path: root/src/StardewModdingAPI
diff options
authorJesse Plamondon-Willard <>2016-11-04 00:10:10 -0400
committerJesse Plamondon-Willard <>2016-11-04 00:10:10 -0400
commit69bb8178d216d2d75d771114643d6749abdc7aea (patch)
tree07161a3e38efb1733fbc47bcb98d24cac6fbebe7 /src/StardewModdingAPI
parentc01ffd233120cad625b74d4cec69a52cb9c1ce0b (diff)
normalise inconsistent line endings
Diffstat (limited to 'src/StardewModdingAPI')
5 files changed, 1980 insertions, 1980 deletions
diff --git a/src/StardewModdingAPI/Inheritance/ItemStackChange.cs b/src/StardewModdingAPI/Inheritance/ItemStackChange.cs
index 78775094..8abe3a76 100644
--- a/src/StardewModdingAPI/Inheritance/ItemStackChange.cs
+++ b/src/StardewModdingAPI/Inheritance/ItemStackChange.cs
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-using StardewValley;
-namespace StardewModdingAPI.Inheritance
- public class ItemStackChange
- {
- public Item Item { get; set; }
- public int StackChange { get; set; }
- public ChangeType ChangeType { get; set; }
- }
+using StardewValley;
+namespace StardewModdingAPI.Inheritance
+ public class ItemStackChange
+ {
+ public Item Item { get; set; }
+ public int StackChange { get; set; }
+ public ChangeType ChangeType { get; set; }
+ }
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/StardewModdingAPI/Inheritance/SGame.cs b/src/StardewModdingAPI/Inheritance/SGame.cs
index 26421136..808f0812 100644
--- a/src/StardewModdingAPI/Inheritance/SGame.cs
+++ b/src/StardewModdingAPI/Inheritance/SGame.cs
@@ -1,1340 +1,1340 @@
-using System;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.Linq;
-using System.Reflection;
-using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
-using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
-using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input;
-using StardewModdingAPI.Events;
-using StardewValley;
-using StardewValley.BellsAndWhistles;
-using StardewValley.Locations;
-using StardewValley.Menus;
-using StardewValley.Tools;
-using xTile.Dimensions;
-using Rectangle = Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle;
-namespace StardewModdingAPI.Inheritance
- /// <summary>
- /// The 'SGame' class.
- /// This summary, and many others, only exists because XML doc tags.
- /// </summary>
- public class SGame : Game1
- {
- private bool FireLoadedGameEvent;
- /// <summary>
- /// Gets a jagged array of all buttons pressed on the gamepad the prior frame.
- /// </summary>
- public Buttons[][] PreviouslyPressedButtons;
- internal SGame()
- {
- Instance = this;
- FirstUpdate = true;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// The current KeyboardState
- /// </summary>
- public KeyboardState KStateNow { get; private set; }
- /// <summary>
- /// The prior KeyboardState
- /// </summary>
- public KeyboardState KStatePrior { get; private set; }
- /// <summary>
- /// The current MouseState
- /// </summary>
- public MouseState MStateNow { get; private set; }
- /// <summary>
- /// The prior MouseState
- /// </summary>
- public MouseState MStatePrior { get; private set; }
- /// <summary>The current mouse position on the screen adjusted for the zoom level.</summary>
- public Point MPositionNow { get; private set; }
- /// <summary>The previous mouse position on the screen adjusted for the zoom level.</summary>
- public Point MPositionPrior { get; private set; }
- /// <summary>
- /// All keys pressed on the current frame
- /// </summary>
- public Keys[] CurrentlyPressedKeys => KStateNow.GetPressedKeys();
- /// <summary>
- /// All keys pressed on the prior frame
- /// </summary>
- public Keys[] PreviouslyPressedKeys => KStatePrior.GetPressedKeys();
- /// <summary>
- /// All keys pressed on this frame except for the ones pressed on the prior frame
- /// </summary>
- public Keys[] FramePressedKeys => CurrentlyPressedKeys.Except(PreviouslyPressedKeys).ToArray();
- /// <summary>
- /// All keys pressed on the prior frame except for the ones pressed on the current frame
- /// </summary>
- public Keys[] FrameReleasedKeys => PreviouslyPressedKeys.Except(CurrentlyPressedKeys).ToArray();
- /// <summary>
- /// Whether or not a save was tagged as 'Loaded' the prior frame.
- /// </summary>
- public bool PreviouslyLoadedGame { get; private set; }
- /// <summary>
- /// The list of GameLocations on the prior frame
- /// </summary>
- public int PreviousGameLocations { get; private set; }
- /// <summary>
- /// The list of GameObjects on the prior frame
- /// </summary>
- public int PreviousLocationObjects { get; private set; }
- /// <summary>
- /// The list of Items in the player's inventory on the prior frame
- /// </summary>
- public Dictionary<Item, int> PreviousItems { get; private set; }
- /// <summary>
- /// The player's Combat level on the prior frame
- /// </summary>
- public int PreviousCombatLevel { get; private set; }
- /// <summary>
- /// The player's Farming level on the prior frame
- /// </summary>
- public int PreviousFarmingLevel { get; private set; }
- /// <summary>
- /// The player's Fishing level on the prior frame
- /// </summary>
- public int PreviousFishingLevel { get; private set; }
- /// <summary>
- /// The player's Foraging level on the prior frame
- /// </summary>
- public int PreviousForagingLevel { get; private set; }
- /// <summary>
- /// The player's Mining level on the prior frame
- /// </summary>
- public int PreviousMiningLevel { get; private set; }
- /// <summary>
- /// The player's Luck level on the prior frame
- /// </summary>
- public int PreviousLuckLevel { get; private set; }
- //Kill me now comments are so boring
- /// <summary>
- /// The player's previous game location
- /// </summary>
- public GameLocation PreviousGameLocation { get; private set; }
- /// <summary>
- /// The previous ActiveGameMenu in Game1
- /// </summary>
- public IClickableMenu PreviousActiveMenu { get; private set; }
- /// <summary>
- /// Indicates if the MenuClosed event was fired to prevent it from re-firing.
- /// </summary>
- internal bool WasMenuClosedInvoked = false;
- /// <summary>
- /// The previous mine level
- /// </summary>
- public int PreviousMineLevel { get; private set; }
- /// <summary>
- /// The previous TimeOfDay (Int32 between 600 and 2400?)
- /// </summary>
- public int PreviousTimeOfDay { get; private set; }
- /// <summary>
- /// The previous DayOfMonth (Int32 between 1 and 28?)
- /// </summary>
- public int PreviousDayOfMonth { get; private set; }
- /// <summary>
- /// The previous Season (String as follows: "winter", "spring", "summer", "fall")
- /// </summary>
- public string PreviousSeasonOfYear { get; private set; }
- /// <summary>
- /// The previous Year
- /// </summary>
- public int PreviousYearOfGame { get; private set; }
- /// <summary>
- /// The previous result of Game1.newDay
- /// </summary>
- public bool PreviousIsNewDay { get; private set; }
- /// <summary>
- /// The previous 'Farmer' (Player)
- /// </summary>
- public Farmer PreviousFarmer { get; private set; }
- /// <summary>
- /// The current index of the update tick. Recycles every 60th tick to 0. (Int32 between 0 and 59)
- /// </summary>
- public int CurrentUpdateTick { get; private set; }
- /// <summary>
- /// Whether or not this update frame is the very first of the entire game
- /// </summary>
- public bool FirstUpdate { get; private set; }
- /// <summary>
- /// The current RenderTarget in Game1 (Private field, uses reflection)
- /// </summary>
- public RenderTarget2D Screen
- {
- get { return typeof (Game1).GetBaseFieldValue<RenderTarget2D>(Program.gamePtr, "screen"); }
- set { typeof (Game1).SetBaseFieldValue<RenderTarget2D>(this, "screen", value); }
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// The current Colour in Game1 (Private field, uses reflection)
- /// </summary>
- public Color BgColour
- {
- get { return (Color)typeof(Game1).GetBaseFieldValue<object>(Program.gamePtr, "bgColor"); }
- set { typeof(Game1).SetBaseFieldValue<object>(this, "bgColor", value); }
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Static accessor for an Instance of the class SGame
- /// </summary>
- public static SGame Instance { get; private set; }
- /// <summary>
- /// The game's FPS. Re-determined every Draw update.
- /// </summary>
- public static float FramesPerSecond { get; private set; }
- /// <summary>
- /// Whether or not we're in a pseudo 'debug' mode. Mostly for displaying information like FPS.
- /// </summary>
- public static bool Debug { get; private set; }
- internal static Queue<String> DebugMessageQueue { get; private set; }
- /// <summary>
- /// The current player (equal to Farmer.Player)
- /// </summary>
- [Obsolete("Use Farmer.Player instead")]
- public Farmer CurrentFarmer => player;
- /// <summary>
- /// Gets ALL static fields that belong to 'Game1'
- /// </summary>
- public static FieldInfo[] GetStaticFields => typeof (Game1).GetFields();
- /// <summary>
- /// Whether or not a button was just pressed on the controller
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="button"></param>
- /// <param name="buttonState"></param>
- /// <param name="stateIndex"></param>
- /// <returns></returns>
- private bool WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons button, ButtonState buttonState, PlayerIndex stateIndex)
- {
- return buttonState == ButtonState.Pressed && !PreviouslyPressedButtons[(int) stateIndex].Contains(button);
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Whether or not a button was just released on the controller
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="button"></param>
- /// <param name="buttonState"></param>
- /// <param name="stateIndex"></param>
- /// <returns></returns>
- private bool WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons button, ButtonState buttonState, PlayerIndex stateIndex)
- {
- return buttonState == ButtonState.Released && PreviouslyPressedButtons[(int) stateIndex].Contains(button);
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Whether or not an analog button was just pressed on the controller
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="button"></param>
- /// <param name="value"></param>
- /// <param name="stateIndex"></param>
- /// <returns></returns>
- private bool WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons button, float value, PlayerIndex stateIndex)
- {
- return WasButtonJustPressed(button, value > 0.2f ? ButtonState.Pressed : ButtonState.Released, stateIndex);
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Whether or not an analog button was just released on the controller
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="button"></param>
- /// <param name="value"></param>
- /// <param name="stateIndex"></param>
- /// <returns></returns>
- private bool WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons button, float value, PlayerIndex stateIndex)
- {
- return WasButtonJustReleased(button, value > 0.2f ? ButtonState.Pressed : ButtonState.Released, stateIndex);
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Gets an array of all Buttons pressed on a joystick
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="index"></param>
- /// <returns></returns>
- public Buttons[] GetButtonsDown(PlayerIndex index)
- {
- var state = GamePad.GetState(index);
- var buttons = new List<Buttons>();
- if (state.IsConnected)
- {
- if (state.Buttons.A == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.A);
- if (state.Buttons.B == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.B);
- if (state.Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.Back);
- if (state.Buttons.BigButton == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.BigButton);
- if (state.Buttons.LeftShoulder == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.LeftShoulder);
- if (state.Buttons.LeftStick == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.LeftStick);
- if (state.Buttons.RightShoulder == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.RightShoulder);
- if (state.Buttons.RightStick == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.RightStick);
- if (state.Buttons.Start == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.Start);
- if (state.Buttons.X == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.X);
- if (state.Buttons.Y == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.Y);
- if (state.DPad.Up == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.DPadUp);
- if (state.DPad.Down == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.DPadDown);
- if (state.DPad.Left == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.DPadLeft);
- if (state.DPad.Right == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.DPadRight);
- if (state.Triggers.Left > 0.2f) buttons.Add(Buttons.LeftTrigger);
- if (state.Triggers.Right > 0.2f) buttons.Add(Buttons.RightTrigger);
- }
- return buttons.ToArray();
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Gets all buttons that were pressed on the current frame of a joystick
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="index"></param>
- /// <returns></returns>
- public Buttons[] GetFramePressedButtons(PlayerIndex index)
- {
- var state = GamePad.GetState(index);
- var buttons = new List<Buttons>();
- if (state.IsConnected)
- {
- if (WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.A, state.Buttons.A, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.A);
- if (WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.B, state.Buttons.B, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.B);
- if (WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.Back, state.Buttons.Back, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.Back);
- if (WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.BigButton, state.Buttons.BigButton, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.BigButton);
- if (WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.LeftShoulder, state.Buttons.LeftShoulder, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.LeftShoulder);
- if (WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.LeftStick, state.Buttons.LeftStick, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.LeftStick);
- if (WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.RightShoulder, state.Buttons.RightShoulder, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.RightShoulder);
- if (WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.RightStick, state.Buttons.RightStick, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.RightStick);
- if (WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.Start, state.Buttons.Start, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.Start);
- if (WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.X, state.Buttons.X, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.X);
- if (WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.Y, state.Buttons.Y, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.Y);
- if (WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.DPadUp, state.DPad.Up, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.DPadUp);
- if (WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.DPadDown, state.DPad.Down, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.DPadDown);
- if (WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.DPadLeft, state.DPad.Left, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.DPadLeft);
- if (WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.DPadRight, state.DPad.Right, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.DPadRight);
- if (WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.LeftTrigger, state.Triggers.Left, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.LeftTrigger);
- if (WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.RightTrigger, state.Triggers.Right, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.RightTrigger);
- }
- return buttons.ToArray();
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Gets all buttons that were released on the current frame of a joystick
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="index"></param>
- /// <returns></returns>
- public Buttons[] GetFrameReleasedButtons(PlayerIndex index)
- {
- var state = GamePad.GetState(index);
- var buttons = new List<Buttons>();
- if (state.IsConnected)
- {
- if (WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.A, state.Buttons.A, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.A);
- if (WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.B, state.Buttons.B, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.B);
- if (WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.Back, state.Buttons.Back, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.Back);
- if (WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.BigButton, state.Buttons.BigButton, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.BigButton);
- if (WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.LeftShoulder, state.Buttons.LeftShoulder, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.LeftShoulder);
- if (WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.LeftStick, state.Buttons.LeftStick, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.LeftStick);
- if (WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.RightShoulder, state.Buttons.RightShoulder, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.RightShoulder);
- if (WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.RightStick, state.Buttons.RightStick, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.RightStick);
- if (WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.Start, state.Buttons.Start, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.Start);
- if (WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.X, state.Buttons.X, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.X);
- if (WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.Y, state.Buttons.Y, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.Y);
- if (WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.DPadUp, state.DPad.Up, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.DPadUp);
- if (WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.DPadDown, state.DPad.Down, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.DPadDown);
- if (WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.DPadLeft, state.DPad.Left, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.DPadLeft);
- if (WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.DPadRight, state.DPad.Right, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.DPadRight);
- if (WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.LeftTrigger, state.Triggers.Left, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.LeftTrigger);
- if (WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.RightTrigger, state.Triggers.Right, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.RightTrigger);
- }
- return buttons.ToArray();
- }
- /// <summary>
- ///
- /// </summary>
- public static MethodInfo DrawFarmBuildings = typeof (Game1).GetMethod("drawFarmBuildings", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
- /// <summary>
- ///
- /// </summary>
- public static MethodInfo DrawHUD = typeof (Game1).GetMethod("drawHUD", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
- /// <summary>
- ///
- /// </summary>
- public static MethodInfo DrawDialogueBox = typeof (Game1).GetMethod("drawDialogueBox", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
