diff options
authorJesse Plamondon-Willard <>2019-03-07 18:12:02 -0500
committerJesse Plamondon-Willard <>2019-03-07 18:12:02 -0500
commitc57405aee06ca77933eadbcbcb741be085002046 (patch)
parent9543971d2598f4d375374f427dfc17e615d4e67a (diff)
update compatibility list
2 files changed, 74 insertions, 76 deletions
diff --git a/src/SMAPI.Web/wwwroot/StardewModdingAPI.metadata.json b/src/SMAPI.Web/wwwroot/StardewModdingAPI.metadata.json
index 818ff9fe..1de7e70c 100644
--- a/src/SMAPI.Web/wwwroot/StardewModdingAPI.metadata.json
+++ b/src/SMAPI.Web/wwwroot/StardewModdingAPI.metadata.json
@@ -81,7 +81,8 @@
"JSON Assets": {
"ID": "spacechase0.JsonAssets",
- "Default | UpdateKey": "Nexus:1720"
+ "Default | UpdateKey": "Nexus:1720",
+ "1.3.1 | Status": "AssumeBroken" // causes runtime crashes
"Mail Framework": {
@@ -133,7 +134,7 @@
- "Basic Sprinklers Improved": {
+ "Basic Sprinkler Improved": {
"ID": "lrsk_sdvm_bsi.0117171308",
"MapRemoteVersions": { "1.0.2": "1.0.1-release" } // manifest not updated
@@ -143,27 +144,11 @@
"MapLocalVersions": { "1.0.1": "1.0.2" }
- "Birthday Mail": {
- "ID": "KathrynHazuka.BirthdayMail",
- "FormerIDs": "005e02dc-d900-425c-9c68-1ff55c5a295d", // changed in 1.2.3-pathoschild-update
- "MapRemoteVersions": { "1.3.1": "1.3" } // manifest not updated
- },
- "Casks Anywhere": {
- "ID": "CasksAnywhere",
- "MapLocalVersions": { "1.1-alpha": "1.1" }
- },
"Chefs Closet": {
"ID": "Duder.ChefsCloset",
"MapLocalVersions": { "1.3-1": "1.3" }
- "Cobalt": {
- "ID": "spacechase0.Cobalt",
- "MapRemoteVersions": { "1.1.3": "1.1.2" } // not updated in manifest
- },
"Configurable Machines": {
"ID": "21da6619-dc03-4660-9794-8e5b498f5b97",
"MapLocalVersions": { "1.2-beta": "1.2" }
@@ -174,11 +159,6 @@
"MapRemoteVersions": { "1.1": "1.0" } // not updated in manifest
- "Customizable Cart Redux": {
- "ID": "KoihimeNakamura.CCR",
- "MapLocalVersions": { "1.1-20170917": "1.1" }
- },
"Custom Linens": {
"ID": "Mevima.CustomLinens",
"MapRemoteVersions": { "1.1": "1.0" } // manifest not updated
@@ -194,41 +174,11 @@
"MapLocalVersions": { "1.1": "1.1.1" }
- "Hunger Mod (skn)": {
- "ID": "skn.HungerMod",
- "MapRemoteVersions": { "1.2.1": "1.0" } // manifest not updated
- },
- "Idle Pause": {
- "ID": "Veleek.IdlePause",
- "MapRemoteVersions": { "1.2": "1.1" } // manifest not updated
- },
- "Item Auto Stacker": {
- "ID": "cat.autostacker",
- "MapRemoteVersions": { "1.0.1": "1.0" } // manifest not updated
- },
- "Move Faster": {
- "ID": "shuaiz.MoveFasterMod",
- "~1.0.1 | Status": "AssumeBroken" // doesn't do anything as of SDV 1.2.33 (bad Harmony patch?)
- },
"Multiple Sprites and Portraits On Rotation (File Loading)": {
"ID": "FileLoading",
"MapLocalVersions": { "1.1": "1.12" }
- "Night Owl": {
- "ID": "Omegasis.NightOwl",
- "MapLocalVersions": { "2.1": "1.3" } // 1.3 had wrong version in manifest
- },
- "Point-and-Plant": {
- "ID": "jwdred.PointAndPlant",
- "MapRemoteVersions": { "1.0.3": "1.0.2" } // manifest not updated
- },
"Relationship Status": {
"ID": "relationshipstatus",
"MapRemoteVersions": { "1.0.5": "1.0.4" } // not updated in manifest
@@ -239,12 +189,6 @@
"MapLocalVersions": { "1.1.2-release": "1.1.2" }
- "Shop Expander": {
- "ID": "Entoarox.ShopExpander",
- "FormerIDs": "EntoaroxShopExpander", // changed in 1.5.2
- "MapRemoteVersions": { "1.6.0b": "1.6.0" }
- },
"Showcase Mod": {
"ID": "Igorious.Showcase",
"MapLocalVersions": { "0.9-500": "0.9" }
@@ -256,16 +200,6 @@
"MapLocalVersions": { "0.0": "1.4" }
- "Solar Eclipse Event": {
- "ID": "KoihimeNakamura.SolarEclipseEvent",
- "MapLocalVersions": { "1.3.1-20180131": "1.3.1" }
- },
- "Time Reminder": {
- "ID": "KoihimeNakamura.TimeReminder",
- "MapLocalVersions": { "1.0-20170314": "1.0.2" }
- },
** Obsolete
@@ -294,6 +228,67 @@
"~ | StatusReasonPhrase": "debug mode was removed in SMAPI 1.0."
