path: root/src
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authorJesse Plamondon-Willard <>2017-05-28 00:13:43 -0400
committerJesse Plamondon-Willard <>2017-05-28 00:13:43 -0400
commit586f27c4c265e06d0138e419f762e326bbe3ca46 (patch)
tree77db0e72ab263c4b39e9cfc4aad7af5eddb3f260 /src
parent173dd8cd030992983ddea36c944f22f7ad6ed9bd (diff)
remove unneeded SGame fields
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 27 insertions, 46 deletions
diff --git a/src/StardewModdingAPI/Framework/SGame.cs b/src/StardewModdingAPI/Framework/SGame.cs
index 05ef9626..7e222a2c 100644
--- a/src/StardewModdingAPI/Framework/SGame.cs
+++ b/src/StardewModdingAPI/Framework/SGame.cs
@@ -55,37 +55,16 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI.Framework
** Game state
/// <summary>Arrays of pressed controller buttons indexed by <see cref="PlayerIndex"/>.</summary>
- private Buttons[] PreviouslyPressedButtons = new Buttons[0];
- /// <summary>A record of the keyboard state (i.e. the up/down state for each button) as of the latest tick.</summary>
- private KeyboardState KStateNow;
+ private Buttons[] PreviousPressedButtons = new Buttons[0];
/// <summary>A record of the keyboard state (i.e. the up/down state for each button) as of the previous tick.</summary>
- private KeyboardState KStatePrior;
- /// <summary>A record of the mouse state (i.e. the cursor position, scroll amount, and the up/down state for each button) as of the latest tick.</summary>
- private MouseState MStateNow;
+ private KeyboardState PreviousKeyState;
/// <summary>A record of the mouse state (i.e. the cursor position, scroll amount, and the up/down state for each button) as of the previous tick.</summary>
- private MouseState MStatePrior;
- /// <summary>The current mouse position on the screen adjusted for the zoom level.</summary>
- private Point MPositionNow;
+ private MouseState PreviousMouseState;
/// <summary>The previous mouse position on the screen adjusted for the zoom level.</summary>
- private Point MPositionPrior;
- /// <summary>The keys that were pressed as of the latest tick.</summary>
- private Keys[] CurrentlyPressedKeys => this.KStateNow.GetPressedKeys();
- /// <summary>The keys that were pressed as of the previous tick.</summary>
- private Keys[] PreviouslyPressedKeys => this.KStatePrior.GetPressedKeys();
- /// <summary>The keys that just entered the down state.</summary>
- private Keys[] FramePressedKeys => this.CurrentlyPressedKeys.Except(this.PreviouslyPressedKeys).ToArray();
- /// <summary>The keys that just entered the up state.</summary>
- private Keys[] FrameReleasedKeys => this.PreviouslyPressedKeys.Except(this.CurrentlyPressedKeys).ToArray();
+ private Point PreviousMousePosition;
/// <summary>The previous save ID at last check.</summary>
private ulong PreviousSaveID;
@@ -355,16 +334,22 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI.Framework
if (Game1.game1.IsActive)
// get latest state
- this.KStateNow = Keyboard.GetState();
- this.MStateNow = Mouse.GetState();
- this.MPositionNow = new Point(Game1.getMouseX(), Game1.getMouseY());
+ KeyboardState keyState = Keyboard.GetState();
+ MouseState mouseState = Mouse.GetState();
+ Point mousePosition = new Point(Game1.getMouseX(), Game1.getMouseY());
+ // analyse state
+ Keys[] currentlyPressedKeys = keyState.GetPressedKeys();
+ Keys[] previousPressedKeys = this.PreviousKeyState.GetPressedKeys();
+ Keys[] framePressedKeys = currentlyPressedKeys.Except(previousPressedKeys).ToArray();
+ Keys[] frameReleasedKeys = previousPressedKeys.Except(currentlyPressedKeys).ToArray();
// raise key pressed
- foreach (Keys key in this.FramePressedKeys)
+ foreach (Keys key in framePressedKeys)
ControlEvents.InvokeKeyPressed(this.Monitor, key);
// raise key released
- foreach (Keys key in this.FrameReleasedKeys)
+ foreach (Keys key in frameReleasedKeys)
ControlEvents.InvokeKeyReleased(this.Monitor, key);
// raise controller button pressed
@@ -392,16 +377,18 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI.Framework
// raise keyboard state changed
- if (this.KStateNow != this.KStatePrior)
- ControlEvents.InvokeKeyboardChanged(this.Monitor, this.KStatePrior, this.KStateNow);
+ if (keyState != this.PreviousKeyState)
+ ControlEvents.InvokeKeyboardChanged(this.Monitor, this.PreviousKeyState, keyState);
// raise mouse state changed
- if (this.MStateNow != this.MStatePrior)
- {
- ControlEvents.InvokeMouseChanged(this.Monitor, this.MStatePrior, this.MStateNow, this.MPositionPrior, this.MPositionNow);
- this.MStatePrior = this.MStateNow;
- this.MPositionPrior = this.MPositionNow;
- }
+ if (mouseState != this.PreviousMouseState)
+ ControlEvents.InvokeMouseChanged(this.Monitor, this.PreviousMouseState, mouseState, this.PreviousMousePosition, mousePosition);
+ // track state
+ this.PreviousMouseState = mouseState;
+ this.PreviousMousePosition = mousePosition;
+ this.PreviousKeyState = keyState;
+ this.PreviousPressedButtons = this.GetButtonsDown();
@@ -562,12 +549,6 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI.Framework
if (this.CurrentUpdateTick >= 60)
this.CurrentUpdateTick = 0;
- /*********
- ** Update input state
- *********/
- this.KStatePrior = this.KStateNow;
- this.PreviouslyPressedButtons = this.GetButtonsDown();
catch (Exception ex)
@@ -1385,7 +1366,7 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI.Framework
/// <param name="buttonState">The last known state.</param>
private bool WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons button, ButtonState buttonState)
- return buttonState == ButtonState.Pressed && !this.PreviouslyPressedButtons.Contains(button);
+ return buttonState == ButtonState.Pressed && !this.PreviousPressedButtons.Contains(button);
/// <summary>Get whether a controller button was released since the last check.</summary>
@@ -1393,7 +1374,7 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI.Framework
/// <param name="buttonState">The last known state.</param>
private bool WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons button, ButtonState buttonState)
- return buttonState == ButtonState.Released && this.PreviouslyPressedButtons.Contains(button);
+ return buttonState == ButtonState.Released && this.PreviousPressedButtons.Contains(button);
/// <summary>Get whether an analogue controller button was pressed since the last check.</summary>