path: root/src
diff options
authorJesse Plamondon-Willard <>2018-09-18 18:47:32 -0400
committerJesse Plamondon-Willard <>2018-09-18 18:47:32 -0400
commit2cd0c8130c5f9688db493d8b0acd07505c86a2aa (patch)
tree9bfb93bcb6498e9024673141564796299fb61c8a /src
parent8b2fd0bab715622208df256b8066361b32a3b209 (diff)
unify logic for loading content packs & mods to simplify common validation
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 162 insertions, 147 deletions
diff --git a/src/SMAPI/Framework/SCore.cs b/src/SMAPI/Framework/SCore.cs
index 33edc698..28994060 100644
--- a/src/SMAPI/Framework/SCore.cs
+++ b/src/SMAPI/Framework/SCore.cs
@@ -693,150 +693,23 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI.Framework
this.Monitor.Log("Loading mods...", LogLevel.Trace);
- HashSet<string> suppressUpdateChecks = new HashSet<string>(this.Settings.SuppressUpdateChecks, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
- IDictionary<IModMetadata, string[]> skippedMods = new Dictionary<IModMetadata, string[]>();
- void TrackSkip(IModMetadata mod, string userReasonPhrase, string devReasonPhrase = null) => skippedMods[mod] = new[] { userReasonPhrase, devReasonPhrase };
- // load content packs
- foreach (IModMetadata metadata in mods.Where(p => p.IsContentPack))
- {
- this.Monitor.Log($" {metadata.DisplayName} (content pack, {PathUtilities.GetRelativePath(this.ModsPath, metadata.DirectoryPath)})...", LogLevel.Trace);
- // show warning for missing update key
- if (metadata.HasManifest() && !metadata.HasValidUpdateKeys())
- metadata.SetWarning(ModWarning.NoUpdateKeys);
- // validate status
- if (metadata.Status == ModMetadataStatus.Failed)
- {
- this.Monitor.Log($" Failed: {metadata.Error}", LogLevel.Trace);
- TrackSkip(metadata, metadata.Error);
- continue;
- }
- // load mod as content pack
- IManifest manifest = metadata.Manifest;
- IMonitor monitor = this.GetSecondaryMonitor(metadata.DisplayName);
- IContentHelper contentHelper = new ContentHelper(this.ContentCore, metadata.DirectoryPath, manifest.UniqueID, metadata.DisplayName, monitor);
- IContentPack contentPack = new ContentPack(metadata.DirectoryPath, manifest, contentHelper, jsonHelper);
- metadata.SetMod(contentPack, monitor);
- this.ModRegistry.Add(metadata);
- }
- IModMetadata[] loadedContentPacks = this.ModRegistry.GetAll(assemblyMods: false).ToArray();
// load mods
+ IDictionary<IModMetadata, Tuple<string, string>> skippedMods = new Dictionary<IModMetadata, Tuple<string, string>>();
+ using (AssemblyLoader modAssemblyLoader = new AssemblyLoader(Constants.Platform, this.Monitor))
- // get content packs by mod ID
- IDictionary<string, IContentPack[]> contentPacksByModID =
- loadedContentPacks
- .GroupBy(p => p.Manifest.ContentPackFor.UniqueID, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
- .ToDictionary(
- group => group.Key,
- group => group.Select(metadata => metadata.ContentPack).ToArray(),
- StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase
- );
- // load mods from metadata
- using (AssemblyLoader modAssemblyLoader = new AssemblyLoader(Constants.Platform, this.Monitor))
+ HashSet<string> suppressUpdateChecks = new HashSet<string>(this.Settings.SuppressUpdateChecks, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
+ InterfaceProxyFactory proxyFactory = new InterfaceProxyFactory();
+ foreach (IModMetadata mod in mods)
- InterfaceProxyFactory proxyFactory = new InterfaceProxyFactory();
- foreach (IModMetadata metadata in mods.Where(p => !p.IsContentPack))