- public static MethodInfo CheckForEscapeKeys = typeof (Game1).GetMethod("checkForEscapeKeys", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
- public static MethodInfo UpdateControlInput = typeof(Game1).GetMethod("UpdateControlInput", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
- public static MethodInfo UpdateCharacters = typeof(Game1).GetMethod("UpdateCharacters", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
- public static MethodInfo UpdateLocations = typeof(Game1).GetMethod("UpdateLocations", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
- public static MethodInfo getViewportCenter = typeof(Game1).GetMethod("getViewportCenter", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
- public static MethodInfo UpdateTitleScreen = typeof(Game1).GetMethod("UpdateTitleScreen", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
- public delegate void BaseBaseDraw();
- /// <summary>
- /// Whether or not the game's zoom level is 1.0f
- /// </summary>
- public bool ZoomLevelIsOne => options.zoomLevel.Equals(1.0f);
- /// <summary>
- /// XNA Init Method
- /// </summary>
- protected override void Initialize()
- {
- Log.AsyncY("XNA Initialize");
- //ModItems = new Dictionary<int, SObject>();
- DebugMessageQueue = new Queue<string>();
- PreviouslyPressedButtons = new Buttons[4][];
- for (var i = 0; i < 4; ++i) PreviouslyPressedButtons[i] = new Buttons[0];
- base.Initialize();
- GameEvents.InvokeInitialize();
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// XNA LC Method
- /// </summary>
- protected override void LoadContent()
- {
- Log.AsyncY("XNA LoadContent");
- base.LoadContent();
- GameEvents.InvokeLoadContent();
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// XNA Update Method
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="gameTime"></param>
- protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
- {
- QueueDebugMessage("FPS: " + FramesPerSecond);
- UpdateEventCalls();
- if (FramePressedKeys.Contains(Keys.F3))
- {
- Debug = !Debug;
- }
- try
- {
- base.Update(gameTime);
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- Log.AsyncR("An error occured in the base update loop: " + ex);
- Console.ReadKey();
- }
- GameEvents.InvokeUpdateTick();
- if (FirstUpdate)
- {
- GameEvents.InvokeFirstUpdateTick();
- FirstUpdate = false;
- }
- if (CurrentUpdateTick % 2 == 0)
- GameEvents.InvokeSecondUpdateTick();
- if (CurrentUpdateTick % 4 == 0)
- GameEvents.InvokeFourthUpdateTick();
- if (CurrentUpdateTick % 8 == 0)
- GameEvents.InvokeEighthUpdateTick();
- if (CurrentUpdateTick % 15 == 0)
- GameEvents.InvokeQuarterSecondTick();
- if (CurrentUpdateTick % 30 == 0)
- GameEvents.InvokeHalfSecondTick();
- if (CurrentUpdateTick % 60 == 0)
- GameEvents.InvokeOneSecondTick();
- CurrentUpdateTick += 1;
- if (CurrentUpdateTick >= 60)
- CurrentUpdateTick = 0;
- if (KStatePrior != KStateNow)
- KStatePrior = KStateNow;
- for (var i = PlayerIndex.One; i <= PlayerIndex.Four; i++)
- {
- PreviouslyPressedButtons[(int) i] = GetButtonsDown(i);
- }
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// XNA Draw Method
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="gameTime"></param>
- protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)
- {
- FramesPerSecond = 1 / (float) gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;
- if (Constants.EnableCompletelyOverridingBaseCalls)
- {
- #region Overridden Draw
- try
- {
- if (!ZoomLevelIsOne)
- {
- GraphicsDevice.SetRenderTarget(Screen);
- }
- GraphicsDevice.Clear(BgColour);
- if (options.showMenuBackground && activeClickableMenu != null && activeClickableMenu.showWithoutTransparencyIfOptionIsSet())
- {
- spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.PointClamp, null, null);
- activeClickableMenu.drawBackground(spriteBatch);
- GraphicsEvents.InvokeOnPreRenderGuiEvent(null, EventArgs.Empty);
- activeClickableMenu.draw(spriteBatch);
- GraphicsEvents.InvokeOnPostRenderGuiEvent(null, EventArgs.Empty);
- spriteBatch.End();
- if (!ZoomLevelIsOne)
- {
- GraphicsDevice.SetRenderTarget(null);
- GraphicsDevice.Clear(BgColour);
- spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Immediate, BlendState.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.LinearClamp, DepthStencilState.Default, RasterizerState.CullNone);
- spriteBatch.Draw(Screen, Vector2.Zero, Screen.Bounds, Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, options.zoomLevel, SpriteEffects.None, 1f);
- spriteBatch.End();
- }
- return;
- }
- if (gameMode == 11)
- {
- spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Immediate, BlendState.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.PointClamp, null, null);
- spriteBatch.DrawString(smoothFont, "Stardew Valley has crashed...", new Vector2(16f, 16f), Color.HotPink);
- spriteBatch.DrawString(smoothFont, "Please send the error report or a screenshot of this message to @ConcernedApe. (", new Vector2(16f, 32f), new Color(0, 255, 0));
- spriteBatch.DrawString(smoothFont, parseText(errorMessage, smoothFont, graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width), new Vector2(16f, 48f), Color.White);
- spriteBatch.End();
- return;
- }
- if (currentMinigame != null)
- {
- currentMinigame.draw(spriteBatch);
- if (globalFade && !menuUp && (!nameSelectUp || messagePause))
- {
- spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.PointClamp, null, null);
- spriteBatch.Draw(fadeToBlackRect, graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Bounds, Color.Black * ((gameMode == 0) ? (1f - fadeToBlackAlpha) : fadeToBlackAlpha));
- spriteBatch.End();
- }
- if (!ZoomLevelIsOne)
- {
- GraphicsDevice.SetRenderTarget(null);
- GraphicsDevice.Clear(BgColour);
- spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Immediate, BlendState.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.LinearClamp, DepthStencilState.Default, RasterizerState.CullNone);
- spriteBatch.Draw(Screen, Vector2.Zero, Screen.Bounds, Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, options.zoomLevel, SpriteEffects.None, 1f);
- spriteBatch.End();
- }
- return;
- }
- if (showingEndOfNightStuff)
- {
- spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.PointClamp, null, null);
- activeClickableMenu?.draw(spriteBatch);
- spriteBatch.End();
- if (!ZoomLevelIsOne)
- {
- GraphicsDevice.SetRenderTarget(null);
- GraphicsDevice.Clear(BgColour);
- spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Immediate, BlendState.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.LinearClamp, DepthStencilState.Default, RasterizerState.CullNone);
- spriteBatch.Draw(Screen, Vector2.Zero, Screen.Bounds, Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, options.zoomLevel, SpriteEffects.None, 1f);
- spriteBatch.End();
- }
- return;
- }
- if (gameMode == 6)
- {
- spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.PointClamp, null, null);
- string text = "";
- int num = 0;
- while (num < gameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalMilliseconds % 999.0 / 333.0)
- {
- text += ".";
- num++;
- }
- SpriteText.drawString(spriteBatch, "Loading" + text, 64, graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height - 64, 999, -1, 999, 1f, 1f, false, 0, "Loading...");
- spriteBatch.End();
- if (!ZoomLevelIsOne)
- {
- GraphicsDevice.SetRenderTarget(null);
- GraphicsDevice.Clear(BgColour);
- spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Immediate, BlendState.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.LinearClamp, DepthStencilState.Default, RasterizerState.CullNone);
- spriteBatch.Draw(Screen, Vector2.Zero, Screen.Bounds, Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, options.zoomLevel, SpriteEffects.None, 1f);
- spriteBatch.End();
- }
- return;
- }
- if (gameMode == 0)
- {
- spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.PointClamp, null, null);
- }
- else
- {
- if (drawLighting)
- {
- GraphicsDevice.SetRenderTarget(lightmap);
- GraphicsDevice.Clear(Color.White * 0f);
- spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.NonPremultiplied, SamplerState.PointClamp, null, null);
- spriteBatch.Draw(staminaRect, lightmap.Bounds,"UndergroundMine") ? mine.getLightingColor(gameTime) : ((!ambientLight.Equals(Color.White) && (!isRaining || !currentLocation.isOutdoors)) ? ambientLight : outdoorLight));
- for (int i = 0; i < currentLightSources.Count; i++)
- {
- if (Utility.isOnScreen(currentLightSources.ElementAt(i).position, (int) (currentLightSources.ElementAt(i).radius * tileSize * 4f)))
- {
- spriteBatch.Draw(currentLightSources.ElementAt(i).lightTexture, GlobalToLocal(viewport, currentLightSources.ElementAt(i).position) / options.lightingQuality, currentLightSources.ElementAt(i).lightTexture.Bounds, currentLightSources.ElementAt(i).color, 0f, new Vector2(currentLightSources.ElementAt(i).lightTexture.Bounds.Center.X, currentLightSources.ElementAt(i).lightTexture.Bounds.Center.Y), currentLightSources.ElementAt(i).radius / options.lightingQuality, SpriteEffects.None, 0.9f);
- }
- }
- spriteBatch.End();
- GraphicsDevice.SetRenderTarget(ZoomLevelIsOne ? null : Screen);
- }
- if (bloomDay)
- {
- bloom?.BeginDraw();
- }
- GraphicsDevice.Clear(BgColour);
- spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.PointClamp, null, null);
- GraphicsEvents.InvokeOnPreRenderEvent(null, EventArgs.Empty);
- background?.draw(spriteBatch);
- mapDisplayDevice.BeginScene(spriteBatch);
- currentLocation.Map.GetLayer("Back").Draw(mapDisplayDevice, viewport, Location.Origin, false, pixelZoom);
- currentLocation.drawWater(spriteBatch);
- if (CurrentEvent == null)
- {
- using (List<NPC>.Enumerator enumerator = currentLocation.characters.GetEnumerator())
- {
- while (enumerator.MoveNext())
- {
- NPC current = enumerator.Current;
- if (current != null && !current.swimming && !current.hideShadow && !current.IsMonster && !currentLocation.shouldShadowBeDrawnAboveBuildingsLayer(current.getTileLocation()))
- {
- spriteBatch.Draw(shadowTexture, GlobalToLocal(viewport, current.position + new Vector2(current.sprite.spriteWidth * pixelZoom / 2f, current.GetBoundingBox().Height + (current.IsMonster ? 0 : (pixelZoom * 3)))), shadowTexture.Bounds, Color.White, 0f, new Vector2(shadowTexture.Bounds.Center.X, shadowTexture.Bounds.Center.Y), (pixelZoom + current.yJumpOffset / 40f) * current.scale, SpriteEffects.None, Math.Max(0f, current.getStandingY() / 10000f) - 1E-06f);
- }
- }
- goto IL_B30;
- }
- }
- foreach (NPC current2 in CurrentEvent.actors)
- {
- if (!current2.swimming && !current2.hideShadow && !currentLocation.shouldShadowBeDrawnAboveBuildingsLayer(current2.getTileLocation()))
- {
- spriteBatch.Draw(shadowTexture, GlobalToLocal(viewport, current2.position + new Vector2(current2.sprite.spriteWidth * pixelZoom / 2f, current2.GetBoundingBox().Height + (current2.IsMonster ? 0 : (pixelZoom * 3)))), shadowTexture.Bounds, Color.White, 0f, new Vector2(shadowTexture.Bounds.Center.X, shadowTexture.Bounds.Center.Y), (pixelZoom + current2.yJumpOffset / 40f) * current2.scale, SpriteEffects.None, Math.Max(0f, current2.getStandingY() / 10000f) - 1E-06f);
- }
- }
- IL_B30:
- if (!player.swimming && !player.isRidingHorse() && !currentLocation.shouldShadowBeDrawnAboveBuildingsLayer(player.getTileLocation()))
- {
- spriteBatch.Draw(shadowTexture, GlobalToLocal(player.position + new Vector2(32f, 24f)), shadowTexture.Bounds, Color.White, 0f, new Vector2(shadowTexture.Bounds.Center.X, shadowTexture.Bounds.Center.Y), 4f - (((player.running || player.usingTool) && player.FarmerSprite.indexInCurrentAnimation > 1) ? (Math.Abs(FarmerRenderer.featureYOffsetPerFrame[player.FarmerSprite.CurrentFrame]) * 0.5f) : 0f), SpriteEffects.None, 0f);
- }
- currentLocation.Map.GetLayer("Buildings").Draw(mapDisplayDevice, viewport, Location.Origin, false, pixelZoom);
- mapDisplayDevice.EndScene();
- spriteBatch.End();
- spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.FrontToBack, BlendState.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.PointClamp, null, null);
- if (CurrentEvent == null)
- {
- using (List<NPC>.Enumerator enumerator3 = currentLocation.characters.GetEnumerator())
- {
- while (enumerator3.MoveNext())
- {
- NPC current3 = enumerator3.Current;
- if (current3 != null && !current3.swimming && !current3.hideShadow && currentLocation.shouldShadowBeDrawnAboveBuildingsLayer(current3.getTileLocation()))
- {
- spriteBatch.Draw(shadowTexture, GlobalToLocal(viewport, current3.position + new Vector2(current3.sprite.spriteWidth * pixelZoom / 2f, current3.GetBoundingBox().Height + (current3.IsMonster ? 0 : (pixelZoom * 3)))), shadowTexture.Bounds, Color.White, 0f, new Vector2(shadowTexture.Bounds.Center.X, shadowTexture.Bounds.Center.Y), (pixelZoom + current3.yJumpOffset / 40f) * current3.scale, SpriteEffects.None, Math.Max(0f, current3.getStandingY() / 10000f) - 1E-06f);
- }
- }
- goto IL_F5F;
- }
- }
- foreach (NPC current4 in CurrentEvent.actors)
- {
- if (!current4.swimming && !current4.hideShadow && currentLocation.shouldShadowBeDrawnAboveBuildingsLayer(current4.getTileLocation()))
- {
- spriteBatch.Draw(shadowTexture, GlobalToLocal(viewport, current4.position + new Vector2(current4.sprite.spriteWidth * pixelZoom / 2f, current4.GetBoundingBox().Height + (current4.IsMonster ? 0 : (pixelZoom * 3)))), shadowTexture.Bounds, Color.White, 0f, new Vector2(shadowTexture.Bounds.Center.X, shadowTexture.Bounds.Center.Y), (pixelZoom + current4.yJumpOffset / 40f) * current4.scale, SpriteEffects.None, Math.Max(0f, current4.getStandingY() / 10000f) - 1E-06f);
- }
- }
- IL_F5F:
- if (!player.swimming && !player.isRidingHorse() && currentLocation.shouldShadowBeDrawnAboveBuildingsLayer(player.getTileLocation()))
- {
- spriteBatch.Draw(shadowTexture, GlobalToLocal(player.position + new Vector2(32f, 24f)), shadowTexture.Bounds, Color.White, 0f, new Vector2(shadowTexture.Bounds.Center.X, shadowTexture.Bounds.Center.Y), 4f - (((player.running || player.usingTool) && player.FarmerSprite.indexInCurrentAnimation > 1) ? (Math.Abs(FarmerRenderer.featureYOffsetPerFrame[player.FarmerSprite.CurrentFrame]) * 0.5f) : 0f), SpriteEffects.None, Math.Max(0.0001f, player.getStandingY() / 10000f + 0.00011f) - 0.0001f);
- }
- if (displayFarmer)
- {
- player.draw(spriteBatch);
- }
- if ((eventUp || killScreen) && !killScreen)
- {
- currentLocation.currentEvent?.draw(spriteBatch);
- }
- if (player.currentUpgrade != null && player.currentUpgrade.daysLeftTillUpgradeDone <= 3 && currentLocation.Name.Equals("Farm"))
- {
- spriteBatch.Draw(player.currentUpgrade.workerTexture, GlobalToLocal(viewport, player.currentUpgrade.positionOfCarpenter), player.currentUpgrade.getSourceRectangle(), Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, 1f, SpriteEffects.None, (player.currentUpgrade.positionOfCarpenter.Y + tileSize * 3 / 4) / 10000f);
- }
- currentLocation.draw(spriteBatch);
- if (eventUp && currentLocation.currentEvent?.messageToScreen != null)
- {
- drawWithBorder(currentLocation.currentEvent.messageToScreen, Color.Black, Color.White, new Vector2(graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Width / 2 - borderFont.MeasureString(currentLocation.currentEvent.messageToScreen).X / 2f, graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Height - tileSize), 0f, 1f, 0.999f);
- }
- if (player.ActiveObject == null && (player.UsingTool || pickingTool) && player.CurrentTool != null && (!player.CurrentTool.Name.Equals("Seeds") || pickingTool))
- {
- drawTool(player);
- }
- if (currentLocation.Name.Equals("Farm"))
- {
- DrawFarmBuildings.Invoke(Program.gamePtr, null);
- }
- if (tvStation >= 0)
- {
- spriteBatch.Draw(tvStationTexture, GlobalToLocal(viewport, new Vector2(6 * tileSize + tileSize / 4, 2 * tileSize + tileSize / 2)), new Rectangle(tvStation * 24, 0, 24, 15), Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, 4f, SpriteEffects.None, 1E-08f);
- }
- if (panMode)
- {
- spriteBatch.Draw(fadeToBlackRect, new Rectangle((int) Math.Floor((getOldMouseX() + viewport.X) / (double) tileSize) * tileSize - viewport.X, (int) Math.Floor((getOldMouseY() + viewport.Y) / (double) tileSize) * tileSize - viewport.Y, tileSize, tileSize), Color.Lime * 0.75f);
- foreach (Warp current5 in currentLocation.warps)
- {
- spriteBatch.Draw(fadeToBlackRect, new Rectangle(current5.X * tileSize - viewport.X, current5.Y * tileSize - viewport.Y, tileSize, tileSize), Color.Red * 0.75f);
- }
- }
- mapDisplayDevice.BeginScene(spriteBatch);
- currentLocation.Map.GetLayer("Front").Draw(mapDisplayDevice, viewport, Location.Origin, false, pixelZoom);
- mapDisplayDevice.EndScene();
- currentLocation.drawAboveFrontLayer(spriteBatch);
- spriteBatch.End();
- spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.PointClamp, null, null);
- if (currentLocation.Name.Equals("Farm") && stats.SeedsSown >= 200u)
- {
- spriteBatch.Draw(debrisSpriteSheet, GlobalToLocal(viewport, new Vector2(3 * tileSize + tileSize / 4, tileSize + tileSize / 3)), getSourceRectForStandardTileSheet(debrisSpriteSheet, 16), Color.White);
- spriteBatch.Draw(debrisSpriteSheet, GlobalToLocal(viewport, new Vector2(4 * tileSize + tileSize, 2 * tileSize + tileSize)), getSourceRectForStandardTileSheet(debrisSpriteSheet, 16), Color.White);
- spriteBatch.Draw(debrisSpriteSheet, GlobalToLocal(viewport, new Vector2(5 * tileSize, 2 * tileSize)), getSourceRectForStandardTileSheet(debrisSpriteSheet, 16), Color.White);
- spriteBatch.Draw(debrisSpriteSheet, GlobalToLocal(viewport, new Vector2(3 * tileSize + tileSize / 2, 3 * tileSize)), getSourceRectForStandardTileSheet(debrisSpriteSheet, 16), Color.White);
- spriteBatch.Draw(debrisSpriteSheet, GlobalToLocal(viewport, new Vector2(5 * tileSize - tileSize / 4, tileSize)), getSourceRectForStandardTileSheet(debrisSpriteSheet, 16), Color.White);
- spriteBatch.Draw(debrisSpriteSheet, GlobalToLocal(viewport, new Vector2(4 * tileSize, 3 * tileSize + tileSize / 6)), getSourceRectForStandardTileSheet(debrisSpriteSheet, 16), Color.White);
- spriteBatch.Draw(debrisSpriteSheet, GlobalToLocal(viewport, new Vector2(4 * tileSize + tileSize / 5, 2 * tileSize + tileSize / 3)), getSourceRectForStandardTileSheet(debrisSpriteSheet, 16), Color.White);
- }
- if (displayFarmer && player.ActiveObject != null && player.ActiveObject.bigCraftable && checkBigCraftableBoundariesForFrontLayer() && currentLocation.Map.GetLayer("Front").PickTile(new Location(player.getStandingX(), player.getStandingY()), viewport.Size) == null)
- {
- drawPlayerHeldObject(player);
- }
- else if (displayFarmer && player.ActiveObject != null && ((currentLocation.Map.GetLayer("Front").PickTile(new Location((int) player.position.X, (int) player.position.Y - tileSize * 3 / 5), viewport.Size) != null && !currentLocation.Map.GetLayer("Front").PickTile(new Location((int) player.position.X, (int) player.position.Y - tileSize * 3 / 5), viewport.Size).TileIndexProperties.ContainsKey("FrontAlways")) || (currentLocation.Map.GetLayer("Front").PickTile(new Location(player.GetBoundingBox().Right, (int) player.position.Y - tileSize * 3 / 5), viewport.Size) != null && !currentLocation.Map.GetLayer("Front").PickTile(new Location(player.GetBoundingBox().Right, (int) player.position.Y - tileSize * 3 / 5), viewport.Size).TileIndexProperties.ContainsKey("FrontAlways"))))
- {
- drawPlayerHeldObject(player);
- }
- if ((player.UsingTool || pickingTool) && player.CurrentTool != null && (!player.CurrentTool.Name.Equals("Seeds") || pickingTool) && currentLocation.Map.GetLayer("Front").PickTile(new Location(player.getStandingX(), (int) player.position.Y - tileSize * 3 / 5), viewport.Size) != null && currentLocation.Map.GetLayer("Front").PickTile(new Location(player.getStandingX(), player.getStandingY()), viewport.Size) == null)
