ /// <param name="sender">The event sender.</param>
+ /// <param name="e">The event arguments.</param>
+ private static void HandleOutRings(object sender, EventArgsCommand e)
- for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++)
+ for (var ringID = 0; ringID < 100; ringID++)
- Item it = new Ring(i);
- if (it.Name != "Error Item")
- Console.WriteLine(i + "| " + it.Name);
- }
- catch
- {
+ Item item = new Ring(ringID);
+ if (item.Name != "Error Item")
+ Console.WriteLine($"{ringID} | {item.Name}");
+ catch { }
- private static void world_downMineLevel(object sender, EventArgsCommand e)
+ /// <summary>The event raised when the 'world_downMineLevel' command is triggered.</summary>
+ /// <param name="sender">The event sender.</param>
+ /// <param name="e">The event arguments.</param>
+ private static void HandleWorldDownMineLevel(object sender, EventArgsCommand e)
- private static void world_setMineLevel(object sender, EventArgsCommand e)
+ /// <summary>The event raised when the 'world_setMineLevel' command is triggered.</summary>
+ /// <param name="sender">The event sender.</param>
+ /// <param name="e">The event arguments.</param>
+ private static void HandleWorldSetMineLevel(object sender, EventArgsCommand e)
if (e.Command.CalledArgs.Length > 0)
if (e.Command.CalledArgs[0].IsInt())
- {
Game1.enterMine(true, e.Command.CalledArgs[0].ToInt(), "");
- }
- {
- }
- {
- }
- private static void blank_command(object sender, EventArgsCommand e)
- {
- }
- private static void RegisterNewItem(object sender, EventArgsCommand e)
- {
- }
+ /// <summary>The event raised when the 'newIteem' command is triggered.</summary>
+ /// <param name="sender">The event sender.</param>
+ /// <param name="e">The event arguments.</param>
+ private static void HandleNewItem(object sender, EventArgsCommand e) { }
- /// <summary>Log an error indicating the </summary>
+ /****
+ ** Logging
+ ****/
+ /// <summary>Log an error indicating a value must be specified.</summary>
public static void LogValueNotSpecified()
Log.AsyncR("<value> must be specified");
+ /// <summary>Log an error indicating a target and value must be specified.</summary>
public static void LogObjectValueNotSpecified()
Log.AsyncR("<object> and <value> must be specified");
+ /// <summary>Log an error indicating a value is invalid.</summary>
public static void LogValueInvalid()
Log.AsyncR("<value> is invalid");
+ /// <summary>Log an error indicating a target is invalid.</summary>
public static void LogObjectInvalid()
Log.AsyncR("<object> is invalid");
+ /// <summary>Log an error indicating a value must be an integer.</summary>
public static void LogValueNotInt32()
Log.AsyncR("<value> must be a whole number (Int32)");