path: root/src/SMAPI.ModBuildConfig
diff options
authorJesse Plamondon-Willard <>2019-04-18 22:46:00 -0400
committerJesse Plamondon-Willard <>2019-09-14 17:14:56 -0400
commitb887ecb30b4c41d58c6211ea00423f8259eebef5 (patch)
tree272fca4a57fc3f35f924231bfc5c550fe95e4a13 /src/SMAPI.ModBuildConfig
parentaa7e4b9c36bf14656493ee0a7ab2dab394a3cf64 (diff)
fix <IgnoreModFilePatterns> not applied to files matched by convention, update readme
Diffstat (limited to 'src/SMAPI.ModBuildConfig')
2 files changed, 56 insertions, 42 deletions
diff --git a/src/SMAPI.ModBuildConfig/Framework/ModFileManager.cs b/src/SMAPI.ModBuildConfig/Framework/ModFileManager.cs
index 6c11b0fe..e67a18c1 100644
--- a/src/SMAPI.ModBuildConfig/Framework/ModFileManager.cs
+++ b/src/SMAPI.ModBuildConfig/Framework/ModFileManager.cs
@@ -41,13 +41,63 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI.ModBuildConfig.Framework
if (!Directory.Exists(targetDir))
throw new UserErrorException("Could not create mod package because no build output was found.");
+ // collect files
+ foreach (Tuple<string, FileInfo> entry in this.GetPossibleFiles(projectDir, targetDir))
+ {
+ string relativePath = entry.Item1;
+ FileInfo file = entry.Item2;
+ if (!this.ShouldIgnore(file, relativePath, ignoreFilePatterns))
+ this.Files[relativePath] = file;
+ }
+ // check for required files
+ if (validateRequiredModFiles)
+ {
+ // manifest
+ if (!this.Files.ContainsKey(this.ManifestFileName))
+ throw new UserErrorException($"Could not create mod package because no {this.ManifestFileName} was found in the project or build output.");
+ // DLL
+ // ReSharper disable once SimplifyLinqExpression
+ if (!this.Files.Any(p => !p.Key.EndsWith(".dll")))
+ throw new UserErrorException("Could not create mod package because no .dll file was found in the project or build output.");
+ }
+ }
+ /// <summary>Get the files in the mod package.</summary>
+ public IDictionary<string, FileInfo> GetFiles()
+ {
+ return new Dictionary<string, FileInfo>(this.Files, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
+ }
+ /// <summary>Get a semantic version from the mod manifest.</summary>
+ /// <exception cref="UserErrorException">The manifest is missing or invalid.</exception>
+ public string GetManifestVersion()
+ {
+ if (!this.Files.TryGetValue(this.ManifestFileName, out FileInfo manifestFile) || !new JsonHelper().ReadJsonFileIfExists(manifestFile.FullName, out Manifest manifest))
+ throw new InvalidOperationException($"The mod does not have a {this.ManifestFileName} file."); // shouldn't happen since we validate in constructor
+ return manifest.Version.ToString();
+ }
+ /*********
+ ** Private methods
+ *********/
+ /// <summary>Get all files to include in the mod folder, not accounting for ignore patterns.</summary>
+ /// <param name="projectDir">The folder containing the project files.</param>
+ /// <param name="targetDir">The folder containing the build output.</param>
+ /// <returns>Returns tuples containing the relative path within the mod folder, and the file to copy to it.</returns>
+ private IEnumerable<Tuple<string, FileInfo>> GetPossibleFiles(string projectDir, string targetDir)
+ {
// project manifest
bool hasProjectManifest = false;
- FileInfo manifest = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(projectDir, "manifest.json"));
+ FileInfo manifest = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(projectDir, this.ManifestFileName));
if (manifest.Exists)
- this.Files[this.ManifestFileName] = manifest;
+ yield return Tuple.Create(this.ManifestFileName, manifest);
hasProjectManifest = true;
@@ -58,7 +108,7 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI.ModBuildConfig.Framework
if (translationsFolder.Exists)
foreach (FileInfo file in translationsFolder.EnumerateFiles())
- this.Files[Path.Combine("i18n", file.Name)] = file;
+ yield return Tuple.Create(Path.Combine("i18n", file.Name), file);
hasProjectTranslations = true;
@@ -70,7 +120,7 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI.ModBuildConfig.Framework
foreach (FileInfo file in assetsFolder.EnumerateFiles("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
string relativePath = PathUtilities.GetRelativePath(projectDir, file.FullName);
- this.Files[relativePath] = file;
+ yield return Tuple.Create(relativePath, file);
hasAssetsFolder = true;
@@ -91,48 +141,11 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI.ModBuildConfig.Framework
if (hasAssetsFolder && this.EqualsInvariant(segments[0], "assets"))
- // handle ignored files
- if (this.ShouldIgnore(file, relativePath, ignoreFilePatterns))
- continue;
// add file
- this.Files[relativePath] = file;
- }
- // check for required files
- if (validateRequiredModFiles)
- {
- // manifest
- if (!this.Files.ContainsKey(this.ManifestFileName))
- throw new UserErrorException($"Could not create mod package because no {this.ManifestFileName} was found in the project or build output.");
- // DLL
- // ReSharper disable once SimplifyLinqExpression
- if (!this.Files.Any(p => !p.Key.EndsWith(".dll")))
- throw new UserErrorException("Could not create mod package because no .dll file was found in the project or build output.");
+ yield return Tuple.Create(relativePath, file);
- /// <summary>Get the files in the mod package.</summary>
- public IDictionary<string, FileInfo> GetFiles()
- {
- return new Dictionary<string, FileInfo>(this.Files, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
- }
- /// <summary>Get a semantic version from the mod manifest.</summary>
- /// <exception cref="UserErrorException">The manifest is missing or invalid.</exception>
- public string GetManifestVersion()
- {
- if (!this.Files.TryGetValue(this.ManifestFileName, out FileInfo manifestFile) || !new JsonHelper().ReadJsonFileIfExists(manifestFile.FullName, out Manifest manifest))
- throw new InvalidOperationException($"The mod does not have a {this.ManifestFileName} file."); // shouldn't happen since we validate in constructor
- return manifest.Version.ToString();
- }
- /*********
- ** Private methods
- *********/
/// <summary>Get whether a build output file should be ignored.</summary>
/// <param name="file">The file to check.</param>
/// <param name="relativePath">The file's relative path in the package.</param>
diff --git a/src/SMAPI.ModBuildConfig/package.nuspec b/src/SMAPI.ModBuildConfig/package.nuspec
index b6ef98f0..79a4f008 100644
--- a/src/SMAPI.ModBuildConfig/package.nuspec
+++ b/src/SMAPI.ModBuildConfig/package.nuspec
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
- If the project contains an `assets` folder, its contents are now included in the mod automatically.
- Dropped support for very old versions of SMAPI and Visual Studio.
- Fixed `Newtonsoft.Json.pdb` included in release zips when Json.NET is referenced directly.
+ - Fixed `&lt;IgnoreModFilePatterns&gt;` not working for `i18n` files.