- {
- drawTool(player);
- }
- if (currentLocation.Map.GetLayer("AlwaysFront") != null)
- {
- mapDisplayDevice.BeginScene(spriteBatch);
- currentLocation.Map.GetLayer("AlwaysFront").Draw(mapDisplayDevice, viewport, Location.Origin, false, pixelZoom);
- mapDisplayDevice.EndScene();
- }
- if (toolHold > 400f && player.CurrentTool.UpgradeLevel >= 1 && player.canReleaseTool)
- {
- Color color = Color.White;
- switch ((int) (toolHold / 600f) + 2)
- {
- case 1:
- color = Tool.copperColor;
- break;
- case 2:
- color = Tool.steelColor;
- break;
- case 3:
- color = Tool.goldColor;
- break;
- case 4:
- color = Tool.iridiumColor;
- break;
- }
- spriteBatch.Draw(littleEffect, new Rectangle((int) player.getLocalPosition(viewport).X - 2, (int) player.getLocalPosition(viewport).Y - (player.CurrentTool.Name.Equals("Watering Can") ? 0 : tileSize) - 2, (int) (toolHold % 600f * 0.08f) + 4, tileSize / 8 + 4), Color.Black);
- spriteBatch.Draw(littleEffect, new Rectangle((int) player.getLocalPosition(viewport).X, (int) player.getLocalPosition(viewport).Y - (player.CurrentTool.Name.Equals("Watering Can") ? 0 : tileSize), (int) (toolHold % 600f * 0.08f), tileSize / 8), color);
- }
- if (isDebrisWeather && currentLocation.IsOutdoors && !currentLocation.ignoreDebrisWeather && !currentLocation.Name.Equals("Desert") && viewport.X > -10)
- {
- foreach (WeatherDebris current6 in debrisWeather)
- {
- current6.draw(spriteBatch);
- }
- }
- farmEvent?.draw(spriteBatch);
- if (currentLocation.LightLevel > 0f && timeOfDay < 2000)
- {
- spriteBatch.Draw(fadeToBlackRect, graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Bounds, Color.Black * currentLocation.LightLevel);
- }
- if (screenGlow)
- {
- spriteBatch.Draw(fadeToBlackRect, graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Bounds, screenGlowColor * screenGlowAlpha);
- }
- currentLocation.drawAboveAlwaysFrontLayer(spriteBatch);
- if (player.CurrentTool is FishingRod && ((player.CurrentTool as FishingRod).isTimingCast || (player.CurrentTool as FishingRod).castingChosenCountdown > 0f || (player.CurrentTool as FishingRod).fishCaught || (player.CurrentTool as FishingRod).showingTreasure))
- {
- player.CurrentTool.draw(spriteBatch);
- }
- if (isRaining && currentLocation.IsOutdoors && !currentLocation.Name.Equals("Desert") && !(currentLocation is Summit) && (!eventUp || currentLocation.isTileOnMap(new Vector2(viewport.X / tileSize, viewport.Y / tileSize))))
- {
- for (int j = 0; j < rainDrops.Length; j++)
- {
- spriteBatch.Draw(rainTexture, rainDrops[j].position, getSourceRectForStandardTileSheet(rainTexture, rainDrops[j].frame), Color.White);
- }
- }
- spriteBatch.End();
- //base.Draw(gameTime);
- spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.FrontToBack, BlendState.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.PointClamp, null, null);
- if (eventUp && currentLocation.currentEvent != null)
- {
- foreach (NPC current7 in currentLocation.currentEvent.actors)
- {
- if (current7.isEmoting)
- {
- Vector2 localPosition = current7.getLocalPosition(viewport);
- localPosition.Y -= tileSize * 2 + pixelZoom * 3;
- if (current7.age == 2)
- {
- localPosition.Y += tileSize / 2;
- }
- else if (current7.gender == 1)
- {
- localPosition.Y += tileSize / 6;
- }
- spriteBatch.Draw(emoteSpriteSheet, localPosition, new Rectangle(current7.CurrentEmoteIndex * (tileSize / 4) % emoteSpriteSheet.Width, current7.CurrentEmoteIndex * (tileSize / 4) / emoteSpriteSheet.Width * (tileSize / 4), tileSize / 4, tileSize / 4), Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, 4f, SpriteEffects.None, current7.getStandingY() / 10000f);
- }
- }
- }
- spriteBatch.End();
- if (drawLighting)
- {
- spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, new BlendState
- {
- ColorBlendFunction = BlendFunction.ReverseSubtract,
- ColorDestinationBlend = Blend.One,
- ColorSourceBlend = Blend.SourceColor
- }, SamplerState.LinearClamp, null, null);
- spriteBatch.Draw(lightmap, Vector2.Zero, lightmap.Bounds, Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, options.lightingQuality, SpriteEffects.None, 1f);
- if (isRaining && currentLocation.isOutdoors && !(currentLocation is Desert))
- {
- spriteBatch.Draw(staminaRect, graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Bounds, Color.OrangeRed * 0.45f);
- }
- spriteBatch.End();
- }
- spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.PointClamp, null, null);
- if (drawGrid)
- {
- int num2 = -viewport.X % tileSize;
- float num3 = -(float) viewport.Y % tileSize;
- for (int k = num2; k < graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width; k += tileSize)
- {
- spriteBatch.Draw(staminaRect, new Rectangle(k, (int) num3, 1, graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height), Color.Red * 0.5f);
- }
- for (float num4 = num3; num4 < (float) graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height; num4 += (float) tileSize)
- {
- spriteBatch.Draw(staminaRect, new Rectangle(num2, (int) num4, graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width, 1), Color.Red * 0.5f);
- }
- }
- if (currentBillboard != 0)
- {
- drawBillboard();
- }
- GraphicsEvents.InvokeOnPreRenderHudEventNoCheck(null, EventArgs.Empty);
- if ((displayHUD || eventUp) && currentBillboard == 0 && gameMode == 3 && !freezeControls && !panMode)
- {
- GraphicsEvents.InvokeOnPreRenderHudEvent(null, EventArgs.Empty);
- DrawHUD.Invoke(Program.gamePtr, null);
- GraphicsEvents.InvokeOnPostRenderHudEvent(null, EventArgs.Empty);
- }
- else if (activeClickableMenu == null && farmEvent == null)
- {
- spriteBatch.Draw(mouseCursors, new Vector2(getOldMouseX(), getOldMouseY()), getSourceRectForStandardTileSheet(mouseCursors, 0, 16, 16), Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, 4f + dialogueButtonScale / 150f, SpriteEffects.None, 1f);
- }
- GraphicsEvents.InvokeOnPostRenderHudEventNoCheck(null, EventArgs.Empty);
- if (hudMessages.Any() && (!eventUp || isFestival()))
- {
- for (int l = hudMessages.Count - 1; l >= 0; l--)
- {
- hudMessages[l].draw(spriteBatch, l);
- }
- }
- }
- farmEvent?.draw(spriteBatch);
- if (dialogueUp && !nameSelectUp && !messagePause && !(activeClickableMenu is DialogueBox))
- {
- DrawDialogueBox.Invoke(Program.gamePtr, null);
- }
- if (progressBar)
- {
- spriteBatch.Draw(fadeToBlackRect, new Rectangle((graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Width - dialogueWidth) / 2, graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Bottom - tileSize * 2, dialogueWidth, tileSize / 2), Color.LightGray);
- spriteBatch.Draw(staminaRect, new Rectangle((graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Width - dialogueWidth) / 2, graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Bottom - tileSize * 2, (int) (pauseAccumulator / pauseTime * dialogueWidth), tileSize / 2), Color.DimGray);
- }
- if (eventUp)
- {
- currentLocation.currentEvent?.drawAfterMap(spriteBatch);
- }
- if (isRaining && currentLocation.isOutdoors && !(currentLocation is Desert))
- {
- spriteBatch.Draw(staminaRect, graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Bounds, Color.Blue * 0.2f);
- }
- if ((fadeToBlack || globalFade) && !menuUp && (!nameSelectUp || messagePause))
- {
- spriteBatch.Draw(fadeToBlackRect, graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Bounds, Color.Black * ((gameMode == 0) ? (1f - fadeToBlackAlpha) : fadeToBlackAlpha));
- }
- else if (flashAlpha > 0f)
- {
- if (options.screenFlash)
- {
- spriteBatch.Draw(fadeToBlackRect, graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Bounds, Color.White * Math.Min(1f, flashAlpha));
- }
- flashAlpha -= 0.1f;
- }
- if ((messagePause || globalFade) && dialogueUp)
- {
- DrawDialogueBox.Invoke(Program.gamePtr, null);
- }
- foreach (TemporaryAnimatedSprite current8 in screenOverlayTempSprites)
- {
- current8.draw(spriteBatch, true);
- }
- if (debugMode)
- {
- spriteBatch.DrawString(smallFont, string.Concat(new object[]
- {
- panMode ? ((getOldMouseX() + viewport.X) / tileSize + "," + (getOldMouseY() + viewport.Y) / tileSize) : string.Concat("aplayer: ", player.getStandingX() / tileSize, ", ", player.getStandingY() / tileSize),
- Environment.NewLine,
- "debugOutput: ",
- debugOutput
- }), new Vector2(GraphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea.X, GraphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Y), Color.Red, 0f, Vector2.Zero, 1f, SpriteEffects.None, 0.9999999f);
- }
- /*if (inputMode)
- {
- spriteBatch.DrawString(smallFont, "Input: " + debugInput, new Vector2(tileSize, tileSize * 3), Color.Purple);
- }*/
- if (showKeyHelp)
- {
- spriteBatch.DrawString(smallFont, keyHelpString, new Vector2(tileSize, viewport.Height - tileSize - (dialogueUp ? (tileSize * 3 + (isQuestion ? (questionChoices.Count * tileSize) : 0)) : 0) - smallFont.MeasureString(keyHelpString).Y), Color.LightGray, 0f, Vector2.Zero, 1f, SpriteEffects.None, 0.9999999f);
- }
- GraphicsEvents.InvokeOnPreRenderGuiEventNoCheck(null, EventArgs.Empty);
- if (activeClickableMenu != null)
- {
- GraphicsEvents.InvokeOnPreRenderGuiEvent(null, EventArgs.Empty);
- activeClickableMenu.draw(spriteBatch);
- GraphicsEvents.InvokeOnPostRenderGuiEvent(null, EventArgs.Empty);
- }
- else
- {
- farmEvent?.drawAboveEverything(spriteBatch);
- }
- GraphicsEvents.InvokeOnPostRenderGuiEventNoCheck(null, EventArgs.Empty);
- GraphicsEvents.InvokeOnPostRenderEvent(null, EventArgs.Empty);
- spriteBatch.End();
- GraphicsEvents.InvokeDrawInRenderTargetTick();
- if (!ZoomLevelIsOne)
- {
- GraphicsDevice.SetRenderTarget(null);
- GraphicsDevice.Clear(BgColour);
- spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Immediate, BlendState.Opaque, SamplerState.LinearClamp, DepthStencilState.Default, RasterizerState.CullNone);
- spriteBatch.Draw(Screen, Vector2.Zero, Screen.Bounds, Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, options.zoomLevel, SpriteEffects.None, 1f);
- spriteBatch.End();
- }
- GraphicsEvents.InvokeDrawTick();
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- Log.Error("An error occured in the overridden draw loop: " + ex);
- }
- #endregion
- }
- else
- {
- #region Base Draw Call
- try
- {
- base.Draw(gameTime);
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- Log.AsyncR("An error occured in the base draw loop: " + ex);
- Console.ReadKey();
- }
- GraphicsEvents.InvokeDrawTick();
- if (Constants.EnableDrawingIntoRenderTarget)
- {
- if (!options.zoomLevel.Equals(1.0f))
- {
- if (Screen.RenderTargetUsage == RenderTargetUsage.DiscardContents)
- {
- Screen = new RenderTarget2D(graphics.GraphicsDevice, Math.Min(4096, (int) (Window.ClientBounds.Width * (1.0 / options.zoomLevel))),
- Math.Min(4096, (int) (Window.ClientBounds.Height * (1.0 / options.zoomLevel))),
- false, SurfaceFormat.Color, DepthFormat.Depth16, 1, RenderTargetUsage.PreserveContents);
- }
- GraphicsDevice.SetRenderTarget(Screen);
- }
- // Not beginning the batch due to inconsistancies with the standard draw tick...
- //spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Immediate, BlendState.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.PointClamp, null, null);
- GraphicsEvents.InvokeDrawInRenderTargetTick();
- //spriteBatch.End();
- //Re-draw the HUD
- spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Immediate, BlendState.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.PointClamp, null, null);
- activeClickableMenu?.draw(spriteBatch);
- /*
- if ((displayHUD || eventUp) && currentBillboard == 0 && gameMode == 3 && !freezeControls && !panMode)
- typeof (Game1).GetMethod("drawHUD", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)?.Invoke(Program.gamePtr, null);
- */
- spriteBatch.Draw(mouseCursors, new Vector2(getOldMouseX(), getOldMouseY()), getSourceRectForStandardTileSheet(mouseCursors, options.gamepadControls ? 44 : 0, 16, 16), Color.White, 0.0f, Vector2.Zero, pixelZoom + dialogueButtonScale / 150f, SpriteEffects.None, 1f);
- spriteBatch.End();
- if (!options.zoomLevel.Equals(1.0f))
- {
- GraphicsDevice.SetRenderTarget(null);
- spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Immediate, BlendState.Opaque, SamplerState.LinearClamp, DepthStencilState.Default, RasterizerState.CullNone);
- spriteBatch.Draw(Screen, Vector2.Zero, Screen.Bounds, Color.White, 0.0f, Vector2.Zero, options.zoomLevel, SpriteEffects.None, 1f);
- spriteBatch.End();
- }
- }
- #endregion
- }
- if (Debug)
- {
- spriteBatch.Begin();
- int i = 0;
- while (DebugMessageQueue.Any())
- {
- string s = DebugMessageQueue.Dequeue();
- spriteBatch.DrawString(smoothFont, s, new Vector2(0, i * 14), Color.CornflowerBlue);
- i++;
- }
- GraphicsEvents.InvokeDrawDebug(null, EventArgs.Empty);
- spriteBatch.End();
- }
- else
- {
- DebugMessageQueue.Clear();
- }
- }
- private void UpdateEventCalls()
- {
- KStateNow = Keyboard.GetState();
- MStateNow = Mouse.GetState();
- MPositionNow = new Point(Game1.getMouseX(), Game1.getMouseY());
- foreach (var k in FramePressedKeys)
- ControlEvents.InvokeKeyPressed(k);
- foreach (var k in FrameReleasedKeys)
- ControlEvents.InvokeKeyReleased(k);
- for (var i = PlayerIndex.One; i <= PlayerIndex.Four; i++)
- {
- var buttons = GetFramePressedButtons(i);
- foreach (var b in buttons)
- {
- if (b == Buttons.LeftTrigger || b == Buttons.RightTrigger)
- {
- ControlEvents.InvokeTriggerPressed(i, b, b == Buttons.LeftTrigger ? GamePad.GetState(i).Triggers.Left : GamePad.GetState(i).Triggers.Right);
- }
- else
- {
- ControlEvents.InvokeButtonPressed(i, b);
- }
- }
- }
- for (var i = PlayerIndex.One; i <= PlayerIndex.Four; i++)
- {
- foreach (var b in GetFrameReleasedButtons(i))
- {
- if (b == Buttons.LeftTrigger || b == Buttons.RightTrigger)
- {
- ControlEvents.InvokeTriggerReleased(i, b, b == Buttons.LeftTrigger ? GamePad.GetState(i).Triggers.Left : GamePad.GetState(i).Triggers.Right);
- }
- else
- {
- ControlEvents.InvokeButtonReleased(i, b);
- }
- }
- }
- if (KStateNow != KStatePrior)
- {
- ControlEvents.InvokeKeyboardChanged(KStatePrior, KStateNow);
- }
- if (MStateNow != MStatePrior)
- {
- ControlEvents.InvokeMouseChanged(MStatePrior, MStateNow, MPositionPrior, MPositionNow);
- MStatePrior = MStateNow;
- MPositionPrior = MPositionPrior;
- }
- if (activeClickableMenu != null && activeClickableMenu != PreviousActiveMenu)
- {
- MenuEvents.InvokeMenuChanged(PreviousActiveMenu, activeClickableMenu);
- PreviousActiveMenu = activeClickableMenu;
- WasMenuClosedInvoked = false;
- }
- if (!WasMenuClosedInvoked && PreviousActiveMenu != null && activeClickableMenu == null)
- {
- MenuEvents.InvokeMenuClosed(PreviousActiveMenu);
- WasMenuClosedInvoked = true;
- }
- if (locations.GetHash() != PreviousGameLocations)
- {
- LocationEvents.InvokeLocationsChanged(locations);
- PreviousGameLocations = locations.GetHash();
- }
- if (currentLocation != PreviousGameLocation)
- {
- LocationEvents.InvokeCurrentLocationChanged(PreviousGameLocation, currentLocation);
- PreviousGameLocation = currentLocation;
- }
- if (player != null && player != PreviousFarmer)
- {
- PlayerEvents.InvokeFarmerChanged(PreviousFarmer, player);
- PreviousFarmer = player;
- }
- if (player != null && player.combatLevel != PreviousCombatLevel)
- {
- PlayerEvents.InvokeLeveledUp(EventArgsLevelUp.LevelType.Combat, player.combatLevel);
- PreviousCombatLevel = player.combatLevel;
- }
- if (player != null && player.farmingLevel != PreviousFarmingLevel)
- {
- PlayerEvents.InvokeLeveledUp(EventArgsLevelUp.LevelType.Farming, player.farmingLevel);
- PreviousFarmingLevel = player.farmingLevel;
- }
- if (player != null && player.fishingLevel != PreviousFishingLevel)
- {
- PlayerEvents.InvokeLeveledUp(EventArgsLevelUp.LevelType.Fishing, player.fishingLevel);
- PreviousFishingLevel = player.fishingLevel;
- }
- if (player != null && player.foragingLevel != PreviousForagingLevel)
- {
- PlayerEvents.InvokeLeveledUp(EventArgsLevelUp.LevelType.Foraging, player.foragingLevel);
- PreviousForagingLevel = player.foragingLevel;
- }
- if (player != null && player.miningLevel != PreviousMiningLevel)
- {
- PlayerEvents.InvokeLeveledUp(EventArgsLevelUp.LevelType.Mining, player.miningLevel);
- PreviousMiningLevel = player.miningLevel;
- }
- if (player != null && player.luckLevel != PreviousLuckLevel)
- {
- PlayerEvents.InvokeLeveledUp(EventArgsLevelUp.LevelType.Luck, player.luckLevel);
- PreviousLuckLevel = player.luckLevel;
- }
- List<ItemStackChange> changedItems;
- if (player != null && HasInventoryChanged(player.items, out changedItems))
- {
- PlayerEvents.InvokeInventoryChanged(player.items, changedItems);
- PreviousItems = player.items.Where(n => n != null).ToDictionary(n => n, n => n.Stack);
- }
- var objectHash = currentLocation?.objects?.GetHash();
- if (objectHash != null && PreviousLocationObjects != objectHash)
- {
- LocationEvents.InvokeOnNewLocationObject(currentLocation.objects);
- PreviousLocationObjects = objectHash ?? -1;
- }
- if (timeOfDay != PreviousTimeOfDay)
- {
- TimeEvents.InvokeTimeOfDayChanged(PreviousTimeOfDay, timeOfDay);
- PreviousTimeOfDay = timeOfDay;
- }
- if (dayOfMonth != PreviousDayOfMonth)
- {
- TimeEvents.InvokeDayOfMonthChanged(PreviousDayOfMonth, dayOfMonth);
- PreviousDayOfMonth = dayOfMonth;
- }
- if (currentSeason != PreviousSeasonOfYear)
- {
- TimeEvents.InvokeSeasonOfYearChanged(PreviousSeasonOfYear, currentSeason);
- PreviousSeasonOfYear = currentSeason;
- }
- if (year != PreviousYearOfGame)
- {
- TimeEvents.InvokeYearOfGameChanged(PreviousYearOfGame, year);
- PreviousYearOfGame = year;
- }
- if (FireLoadedGameEvent)
- {
- PlayerEvents.InvokeLoadedGame(new EventArgsLoadedGameChanged(hasLoadedGame));
- FireLoadedGameEvent = false;
- }
- if (hasLoadedGame != PreviouslyLoadedGame)
- {
- FireLoadedGameEvent = true;
- PreviouslyLoadedGame = hasLoadedGame;
- }
- if (mine != null && PreviousMineLevel != mine.mineLevel)
- {
- MineEvents.InvokeMineLevelChanged(PreviousMineLevel, mine.mineLevel);
- PreviousMineLevel = mine.mineLevel;
- }
- if (PreviousIsNewDay != newDay)
- {
- TimeEvents.InvokeOnNewDay(PreviousDayOfMonth, dayOfMonth, newDay);
- PreviousIsNewDay = newDay;
- }
- }
- private bool HasInventoryChanged(List<Item> items, out List<ItemStackChange> changedItems)
- {
- changedItems = new List<ItemStackChange>();
- IEnumerable<Item> actualItems = items.Where(n => n != null).ToArray();
- foreach (var item in actualItems)
- {
- if (PreviousItems != null && PreviousItems.ContainsKey(item))
- {
- if (PreviousItems[item] != item.Stack)
- {
- changedItems.Add(new ItemStackChange {Item = item, StackChange = item.Stack - PreviousItems[item], ChangeType = ChangeType.StackChange});
- }
- }
- else
- {
- changedItems.Add(new ItemStackChange {Item = item, StackChange = item.Stack, ChangeType = ChangeType.Added});
- }
- }
- if (PreviousItems != null)
- {
- changedItems.AddRange(PreviousItems.Where(n => actualItems.All(i => i != n.Key)).Select(n =>
- new ItemStackChange {Item = n.Key, StackChange = -n.Key.Stack, ChangeType = ChangeType.Removed}));
- }
- return changedItems.Any();
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Invokes a private, non-static method in Game1 via Reflection
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="name">The name of the method</param>
- /// <param name="parameters">Any parameters needed</param>
- /// <returns>Whatever the method normally returns. Null if void.</returns>
- [Obsolete("This is very slow. Cache the method info and then invoke it with InvokeMethodInfo().")]