+ if (!this.TryLoadMod(mod, modAssemblyLoader, proxyFactory, jsonHelper, contentCore, modDatabase, suppressUpdateChecks, out string errorPhrase, out string errorDetails))
- // get basic info
- IManifest manifest = metadata.Manifest;
- this.Monitor.Log(metadata.Manifest?.EntryDll != null
- ? $" {metadata.DisplayName} ({PathUtilities.GetRelativePath(this.ModsPath, metadata.DirectoryPath)}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}{metadata.Manifest.EntryDll})..." // don't use Path.Combine here, since EntryDLL might not be valid
- : $" {metadata.DisplayName}...", LogLevel.Trace);
- // show warnings
- if (metadata.HasManifest() && !metadata.HasValidUpdateKeys() && !suppressUpdateChecks.Contains(metadata.Manifest.UniqueID))
- metadata.SetWarning(ModWarning.NoUpdateKeys);
- // validate status
- if (metadata.Status == ModMetadataStatus.Failed)
- {
- this.Monitor.Log($" Failed: {metadata.Error}", LogLevel.Trace);
- TrackSkip(metadata, metadata.Error);
- continue;
- }
- // load mod
- string assemblyPath = metadata.Manifest?.EntryDll != null
- ? Path.Combine(metadata.DirectoryPath, metadata.Manifest.EntryDll)
- : null;
- Assembly modAssembly;
- try
- {
- modAssembly = modAssemblyLoader.Load(metadata, assemblyPath, assumeCompatible: metadata.DataRecord?.Status == ModStatus.AssumeCompatible);
- }
- catch (IncompatibleInstructionException) // details already in trace logs
- {
- string[] updateUrls = new[] { modDatabase.GetModPageUrlFor(metadata.Manifest.UniqueID), "" }.Where(p => p != null).ToArray();
- TrackSkip(metadata, $"it's no longer compatible. Please check for a new version at {string.Join(" or ", updateUrls)}.");
- continue;
- }
- catch (SAssemblyLoadFailedException ex)
- {
- TrackSkip(metadata, $"it DLL couldn't be loaded: {ex.Message}");
- continue;
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- TrackSkip(metadata, "its DLL couldn't be loaded.", $"Error: {ex.GetLogSummary()}");
- continue;
- }
- // initialise mod
- try
- {
- // get mod instance
- if (!this.TryLoadModEntry(modAssembly, error => TrackSkip(metadata, error), out Mod mod))
- continue;
- // get content packs
- if (!contentPacksByModID.TryGetValue(manifest.UniqueID, out IContentPack[] contentPacks))
- contentPacks = new IContentPack[0];
- // init mod helpers
- IMonitor monitor = this.GetSecondaryMonitor(metadata.DisplayName);
- IModHelper modHelper;
- {
- IModEvents events = new ModEvents(metadata, this.EventManager);
- ICommandHelper commandHelper = new CommandHelper(manifest.UniqueID, metadata.DisplayName, this.GameInstance.CommandManager);
- IContentHelper contentHelper = new ContentHelper(contentCore, metadata.DirectoryPath, manifest.UniqueID, metadata.DisplayName, monitor);
- IDataHelper dataHelper = new DataHelper(manifest.UniqueID, metadata.DirectoryPath, jsonHelper);
- IReflectionHelper reflectionHelper = new ReflectionHelper(manifest.UniqueID, metadata.DisplayName, this.Reflection, this.DeprecationManager);
- IModRegistry modRegistryHelper = new ModRegistryHelper(manifest.UniqueID, this.ModRegistry, proxyFactory, monitor);
- IMultiplayerHelper multiplayerHelper = new MultiplayerHelper(manifest.UniqueID, this.GameInstance.Multiplayer);
- ITranslationHelper translationHelper = new TranslationHelper(manifest.UniqueID, manifest.Name, contentCore.GetLocale(), contentCore.Language);
- IContentPack CreateTransitionalContentPack(string packDirPath, IManifest packManifest)
- {
- IMonitor packMonitor = this.GetSecondaryMonitor(packManifest.Name);
