path: root/build/windows
diff options
authorJesse Plamondon-Willard <>2021-12-05 18:55:10 -0500
committerJesse Plamondon-Willard <>2021-12-05 18:55:10 -0500
commitf4ca7dd228390f030735195357e81e5170bcd474 (patch)
tree417cb3971dd08fac5cbf23518406d7658dbb7ed3 /build/windows
parentc05fdf65cfc8864d5f436e3a42e6e2df144c1db8 (diff)
add Windows build process to fix application icon until .NET bug is fixed
Diffstat (limited to 'build/windows')
4 files changed, 320 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/build/windows/ b/build/windows/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..0996e3ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/windows/
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+## Read config
+# get SMAPI version
+if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "SMAPI release version (like '4.0.0'):"
+ read version
+# get Windows bin path
+if [ $# -le 1 ]; then
+ echo "Windows compiled bin path:"
+ read windowsBinPath
+# installer internal folders
+buildFolders=("linux" "macOS" "windows")
+## Finalize release package
+for folderName in "SMAPI $version installer" "SMAPI $version installer for developers"; do
+ # move files to Linux filesystem
+ echo "Preparing $"
+ echo "-------------------------------------------------"
+ echo "copying '$windowsBinPath/$folderName' to Linux filesystem..."
+ cp -r "$windowsBinPath/$folderName" .
+ # fix permissions
+ echo "fixing permissions..."
+ find "$folderName" -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
+ find "$folderName" -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;
+ find "$folderName" -name "*.sh" -exec chmod 755 {} \;
+ find "$folderName" -name "*.command" -exec chmod 755 {} \;
+ find "$folderName" -name "SMAPI.Installer" -exec chmod 755 {} \;
+ find "$folderName" -name "StardewModdingAPI" -exec chmod 755 {} \;
+ # convert bundle folder into final 'install.dat' files
+ for build in ${buildFolders[@]}; do
+ echo "packaging $folderName/internal/$build/install.dat..."
+ pushd "$folderName/internal/$build/bundle" > /dev/null
+ zip "install.dat" * --recurse-paths --quiet
+ mv install.dat ../
+ popd > /dev/null
+ rm -rf "$folderName/internal/$build/bundle"
+ done
+ # zip installer
+ echo "packaging installer..."
+ zip -9 "$" "$folderName" --recurse-paths --quiet
+ # move zip back to Windows bin path
+ echo "moving release zip to $windowsBinPath/$"
+ mv "$" "$windowsBinPath"
+ rm -rf "$folderName"
+ echo ""
+ echo ""
+echo "Done!"
diff --git a/build/windows/lib/in-place-regex.ps1 b/build/windows/lib/in-place-regex.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7b309342
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/windows/lib/in-place-regex.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+function In-Place-Regex {
+ param (
+ [Parameter(Mandatory)][string]$Path,
+ [Parameter(Mandatory)][string]$Search,
+ [Parameter(Mandatory)][string]$Replace
+ )
+ $content = (Get-Content "$Path" -Encoding UTF8)
+ $content = ($content -replace "$Search", "$Replace")
+ [System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines((Get-Item "$Path").FullName, $content)
diff --git a/build/windows/prepare-install-package.ps1 b/build/windows/prepare-install-package.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..db7fadcb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/windows/prepare-install-package.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+# This is the PowerShell equivalent of ../unix/, *except* that it doesn't
+# set Linux permissions, create the install.dat files, or create the final zip. Due to limitations
+# in PowerShell, the final changes are handled by the windows/ file in
+# WSL.
+# When making changes, make sure to update ../unix/prepare-install-package.ps1 too.
+. "$PSScriptRoot\lib\in-place-regex.ps1"
+## Constants
+# paths
+$gamePath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley"
+$bundleModNames = "ConsoleCommands", "ErrorHandler", "SaveBackup"
+# build configuration
+$buildConfig = "Release"
+$folders = "linux", "macOS", "windows"
+$runtimes = @{ linux = "linux-x64"; macOS = "osx-x64"; windows = "win-x64" }
+$msBuildPlatformNames = @{ linux = "Unix"; macOS = "OSX"; windows = "Windows_NT" }
+## Move to SMAPI root
+cd "$PSScriptRoot/../.."
+## Clear old build files
+echo "Clearing old builds..."