- public static object InvokeBasePrivateInstancedMethod(string name, params object[] parameters)
- {
- try
- {
- return typeof (Game1).GetMethod(name, BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).Invoke(Program.gamePtr, parameters);
- }
- catch
- {
- Log.AsyncR("Failed to call base method: " + name);
- return null;
- }
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Invokes a given method info with the supplied parameters
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="mi"></param>
- /// <param name="parameters"></param>
- /// <returns></returns>
- public static object InvokeMethodInfo(MethodInfo mi, params object[] parameters)
- {
- try
- {
- return mi.Invoke(Program.gamePtr, parameters);
- }
- catch
- {
- Log.AsyncR("Failed to call base method: " + mi.Name);
- return null;
- }
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Queue's a message to be drawn in Debug mode (F3)
- /// </summary>
- /// <returns></returns>
- public static bool QueueDebugMessage(string message)
- {
- if (!Debug)
- return false;
- if (DebugMessageQueue.Count > 32)
- return false;
- DebugMessageQueue.Enqueue(message);
- return true;
- }
- }
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Reflection;
+using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
+using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
+using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input;
+using StardewModdingAPI.Events;
+using StardewValley;
+using StardewValley.BellsAndWhistles;
+using StardewValley.Locations;
+using StardewValley.Menus;
+using StardewValley.Tools;
+using xTile.Dimensions;
+using Rectangle = Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle;
+namespace StardewModdingAPI.Inheritance
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The 'SGame' class.
+ /// This summary, and many others, only exists because XML doc tags.
+ /// </summary>
+ public class SGame : Game1
+ {
+ private bool FireLoadedGameEvent;
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Gets a jagged array of all buttons pressed on the gamepad the prior frame.
+ /// </summary>
+ public Buttons[][] PreviouslyPressedButtons;
+ internal SGame()
+ {
+ Instance = this;
+ FirstUpdate = true;
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The current KeyboardState
+ /// </summary>
+ public KeyboardState KStateNow { get; private set; }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The prior KeyboardState
+ /// </summary>
+ public KeyboardState KStatePrior { get; private set; }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The current MouseState
+ /// </summary>
+ public MouseState MStateNow { get; private set; }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The prior MouseState
+ /// </summary>
+ public MouseState MStatePrior { get; private set; }
+ /// <summary>The current mouse position on the screen adjusted for the zoom level.</summary>
+ public Point MPositionNow { get; private set; }
+ /// <summary>The previous mouse position on the screen adjusted for the zoom level.</summary>
+ public Point MPositionPrior { get; private set; }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// All keys pressed on the current frame
+ /// </summary>
+ public Keys[] CurrentlyPressedKeys => KStateNow.GetPressedKeys();
+ /// <summary>
+ /// All keys pressed on the prior frame
+ /// </summary>
+ public Keys[] PreviouslyPressedKeys => KStatePrior.GetPressedKeys();
+ /// <summary>
+ /// All keys pressed on this frame except for the ones pressed on the prior frame
+ /// </summary>
+ public Keys[] FramePressedKeys => CurrentlyPressedKeys.Except(PreviouslyPressedKeys).ToArray();
+ /// <summary>
+ /// All keys pressed on the prior frame except for the ones pressed on the current frame
+ /// </summary>
+ public Keys[] FrameReleasedKeys => PreviouslyPressedKeys.Except(CurrentlyPressedKeys).ToArray();
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Whether or not a save was tagged as 'Loaded' the prior frame.
+ /// </summary>
+ public bool PreviouslyLoadedGame { get; private set; }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The list of GameLocations on the prior frame
+ /// </summary>
+ public int PreviousGameLocations { get; private set; }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The list of GameObjects on the prior frame
+ /// </summary>
+ public int PreviousLocationObjects { get; private set; }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The list of Items in the player's inventory on the prior frame
+ /// </summary>
+ public Dictionary<Item, int> PreviousItems { get; private set; }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The player's Combat level on the prior frame
+ /// </summary>
+ public int PreviousCombatLevel { get; private set; }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The player's Farming level on the prior frame
+ /// </summary>
+ public int PreviousFarmingLevel { get; private set; }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The player's Fishing level on the prior frame
+ /// </summary>
+ public int PreviousFishingLevel { get; private set; }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The player's Foraging level on the prior frame
+ /// </summary>
+ public int PreviousForagingLevel { get; private set; }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The player's Mining level on the prior frame
+ /// </summary>
+ public int PreviousMiningLevel { get; private set; }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The player's Luck level on the prior frame
+ /// </summary>
+ public int PreviousLuckLevel { get; private set; }
+ //Kill me now comments are so boring
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The player's previous game location
+ /// </summary>
+ public GameLocation PreviousGameLocation { get; private set; }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The previous ActiveGameMenu in Game1
+ /// </summary>
+ public IClickableMenu PreviousActiveMenu { get; private set; }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Indicates if the MenuClosed event was fired to prevent it from re-firing.
+ /// </summary>
+ internal bool WasMenuClosedInvoked = false;
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The previous mine level
+ /// </summary>
+ public int PreviousMineLevel { get; private set; }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The previous TimeOfDay (Int32 between 600 and 2400?)
+ /// </summary>
+ public int PreviousTimeOfDay { get; private set; }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The previous DayOfMonth (Int32 between 1 and 28?)
+ /// </summary>
+ public int PreviousDayOfMonth { get; private set; }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The previous Season (String as follows: "winter", "spring", "summer", "fall")
+ /// </summary>
+ public string PreviousSeasonOfYear { get; private set; }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The previous Year
+ /// </summary>
+ public int PreviousYearOfGame { get; private set; }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The previous result of Game1.newDay
+ /// </summary>
+ public bool PreviousIsNewDay { get; private set; }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The previous 'Farmer' (Player)
+ /// </summary>
+ public Farmer PreviousFarmer { get; private set; }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The current index of the update tick. Recycles every 60th tick to 0. (Int32 between 0 and 59)
+ /// </summary>
+ public int CurrentUpdateTick { get; private set; }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Whether or not this update frame is the very first of the entire game
+ /// </summary>
+ public bool FirstUpdate { get; private set; }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The current RenderTarget in Game1 (Private field, uses reflection)
+ /// </summary>
+ public RenderTarget2D Screen
+ {
+ get { return typeof (Game1).GetBaseFieldValue<RenderTarget2D>(Program.gamePtr, "screen"); }
+ set { typeof (Game1).SetBaseFieldValue<RenderTarget2D>(this, "screen", value); }
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The current Colour in Game1 (Private field, uses reflection)
+ /// </summary>
+ public Color BgColour
+ {
+ get { return (Color)typeof(Game1).GetBaseFieldValue<object>(Program.gamePtr, "bgColor"); }
+ set { typeof(Game1).SetBaseFieldValue<object>(this, "bgColor", value); }
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Static accessor for an Instance of the class SGame
+ /// </summary>
+ public static SGame Instance { get; private set; }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The game's FPS. Re-determined every Draw update.
+ /// </summary>
+ public static float FramesPerSecond { get; private set; }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Whether or not we're in a pseudo 'debug' mode. Mostly for displaying information like FPS.
+ /// </summary>
+ public static bool Debug { get; private set; }
+ internal static Queue<String> DebugMessageQueue { get; private set; }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The current player (equal to Farmer.Player)
+ /// </summary>
+ [Obsolete("Use Farmer.Player instead")]
+ public Farmer CurrentFarmer => player;
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Gets ALL static fields that belong to 'Game1'
+ /// </summary>
+ public static FieldInfo[] GetStaticFields => typeof (Game1).GetFields();
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Whether or not a button was just pressed on the controller
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="button"></param>
+ /// <param name="buttonState"></param>
+ /// <param name="stateIndex"></param>
+ /// <returns></returns>
+ private bool WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons button, ButtonState buttonState, PlayerIndex stateIndex)
+ {
+ return buttonState == ButtonState.Pressed && !PreviouslyPressedButtons[(int) stateIndex].Contains(button);
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Whether or not a button was just released on the controller
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="button"></param>
+ /// <param name="buttonState"></param>
+ /// <param name="stateIndex"></param>
+ /// <returns></returns>
+ private bool WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons button, ButtonState buttonState, PlayerIndex stateIndex)
+ {
+ return buttonState == ButtonState.Released && PreviouslyPressedButtons[(int) stateIndex].Contains(button);
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Whether or not an analog button was just pressed on the controller
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="button"></param>
+ /// <param name="value"></param>
+ /// <param name="stateIndex"></param>
+ /// <returns></returns>
+ private bool WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons button, float value, PlayerIndex stateIndex)
+ {
+ return WasButtonJustPressed(button, value > 0.2f ? ButtonState.Pressed : ButtonState.Released, stateIndex);
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Whether or not an analog button was just released on the controller
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="button"></param>
+ /// <param name="value"></param>
+ /// <param name="stateIndex"></param>
+ /// <returns></returns>
+ private bool WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons button, float value, PlayerIndex stateIndex)
+ {
+ return WasButtonJustReleased(button, value > 0.2f ? ButtonState.Pressed : ButtonState.Released, stateIndex);
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Gets an array of all Buttons pressed on a joystick
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="index"></param>
+ /// <returns></returns>
+ public Buttons[] GetButtonsDown(PlayerIndex index)
+ {
+ var state = GamePad.GetState(index);
+ var buttons = new List<Buttons>();
+ if (state.IsConnected)
+ {
+ if (state.Buttons.A == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.A);
+ if (state.Buttons.B == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.B);
+ if (state.Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.Back);
+ if (state.Buttons.BigButton == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.BigButton);
+ if (state.Buttons.LeftShoulder == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.LeftShoulder);
+ if (state.Buttons.LeftStick == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.LeftStick);
+ if (state.Buttons.RightShoulder == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.RightShoulder);
+ if (state.Buttons.RightStick == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.RightStick);
+ if (state.Buttons.Start == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.Start);
+ if (state.Buttons.X == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.X);
+ if (state.Buttons.Y == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.Y);
+ if (state.DPad.Up == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.DPadUp);
+ if (state.DPad.Down == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.DPadDown);
+ if (state.DPad.Left == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.DPadLeft);
+ if (state.DPad.Right == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.DPadRight);
+ if (state.Triggers.Left > 0.2f) buttons.Add(Buttons.LeftTrigger);
+ if (state.Triggers.Right > 0.2f) buttons.Add(Buttons.RightTrigger);
+ }
+ return buttons.ToArray();
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Gets all buttons that were pressed on the current frame of a joystick
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="index"></param>
+ /// <returns></returns>
+ public Buttons[] GetFramePressedButtons(PlayerIndex index)
+ {
+ var state = GamePad.GetState(index);
+ var buttons = new List<Buttons>();
+ if (state.IsConnected)
+ {
+ if (WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.A, state.Buttons.A, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.A);
+ if (WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.B, state.Buttons.B, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.B);
+ if (WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.Back, state.Buttons.Back, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.Back);
+ if (WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.BigButton, state.Buttons.BigButton, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.BigButton);
+ if (WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.LeftShoulder, state.Buttons.LeftShoulder, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.LeftShoulder);
+ if (WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.LeftStick, state.Buttons.LeftStick, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.LeftStick);
+ if (WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.RightShoulder, state.Buttons.RightShoulder, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.RightShoulder);
+ if (WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.RightStick, state.Buttons.RightStick, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.RightStick);
+ if (WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.Start, state.Buttons.Start, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.Start);
+ if (WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.X, state.Buttons.X, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.X);
+ if (WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.Y, state.Buttons.Y, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.Y);
+ if (WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.DPadUp, state.DPad.Up, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.DPadUp);
+ if (WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.DPadDown, state.DPad.Down, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.DPadDown);
+ if (WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.DPadLeft, state.DPad.Left, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.DPadLeft);
+ if (WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.DPadRight, state.DPad.Right, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.DPadRight);
+ if (WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.LeftTrigger, state.Triggers.Left, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.LeftTrigger);
+ if (WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.RightTrigger, state.Triggers.Right, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.RightTrigger);
+ }
+ return buttons.ToArray();
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Gets all buttons that were released on the current frame of a joystick
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="index"></param>
+ /// <returns></returns>
+ public Buttons[] GetFrameReleasedButtons(PlayerIndex index)
+ {
+ var state = GamePad.GetState(index);
+ var buttons = new List<Buttons>();
+ if (state.IsConnected)
+ {
+ if (WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.A, state.Buttons.A, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.A);
+ if (WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.B, state.Buttons.B, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.B);
+ if (WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.Back, state.Buttons.Back, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.Back);
+ if (WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.BigButton, state.Buttons.BigButton, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.BigButton);
+ if (WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.LeftShoulder, state.Buttons.LeftShoulder, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.LeftShoulder);
+ if (WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.LeftStick, state.Buttons.LeftStick, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.LeftStick);
+ if (WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.RightShoulder, state.Buttons.RightShoulder, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.RightShoulder);
+ if (WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.RightStick, state.Buttons.RightStick, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.RightStick);
+ if (WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.Start, state.Buttons.Start, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.Start);
+ if (WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.X, state.Buttons.X, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.X);
+ if (WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.Y, state.Buttons.Y, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.Y);
+ if (WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.DPadUp, state.DPad.Up, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.DPadUp);
+ if (WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.DPadDown, state.DPad.Down, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.DPadDown);
+ if (WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.DPadLeft, state.DPad.Left, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.DPadLeft);
+ if (WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.DPadRight, state.DPad.Right, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.DPadRight);
+ if (WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.LeftTrigger, state.Triggers.Left, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.LeftTrigger);
+ if (WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.RightTrigger, state.Triggers.Right, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.RightTrigger);
+ }
+ return buttons.ToArray();
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ ///
+ /// </summary>
+ public static MethodInfo DrawFarmBuildings = typeof (Game1).GetMethod("drawFarmBuildings", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
+ /// <summary>
+ ///
+ /// </summary>
+ public static MethodInfo DrawHUD = typeof (Game1).GetMethod("drawHUD", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
+ /// <summary>
+ ///