+ /*********
+ ** Broke in SDV 1.3.36
+ *********/
+ "2cute FarmCave": {
+ "ID": "taintedwheat.2CuteFarmCave",
+ "Default | UpdateKey": "Nexus:843",
+ "~2.0 | Status": "AssumeBroken" // references deleted Content/Mine.xnb
+ },
+ "Ace's Expanded Caves - Default Cave": {
+ "ID": "Acerbicon.AECdefault",
+ "Default | UpdateKey": "Nexus:2131",
+ "~1.2.2 | Status": "AssumeBroken" // references deleted Content/Mine.xnb
+ },
+ "Ace's Expanded Caves - Desert Cave": {
+ "ID": "Acerbicon.AECdesert",
+ "Default | UpdateKey": "Nexus:2131",
+ "~1.2.2 | Status": "AssumeBroken" // references deleted Content/Mine.xnb
+ },
+ "Ace's Expanded Caves - Ice Cave": {
+ "ID": "Acerbicon.AECice",
+ "Default | UpdateKey": "Nexus:2131",
+ "~1.2.2 | Status": "AssumeBroken" // references deleted Content/Mine.xnb
+ },
+ "Ace's Expanded Caves - Lava Cave": {
+ "ID": "Acerbicon.AEClava",
+ "Default | UpdateKey": "Nexus:2131",
+ "~1.2.2 | Status": "AssumeBroken" // references deleted Content/Mine.xnb
+ },
+ "Ace's Expanded Caves - Slime Cave": {
+ "ID": "Acerbicon.AECslime",
+ "Default | UpdateKey": "Nexus:2131",
+ "~1.2.2 | Status": "AssumeBroken" // references deleted Content/Mine.xnb
+ },
+ "Green Pastures Farm": {
+ "ID": "bugbuddy.GreenPasturesFarm",
+ "Default | UpdateKey": "Nexus:2326",
+ "~1.0 | Status": "AssumeBroken" // references deleted Content/weapons.xnb
+ },
+ "Immersive Farm 2": {
+ "ID": "zander.immersivefarm2",
+ "~2.0.1 | Status": "AssumeBroken" // references deleted Content/Mine.xnb
+ },
+ "Karmylla's Immersive Map Edits": {
+ "ID": "Karmylla.ImmersiveMapEdits",
+ "Default | UpdateKey": "Nexus:1149",
+ "~2.4 | Status": "AssumeBroken" // references deleted Content/weapons.xnb
+ },
+ "Secret Gardens Greenhouse": {
+ "ID": "jessebot.secretgardens",
+ "Default | UpdateKey": "Nexus:3067",
+ "~2.0.1 | Status": "AssumeBroken" // references deleted Content/Mine.xnb
+ },
** Broke circa SDV 1.3
@@ -420,6 +415,14 @@
"Yet Another Harvest With Scythe Mod": {
"ID": "bcmpinc.HarvestWithScythe",
"~0.6 | Status": "AssumeBroken" // breaks newer versions of bcmpinc mods (per bcmpinc's request)
+ },
+ /*********
+ ** Broke circa SDV 1.2
+ *********/
+ "Move Faster": {
+ "ID": "shuaiz.MoveFasterMod",
+ "~1.0.1 | Status": "AssumeBroken" // doesn't do anything as of SDV 1.2.33 (bad Harmony patch?)
diff --git a/src/StardewModdingAPI.Toolkit/Framework/ModData/ModDataModel.cs b/src/StardewModdingAPI.Toolkit/Framework/ModData/ModDataModel.cs
index e2b3ec1d..d6f32132 100644
--- a/src/StardewModdingAPI.Toolkit/Framework/ModData/ModDataModel.cs
+++ b/src/StardewModdingAPI.Toolkit/Framework/ModData/ModDataModel.cs
@@ -20,13 +20,8 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI.Toolkit.Framework.ModData
/// <remarks>
/// This uses a custom format which uniquely identifies a mod across multiple versions and
/// supports matching other fields if no ID was specified. This doesn't include the latest
- /// ID, if any. Format rules:
- /// 1. If the mod's ID changed over time, multiple variants can be separated by the
- /// <c>|</c> character.
- /// 2. Each variant can take one of two forms:
- /// - A simple string matching the mod's UniqueID value.
- /// - A JSON structure containing any of four manifest fields (ID, Name, Author, and
- /// EntryDll) to match.
+ /// ID, if any. If the mod's ID changed over time, multiple variants can be separated by the
+ /// <c>|</c> character.
/// </remarks>
public string FormerIDs { get; set; }