+echo "-------------------------------------------------"
+foreach ($path in (dir -Recurse -Include ('bin', 'obj'))) {
+ echo "$path"
+ rm -Recurse -Force "$path"
+echo ""
+## Compile files
+ForEach ($folder in $folders) {
+ $runtime = $runtimes[$folder]
+ $msbuildPlatformName = $msBuildPlatformNames[$folder]
+ echo "Compiling SMAPI for $folder..."
+ echo "-------------------------------------------------"
+ dotnet publish src/SMAPI --configuration $buildConfig -v minimal --runtime "$runtime" -p:OS="$msbuildPlatformName" -p:GamePath="$gamePath" -p:CopyToGameFolder="false" --self-contained true
+ echo ""
+ echo ""
+ echo "Compiling installer for $folder..."
+ echo "-------------------------------------------------"
+ dotnet publish src/SMAPI.Installer --configuration $buildConfig -v minimal --runtime "$runtime" -p:OS="$msbuildPlatformName" -p:GamePath="$gamePath" -p:CopyToGameFolder="false" -p:PublishTrimmed=True -p:TrimMode=Link --self-contained true
+ echo ""
+ echo ""
+ foreach ($modName in $bundleModNames) {
+ echo "Compiling $modName for $folder..."
+ echo "-------------------------------------------------"
+ dotnet publish src/SMAPI.Mods.$modName --configuration $buildConfig -v minimal --runtime "$runtime" -p:OS="$msbuildPlatformName" -p:GamePath="$gamePath" -p:CopyToGameFolder="false"
+ echo ""
+ echo ""
+ }
+## Prepare install package
+echo "Preparing install package..."
+echo "----------------------------"
+# init paths
+$installAssets = "src/SMAPI.Installer/assets"
+$packagePath = "bin/SMAPI installer"
+$packageDevPath = "bin/SMAPI installer for developers"
+# init structure
+foreach ($folder in $folders) {
+ mkdir "$packagePath/internal/$folder/bundle/smapi-internal" > $null
+# copy base installer files
+foreach ($name in @("install on", "install on macOS.command", "install on Windows.bat", "README.txt")) {
+ cp "$installAssets/$name" "$packagePath"
+# copy per-platform files
+foreach ($folder in $folders) {
+ $runtime = $runtimes[$folder]
+ # get paths
+ $smapiBin = "src/SMAPI/bin/$buildConfig/$runtime/publish"
+ $internalPath = "$packagePath/internal/$folder"
+ $bundlePath = "$internalPath/bundle"
+ # installer files
+ cp "src/SMAPI.Installer/bin/$buildConfig/$runtime/publish/*" "$internalPath" -Recurse
+ rm -Recurse -Force "$internalPath/assets"
+ # runtime config for SMAPI
+ # This is identical to the one generated by the build, except that the min runtime version is
+ # set to 5.0.0 (instead of whatever version it was built with) and rollForward is set to latestMinor instead of
+ # minor.
+ cp "$installAssets/runtimeconfig.json" "$bundlePath/StardewModdingAPI.runtimeconfig.json"
+ # installer DLL config
+ if ($folder -eq "windows") {
+ cp "$installAssets/windows-exe-config.xml" "$packagePath/internal/windows/install.exe.config"
+ }
+ # bundle root files
+ foreach ($name in @("StardewModdingAPI", "StardewModdingAPI.dll", "StardewModdingAPI.pdb", "StardewModdingAPI.xml", "steam_appid.txt")) {
+ if ($name -eq "StardewModdingAPI" -and $folder -eq "windows") {
+ $name = "$name.exe"
+ }
+ cp "$smapiBin/$name" "$bundlePath"
+ }
+ # bundle i18n
+ cp -Recurse "$smapiBin/i18n" "$bundlePath/smapi-internal"
+ # bundle smapi-internal
+ foreach ($name in @("0Harmony.dll", "0Harmony.xml", "Mono.Cecil.dll", "Mono.Cecil.Mdb.dll", "Mono.Cecil.Pdb.dll", "MonoMod.Common.dll", "Newtonsoft.Json.dll", "TMXTile.dll", "SMAPI.Toolkit.dll", "SMAPI.Toolkit.pdb", "SMAPI.Toolkit.xml", "SMAPI.Toolkit.CoreInterfaces.dll", "SMAPI.Toolkit.CoreInterfaces.pdb", "SMAPI.Toolkit.CoreInterfaces.xml")) {
+ cp "$smapiBin/$name" "$bundlePath/smapi-internal"
+ }
+ cp "$smapiBin/SMAPI.config.json" "$bundlePath/smapi-internal/config.json"
+ cp "$smapiBin/SMAPI.metadata.json" "$bundlePath/smapi-internal/metadata.json"