+ /// </summary>
+ public static MethodInfo DrawDialogueBox = typeof (Game1).GetMethod("drawDialogueBox", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
+ public static MethodInfo CheckForEscapeKeys = typeof (Game1).GetMethod("checkForEscapeKeys", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
+ public static MethodInfo UpdateControlInput = typeof(Game1).GetMethod("UpdateControlInput", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
+ public static MethodInfo UpdateCharacters = typeof(Game1).GetMethod("UpdateCharacters", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
+ public static MethodInfo UpdateLocations = typeof(Game1).GetMethod("UpdateLocations", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
+ public static MethodInfo getViewportCenter = typeof(Game1).GetMethod("getViewportCenter", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
+ public static MethodInfo UpdateTitleScreen = typeof(Game1).GetMethod("UpdateTitleScreen", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
+ public delegate void BaseBaseDraw();
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Whether or not the game's zoom level is 1.0f
+ /// </summary>
+ public bool ZoomLevelIsOne => options.zoomLevel.Equals(1.0f);
+ /// <summary>
+ /// XNA Init Method
+ /// </summary>
+ protected override void Initialize()
+ {
+ Log.AsyncY("XNA Initialize");
+ //ModItems = new Dictionary<int, SObject>();
+ DebugMessageQueue = new Queue<string>();
+ PreviouslyPressedButtons = new Buttons[4][];
+ for (var i = 0; i < 4; ++i) PreviouslyPressedButtons[i] = new Buttons[0];
+ base.Initialize();
+ GameEvents.InvokeInitialize();
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// XNA LC Method
+ /// </summary>
+ protected override void LoadContent()
+ {
+ Log.AsyncY("XNA LoadContent");
+ base.LoadContent();
+ GameEvents.InvokeLoadContent();
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// XNA Update Method
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="gameTime"></param>
+ protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
+ {
+ QueueDebugMessage("FPS: " + FramesPerSecond);
+ UpdateEventCalls();
+ if (FramePressedKeys.Contains(Keys.F3))
+ {
+ Debug = !Debug;
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ base.Update(gameTime);
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ Log.AsyncR("An error occured in the base update loop: " + ex);
+ Console.ReadKey();
+ }
+ GameEvents.InvokeUpdateTick();
+ if (FirstUpdate)
+ {
+ GameEvents.InvokeFirstUpdateTick();
+ FirstUpdate = false;
+ }
+ if (CurrentUpdateTick % 2 == 0)
+ GameEvents.InvokeSecondUpdateTick();
+ if (CurrentUpdateTick % 4 == 0)
+ GameEvents.InvokeFourthUpdateTick();
+ if (CurrentUpdateTick % 8 == 0)
+ GameEvents.InvokeEighthUpdateTick();
+ if (CurrentUpdateTick % 15 == 0)
+ GameEvents.InvokeQuarterSecondTick();
+ if (CurrentUpdateTick % 30 == 0)
+ GameEvents.InvokeHalfSecondTick();
+ if (CurrentUpdateTick % 60 == 0)
+ GameEvents.InvokeOneSecondTick();
+ CurrentUpdateTick += 1;
+ if (CurrentUpdateTick >= 60)
+ CurrentUpdateTick = 0;
+ if (KStatePrior != KStateNow)
+ KStatePrior = KStateNow;
+ for (var i = PlayerIndex.One; i <= PlayerIndex.Four; i++)
+ {
+ PreviouslyPressedButtons[(int) i] = GetButtonsDown(i);
+ }
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// XNA Draw Method
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="gameTime"></param>
+ protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)
+ {
+ FramesPerSecond = 1 / (float) gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;
+ if (Constants.EnableCompletelyOverridingBaseCalls)
+ {
+ #region Overridden Draw
+ try
+ {
+ if (!ZoomLevelIsOne)
+ {
+ GraphicsDevice.SetRenderTarget(Screen);
+ }
+ GraphicsDevice.Clear(BgColour);
+ if (options.showMenuBackground && activeClickableMenu != null && activeClickableMenu.showWithoutTransparencyIfOptionIsSet())
+ {
+ spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.PointClamp, null, null);
+ activeClickableMenu.drawBackground(spriteBatch);
+ GraphicsEvents.InvokeOnPreRenderGuiEvent(null, EventArgs.Empty);
+ activeClickableMenu.draw(spriteBatch);
+ GraphicsEvents.InvokeOnPostRenderGuiEvent(null, EventArgs.Empty);
+ spriteBatch.End();
+ if (!ZoomLevelIsOne)
+ {
+ GraphicsDevice.SetRenderTarget(null);
+ GraphicsDevice.Clear(BgColour);
+ spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Immediate, BlendState.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.LinearClamp, DepthStencilState.Default, RasterizerState.CullNone);
+ spriteBatch.Draw(Screen, Vector2.Zero, Screen.Bounds, Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, options.zoomLevel, SpriteEffects.None, 1f);
+ spriteBatch.End();
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (gameMode == 11)
+ {
+ spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Immediate, BlendState.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.PointClamp, null, null);
+ spriteBatch.DrawString(smoothFont, "Stardew Valley has crashed...", new Vector2(16f, 16f), Color.HotPink);
+ spriteBatch.DrawString(smoothFont, "Please send the error report or a screenshot of this message to @ConcernedApe. (", new Vector2(16f, 32f), new Color(0, 255, 0));
+ spriteBatch.DrawString(smoothFont, parseText(errorMessage, smoothFont, graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width), new Vector2(16f, 48f), Color.White);
+ spriteBatch.End();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (currentMinigame != null)
+ {
+ currentMinigame.draw(spriteBatch);
+ if (globalFade && !menuUp && (!nameSelectUp || messagePause))
+ {
+ spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.PointClamp, null, null);
+ spriteBatch.Draw(fadeToBlackRect, graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Bounds, Color.Black * ((gameMode == 0) ? (1f - fadeToBlackAlpha) : fadeToBlackAlpha));
+ spriteBatch.End();
+ }
+ if (!ZoomLevelIsOne)
+ {
+ GraphicsDevice.SetRenderTarget(null);
+ GraphicsDevice.Clear(BgColour);
+ spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Immediate, BlendState.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.LinearClamp, DepthStencilState.Default, RasterizerState.CullNone);
+ spriteBatch.Draw(Screen, Vector2.Zero, Screen.Bounds, Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, options.zoomLevel, SpriteEffects.None, 1f);
+ spriteBatch.End();
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (showingEndOfNightStuff)
+ {
+ spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.PointClamp, null, null);
+ activeClickableMenu?.draw(spriteBatch);
+ spriteBatch.End();
+ if (!ZoomLevelIsOne)
+ {
+ GraphicsDevice.SetRenderTarget(null);
+ GraphicsDevice.Clear(BgColour);
+ spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Immediate, BlendState.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.LinearClamp, DepthStencilState.Default, RasterizerState.CullNone);
+ spriteBatch.Draw(Screen, Vector2.Zero, Screen.Bounds, Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, options.zoomLevel, SpriteEffects.None, 1f);
+ spriteBatch.End();
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (gameMode == 6)
+ {
+ spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.PointClamp, null, null);
+ string text = "";
+ int num = 0;
+ while (num < gameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalMilliseconds % 999.0 / 333.0)
+ {
+ text += ".";
+ num++;
+ }
+ SpriteText.drawString(spriteBatch, "Loading" + text, 64, graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height - 64, 999, -1, 999, 1f, 1f, false, 0, "Loading...");
+ spriteBatch.End();
+ if (!ZoomLevelIsOne)
+ {
+ GraphicsDevice.SetRenderTarget(null);
+ GraphicsDevice.Clear(BgColour);
+ spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Immediate, BlendState.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.LinearClamp, DepthStencilState.Default, RasterizerState.CullNone);
+ spriteBatch.Draw(Screen, Vector2.Zero, Screen.Bounds, Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, options.zoomLevel, SpriteEffects.None, 1f);
+ spriteBatch.End();
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (gameMode == 0)
+ {
+ spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.PointClamp, null, null);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (drawLighting)
+ {
+ GraphicsDevice.SetRenderTarget(lightmap);
+ GraphicsDevice.Clear(Color.White * 0f);
+ spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.NonPremultiplied, SamplerState.PointClamp, null, null);
+ spriteBatch.Draw(staminaRect, lightmap.Bounds,"UndergroundMine") ? mine.getLightingColor(gameTime) : ((!ambientLight.Equals(Color.White) && (!isRaining || !currentLocation.isOutdoors)) ? ambientLight : outdoorLight));
+ for (int i = 0; i < currentLightSources.Count; i++)
+ {
+ if (Utility.isOnScreen(currentLightSources.ElementAt(i).position, (int) (currentLightSources.ElementAt(i).radius * tileSize * 4f)))
+ {
+ spriteBatch.Draw(currentLightSources.ElementAt(i).lightTexture, GlobalToLocal(viewport, currentLightSources.ElementAt(i).position) / options.lightingQuality, currentLightSources.ElementAt(i).lightTexture.Bounds, currentLightSources.ElementAt(i).color, 0f, new Vector2(currentLightSources.ElementAt(i).lightTexture.Bounds.Center.X, currentLightSources.ElementAt(i).lightTexture.Bounds.Center.Y), currentLightSources.ElementAt(i).radius / options.lightingQuality, SpriteEffects.None, 0.9f);
+ }
+ }
+ spriteBatch.End();
+ GraphicsDevice.SetRenderTarget(ZoomLevelIsOne ? null : Screen);
+ }
+ if (bloomDay)
+ {
+ bloom?.BeginDraw();
+ }
+ GraphicsDevice.Clear(BgColour);
+ spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.PointClamp, null, null);
+ GraphicsEvents.InvokeOnPreRenderEvent(null, EventArgs.Empty);
+ background?.draw(spriteBatch);
+ mapDisplayDevice.BeginScene(spriteBatch);
+ currentLocation.Map.GetLayer("Back").Draw(mapDisplayDevice, viewport, Location.Origin, false, pixelZoom);
+ currentLocation.drawWater(spriteBatch);
+ if (CurrentEvent == null)
+ {
+ using (List<NPC>.Enumerator enumerator = currentLocation.characters.GetEnumerator())
+ {
+ while (enumerator.MoveNext())
+ {
+ NPC current = enumerator.Current;
+ if (current != null && !current.swimming && !current.hideShadow && !current.IsMonster && !currentLocation.shouldShadowBeDrawnAboveBuildingsLayer(current.getTileLocation()))
+ {
+ spriteBatch.Draw(shadowTexture, GlobalToLocal(viewport, current.position + new Vector2(current.sprite.spriteWidth * pixelZoom / 2f, current.GetBoundingBox().Height + (current.IsMonster ? 0 : (pixelZoom * 3)))), shadowTexture.Bounds, Color.White, 0f, new Vector2(shadowTexture.Bounds.Center.X, shadowTexture.Bounds.Center.Y), (pixelZoom + current.yJumpOffset / 40f) * current.scale, SpriteEffects.None, Math.Max(0f, current.getStandingY() / 10000f) - 1E-06f);
+ }
+ }
+ goto IL_B30;
+ }
+ }
+ foreach (NPC current2 in CurrentEvent.actors)
+ {
+ if (!current2.swimming && !current2.hideShadow && !currentLocation.shouldShadowBeDrawnAboveBuildingsLayer(current2.getTileLocation()))
+ {
+ spriteBatch.Draw(shadowTexture, GlobalToLocal(viewport, current2.position + new Vector2(current2.sprite.spriteWidth * pixelZoom / 2f, current2.GetBoundingBox().Height + (current2.IsMonster ? 0 : (pixelZoom * 3)))), shadowTexture.Bounds, Color.White, 0f, new Vector2(shadowTexture.Bounds.Center.X, shadowTexture.Bounds.Center.Y), (pixelZoom + current2.yJumpOffset / 40f) * current2.scale, SpriteEffects.None, Math.Max(0f, current2.getStandingY() / 10000f) - 1E-06f);
+ }
+ }
+ IL_B30:
+ if (!player.swimming && !player.isRidingHorse() && !currentLocation.shouldShadowBeDrawnAboveBuildingsLayer(player.getTileLocation()))
+ {
+ spriteBatch.Draw(shadowTexture, GlobalToLocal(player.position + new Vector2(32f, 24f)), shadowTexture.Bounds, Color.White, 0f, new Vector2(shadowTexture.Bounds.Center.X, shadowTexture.Bounds.Center.Y), 4f - (((player.running || player.usingTool) && player.FarmerSprite.indexInCurrentAnimation > 1) ? (Math.Abs(FarmerRenderer.featureYOffsetPerFrame[player.FarmerSprite.CurrentFrame]) * 0.5f) : 0f), SpriteEffects.None, 0f);
+ }
+ currentLocation.Map.GetLayer("Buildings").Draw(mapDisplayDevice, viewport, Location.Origin, false, pixelZoom);
+ mapDisplayDevice.EndScene();
+ spriteBatch.End();
+ spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.FrontToBack, BlendState.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.PointClamp, null, null);
+ if (CurrentEvent == null)
+ {
+ using (List<NPC>.Enumerator enumerator3 = currentLocation.characters.GetEnumerator())
+ {
+ while (enumerator3.MoveNext())
+ {
+ NPC current3 = enumerator3.Current;
+ if (current3 != null && !current3.swimming && !current3.hideShadow && currentLocation.shouldShadowBeDrawnAboveBuildingsLayer(current3.getTileLocation()))
+ {
+ spriteBatch.Draw(shadowTexture, GlobalToLocal(viewport, current3.position + new Vector2(current3.sprite.spriteWidth * pixelZoom / 2f, current3.GetBoundingBox().Height + (current3.IsMonster ? 0 : (pixelZoom * 3)))), shadowTexture.Bounds, Color.White, 0f, new Vector2(shadowTexture.Bounds.Center.X, shadowTexture.Bounds.Center.Y), (pixelZoom + current3.yJumpOffset / 40f) * current3.scale, SpriteEffects.None, Math.Max(0f, current3.getStandingY() / 10000f) - 1E-06f);
+ }
+ }
+ goto IL_F5F;
+ }
+ }
+ foreach (NPC current4 in CurrentEvent.actors)
+ {
+ if (!current4.swimming && !current4.hideShadow && currentLocation.shouldShadowBeDrawnAboveBuildingsLayer(current4.getTileLocation()))
+ {
+ spriteBatch.Draw(shadowTexture, GlobalToLocal(viewport, current4.position + new Vector2(current4.sprite.spriteWidth * pixelZoom / 2f, current4.GetBoundingBox().Height + (current4.IsMonster ? 0 : (pixelZoom * 3)))), shadowTexture.Bounds, Color.White, 0f, new Vector2(shadowTexture.Bounds.Center.X, shadowTexture.Bounds.Center.Y), (pixelZoom + current4.yJumpOffset / 40f) * current4.scale, SpriteEffects.None, Math.Max(0f, current4.getStandingY() / 10000f) - 1E-06f);
+ }
+ }
+ IL_F5F:
+ if (!player.swimming && !player.isRidingHorse() && currentLocation.shouldShadowBeDrawnAboveBuildingsLayer(player.getTileLocation()))
+ {
+ spriteBatch.Draw(shadowTexture, GlobalToLocal(player.position + new Vector2(32f, 24f)), shadowTexture.Bounds, Color.White, 0f, new Vector2(shadowTexture.Bounds.Center.X, shadowTexture.Bounds.Center.Y), 4f - (((player.running || player.usingTool) && player.FarmerSprite.indexInCurrentAnimation > 1) ? (Math.Abs(FarmerRenderer.featureYOffsetPerFrame[player.FarmerSprite.CurrentFrame]) * 0.5f) : 0f), SpriteEffects.None, Math.Max(0.0001f, player.getStandingY() / 10000f + 0.00011f) - 0.0001f);
+ }
+ if (displayFarmer)
+ {
+ player.draw(spriteBatch);
+ }
+ if ((eventUp || killScreen) && !killScreen)
+ {
+ currentLocation.currentEvent?.draw(spriteBatch);
+ }
+ if (player.currentUpgrade != null && player.currentUpgrade.daysLeftTillUpgradeDone <= 3 && currentLocation.Name.Equals("Farm"))
+ {
+ spriteBatch.Draw(player.currentUpgrade.workerTexture, GlobalToLocal(viewport, player.currentUpgrade.positionOfCarpenter), player.currentUpgrade.getSourceRectangle(), Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, 1f, SpriteEffects.None, (player.currentUpgrade.positionOfCarpenter.Y + tileSize * 3 / 4) / 10000f);
+ }
+ currentLocation.draw(spriteBatch);
+ if (eventUp && currentLocation.currentEvent?.messageToScreen != null)
+ {
+ drawWithBorder(currentLocation.currentEvent.messageToScreen, Color.Black, Color.White, new Vector2(graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Width / 2 - borderFont.MeasureString(currentLocation.currentEvent.messageToScreen).X / 2f, graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Height - tileSize), 0f, 1f, 0.999f);
+ }
+ if (player.ActiveObject == null && (player.UsingTool || pickingTool) && player.CurrentTool != null && (!player.CurrentTool.Name.Equals("Seeds") || pickingTool))
+ {
+ drawTool(player);
+ }
+ if (currentLocation.Name.Equals("Farm"))
+ {
+ DrawFarmBuildings.Invoke(Program.gamePtr, null);
+ }
+ if (tvStation >= 0)
+ {
+ spriteBatch.Draw(tvStationTexture, GlobalToLocal(viewport, new Vector2(6 * tileSize + tileSize / 4, 2 * tileSize + tileSize / 2)), new Rectangle(tvStation * 24, 0, 24, 15), Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, 4f, SpriteEffects.None, 1E-08f);
+ }
+ if (panMode)
+ {
+ spriteBatch.Draw(fadeToBlackRect, new Rectangle((int) Math.Floor((getOldMouseX() + viewport.X) / (double) tileSize) * tileSize - viewport.X, (int) Math.Floor((getOldMouseY() + viewport.Y) / (double) tileSize) * tileSize - viewport.Y, tileSize, tileSize), Color.Lime * 0.75f);
+ foreach (Warp current5 in currentLocation.warps)
+ {
+ spriteBatch.Draw(fadeToBlackRect, new Rectangle(current5.X * tileSize - viewport.X, current5.Y * tileSize - viewport.Y, tileSize, tileSize), Color.Red * 0.75f);
+ }
+ }
+ mapDisplayDevice.BeginScene(spriteBatch);
+ currentLocation.Map.GetLayer("Front").Draw(mapDisplayDevice, viewport, Location.Origin, false, pixelZoom);
+ mapDisplayDevice.EndScene();
+ currentLocation.drawAboveFrontLayer(spriteBatch);
+ spriteBatch.End();
+ spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.PointClamp, null, null);
+ if (currentLocation.Name.Equals("Farm") && stats.SeedsSown >= 200u)
+ {
+ spriteBatch.Draw(debrisSpriteSheet, GlobalToLocal(viewport, new Vector2(3 * tileSize + tileSize / 4, tileSize + tileSize / 3)), getSourceRectForStandardTileSheet(debrisSpriteSheet, 16), Color.White);
+ spriteBatch.Draw(debrisSpriteSheet, GlobalToLocal(viewport, new Vector2(4 * tileSize + tileSize, 2 * tileSize + tileSize)), getSourceRectForStandardTileSheet(debrisSpriteSheet, 16), Color.White);
+ spriteBatch.Draw(debrisSpriteSheet, GlobalToLocal(viewport, new Vector2(5 * tileSize, 2 * tileSize)), getSourceRectForStandardTileSheet(debrisSpriteSheet, 16), Color.White);
+ spriteBatch.Draw(debrisSpriteSheet, GlobalToLocal(viewport, new Vector2(3 * tileSize + tileSize / 2, 3 * tileSize)), getSourceRectForStandardTileSheet(debrisSpriteSheet, 16), Color.White);
+ spriteBatch.Draw(debrisSpriteSheet, GlobalToLocal(viewport, new Vector2(5 * tileSize - tileSize / 4, tileSize)), getSourceRectForStandardTileSheet(debrisSpriteSheet, 16), Color.White);
+ spriteBatch.Draw(debrisSpriteSheet, GlobalToLocal(viewport, new Vector2(4 * tileSize, 3 * tileSize + tileSize / 6)), getSourceRectForStandardTileSheet(debrisSpriteSheet, 16), Color.White);
+ spriteBatch.Draw(debrisSpriteSheet, GlobalToLocal(viewport, new Vector2(4 * tileSize + tileSize / 5, 2 * tileSize + tileSize / 3)), getSourceRectForStandardTileSheet(debrisSpriteSheet, 16), Color.White);
+ }
+ if (displayFarmer && player.ActiveObject != null && player.ActiveObject.bigCraftable && checkBigCraftableBoundariesForFrontLayer() && currentLocation.Map.GetLayer("Front").PickTile(new Location(player.getStandingX(), player.getStandingY()), viewport.Size) == null)
+ {
+ drawPlayerHeldObject(player);
+ }
+ else if (displayFarmer && player.ActiveObject != null && ((currentLocation.Map.GetLayer("Front").PickTile(new Location((int) player.position.X, (int) player.position.Y - tileSize * 3 / 5), viewport.Size) != null && !currentLocation.Map.GetLayer("Front").PickTile(new Location((int) player.position.X, (int) player.position.Y - tileSize * 3 / 5), viewport.Size).TileIndexProperties.ContainsKey("FrontAlways")) || (currentLocation.Map.GetLayer("Front").PickTile(new Location(player.GetBoundingBox().Right, (int) player.position.Y - tileSize * 3 / 5), viewport.Size) != null && !currentLocation.Map.GetLayer("Front").PickTile(new Location(player.GetBoundingBox().Right, (int) player.position.Y - tileSize * 3 / 5), viewport.Size).TileIndexProperties.ContainsKey("FrontAlways"))))
+ {
+ drawPlayerHeldObject(player);
+ }
+ if ((player.UsingTool || pickingTool) && player.CurrentTool != null && (!player.CurrentTool.Name.Equals("Seeds") || pickingTool) && currentLocation.Map.GetLayer("Front").PickTile(new Location(player.getStandingX(), (int) player.position.Y - tileSize * 3 / 5), viewport.Size) != null && currentLocation.Map.GetLayer("Front").PickTile(new Location(player.getStandingX(), player.getStandingY()), viewport.Size) == null)