- IContentHelper packContentHelper = new ContentHelper(contentCore, packDirPath, packManifest.UniqueID, packManifest.Name, packMonitor);
- return new ContentPack(packDirPath, packManifest, packContentHelper, this.Toolkit.JsonHelper);
- }
- modHelper = new ModHelper(manifest.UniqueID, metadata.DirectoryPath, this.Toolkit.JsonHelper, this.GameInstance.Input, events, contentHelper, commandHelper, dataHelper, modRegistryHelper, reflectionHelper, multiplayerHelper, translationHelper, contentPacks, CreateTransitionalContentPack, this.DeprecationManager);
- }
- // init mod
- mod.ModManifest = manifest;
- mod.Helper = modHelper;
- mod.Monitor = monitor;
- // track mod
- metadata.SetMod(mod);
- this.ModRegistry.Add(metadata);
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- TrackSkip(metadata, $"initialisation failed:\n{ex.GetLogSummary()}");
- }
+ skippedMods[mod] = Tuple.Create(errorPhrase, errorDetails);
+ if (mod.Status != ModMetadataStatus.Failed)
+ mod.SetStatus(ModMetadataStatus.Failed, errorPhrase);
+ IModMetadata[] loadedContentPacks = this.ModRegistry.GetAll(assemblyMods: false).ToArray();
IModMetadata[] loadedMods = this.ModRegistry.GetAll(contentPacks: false).ToArray();
// log loaded mods
@@ -964,11 +837,150 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI.Framework
// unlock mod integrations
this.ModRegistry.AreAllModsInitialised = true;
+ /// <summary>Load a given mod.</summary>
+ /// <param name="mod">The mod to load.</param>
+ /// <param name="assemblyLoader">Preprocesses and loads mod assemblies</param>
+ /// <param name="proxyFactory">Generates proxy classes to access mod APIs through an arbitrary interface.</param>
+ /// <param name="jsonHelper">The JSON helper with which to read mods' JSON files.</param>
+ /// <param name="contentCore">The content manager to use for mod content.</param>
+ /// <param name="modDatabase">Handles access to SMAPI's internal mod metadata list.</param>
+ /// <param name="suppressUpdateChecks">The mod IDs to ignore when validating update keys.</param>
+ /// <param name="errorReasonPhrase">The user-facing reason phrase explaining why the mod couldn't be loaded (if applicable).</param>
+ /// <param name="errorDetails">More detailed details about the error intended for developers (if any).</param>
+ /// <returns>Returns whether the mod was successfully loaded.</returns>
+ private bool TryLoadMod(IModMetadata mod, AssemblyLoader assemblyLoader, InterfaceProxyFactory proxyFactory, JsonHelper jsonHelper, ContentCoordinator contentCore, ModDatabase modDatabase, HashSet<string> suppressUpdateChecks, out string errorReasonPhrase, out string errorDetails)
+ {
+ errorDetails = null;
+ // log entry
+ if (mod.IsContentPack)
+ this.Monitor.Log($" {mod.DisplayName} (content pack, {PathUtilities.GetRelativePath(this.ModsPath, mod.DirectoryPath)})...", LogLevel.Trace);
+ else
+ {
+ this.Monitor.Log(mod.Manifest?.EntryDll != null
+ ? $" {mod.DisplayName} ({PathUtilities.GetRelativePath(this.ModsPath, mod.DirectoryPath)}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}{mod.Manifest.EntryDll})..." // don't use Path.Combine here, since EntryDLL might not be valid
+ : $" {mod.DisplayName}...", LogLevel.Trace);
+ }
+ // add warning for missing update key
+ if (mod.HasID() && !suppressUpdateChecks.Contains(mod.Manifest.UniqueID) && !mod.HasValidUpdateKeys())
+ mod.SetWarning(ModWarning.NoUpdateKeys);
+ // validate status
+ if (mod.Status == ModMetadataStatus.Failed)
+ {
+ this.Monitor.Log($" Failed: {mod.Error}", LogLevel.Trace);