+ if ($folder -eq "linux" -or $folder -eq "macOS") {
+ cp "$installAssets/" "$bundlePath"
+ cp "$smapiBin/System.Runtime.Caching.dll" "$bundlePath/smapi-internal"
+ }
+ else {
+ cp "$installAssets/windows-exe-config.xml" "$bundlePath/StardewModdingAPI.exe.config"
+ }
+ # copy .NET dependencies
+ cp "$smapiBin/System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.dll" "$bundlePath/smapi-internal"
+ cp "$smapiBin/System.Runtime.Caching.dll" "$bundlePath/smapi-internal"
+ cp "$smapiBin/System.Security.Permissions.dll" "$bundlePath/smapi-internal"
+ if ($folder -eq "windows") {
+ cp "$smapiBin/System.Management.dll" "$bundlePath/smapi-internal"
+ }
+ # copy bundled mods
+ foreach ($modName in $bundleModNames) {
+ $fromPath = "src/SMAPI.Mods.$modName/bin/$buildConfig/$runtime/publish"
+ $targetPath = "$bundlePath/Mods/$modName"
+ mkdir "$targetPath" > $null
+ cp "$fromPath/$modName.dll" "$targetPath"
+ cp "$fromPath/$modName.pdb" "$targetPath"
+ cp "$fromPath/manifest.json" "$targetPath"
+ if (Test-Path "$fromPath/i18n" -PathType Container) {
+ cp -Recurse "$fromPath/i18n" "$targetPath"
+ }
+ }
+# DISABLED: will be handled by Linux script
+# mark scripts executable
+#ForEach ($path in @("install on", "install on macOS.command", "bundle/")) {
+# if (Test-Path "$packagePath/$path" -PathType Leaf) {
+# chmod 755 "$packagePath/$path"
+# }
+# split into main + for-dev folders
+cp -Recurse "$packagePath" "$packageDevPath"
+foreach ($folder in $folders) {
+ # disable developer mode in main package
+ In-Place-Regex -Path "$packagePath/internal/$folder/bundle/smapi-internal/config.json" -Search "`"DeveloperMode`": true" -Replace "`"DeveloperMode`": false"
+ # DISABLED: will be handled by Linux script
+ # convert bundle folder into final 'install.dat' files
+ #foreach ($path in @("$packagePath/internal/$folder", "$packageDevPath/internal/$folder"))
+ #{
+ # Compress-Archive -Path "$path/bundle/*" -CompressionLevel Optimal -DestinationPath "$path/"
+ # mv "$path/" "$path/install.dat"
+ # rm -Recurse -Force "$path/bundle"
+ #}
+### Create release zips
+# get version number
+$version = $args[0]
+if (!$version) {
+ $version = Read-Host "SMAPI release version (like '4.0.0')"
+# rename folders
+mv "$packagePath" "bin/SMAPI $version installer"
+mv "$packageDevPath" "bin/SMAPI $version installer for developers"
+# DISABLED: will be handled by Linux script
+## package files
+#Compress-Archive -Path "bin/SMAPI $version installer" -DestinationPath "bin/SMAPI $version" -CompressionLevel Optimal
+#Compress-Archive -Path "bin/SMAPI $version installer for developers" -DestinationPath "bin/SMAPI $version installer for" -CompressionLevel Optimal
+echo ""
+echo "Done! See docs/technical/ to create the release zips."
diff --git a/build/windows/set-smapi-version.ps1 b/build/windows/set-smapi-version.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ff6b2096
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/windows/set-smapi-version.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# This is the PowerShell equivalent of ../unix/
+# When making changes, both scripts should be updated.
+. "$PSScriptRoot\lib\in-place-regex.ps1"
+# get version number
+if (!$version) {
+ $version = Read-Host "SMAPI release version (like '4.0.0')"
+# move to SMAPI root
+cd "$PSScriptRoot/../.."
+# apply changes
+In-Place-Regex -Path "build/common.targets" -Search "<Version>.+</Version>" -Replace "<Version>$version</Version>"
+In-Place-Regex -Path "src/SMAPI/Constants.cs" -Search "RawApiVersion = `".+?`";" -Replace "RawApiVersion = `"$version`";"
+ForEach ($modName in "ConsoleCommands","ErrorHandler","SaveBackup") {
+ In-Place-Regex -Path "src/SMAPI.Mods.$modName/manifest.json" -Search "`"(Version|MinimumApiVersion)`": `".+?`"" -Replace "`"`$1`": `"$version`""