+ {
+ drawTool(player);
+ }
+ if (currentLocation.Map.GetLayer("AlwaysFront") != null)
+ {
+ mapDisplayDevice.BeginScene(spriteBatch);
+ currentLocation.Map.GetLayer("AlwaysFront").Draw(mapDisplayDevice, viewport, Location.Origin, false, pixelZoom);
+ mapDisplayDevice.EndScene();
+ }
+ if (toolHold > 400f && player.CurrentTool.UpgradeLevel >= 1 && player.canReleaseTool)
+ {
+ Color color = Color.White;
+ switch ((int) (toolHold / 600f) + 2)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ color = Tool.copperColor;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ color = Tool.steelColor;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ color = Tool.goldColor;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ color = Tool.iridiumColor;
+ break;
+ }
+ spriteBatch.Draw(littleEffect, new Rectangle((int) player.getLocalPosition(viewport).X - 2, (int) player.getLocalPosition(viewport).Y - (player.CurrentTool.Name.Equals("Watering Can") ? 0 : tileSize) - 2, (int) (toolHold % 600f * 0.08f) + 4, tileSize / 8 + 4), Color.Black);
+ spriteBatch.Draw(littleEffect, new Rectangle((int) player.getLocalPosition(viewport).X, (int) player.getLocalPosition(viewport).Y - (player.CurrentTool.Name.Equals("Watering Can") ? 0 : tileSize), (int) (toolHold % 600f * 0.08f), tileSize / 8), color);
+ }
+ if (isDebrisWeather && currentLocation.IsOutdoors && !currentLocation.ignoreDebrisWeather && !currentLocation.Name.Equals("Desert") && viewport.X > -10)
+ {
+ foreach (WeatherDebris current6 in debrisWeather)
+ {
+ current6.draw(spriteBatch);
+ }
+ }
+ farmEvent?.draw(spriteBatch);
+ if (currentLocation.LightLevel > 0f && timeOfDay < 2000)
+ {
+ spriteBatch.Draw(fadeToBlackRect, graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Bounds, Color.Black * currentLocation.LightLevel);
+ }
+ if (screenGlow)
+ {
+ spriteBatch.Draw(fadeToBlackRect, graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Bounds, screenGlowColor * screenGlowAlpha);
+ }
+ currentLocation.drawAboveAlwaysFrontLayer(spriteBatch);
+ if (player.CurrentTool is FishingRod && ((player.CurrentTool as FishingRod).isTimingCast || (player.CurrentTool as FishingRod).castingChosenCountdown > 0f || (player.CurrentTool as FishingRod).fishCaught || (player.CurrentTool as FishingRod).showingTreasure))
+ {
+ player.CurrentTool.draw(spriteBatch);
+ }
+ if (isRaining && currentLocation.IsOutdoors && !currentLocation.Name.Equals("Desert") && !(currentLocation is Summit) && (!eventUp || currentLocation.isTileOnMap(new Vector2(viewport.X / tileSize, viewport.Y / tileSize))))
+ {
+ for (int j = 0; j < rainDrops.Length; j++)
+ {
+ spriteBatch.Draw(rainTexture, rainDrops[j].position, getSourceRectForStandardTileSheet(rainTexture, rainDrops[j].frame), Color.White);
+ }
+ }
+ spriteBatch.End();
+ //base.Draw(gameTime);
+ spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.FrontToBack, BlendState.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.PointClamp, null, null);
+ if (eventUp && currentLocation.currentEvent != null)
+ {
+ foreach (NPC current7 in currentLocation.currentEvent.actors)
+ {
+ if (current7.isEmoting)
+ {
+ Vector2 localPosition = current7.getLocalPosition(viewport);
+ localPosition.Y -= tileSize * 2 + pixelZoom * 3;
+ if (current7.age == 2)
+ {
+ localPosition.Y += tileSize / 2;
+ }
+ else if (current7.gender == 1)
+ {
+ localPosition.Y += tileSize / 6;
+ }
+ spriteBatch.Draw(emoteSpriteSheet, localPosition, new Rectangle(current7.CurrentEmoteIndex * (tileSize / 4) % emoteSpriteSheet.Width, current7.CurrentEmoteIndex * (tileSize / 4) / emoteSpriteSheet.Width * (tileSize / 4), tileSize / 4, tileSize / 4), Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, 4f, SpriteEffects.None, current7.getStandingY() / 10000f);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ spriteBatch.End();
+ if (drawLighting)
+ {
+ spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, new BlendState
+ {
+ ColorBlendFunction = BlendFunction.ReverseSubtract,
+ ColorDestinationBlend = Blend.One,
+ ColorSourceBlend = Blend.SourceColor
+ }, SamplerState.LinearClamp, null, null);
+ spriteBatch.Draw(lightmap, Vector2.Zero, lightmap.Bounds, Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, options.lightingQuality, SpriteEffects.None, 1f);
+ if (isRaining && currentLocation.isOutdoors && !(currentLocation is Desert))
+ {
+ spriteBatch.Draw(staminaRect, graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Bounds, Color.OrangeRed * 0.45f);
+ }
+ spriteBatch.End();
+ }
+ spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.PointClamp, null, null);
+ if (drawGrid)
+ {
+ int num2 = -viewport.X % tileSize;
+ float num3 = -(float) viewport.Y % tileSize;
+ for (int k = num2; k < graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width; k += tileSize)
+ {
+ spriteBatch.Draw(staminaRect, new Rectangle(k, (int) num3, 1, graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height), Color.Red * 0.5f);
+ }
+ for (float num4 = num3; num4 < (float) graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height; num4 += (float) tileSize)
+ {
+ spriteBatch.Draw(staminaRect, new Rectangle(num2, (int) num4, graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width, 1), Color.Red * 0.5f);
+ }
+ }
+ if (currentBillboard != 0)
+ {
+ drawBillboard();
+ }
+ GraphicsEvents.InvokeOnPreRenderHudEventNoCheck(null, EventArgs.Empty);
+ if ((displayHUD || eventUp) && currentBillboard == 0 && gameMode == 3 && !freezeControls && !panMode)
+ {
+ GraphicsEvents.InvokeOnPreRenderHudEvent(null, EventArgs.Empty);
+ DrawHUD.Invoke(Program.gamePtr, null);
+ GraphicsEvents.InvokeOnPostRenderHudEvent(null, EventArgs.Empty);
+ }
+ else if (activeClickableMenu == null && farmEvent == null)
+ {
+ spriteBatch.Draw(mouseCursors, new Vector2(getOldMouseX(), getOldMouseY()), getSourceRectForStandardTileSheet(mouseCursors, 0, 16, 16), Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, 4f + dialogueButtonScale / 150f, SpriteEffects.None, 1f);
+ }
+ GraphicsEvents.InvokeOnPostRenderHudEventNoCheck(null, EventArgs.Empty);
+ if (hudMessages.Any() && (!eventUp || isFestival()))
+ {
+ for (int l = hudMessages.Count - 1; l >= 0; l--)
+ {
+ hudMessages[l].draw(spriteBatch, l);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ farmEvent?.draw(spriteBatch);
+ if (dialogueUp && !nameSelectUp && !messagePause && !(activeClickableMenu is DialogueBox))
+ {
+ DrawDialogueBox.Invoke(Program.gamePtr, null);
+ }
+ if (progressBar)
+ {
+ spriteBatch.Draw(fadeToBlackRect, new Rectangle((graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Width - dialogueWidth) / 2, graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Bottom - tileSize * 2, dialogueWidth, tileSize / 2), Color.LightGray);
+ spriteBatch.Draw(staminaRect, new Rectangle((graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Width - dialogueWidth) / 2, graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Bottom - tileSize * 2, (int) (pauseAccumulator / pauseTime * dialogueWidth), tileSize / 2), Color.DimGray);
+ }
+ if (eventUp)
+ {
+ currentLocation.currentEvent?.drawAfterMap(spriteBatch);
+ }
+ if (isRaining && currentLocation.isOutdoors && !(currentLocation is Desert))
+ {
+ spriteBatch.Draw(staminaRect, graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Bounds, Color.Blue * 0.2f);
+ }
+ if ((fadeToBlack || globalFade) && !menuUp && (!nameSelectUp || messagePause))
+ {
+ spriteBatch.Draw(fadeToBlackRect, graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Bounds, Color.Black * ((gameMode == 0) ? (1f - fadeToBlackAlpha) : fadeToBlackAlpha));
+ }
+ else if (flashAlpha > 0f)
+ {
+ if (options.screenFlash)
+ {
+ spriteBatch.Draw(fadeToBlackRect, graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Bounds, Color.White * Math.Min(1f, flashAlpha));
+ }
+ flashAlpha -= 0.1f;
+ }
+ if ((messagePause || globalFade) && dialogueUp)
+ {
+ DrawDialogueBox.Invoke(Program.gamePtr, null);
+ }
+ foreach (TemporaryAnimatedSprite current8 in screenOverlayTempSprites)
+ {
+ current8.draw(spriteBatch, true);
+ }
+ if (debugMode)
+ {
+ spriteBatch.DrawString(smallFont, string.Concat(new object[]
+ {
+ panMode ? ((getOldMouseX() + viewport.X) / tileSize + "," + (getOldMouseY() + viewport.Y) / tileSize) : string.Concat("aplayer: ", player.getStandingX() / tileSize, ", ", player.getStandingY() / tileSize),
+ Environment.NewLine,
+ "debugOutput: ",
+ debugOutput
+ }), new Vector2(GraphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea.X, GraphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Y), Color.Red, 0f, Vector2.Zero, 1f, SpriteEffects.None, 0.9999999f);
+ }
+ /*if (inputMode)
+ {
+ spriteBatch.DrawString(smallFont, "Input: " + debugInput, new Vector2(tileSize, tileSize * 3), Color.Purple);
+ }*/
+ if (showKeyHelp)
+ {
+ spriteBatch.DrawString(smallFont, keyHelpString, new Vector2(tileSize, viewport.Height - tileSize - (dialogueUp ? (tileSize * 3 + (isQuestion ? (questionChoices.Count * tileSize) : 0)) : 0) - smallFont.MeasureString(keyHelpString).Y), Color.LightGray, 0f, Vector2.Zero, 1f, SpriteEffects.None, 0.9999999f);
+ }
+ GraphicsEvents.InvokeOnPreRenderGuiEventNoCheck(null, EventArgs.Empty);
+ if (activeClickableMenu != null)
+ {
+ GraphicsEvents.InvokeOnPreRenderGuiEvent(null, EventArgs.Empty);
+ activeClickableMenu.draw(spriteBatch);
+ GraphicsEvents.InvokeOnPostRenderGuiEvent(null, EventArgs.Empty);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ farmEvent?.drawAboveEverything(spriteBatch);
+ }
+ GraphicsEvents.InvokeOnPostRenderGuiEventNoCheck(null, EventArgs.Empty);
+ GraphicsEvents.InvokeOnPostRenderEvent(null, EventArgs.Empty);
+ spriteBatch.End();
+ GraphicsEvents.InvokeDrawInRenderTargetTick();
+ if (!ZoomLevelIsOne)
+ {
+ GraphicsDevice.SetRenderTarget(null);
+ GraphicsDevice.Clear(BgColour);
+ spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Immediate, BlendState.Opaque, SamplerState.LinearClamp, DepthStencilState.Default, RasterizerState.CullNone);
+ spriteBatch.Draw(Screen, Vector2.Zero, Screen.Bounds, Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, options.zoomLevel, SpriteEffects.None, 1f);
+ spriteBatch.End();
+ }
+ GraphicsEvents.InvokeDrawTick();
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ Log.Error("An error occured in the overridden draw loop: " + ex);
+ }
+ #endregion
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ #region Base Draw Call
+ try
+ {
+ base.Draw(gameTime);
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ Log.AsyncR("An error occured in the base draw loop: " + ex);
+ Console.ReadKey();
+ }
+ GraphicsEvents.InvokeDrawTick();
+ if (Constants.EnableDrawingIntoRenderTarget)
+ {
+ if (!options.zoomLevel.Equals(1.0f))
+ {
+ if (Screen.RenderTargetUsage == RenderTargetUsage.DiscardContents)
+ {
+ Screen = new RenderTarget2D(graphics.GraphicsDevice, Math.Min(4096, (int) (Window.ClientBounds.Width * (1.0 / options.zoomLevel))),
+ Math.Min(4096, (int) (Window.ClientBounds.Height * (1.0 / options.zoomLevel))),
+ false, SurfaceFormat.Color, DepthFormat.Depth16, 1, RenderTargetUsage.PreserveContents);
+ }
+ GraphicsDevice.SetRenderTarget(Screen);
+ }
+ // Not beginning the batch due to inconsistancies with the standard draw tick...
+ //spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Immediate, BlendState.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.PointClamp, null, null);
+ GraphicsEvents.InvokeDrawInRenderTargetTick();
+ //spriteBatch.End();
+ //Re-draw the HUD
+ spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Immediate, BlendState.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.PointClamp, null, null);
+ activeClickableMenu?.draw(spriteBatch);
+ /*
+ if ((displayHUD || eventUp) && currentBillboard == 0 && gameMode == 3 && !freezeControls && !panMode)
+ typeof (Game1).GetMethod("drawHUD", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)?.Invoke(Program.gamePtr, null);
+ */
+ spriteBatch.Draw(mouseCursors, new Vector2(getOldMouseX(), getOldMouseY()), getSourceRectForStandardTileSheet(mouseCursors, options.gamepadControls ? 44 : 0, 16, 16), Color.White, 0.0f, Vector2.Zero, pixelZoom + dialogueButtonScale / 150f, SpriteEffects.None, 1f);
+ spriteBatch.End();
+ if (!options.zoomLevel.Equals(1.0f))
+ {
+ GraphicsDevice.SetRenderTarget(null);
+ spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Immediate, BlendState.Opaque, SamplerState.LinearClamp, DepthStencilState.Default, RasterizerState.CullNone);
+ spriteBatch.Draw(Screen, Vector2.Zero, Screen.Bounds, Color.White, 0.0f, Vector2.Zero, options.zoomLevel, SpriteEffects.None, 1f);
+ spriteBatch.End();
+ }
+ }
+ #endregion
+ }
+ if (Debug)
+ {
+ spriteBatch.Begin();
+ int i = 0;
+ while (DebugMessageQueue.Any())
+ {
+ string s = DebugMessageQueue.Dequeue();
+ spriteBatch.DrawString(smoothFont, s, new Vector2(0, i * 14), Color.CornflowerBlue);
+ i++;
+ }
+ GraphicsEvents.InvokeDrawDebug(null, EventArgs.Empty);
+ spriteBatch.End();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DebugMessageQueue.Clear();
+ }
+ }
+ private void UpdateEventCalls()
+ {
+ KStateNow = Keyboard.GetState();
+ MStateNow = Mouse.GetState();
+ MPositionNow = new Point(Game1.getMouseX(), Game1.getMouseY());
+ foreach (var k in FramePressedKeys)
+ ControlEvents.InvokeKeyPressed(k);
+ foreach (var k in FrameReleasedKeys)
+ ControlEvents.InvokeKeyReleased(k);
+ for (var i = PlayerIndex.One; i <= PlayerIndex.Four; i++)
+ {
+ var buttons = GetFramePressedButtons(i);
+ foreach (var b in buttons)
+ {
+ if (b == Buttons.LeftTrigger || b == Buttons.RightTrigger)
+ {
+ ControlEvents.InvokeTriggerPressed(i, b, b == Buttons.LeftTrigger ? GamePad.GetState(i).Triggers.Left : GamePad.GetState(i).Triggers.Right);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ControlEvents.InvokeButtonPressed(i, b);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (var i = PlayerIndex.One; i <= PlayerIndex.Four; i++)
+ {
+ foreach (var b in GetFrameReleasedButtons(i))
+ {
+ if (b == Buttons.LeftTrigger || b == Buttons.RightTrigger)
+ {
+ ControlEvents.InvokeTriggerReleased(i, b, b == Buttons.LeftTrigger ? GamePad.GetState(i).Triggers.Left : GamePad.GetState(i).Triggers.Right);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ControlEvents.InvokeButtonReleased(i, b);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (KStateNow != KStatePrior)
+ {
+ ControlEvents.InvokeKeyboardChanged(KStatePrior, KStateNow);
+ }
+ if (MStateNow != MStatePrior)
+ {
+ ControlEvents.InvokeMouseChanged(MStatePrior, MStateNow, MPositionPrior, MPositionNow);
+ MStatePrior = MStateNow;
+ MPositionPrior = MPositionPrior;
+ }
+ if (activeClickableMenu != null && activeClickableMenu != PreviousActiveMenu)
+ {
+ MenuEvents.InvokeMenuChanged(PreviousActiveMenu, activeClickableMenu);
+ PreviousActiveMenu = activeClickableMenu;
+ WasMenuClosedInvoked = false;
+ }
+ if (!WasMenuClosedInvoked && PreviousActiveMenu != null && activeClickableMenu == null)
+ {
+ MenuEvents.InvokeMenuClosed(PreviousActiveMenu);
+ WasMenuClosedInvoked = true;
+ }
+ if (locations.GetHash() != PreviousGameLocations)
+ {
+ LocationEvents.InvokeLocationsChanged(locations);
+ PreviousGameLocations = locations.GetHash();
+ }
+ if (currentLocation != PreviousGameLocation)
+ {
+ LocationEvents.InvokeCurrentLocationChanged(PreviousGameLocation, currentLocation);
+ PreviousGameLocation = currentLocation;
+ }
+ if (player != null && player != PreviousFarmer)
+ {
+ PlayerEvents.InvokeFarmerChanged(PreviousFarmer, player);
+ PreviousFarmer = player;
+ }
+ if (player != null && player.combatLevel != PreviousCombatLevel)
+ {
+ PlayerEvents.InvokeLeveledUp(EventArgsLevelUp.LevelType.Combat, player.combatLevel);
+ PreviousCombatLevel = player.combatLevel;
+ }
+ if (player != null && player.farmingLevel != PreviousFarmingLevel)
+ {
+ PlayerEvents.InvokeLeveledUp(EventArgsLevelUp.LevelType.Farming, player.farmingLevel);
+ PreviousFarmingLevel = player.farmingLevel;
+ }
+ if (player != null && player.fishingLevel != PreviousFishingLevel)
+ {
+ PlayerEvents.InvokeLeveledUp(EventArgsLevelUp.LevelType.Fishing, player.fishingLevel);
+ PreviousFishingLevel = player.fishingLevel;
+ }
+ if (player != null && player.foragingLevel != PreviousForagingLevel)
+ {
+ PlayerEvents.InvokeLeveledUp(EventArgsLevelUp.LevelType.Foraging, player.foragingLevel);
+ PreviousForagingLevel = player.foragingLevel;
+ }
+ if (player != null && player.miningLevel != PreviousMiningLevel)
+ {
+ PlayerEvents.InvokeLeveledUp(EventArgsLevelUp.LevelType.Mining, player.miningLevel);
+ PreviousMiningLevel = player.miningLevel;
+ }
+ if (player != null && player.luckLevel != PreviousLuckLevel)
+ {
+ PlayerEvents.InvokeLeveledUp(EventArgsLevelUp.LevelType.Luck, player.luckLevel);
+ PreviousLuckLevel = player.luckLevel;
+ }
+ List<ItemStackChange> changedItems;
+ if (player != null && HasInventoryChanged(player.items, out changedItems))
+ {
+ PlayerEvents.InvokeInventoryChanged(player.items, changedItems);
+ PreviousItems = player.items.Where(n => n != null).ToDictionary(n => n, n => n.Stack);
+ }
+ var objectHash = currentLocation?.objects?.GetHash();
+ if (objectHash != null && PreviousLocationObjects != objectHash)
+ {
+ LocationEvents.InvokeOnNewLocationObject(currentLocation.objects);
+ PreviousLocationObjects = objectHash ?? -1;
+ }
+ if (timeOfDay != PreviousTimeOfDay)
+ {
+ TimeEvents.InvokeTimeOfDayChanged(PreviousTimeOfDay, timeOfDay);
+ PreviousTimeOfDay = timeOfDay;
+ }
+ if (dayOfMonth != PreviousDayOfMonth)
+ {
+ TimeEvents.InvokeDayOfMonthChanged(PreviousDayOfMonth, dayOfMonth);
+ PreviousDayOfMonth = dayOfMonth;
+ }
+ if (currentSeason != PreviousSeasonOfYear)
+ {
+ TimeEvents.InvokeSeasonOfYearChanged(PreviousSeasonOfYear, currentSeason);
+ PreviousSeasonOfYear = currentSeason;
+ }
+ if (year != PreviousYearOfGame)
+ {
+ TimeEvents.InvokeYearOfGameChanged(PreviousYearOfGame, year);
+ PreviousYearOfGame = year;
+ }
+ if (FireLoadedGameEvent)
+ {
+ PlayerEvents.InvokeLoadedGame(new EventArgsLoadedGameChanged(hasLoadedGame));
+ FireLoadedGameEvent = false;
+ }
+ if (hasLoadedGame != PreviouslyLoadedGame)
+ {
+ FireLoadedGameEvent = true;
+ PreviouslyLoadedGame = hasLoadedGame;
+ }
+ if (mine != null && PreviousMineLevel != mine.mineLevel)
+ {
+ MineEvents.InvokeMineLevelChanged(PreviousMineLevel, mine.mineLevel);
+ PreviousMineLevel = mine.mineLevel;
+ }
+ if (PreviousIsNewDay != newDay)
+ {
+ TimeEvents.InvokeOnNewDay(PreviousDayOfMonth, dayOfMonth, newDay);
+ PreviousIsNewDay = newDay;
+ }
+ }
+ private bool HasInventoryChanged(List<Item> items, out List<ItemStackChange> changedItems)
+ {
+ changedItems = new List<ItemStackChange>();
+ IEnumerable<Item> actualItems = items.Where(n => n != null).ToArray();
+ foreach (var item in actualItems)
+ {
+ if (PreviousItems != null && PreviousItems.ContainsKey(item))
+ {
+ if (PreviousItems[item] != item.Stack)
+ {
+ changedItems.Add(new ItemStackChange {Item = item, StackChange = item.Stack - PreviousItems[item], ChangeType = ChangeType.StackChange});
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ changedItems.Add(new ItemStackChange {Item = item, StackChange = item.Stack, ChangeType = ChangeType.Added});
+ }
+ }
+ if (PreviousItems != null)
+ {
+ changedItems.AddRange(PreviousItems.Where(n => actualItems.All(i => i != n.Key)).Select(n =>
+ new ItemStackChange {Item = n.Key, StackChange = -n.Key.Stack, ChangeType = ChangeType.Removed}));
+ }
+ return changedItems.Any();
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Invokes a private, non-static method in Game1 via Reflection
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="name">The name of the method</param>
+ /// <param name="parameters">Any parameters needed</param>
+ /// <returns>Whatever the method normally returns. Null if void.</returns>
+ [Obsolete("This is very slow. Cache the method info and then invoke it with InvokeMethodInfo().")]