+ errorReasonPhrase = mod.Error;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // load as content pack
+ if (mod.IsContentPack)
+ {
+ IManifest manifest = mod.Manifest;
+ IMonitor monitor = this.GetSecondaryMonitor(mod.DisplayName);
+ IContentHelper contentHelper = new ContentHelper(this.ContentCore, mod.DirectoryPath, manifest.UniqueID, mod.DisplayName, monitor);
+ IContentPack contentPack = new ContentPack(mod.DirectoryPath, manifest, contentHelper, jsonHelper);
+ mod.SetMod(contentPack, monitor);
+ this.ModRegistry.Add(mod);
+ errorReasonPhrase = null;
+ return true;
+ }
+ // load as mod
+ else
+ {
+ IManifest manifest = mod.Manifest;
+ // load mod
+ string assemblyPath = manifest?.EntryDll != null
+ ? Path.Combine(mod.DirectoryPath, manifest.EntryDll)
+ : null;
+ Assembly modAssembly;
+ try
+ {
+ modAssembly = assemblyLoader.Load(mod, assemblyPath, assumeCompatible: mod.DataRecord?.Status == ModStatus.AssumeCompatible);
+ }
+ catch (IncompatibleInstructionException) // details already in trace logs
+ {
+ string[] updateUrls = new[] { modDatabase.GetModPageUrlFor(manifest.UniqueID), "" }.Where(p => p != null).ToArray();
+ errorReasonPhrase = $"it's no longer compatible. Please check for a new version at {string.Join(" or ", updateUrls)}.";
+ return false;
+ }
+ catch (SAssemblyLoadFailedException ex)
+ {
+ errorReasonPhrase = $"it DLL couldn't be loaded: {ex.Message}";
+ return false;
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ errorReasonPhrase = "its DLL couldn't be loaded.";
+ errorDetails = $"Error: {ex.GetLogSummary()}";
+ return false;
+ }
+ // initialise mod
+ try
+ {
+ // get mod instance
+ if (!this.TryLoadModEntry(modAssembly, out Mod modEntry, out errorReasonPhrase))
+ return false;
+ // get content packs
+ IContentPack[] contentPacks = this.ModRegistry
+ .GetAll(assemblyMods: false)
+ .Where(p => p.IsContentPack && mod.Manifest.UniqueID.Equals(p.Manifest.ContentPackFor.UniqueID, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
+ .Select(p => p.ContentPack)
+ .ToArray();
+ // init mod helpers
+ IMonitor monitor = this.GetSecondaryMonitor(mod.DisplayName);
+ IModHelper modHelper;
+ {
+ IModEvents events = new ModEvents(mod, this.EventManager);
+ ICommandHelper commandHelper = new CommandHelper(manifest.UniqueID, mod.DisplayName, this.GameInstance.CommandManager);
+ IContentHelper contentHelper = new ContentHelper(contentCore, mod.DirectoryPath, manifest.UniqueID, mod.DisplayName, monitor);
+ IDataHelper dataHelper = new DataHelper(manifest.UniqueID, mod.DirectoryPath, jsonHelper);
+ IReflectionHelper reflectionHelper = new ReflectionHelper(manifest.UniqueID, mod.DisplayName, this.Reflection, this.DeprecationManager);
+ IModRegistry modRegistryHelper = new ModRegistryHelper(manifest.UniqueID, this.ModRegistry, proxyFactory, monitor);
+ IMultiplayerHelper multiplayerHelper = new MultiplayerHelper(manifest.UniqueID, this.GameInstance.Multiplayer);
+ ITranslationHelper translationHelper = new TranslationHelper(manifest.UniqueID, manifest.Name, contentCore.GetLocale(), contentCore.Language);
+ IContentPack CreateTransitionalContentPack(string packDirPath, IManifest packManifest)
+ {
+ IMonitor packMonitor = this.GetSecondaryMonitor(packManifest.Name);
+ IContentHelper packContentHelper = new ContentHelper(contentCore, packDirPath, packManifest.UniqueID, packManifest.Name, packMonitor);
+ return new ContentPack(packDirPath, packManifest, packContentHelper, this.Toolkit.JsonHelper);
+ }
