path: root/src/SMAPI.ModBuildConfig/build/smapi.targets
diff options
authorJesse Plamondon-Willard <>2017-10-08 18:05:47 -0400
committerJesse Plamondon-Willard <>2017-10-08 18:05:47 -0400
commit475efa12febcb1f1f0976cb6c84e445a263daed9 (patch)
treeb71c96f395dde92d46134d404ed2fe2a5c909be9 /src/SMAPI.ModBuildConfig/build/smapi.targets
parentcd93382c645da3c6d3ce4e532307f42704ba4c76 (diff)
rewrite mod build package per new docs
Diffstat (limited to 'src/SMAPI.ModBuildConfig/build/smapi.targets')
1 files changed, 27 insertions, 49 deletions
diff --git a/src/SMAPI.ModBuildConfig/build/smapi.targets b/src/SMAPI.ModBuildConfig/build/smapi.targets
index 46e8428d..0010d8ff 100644
--- a/src/SMAPI.ModBuildConfig/build/smapi.targets
+++ b/src/SMAPI.ModBuildConfig/build/smapi.targets
@@ -7,15 +7,24 @@
** Find the basic mod metadata
- <!--######
- ## import developer's custom settings (if any)
- #######-->
+ <!-- import developer's custom settings (if any) -->
<Import Condition="$(OS) != 'Windows_NT' AND Exists('$(HOME)\stardewvalley.targets')" Project="$(HOME)\stardewvalley.targets" />
<Import Condition="$(OS) == 'Windows_NT' AND Exists('$(USERPROFILE)\stardewvalley.targets')" Project="$(USERPROFILE)\stardewvalley.targets" />
- <!--######
- ## find platform + game path
- #######-->
+ <!-- set setting defaults -->
+ <PropertyGroup>
+ <!-- map legacy settings -->
+ <ModFolderName Condition="'$(ModFolderName)' == '' AND '$(DeployModFolderName)' != ''">$(DeployModFolderName)</ModFolderName>
+ <ModZipPath Condition="'$(ModZipPath)' == '' AND '$(DeployModZipTo)' != ''">$(DeployModZipTo)</ModZipPath>
+ <!-- set default settings -->
+ <ModFolderName Condition="'$(ModFolderName)' == ''">$(MSBuildProjectName)</ModFolderName>
+ <ModZipPath Condition="'$(ModZipPath)' == ''">$(TargetDir)</ModZipPath>
+ <EnableModDeploy Condition="'$(EnableModDeploy)' == ''">True</EnableModDeploy>
+ <EnableModZip Condition="'$(EnableModZip)' == ''">True</EnableModZip>
+ </PropertyGroup>
+ <!-- find platform + game path -->
<When Condition="$(OS) == 'Unix' OR $(OS) == 'OSX'">
@@ -106,52 +115,21 @@
- ** Perform build logic
+ ** Deploy mod files & create release zip after build
- <!--######
- ## validate metadata before build
- #######-->
- <Target Name="BeforeBuild">
- <!-- show error for unknown platform -->
- <Error Condition="'$(OS)' != 'OSX' AND '$(OS)' != 'Unix' AND '$(OS)' != 'Windows_NT'" Text="The build config package doesn't recognise OS type '$(OS)'." />
- <!-- if game path is invalid, show one user-friendly error instead of a slew of reference errors -->
- <Error Condition="!Exists('$(GamePath)')" Text="Failed to find the game install path. See for help." />
- <Error Condition="'$(OS)' == 'Windows_NT' AND !Exists('$(GamePath)\Stardew Valley.exe')" Text="Found a game folder at $(GamePath), but it doesn't contain Stardew Valley. You should delete this folder if it's empty." />
- <Error Condition="'$(OS)' != 'Windows_NT' AND !Exists('$(GamePath)\StardewValley.exe')" Text="Found a game folder at $(GamePath), but it doesn't contain Stardew Valley. You should delete this folder if it's empty." />
- <Error Condition="!Exists('$(GamePath)\StardewModdingAPI.exe')" Text="Found a game folder at $(GamePath), but it doesn't contain SMAPI." />
- </Target>
- <!--######
- ## Deploy files after build
- #######-->
- <Target Name="AfterBuild" Condition="'$(DeployModFolderName)' != '' OR '$(DeployModZipTo)' != ''">
- <!--collect file paths-->
- <PropertyGroup>
- <ModDeployPath>$(GamePath)\Mods\$(DeployModFolderName)</ModDeployPath>
- <DeployModZipTo Condition="'$(OS)' != 'Windows_NT'"><!--disable on Linux/Mac where CodeTaskFactory doesn't seem to be available--></DeployModZipTo>
- </PropertyGroup>
- <ItemGroup>
- <BuildFiles Include="$(TargetDir)\**\*.*" Exclude="$(TargetDir)\manifest.json;$(TargetDir)\i18n\**\*.*" />
- <BuildFiles Include="$(ProjectDir)\manifest.json" Condition="'@(BuildFiles)' != ''" />
- <BuildFiles Include="$(TargetDir)\manifest.json" Condition="'@(BuildFiles)' != '' AND !EXISTS('$(ProjectDir)\manifest.json')" />
- <I18nFiles Include="$(ProjectDir)\i18n\*.json" Condition="'@(BuildFiles)' != ''" />
- <I18nFiles Include="$(TargetDir)\i18n\*.json" Condition="'@(BuildFiles)' != '' AND !EXISTS('$(ProjectDir)\i18n')" />
- </ItemGroup>
+ <Target Name="AfterBuild">
+ <DeployModTask
+ ModFolderName="$(ModFolderName)"
+ ModZipPath="$(ModZipPath)"
- <!--validate paths-->
- <Error Text="Could not deploy mod automatically because no build output was found." Condition="'@(BuildFiles)' == ''" />
- <Error Text="Could not deploy mod automatically because no manifest.json was found in the project or build output." Condition="!Exists('$(TargetDir)\manifest.json') AND !Exists('$(ProjectDir)\manifest.json')" />
+ EnableModDeploy="$(EnableModDeploy)"
+ EnableModZip="$(EnableModZip)"
- <!-- copy mod files into mod folder if <DeployModFolderName> property is set -->
- <Message Text="Deploying mod to $(ModDeployPath)..." Importance="high" Condition="'$(DeployModFolderName)' != ''" />
- <Copy SourceFiles="@(BuildFiles)" DestinationFolder="$(ModDeployPath)\%(RecursiveDir)" SkipUnchangedFiles="true" Condition="'$(DeployModFolderName)' != ''" />
- <Copy SourceFiles="@(I18nFiles)" DestinationFolder="$(ModDeployPath)\i18n" SkipUnchangedFiles="true" Condition="'$(DeployModFolderName)' != ''" />
+ ProjectDir="$(ProjectDir)"
+ TargetDir="$(TargetDir)"
+ GameDir="$(GamePath)"
- <!-- create release zip if <DeployModZipTo> property is set -->
- <Message Text="Generating mod release at $(DeployModZipTo)\$(MSBuildProjectName).zip..." Importance="high" Condition="'$(DeployModZipTo)' != ''" />
- <DeployModTask ModName="$(MSBuildProjectName)" Files="@(BuildFiles);@(I18nFiles)" ModZipPath="$(ModZipPath)" Condition="'$(DeployModZipTo)' != ''" />
+ Platform="$(OS)"
+ />