+ public static object InvokeBasePrivateInstancedMethod(string name, params object[] parameters)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ return typeof (Game1).GetMethod(name, BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).Invoke(Program.gamePtr, parameters);
+ }
+ catch
+ {
+ Log.AsyncR("Failed to call base method: " + name);
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Invokes a given method info with the supplied parameters
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="mi"></param>
+ /// <param name="parameters"></param>
+ /// <returns></returns>
+ public static object InvokeMethodInfo(MethodInfo mi, params object[] parameters)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ return mi.Invoke(Program.gamePtr, parameters);
+ }
+ catch
+ {
+ Log.AsyncR("Failed to call base method: " + mi.Name);
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Queue's a message to be drawn in Debug mode (F3)
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <returns></returns>
+ public static bool QueueDebugMessage(string message)
+ {
+ if (!Debug)
+ return false;
+ if (DebugMessageQueue.Count > 32)
+ return false;
+ DebugMessageQueue.Enqueue(message);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/StardewModdingAPI/Program.cs b/src/StardewModdingAPI/Program.cs
index e2576e40..2908de8f 100644
--- a/src/StardewModdingAPI/Program.cs
+++ b/src/StardewModdingAPI/Program.cs
@@ -1,370 +1,370 @@
-using System;
-using System.Globalization;
-using System.IO;
-using System.Linq;
-using System.Reflection;
-using System.Threading;
-using System.Windows.Forms;
-using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
-using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
-using StardewModdingAPI.Events;
-using StardewModdingAPI.Framework;
-using StardewModdingAPI.Inheritance;
-using StardewValley;
-namespace StardewModdingAPI
- public class Program
- {
- /// <summary>The full path to the Stardew Valley executable.</summary>
- private static readonly string GameExecutablePath = File.Exists(Path.Combine(Constants.ExecutionPath, "StardewValley.exe"))
- ? Path.Combine(Constants.ExecutionPath, "StardewValley.exe") // Linux or Mac
- : Path.Combine(Constants.ExecutionPath, "Stardew Valley.exe"); // Windows
- /// <summary>The full path to the folder containing mods.</summary>
- private static readonly string ModPath = Path.Combine(Constants.ExecutionPath, "Mods");
- public static SGame gamePtr;
- public static bool ready;
- public static Assembly StardewAssembly;
- public static Type StardewProgramType;
- public static FieldInfo StardewGameInfo;
- public static Thread gameThread;
- public static Thread consoleInputThread;
- public static Texture2D DebugPixel { get; private set; }
- // ReSharper disable once PossibleNullReferenceException
- public static int BuildType => (int)StardewProgramType.GetField("buildType", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static).GetValue(null);
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// <summary>
- /// Main method holding the API execution
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="args"></param>
- private static void Main(string[] args)
- {
- Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-GB");
- try
- {
- Log.AsyncY($"SMAPI {Constants.Version}");
- Log.AsyncY($"Stardew Valley {Game1.version} on {Environment.OSVersion}");
- Program.CheckForUpdateAsync();
- Program.ConfigureUI();
- Program.CreateDirectories();
- Program.StartGame();
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- // Catch and display all exceptions.
- Console.WriteLine(e);
- Console.ReadKey();
- Log.AsyncR("Critical error: " + e);
- }
- Log.AsyncY("The API will now terminate. Press any key to continue...");
- Console.ReadKey();
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Set up the console properties
- /// </summary>
- private static void ConfigureUI()
- {
- Console.Title = Constants.ConsoleTitle;
-#if DEBUG
- }
- /// <summary>Create and verify the SMAPI directories.</summary>
- private static void CreateDirectories()
- {
- Log.AsyncY("Validating file paths...");
- VerifyPath(ModPath);
- VerifyPath(Constants.LogDir);
- if (!File.Exists(GameExecutablePath))
- throw new FileNotFoundException($"Could not find executable: {GameExecutablePath}");
- }
- /// <summary>Asynchronously check for a new version of SMAPI, and print a message to the console if an update is available.</summary>
- private static void CheckForUpdateAsync()
- {
- new Thread(() =>
- {
- try
- {
- GitRelease release = UpdateHelper.GetLatestVersionAsync(Constants.GitHubRepository).Result;
- Version latestVersion = new Version(release.Tag);
- if (latestVersion.CompareTo(Constants.Version) > 0)
- Log.AsyncColour($"You can update SMAPI from version {Constants.Version} to {latestVersion}", ConsoleColor.Magenta);
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- Log.Debug($"Couldn't check for a new version of SMAPI. This won't affect your game, but you may not be notified of new versions if this keeps happening.\n{ex}");
- }
- }).Start();
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Load Stardev Valley and control features, and launch the game.
- /// </summary>
- private static void StartGame()
- {
- // Load in the assembly - ignores security
- Log.AsyncY("Initializing SDV Assembly...");
- StardewAssembly = Assembly.UnsafeLoadFrom(GameExecutablePath);
- StardewProgramType = StardewAssembly.GetType("StardewValley.Program", true);
- StardewGameInfo = StardewProgramType.GetField("gamePtr");
- // Change the game's version
- Log.AsyncY("Injecting New SDV Version...");
- Game1.version += $"-Z_MODDED | SMAPI {Constants.Version}";
- // add error interceptors
- Application.ThreadException += Log.Application_ThreadException;
- Application.SetUnhandledExceptionMode(UnhandledExceptionMode.CatchException);
- AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += Log.CurrentDomain_UnhandledException;
- // initialise game
- try
- {
- Log.AsyncY("Initializing SDV...");
- gamePtr = new SGame();
- // hook events
- gamePtr.Exiting += (sender, e) => ready = false;
- gamePtr.Window.ClientSizeChanged += GraphicsEvents.InvokeResize;
- // patch graphics
- Log.AsyncY("Patching SDV Graphics Profile...");
- = GraphicsProfile.HiDef;
- // load mods
- LoadMods();
- // initialise
- StardewGameInfo.SetValue(StardewProgramType, gamePtr);
- Log.AsyncY("Applying Final SDV Tweaks...");
- gamePtr.IsMouseVisible = false;
- gamePtr.Window.Title = "Stardew Valley - Version " + Game1.version;
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- Log.AsyncR("Game failed to initialise: " + ex);
- return;
- }
- // initialise after game launches
- new Thread(() =>
- {
- // Wait for the game to load up
- while (!ready) Thread.Sleep(1000);
- // Create definition to listen for input
- Log.AsyncY("Initializing Console Input Thread...");
- consoleInputThread = new Thread(ConsoleInputThread);
- // The only command in the API (at least it should be, for now)
- Command.RegisterCommand("help", "Lists all commands | 'help <cmd>' returns command description").CommandFired += help_CommandFired;
- // Subscribe to events
- ControlEvents.KeyPressed += Events_KeyPressed;
- GameEvents.LoadContent += Events_LoadContent;
- // Game's in memory now, send the event
- Log.AsyncY("Game Loaded");
- GameEvents.InvokeGameLoaded();
- // Listen for command line input
- Log.AsyncY("Type 'help' for help, or 'help <cmd>' for a command's usage");
- consoleInputThread.Start();
- while (ready)
- Thread.Sleep(1000 / 10); // Check if the game is still running 10 times a second
- // Abort the thread, we're closing
- if (consoleInputThread != null && consoleInputThread.ThreadState == ThreadState.Running)
- consoleInputThread.Abort();
- Log.AsyncY("Game Execution Finished");
- Log.AsyncY("Shutting Down...");
- Thread.Sleep(100);
- Environment.Exit(0);
- }).Start();
- // Start game loop
- Log.AsyncY("Starting SDV...");
- try
- {
- ready = true;
- gamePtr.Run();
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- ready = false;
- Log.AsyncR("Game failed to start: " + ex);
- }
- }
- /// <summary>Create a directory path if it doesn't exist.</summary>
- /// <param name="path">The directory path.</param>
- private static void VerifyPath(string path)
- {
- try
- {
- if (!Directory.Exists(path))
- Directory.CreateDirectory(path);
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- Log.AsyncR("Could not create a path: " + path + "\n\n" + ex);
- }
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- public static void LoadMods()
- {
- Log.AsyncY("LOADING MODS");
- foreach (string directory in Directory.GetDirectories(ModPath))
- {
- foreach (string manifestPath in Directory.GetFiles(directory, "manifest.json"))
- {
- if (manifestPath.Contains("StardewInjector"))
- continue;
- // read manifest
- Log.AsyncG($"Found Manifest: {manifestPath}");
- Manifest manifest = new Manifest();
- try
- {
- // read manifest text
- string json = File.ReadAllText(manifestPath);
- if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(json))
- {
- Log.AsyncR($"Failed to read mod manifest '{manifestPath}'. Manifest is empty!");
- continue;
- }
- // deserialise manifest
- manifest = manifest.InitializeConfig(manifestPath);
- if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(manifest.EntryDll))
- {
- Log.AsyncR($"Failed to read mod manifest '{manifestPath}'. EntryDll is empty!");
- continue;
- }
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- Log.AsyncR($"Failed to read mod manifest '{manifestPath}'. Exception details:\n" + ex);
- continue;
- }
- string targDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(manifestPath);
- string psDir = Path.Combine(targDir, "psconfigs");
- Log.AsyncY($"Created psconfigs directory @{psDir}");
- try
- {
- if (manifest.PerSaveConfigs)
- {
- if (!Directory.Exists(psDir))
- {
- Directory.CreateDirectory(psDir);
- Log.AsyncY($"Created psconfigs directory @{psDir}");
- }
- if (!Directory.Exists(psDir))
- {
- Log.AsyncR($"Failed to create psconfigs directory '{psDir}'. No exception occured.");
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- Log.AsyncR($"Failed to create psconfigs directory '{targDir}'. Exception details:\n" + ex);
- continue;
- }
- string targDll = string.Empty;
- try
- {
- targDll = Path.Combine(targDir, manifest.EntryDll);
- if (!File.Exists(targDll))
- {
- Log.AsyncR($"Failed to load mod '{manifest.EntryDll}'. File {targDll} does not exist!");
- continue;
- }
- Assembly modAssembly = Assembly.UnsafeLoadFrom(targDll);
- if (modAssembly.DefinedTypes.Count(x => x.BaseType == typeof(Mod)) > 0)
- {
- Log.AsyncY("Loading Mod DLL...");
- TypeInfo tar = modAssembly.DefinedTypes.First(x => x.BaseType == typeof(Mod));
- Mod modEntry = (Mod)modAssembly.CreateInstance(tar.ToString());
- if (modEntry != null)
- {
- modEntry.PathOnDisk = targDir;
- modEntry.Manifest = manifest;
- Log.AsyncG($"LOADED MOD: {modEntry.Manifest.Name} by {modEntry.Manifest.Author} - Version {modEntry.Manifest.Version} | Description: {modEntry.Manifest.Description} (@ {targDll})");
- Constants.ModsLoaded += 1;
- modEntry.Entry();
- }
- }
- else
- Log.AsyncR("Invalid Mod DLL");
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- Log.AsyncR($"Failed to load mod '{targDll}'. Exception details:\n" + ex);
- }
- }
- }
- Log.AsyncG($"LOADED {Constants.ModsLoaded} MODS");
- Console.Title = Constants.ConsoleTitle;
- }
- public static void ConsoleInputThread()
- {
- while (true)
- {
- Command.CallCommand(Console.ReadLine());
- }
- }
- private static void Events_LoadContent(object o, EventArgs e)
- {
- Log.AsyncY("Initializing Debug Assets...");
- DebugPixel = new Texture2D(, 1, 1);
- DebugPixel.SetData(new[] { Color.White });
- }
- private static void Events_KeyPressed(object o, EventArgsKeyPressed e)
- {
- }
- private static void help_CommandFired(object o, EventArgsCommand e)
- {
- if (e.Command.CalledArgs.Length > 0)
- {
- var fnd = Command.FindCommand(e.Command.CalledArgs[0]);
- if (fnd == null)
- Log.AsyncR("The command specified could not be found");
- else
- {
- Log.AsyncY(fnd.CommandArgs.Length > 0 ? $"{fnd.CommandName}: {fnd.CommandDesc} - {fnd.CommandArgs.ToSingular()}" : $"{fnd.CommandName}: {fnd.CommandDesc}");
- }
- }
- else
- Log.AsyncY("Commands: " + Command.RegisteredCommands.Select(x => x.CommandName).ToSingular());
- }
- }
+using System;
+using System.Globalization;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Reflection;
+using System.Threading;
+using System.Windows.Forms;
+using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
+using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
+using StardewModdingAPI.Events;
+using StardewModdingAPI.Framework;
+using StardewModdingAPI.Inheritance;
+using StardewValley;
+namespace StardewModdingAPI
+ public class Program
+ {
+ /// <summary>The full path to the Stardew Valley executable.</summary>
+ private static readonly string GameExecutablePath = File.Exists(Path.Combine(Constants.ExecutionPath, "StardewValley.exe"))
+ ? Path.Combine(Constants.ExecutionPath, "StardewValley.exe") // Linux or Mac
+ : Path.Combine(Constants.ExecutionPath, "Stardew Valley.exe"); // Windows
+ /// <summary>The full path to the folder containing mods.</summary>
+ private static readonly string ModPath = Path.Combine(Constants.ExecutionPath, "Mods");
+ public static SGame gamePtr;
+ public static bool ready;
+ public static Assembly StardewAssembly;
+ public static Type StardewProgramType;
+ public static FieldInfo StardewGameInfo;
+ public static Thread gameThread;
+ public static Thread consoleInputThread;
+ public static Texture2D DebugPixel { get; private set; }
+ // ReSharper disable once PossibleNullReferenceException
+ public static int BuildType => (int)StardewProgramType.GetField("buildType", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static).GetValue(null);
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Main method holding the API execution
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="args"></param>
+ private static void Main(string[] args)
+ {
+ Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-GB");
+ try
+ {
+ Log.AsyncY($"SMAPI {Constants.Version}");
+ Log.AsyncY($"Stardew Valley {Game1.version} on {Environment.OSVersion}");
+ Program.CheckForUpdateAsync();
+ Program.ConfigureUI();
+ Program.CreateDirectories();
+ Program.StartGame();
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ // Catch and display all exceptions.
+ Console.WriteLine(e);
+ Console.ReadKey();
+ Log.AsyncR("Critical error: " + e);
+ }
+ Log.AsyncY("The API will now terminate. Press any key to continue...");
+ Console.ReadKey();
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Set up the console properties
+ /// </summary>
+ private static void ConfigureUI()
+ {
+ Console.Title = Constants.ConsoleTitle;
+#if DEBUG
+ }
+ /// <summary>Create and verify the SMAPI directories.</summary>
+ private static void CreateDirectories()
+ {
+ Log.AsyncY("Validating file paths...");
+ VerifyPath(ModPath);
+ VerifyPath(Constants.LogDir);
+ if (!File.Exists(GameExecutablePath))
+ throw new FileNotFoundException($"Could not find executable: {GameExecutablePath}");
+ }
+ /// <summary>Asynchronously check for a new version of SMAPI, and print a message to the console if an update is available.</summary>
+ private static void CheckForUpdateAsync()
+ {
+ new Thread(() =>
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ GitRelease release = UpdateHelper.GetLatestVersionAsync(Constants.GitHubRepository).Result;
+ Version latestVersion = new Version(release.Tag);
+ if (latestVersion.CompareTo(Constants.Version) > 0)
+ Log.AsyncColour($"You can update SMAPI from version {Constants.Version} to {latestVersion}", ConsoleColor.Magenta);
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ Log.Debug($"Couldn't check for a new version of SMAPI. This won't affect your game, but you may not be notified of new versions if this keeps happening.\n{ex}");
+ }
+ }).Start();
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Load Stardev Valley and control features, and launch the game.