+ modHelper = new ModHelper(manifest.UniqueID, mod.DirectoryPath, this.Toolkit.JsonHelper, this.GameInstance.Input, events, contentHelper, commandHelper, dataHelper, modRegistryHelper, reflectionHelper, multiplayerHelper, translationHelper, contentPacks, CreateTransitionalContentPack, this.DeprecationManager);
+ }
+ // init mod
+ modEntry.ModManifest = manifest;
+ modEntry.Helper = modHelper;
+ modEntry.Monitor = monitor;
+ // track mod
+ mod.SetMod(modEntry);
+ this.ModRegistry.Add(mod);
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ errorReasonPhrase = $"initialisation failed:\n{ex.GetLogSummary()}";
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
/// <summary>Write a summary of mod warnings to the console and log.</summary>
/// <param name="mods">The loaded mods.</param>
/// <param name="skippedMods">The mods which were skipped, along with the friendly and developer reasons.</param>
- private void LogModWarnings(IModMetadata[] mods, IDictionary<IModMetadata, string[]> skippedMods)
+ private void LogModWarnings(IModMetadata[] mods, IDictionary<IModMetadata, Tuple<string, string>> skippedMods)
// get mods with warnings
IModMetadata[] modsWithWarnings = mods.Where(p => p.Warnings != ModWarning.None).ToArray();
@@ -992,11 +1004,12 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI.Framework
foreach (var pair in skippedMods.OrderBy(p => p.Key.DisplayName))
IModMetadata mod = pair.Key;
- string[] reason = pair.Value;
+ string errorReason = pair.Value.Item1;
+ string errorDetails = pair.Value.Item2;
- this.Monitor.Log($" - {mod.DisplayName}{(mod.Manifest?.Version != null ? " " + mod.Manifest.Version.ToString() : "")} because {reason[0]}", LogLevel.Error);
- if (reason[1] != null)
- this.Monitor.Log($" ({reason[1]})", LogLevel.Trace);
+ this.Monitor.Log($" - {mod.DisplayName}{(mod.Manifest?.Version != null ? " " + mod.Manifest.Version.ToString() : "")} because {errorReason}", LogLevel.Error);
+ if (errorDetails != null)
+ this.Monitor.Log($" ({errorDetails})", LogLevel.Trace);
@@ -1061,9 +1074,10 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI.Framework
/// <summary>Load a mod's entry class.</summary>
/// <param name="modAssembly">The mod assembly.</param>
- /// <param name="onError">A callback invoked when loading fails.</param>
/// <param name="mod">The loaded instance.</param>
- private bool TryLoadModEntry(Assembly modAssembly, Action<string> onError, out Mod mod)
+ /// <param name="error">The error indicating why loading failed (if applicable).</param>
+ /// <returns>Returns whether the mod entry class was successfully loaded.</returns>
+ private bool TryLoadModEntry(Assembly modAssembly, out Mod mod, out string error)
mod = null;
@@ -1071,12 +1085,12 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI.Framework
TypeInfo[] modEntries = modAssembly.DefinedTypes.Where(type => typeof(Mod).IsAssignableFrom(type) && !type.IsAbstract).Take(2).ToArray();
if (modEntries.Length == 0)
- onError($"its DLL has no '{nameof(Mod)}' subclass.");
+ error = $"its DLL has no '{nameof(Mod)}' subclass.";
return false;
if (modEntries.Length > 1)
- onError($"its DLL contains multiple '{nameof(Mod)}' subclasses.");
+ error = $"its DLL contains multiple '{nameof(Mod)}' subclasses.";
return false;
@@ -1084,10 +1098,11 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI.Framework
mod = (Mod)modAssembly.CreateInstance(modEntries[0].ToString());
if (mod == null)
- onError("its entry class couldn't be instantiated.");
+ error = "its entry class couldn't be instantiated.";
return false;
+ error = null;
return true;