+ /// </summary>
+ private static void StartGame()
+ {
+ // Load in the assembly - ignores security
+ Log.AsyncY("Initializing SDV Assembly...");
+ StardewAssembly = Assembly.UnsafeLoadFrom(GameExecutablePath);
+ StardewProgramType = StardewAssembly.GetType("StardewValley.Program", true);
+ StardewGameInfo = StardewProgramType.GetField("gamePtr");
+ // Change the game's version
+ Log.AsyncY("Injecting New SDV Version...");
+ Game1.version += $"-Z_MODDED | SMAPI {Constants.Version}";
+ // add error interceptors
+ Application.ThreadException += Log.Application_ThreadException;
+ Application.SetUnhandledExceptionMode(UnhandledExceptionMode.CatchException);
+ AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += Log.CurrentDomain_UnhandledException;
+ // initialise game
+ try
+ {
+ Log.AsyncY("Initializing SDV...");
+ gamePtr = new SGame();
+ // hook events
+ gamePtr.Exiting += (sender, e) => ready = false;
+ gamePtr.Window.ClientSizeChanged += GraphicsEvents.InvokeResize;
+ // patch graphics
+ Log.AsyncY("Patching SDV Graphics Profile...");
+ = GraphicsProfile.HiDef;
+ // load mods
+ LoadMods();
+ // initialise
+ StardewGameInfo.SetValue(StardewProgramType, gamePtr);
+ Log.AsyncY("Applying Final SDV Tweaks...");
+ gamePtr.IsMouseVisible = false;
+ gamePtr.Window.Title = "Stardew Valley - Version " + Game1.version;
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ Log.AsyncR("Game failed to initialise: " + ex);
+ return;
+ }
+ // initialise after game launches
+ new Thread(() =>
+ {
+ // Wait for the game to load up
+ while (!ready) Thread.Sleep(1000);
+ // Create definition to listen for input
+ Log.AsyncY("Initializing Console Input Thread...");
+ consoleInputThread = new Thread(ConsoleInputThread);
+ // The only command in the API (at least it should be, for now)
+ Command.RegisterCommand("help", "Lists all commands | 'help <cmd>' returns command description").CommandFired += help_CommandFired;
+ // Subscribe to events
+ ControlEvents.KeyPressed += Events_KeyPressed;
+ GameEvents.LoadContent += Events_LoadContent;
+ // Game's in memory now, send the event
+ Log.AsyncY("Game Loaded");
+ GameEvents.InvokeGameLoaded();
+ // Listen for command line input
+ Log.AsyncY("Type 'help' for help, or 'help <cmd>' for a command's usage");
+ consoleInputThread.Start();
+ while (ready)
+ Thread.Sleep(1000 / 10); // Check if the game is still running 10 times a second
+ // Abort the thread, we're closing
+ if (consoleInputThread != null && consoleInputThread.ThreadState == ThreadState.Running)
+ consoleInputThread.Abort();
+ Log.AsyncY("Game Execution Finished");
+ Log.AsyncY("Shutting Down...");
+ Thread.Sleep(100);
+ Environment.Exit(0);
+ }).Start();
+ // Start game loop
+ Log.AsyncY("Starting SDV...");
+ try
+ {
+ ready = true;
+ gamePtr.Run();
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ ready = false;
+ Log.AsyncR("Game failed to start: " + ex);
+ }
+ }
+ /// <summary>Create a directory path if it doesn't exist.</summary>
+ /// <param name="path">The directory path.</param>
+ private static void VerifyPath(string path)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ if (!Directory.Exists(path))
+ Directory.CreateDirectory(path);
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ Log.AsyncR("Could not create a path: " + path + "\n\n" + ex);
+ }
+ }
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ public static void LoadMods()
+ {
+ Log.AsyncY("LOADING MODS");
+ foreach (string directory in Directory.GetDirectories(ModPath))
+ {
+ foreach (string manifestPath in Directory.GetFiles(directory, "manifest.json"))
+ {
+ if (manifestPath.Contains("StardewInjector"))
+ continue;
+ // read manifest
+ Log.AsyncG($"Found Manifest: {manifestPath}");
+ Manifest manifest = new Manifest();
+ try
+ {
+ // read manifest text
+ string json = File.ReadAllText(manifestPath);
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(json))
+ {
+ Log.AsyncR($"Failed to read mod manifest '{manifestPath}'. Manifest is empty!");
+ continue;
+ }
+ // deserialise manifest
+ manifest = manifest.InitializeConfig(manifestPath);
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(manifest.EntryDll))
+ {
+ Log.AsyncR($"Failed to read mod manifest '{manifestPath}'. EntryDll is empty!");
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ Log.AsyncR($"Failed to read mod manifest '{manifestPath}'. Exception details:\n" + ex);
+ continue;
+ }
+ string targDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(manifestPath);
+ string psDir = Path.Combine(targDir, "psconfigs");
+ Log.AsyncY($"Created psconfigs directory @{psDir}");
+ try
+ {
+ if (manifest.PerSaveConfigs)
+ {
+ if (!Directory.Exists(psDir))
+ {
+ Directory.CreateDirectory(psDir);
+ Log.AsyncY($"Created psconfigs directory @{psDir}");
+ }
+ if (!Directory.Exists(psDir))
+ {
+ Log.AsyncR($"Failed to create psconfigs directory '{psDir}'. No exception occured.");
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ Log.AsyncR($"Failed to create psconfigs directory '{targDir}'. Exception details:\n" + ex);
+ continue;
+ }
+ string targDll = string.Empty;
+ try
+ {
+ targDll = Path.Combine(targDir, manifest.EntryDll);
+ if (!File.Exists(targDll))
+ {
+ Log.AsyncR($"Failed to load mod '{manifest.EntryDll}'. File {targDll} does not exist!");
+ continue;
+ }
+ Assembly modAssembly = Assembly.UnsafeLoadFrom(targDll);
+ if (modAssembly.DefinedTypes.Count(x => x.BaseType == typeof(Mod)) > 0)
+ {
+ Log.AsyncY("Loading Mod DLL...");
+ TypeInfo tar = modAssembly.DefinedTypes.First(x => x.BaseType == typeof(Mod));
+ Mod modEntry = (Mod)modAssembly.CreateInstance(tar.ToString());
+ if (modEntry != null)
+ {
+ modEntry.PathOnDisk = targDir;
+ modEntry.Manifest = manifest;
+ Log.AsyncG($"LOADED MOD: {modEntry.Manifest.Name} by {modEntry.Manifest.Author} - Version {modEntry.Manifest.Version} | Description: {modEntry.Manifest.Description} (@ {targDll})");
+ Constants.ModsLoaded += 1;
+ modEntry.Entry();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ Log.AsyncR("Invalid Mod DLL");
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ Log.AsyncR($"Failed to load mod '{targDll}'. Exception details:\n" + ex);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Log.AsyncG($"LOADED {Constants.ModsLoaded} MODS");
+ Console.Title = Constants.ConsoleTitle;
+ }
+ public static void ConsoleInputThread()
+ {
+ while (true)
+ {
+ Command.CallCommand(Console.ReadLine());
+ }
+ }
+ private static void Events_LoadContent(object o, EventArgs e)
+ {
+ Log.AsyncY("Initializing Debug Assets...");
+ DebugPixel = new Texture2D(, 1, 1);
+ DebugPixel.SetData(new[] { Color.White });
+ }
+ private static void Events_KeyPressed(object o, EventArgsKeyPressed e)
+ {
+ }
+ private static void help_CommandFired(object o, EventArgsCommand e)
+ {
+ if (e.Command.CalledArgs.Length > 0)
+ {
+ var fnd = Command.FindCommand(e.Command.CalledArgs[0]);
+ if (fnd == null)
+ Log.AsyncR("The command specified could not be found");
+ else
+ {
+ Log.AsyncY(fnd.CommandArgs.Length > 0 ? $"{fnd.CommandName}: {fnd.CommandDesc} - {fnd.CommandArgs.ToSingular()}" : $"{fnd.CommandName}: {fnd.CommandDesc}");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ Log.AsyncY("Commands: " + Command.RegisteredCommands.Select(x => x.CommandName).ToSingular());
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/StardewModdingAPI/StardewModdingAPI.csproj b/src/StardewModdingAPI/StardewModdingAPI.csproj
index b182bf4a..cf8c58cb 100644
--- a/src/StardewModdingAPI/StardewModdingAPI.csproj
+++ b/src/StardewModdingAPI/StardewModdingAPI.csproj
@@ -1,257 +1,257 @@
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- <GamePath Condition="!Exists('$(GamePath)')">$(HOME)/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Stardew Valley</GamePath>
- <!-- Mac paths -->
- <GamePath Condition="!Exists('$(GamePath)')">$(HOME)/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Stardew Valley/Contents/MacOS</GamePath>
- <!-- Windows paths -->
- <GamePath Condition="!Exists('$(GamePath)')">C:\Program Files (x86)\GalaxyClient\Games\Stardew Valley</GamePath>
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- <Private>False</Private>
- </Reference>
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- <HintPath>$(GamePath)\xTile.dll</HintPath>
- <Private>False</Private>
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- </Reference>
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- <Target Name="EnsureNuGetPackageBuildImports" BeforeTargets="PrepareForBuild">
- <PropertyGroup>
- <ErrorText>This project references NuGet package(s) that are missing on this computer. Use NuGet Package Restore to download them. For more information, see The missing file is {0}.</ErrorText>
- </PropertyGroup>
- <Error Condition="!Exists('..\packages\Fody.1.29.4\build\dotnet\Fody.targets')" Text="$([System.String]::Format('$(ErrorText)', '..\packages\Fody.1.29.4\build\dotnet\Fody.targets'))" />
- </Target>
- <Target Name="BeforeBuild">
- <!-- if game path is invalid, show one user-friendly error instead of a slew of reference errors -->
- <Error Condition="!Exists('$(GamePath)')" Text="Failed to find the game install path automatically; edit the *.csproj file and manually add a &lt;GamePath&gt; setting with the full directory path containing the Stardew Valley executable." />
- </Target>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<Project ToolsVersion="12.0" DefaultTargets="Build" xmlns="">
+ <Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\$(MSBuildToolsVersion)\Microsoft.Common.props" Condition="Exists('$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\$(MSBuildToolsVersion)\Microsoft.Common.props')" />
+ <PropertyGroup>
+ <Configuration Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == '' ">Debug</Configuration>
+ <Platform Condition=" '$(Platform)' == '' ">AnyCPU</Platform>
+ <ProjectGuid>{F1A573B0-F436-472C-AE29-0B91EA6B9F8F}</ProjectGuid>
+ <OutputType>Exe</OutputType>
+ <AppDesignerFolder>Properties</AppDesignerFolder>
+ <RootNamespace>StardewModdingAPI</RootNamespace>
+ <AssemblyName>StardewModdingAPI</AssemblyName>
+ <TargetFrameworkVersion>v4.5</TargetFrameworkVersion>
+ <FileAlignment>512</FileAlignment>
+ <IsWebBootstrapper>false</IsWebBootstrapper>
+ <TargetFrameworkProfile />
+ <PublishUrl>publish\</PublishUrl>
+ <Install>true</Install>
+ <InstallFrom>Disk</InstallFrom>
+ <UpdateEnabled>false</UpdateEnabled>
+ <UpdateMode>Foreground</UpdateMode>
+ <UpdateInterval>7</UpdateInterval>
+ <UpdateIntervalUnits>Days</UpdateIntervalUnits>
+ <UpdatePeriodically>false</UpdatePeriodically>
+ <UpdateRequired>false</UpdateRequired>
+ <MapFileExtensions>true</MapFileExtensions>
+ <ApplicationRevision>0</ApplicationRevision>
+ <ApplicationVersion>1.0.0.%2a</ApplicationVersion>
+ <UseApplicationTrust>false</UseApplicationTrust>
+ <BootstrapperEnabled>true</BootstrapperEnabled>
+ </PropertyGroup>
+ <PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug|AnyCPU' ">
+ <PlatformTarget>AnyCPU</PlatformTarget>
+ <DebugSymbols>true</DebugSymbols>
+ <DebugType>full</DebugType>
+ <Optimize>true</Optimize>
+ <OutputPath>$(SolutionDir)\..\bin\Debug\SMAPI</OutputPath>
+ <DefineConstants>TRACE;DEBUG</DefineConstants>
+ <ErrorReport>prompt</ErrorReport>
+ <WarningLevel>4</WarningLevel>
+ <Prefer32Bit>false</Prefer32Bit>
+ <CheckForOverflowUnderflow>true</CheckForOverflowUnderflow>
+ </PropertyGroup>
+ <PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Release|AnyCPU' ">
+ <PlatformTarget>AnyCPU</PlatformTarget>
+ <DebugType>pdbonly</DebugType>
+ <Optimize>true</Optimize>
+ <OutputPath>$(SolutionDir)\..\bin\Release\SMAPI</OutputPath>
+ <DefineConstants>TRACE</DefineConstants>
+ <ErrorReport>prompt</ErrorReport>
+ <WarningLevel>4</WarningLevel>
+ <Prefer32Bit>false</Prefer32Bit>
+ <CheckForOverflowUnderflow>true</CheckForOverflowUnderflow>
+ </PropertyGroup>
+ <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug|x86'">
+ <PlatformTarget>x86</PlatformTarget>
+ <OutputPath>bin\Debug\</OutputPath>
+ <Prefer32Bit>false</Prefer32Bit>
+ <DefineConstants>DEBUG;TRACE</DefineConstants>
+ <UseVSHostingProcess>true</UseVSHostingProcess>
+ <Optimize>false</Optimize>
+ <OutputPath>$(SolutionDir)\..\bin\Debug\SMAPI</OutputPath>
+ <DocumentationFile>bin\Debug\StardewModdingAPI.xml</DocumentationFile>
+ <CheckForOverflowUnderflow>true</CheckForOverflowUnderflow>
+ <LangVersion>6</LangVersion>
+ </PropertyGroup>
+ <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Release|x86'">
+ <PlatformTarget>x86</PlatformTarget>
+ <OutputPath>bin\Release\</OutputPath>
+ <Prefer32Bit>false</Prefer32Bit>
+ <OutputPath>$(SolutionDir)\..\bin\Release\SMAPI</OutputPath>
+ <DocumentationFile>bin\Release\StardewModdingAPI.xml</DocumentationFile>
+ <DefineConstants>TRACE</DefineConstants>
+ <Optimize>true</Optimize>
+ <CheckForOverflowUnderflow>true</CheckForOverflowUnderflow>
+ <LangVersion>6</LangVersion>
+ <DebugType>pdbonly</DebugType>
+ <DebugSymbols>true</DebugSymbols>
+ </PropertyGroup>
+ <PropertyGroup>
+ <ApplicationIcon>icon.ico</ApplicationIcon>
+ </PropertyGroup>
+ <PropertyGroup>
+ <StartupObject>StardewModdingAPI.Program</StartupObject>
+ </PropertyGroup>
+ <PropertyGroup>
+ <!-- Linux paths -->
+ <GamePath Condition="!Exists('$(GamePath)')">$(HOME)/GOG Games/Stardew Valley/game</GamePath>
+ <GamePath Condition="!Exists('$(GamePath)')">$(HOME)/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Stardew Valley</GamePath>
+ <!-- Mac paths -->
+ <GamePath Condition="!Exists('$(GamePath)')">$(HOME)/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Stardew Valley/Contents/MacOS</GamePath>
+ <!-- Windows paths -->
+ <GamePath Condition="!Exists('$(GamePath)')">C:\Program Files (x86)\GalaxyClient\Games\Stardew Valley</GamePath>
+ <GamePath Condition="!Exists('$(GamePath)')">C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley</GamePath>
+ </PropertyGroup>
+ <Choose>
+ <When Condition="$(OS) == 'Windows_NT'">
+ <PropertyGroup>
+ <DefineConstants>$(DefineConstants);SMAPI_FOR_WINDOWS</DefineConstants>
+ </PropertyGroup>
+ <ItemGroup>
+ <Reference Include="Microsoft.Xna.Framework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=842cf8be1de50553, processorArchitecture=x86">
+ <Private>False</Private>
+ </Reference>
+ <Reference Include="Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=842cf8be1de50553, processorArchitecture=x86">
+ <Private>False</Private>
+ </Reference>
+ <Reference Include="Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=842cf8be1de50553, processorArchitecture=x86">
+ <Private>False</Private>
+ </Reference>
+ <Reference Include="Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Xact, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=842cf8be1de50553, processorArchitecture=x86">
+ <Private>False</Private>
+ </Reference>
+ <Reference Include="Stardew Valley">
+ <HintPath>$(GamePath)\Stardew Valley.exe</HintPath>
+ <Private>False</Private>
+ </Reference>
+ <Reference Include="xTile, Version=, Culture=neutral, processorArchitecture=x86">
+ <HintPath>$(GamePath)\xTile.dll</HintPath>
+ <Private>False</Private>
+ <SpecificVersion>False</SpecificVersion>
+ </Reference>
+ </ItemGroup>
+ </When>
+ <Otherwise>
+ <PropertyGroup>
+ <DefineConstants>$(DefineConstants);SMAPI_FOR_UNIX</DefineConstants>
+ </PropertyGroup>
+ <ItemGroup>
+ <Reference Include="MonoGame.Framework">
+ <HintPath>$(GamePath)\MonoGame.Framework.dll</HintPath>
+ <Private>False</Private>
+ <SpecificVersion>False</SpecificVersion>
+ </Reference>
+ <Reference Include="StardewValley">
+ <HintPath>$(GamePath)\StardewValley.exe</HintPath>
+ <Private>False</Private>
+ </Reference>
+ <Reference Include="xTile">
+ <HintPath>$(GamePath)\xTile.dll</HintPath>
+ <Private>False</Private>
+ </Reference>
+ </ItemGroup>
+ </Otherwise>
+ </Choose>
+ <ItemGroup>
+ <Reference Include="Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed, processorArchitecture=MSIL">
+ <HintPath>..\packages\Newtonsoft.Json.8.0.3\lib\net45\Newtonsoft.Json.dll</HintPath>
+ <Private>True</Private>
+ </Reference>
+ <Reference Include="System" />
+ <Reference Include="System.Core" />
+ <Reference Include="System.Drawing" />
+ <Reference Include="System.Numerics">
+ <Private>True</Private>
+ </Reference>
+ <Reference Include="System.Windows.Forms" Condition="$(OS) == 'Windows_NT'" />
+ <Reference Include="System.Xml.Linq" />
+ <Reference Include="System.Data.DataSetExtensions" />
+ <Reference Include="Microsoft.CSharp" />
+ <Reference Include="System.Data" />
+ <Reference Include="System.Xml" />
+ </ItemGroup>
+ <ItemGroup>
+ <Compile Include="Command.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="Config.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="Constants.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="Events\ControlEvents.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="Events\EventArgsCommand.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="Events\EventArgsClickableMenuChanged.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="Events\EventArgsClickableMenuClosed.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="Events\EventArgsControllerButtonPressed.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="Events\EventArgsControllerButtonReleased.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="Events\EventArgsControllerTriggerPressed.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="Events\EventArgsControllerTriggerReleased.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="Events\EventArgsCurrentLocationChanged.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="Events\EventArgsFarmerChanged.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="Events\EventArgsGameLocationsChanged.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="Events\EventArgsIntChanged.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="Events\EventArgsInventoryChanged.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="Events\EventArgsKeyboardStateChanged.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="Events\EventArgsKeyPressed.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="Events\EventArgsLevelUp.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="Events\EventArgsLoadedGameChanged.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="Events\EventArgsLocationObjectsChanged.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="Events\EventArgsMineLevelChanged.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="Events\EventArgsMouseStateChanged.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="Events\EventArgsNewDay.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="Events\EventArgsStringChanged.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="Events\GameEvents.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="Events\GraphicsEvents.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="Events\LocationEvents.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="Events\MenuEvents.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="Events\MineEvents.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="Events\PlayerEvents.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="Events\TimeEvents.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="Extensions.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="Framework\UpdateHelper.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="Framework\GitRelease.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="Inheritance\ChangeType.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="Inheritance\ItemStackChange.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="Log.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="Logger.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="LogWriter.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="Manifest.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="Mod.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="Program.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="Inheritance\SGame.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="Version.cs" />
+ </ItemGroup>
+ <ItemGroup>
+ <None Include="App.config">
+ <SubType>Designer</SubType>
+ </None>
+ <None Include="packages.config">
+ <SubType>Designer</SubType>
+ </None>
+ <None Include="">
+ <CopyToOutputDirectory>Always</CopyToOutputDirectory>
+ </None>
+ </ItemGroup>
+ <ItemGroup>
+ <Content Include="FodyWeavers.xml" />
+ <Content Include="icon.ico" />
+ <Content Include="steam_appid.txt">
+ <CopyToOutputDirectory>Always</CopyToOutputDirectory>
+ </Content>
+ </ItemGroup>
+ <ItemGroup>
+ <BootstrapperPackage Include=".NETFramework,Version=v4.5">
+ <Visible>False</Visible>
+ <ProductName>Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 %28x86 and x64%29</ProductName>
+ <Install>true</Install>
+ </BootstrapperPackage>
+ <BootstrapperPackage Include="Microsoft.Net.Framework.3.5.SP1">
+ <Visible>False</Visible>
+ <ProductName>.NET Framework 3.5 SP1</ProductName>
+ <Install>false</Install>
+ </BootstrapperPackage>
+ </ItemGroup>
+ <Import Project="$(MSBuildToolsPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" />
+ <PropertyGroup>
+ <PostBuildEvent>
+ </PostBuildEvent>
+ </PropertyGroup>
+ <Import Project="..\packages\Fody.1.29.4\build\dotnet\Fody.targets" Condition="$(OS) == 'WINDOWS_NT' AND Exists('..\packages\Fody.1.29.4\build\dotnet\Fody.targets')" />
+ <Target Name="EnsureNuGetPackageBuildImports" BeforeTargets="PrepareForBuild">
+ <PropertyGroup>
+ <ErrorText>This project references NuGet package(s) that are missing on this computer. Use NuGet Package Restore to download them. For more information, see The missing file is {0}.</ErrorText>
+ </PropertyGroup>
+ <Error Condition="!Exists('..\packages\Fody.1.29.4\build\dotnet\Fody.targets')" Text="$([System.String]::Format('$(ErrorText)', '..\packages\Fody.1.29.4\build\dotnet\Fody.targets'))" />
+ </Target>
+ <Target Name="BeforeBuild">
+ <!-- if game path is invalid, show one user-friendly error instead of a slew of reference errors -->
+ <Error Condition="!Exists('$(GamePath)')" Text="Failed to find the game install path automatically; edit the *.csproj file and manually add a &lt;GamePath&gt; setting with the full directory path containing the Stardew Valley executable." />
+ </Target>
</Project> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/StardewModdingAPI/packages.config b/src/StardewModdingAPI/packages.config
index 03310458..0aec11c6 100644
--- a/src/StardewModdingAPI/packages.config
+++ b/src/StardewModdingAPI/packages.config
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
- <package id="Costura.Fody" version="" targetFramework="net461" developmentDependency="true" />
- <package id="Fody" version="1.29.4" targetFramework="net461" developmentDependency="true" />
- <package id="Newtonsoft.Json" version="8.0.3" targetFramework="net461" />
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+ <package id="Costura.Fody" version="" targetFramework="net461" developmentDependency="true" />
+ <package id="Fody" version="1.29.4" targetFramework="net461" developmentDependency="true" />
+ <package id="Newtonsoft.Json" version="8.0.3" targetFramework="net461" />
</packages> \ No newline at end of file