diff options
author | Jesse Plamondon-Willard <github@jplamondonw.com> | 2018-10-20 19:39:32 -0400 |
committer | Jesse Plamondon-Willard <github@jplamondonw.com> | 2018-10-20 19:39:32 -0400 |
commit | b729ef012925ca00f2f9b4c6a2091d6cf78b239c (patch) | |
tree | 78c032a92a6c7d88b1f4301f47cc47efff0e4db7 /src | |
parent | baaefc143aebf6b13ac91139ec8324c9867163e3 (diff) | |
download | SMAPI-b729ef012925ca00f2f9b4c6a2091d6cf78b239c.tar.gz SMAPI-b729ef012925ca00f2f9b4c6a2091d6cf78b239c.tar.bz2 SMAPI-b729ef012925ca00f2f9b4c6a2091d6cf78b239c.zip |
add table sorting (#597)
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
-rw-r--r-- | src/SMAPI.Web/Views/Mods/Index.cshtml | 85 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | src/SMAPI.Web/wwwroot/Content/css/mods.css | 23 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | src/SMAPI.Web/wwwroot/Content/js/external/jquery-tablesorter.js | 5 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | src/SMAPI.Web/wwwroot/Content/js/mods.js | 7 |
4 files changed, 76 insertions, 44 deletions
diff --git a/src/SMAPI.Web/Views/Mods/Index.cshtml b/src/SMAPI.Web/Views/Mods/Index.cshtml index 8d1b91ad..3626c4d8 100644 --- a/src/SMAPI.Web/Views/Mods/Index.cshtml +++ b/src/SMAPI.Web/Views/Mods/Index.cshtml @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ <link rel="stylesheet" href="~/Content/css/mods.css?r=20180615" /> <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue"></script> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> + <script src="~/Content/js/external/jquery-tablesorter.js"></script> <script src="~/Content/js/mods.js?r=20180615"></script> <script> $(function() { @@ -28,51 +29,55 @@ <div id="app"> <div> <label for="search-box">Search: </label> - <input type="text" id="search-box" v-model="search" v-on:input="applySearch"/> + <input type="text" id="search-box" v-model="search" v-on:input="applySearch" /> </div> <div id="show-fields-option"> <input type="checkbox" id="show-all-fields" v-model="showAllFields" /> <label for="show-all-fields">show advanced fields</label> </div> <table class="wikitable" id="mod-list"> - <tr> - <th>mod name</th> - <th>links</th> - <th>author</th> - <th>compatibility</th> - <th v-show="showAllFields">broke in</th> - <th v-show="showAllFields">code</th> - <th> </th> - </tr> - <tr v-for="mod in mods" :key="mod.Name" v-bind:id="mod.Slug" :key="mod.Slug" v-bind:data-status="mod.BetaCompatibility != null ? mod.BetaCompatibility.Status : mod.Compatibility.Status" v-show="mod.Visible"> - <td> - {{mod.Name}} - <small class="mod-alt-names" v-if="mod.AlternateNames">(aka {{mod.AlternateNames}})</small> - </td> - <td class="mod-page-links"> - <span v-for="(link, i) in mod.ModPages"> - <a v-bind:href="link.Url">{{link.Text}}</a>{{i < mod.ModPages.length - 1 ? ', ' : ''}} - </span> - </td> - <td> - {{mod.Author}} - <small class="mod-alt-authors" v-if="mod.AlternateAuthors">(aka {{mod.AlternateAuthors}})</small> - </td> - <td> - <div v-html="mod.Compatibility.Summary"></div> - <div v-if="mod.BetaCompatibility"> - <strong v-if="mod.BetaCompatibility">SDV beta only:</strong> - <span v-html="mod.BetaCompatibility.Summary"></span> - </div> - </td> - <td class="mod-broke-in" v-html="mod.BrokeIn" v-show="showAllFields"></td> - <td v-show="showAllFields"> - <span v-if="mod.SourceUrl"><a v-bind:href="mod.SourceUrl">source</a></span> - <span v-else class="mod-closed-source">no source</span> - </td> - <td> - <small><a v-bind:href="'#' + mod.Slug">#</a></small> - </td> - </tr> + <thead> + <tr> + <th>mod name</th> + <th>links</th> + <th>author</th> + <th>compatibility</th> + <th v-show="showAllFields">broke in</th> + <th v-show="showAllFields">code</th> + <th> </th> + </tr> + </thead> + <tbody> + <tr v-for="mod in mods" :key="mod.Name" v-bind:id="mod.Slug" :key="mod.Slug" v-bind:data-status="mod.BetaCompatibility != null ? mod.BetaCompatibility.Status : mod.Compatibility.Status" v-show="mod.Visible"> + <td> + {{mod.Name}} + <small class="mod-alt-names" v-if="mod.AlternateNames">(aka {{mod.AlternateNames}})</small> + </td> + <td class="mod-page-links"> + <span v-for="(link, i) in mod.ModPages"> + <a v-bind:href="link.Url">{{link.Text}}</a>{{i < mod.ModPages.length - 1 ? ', ' : ''}} + </span> + </td> + <td> + {{mod.Author}} + <small class="mod-alt-authors" v-if="mod.AlternateAuthors">(aka {{mod.AlternateAuthors}})</small> + </td> + <td> + <div v-html="mod.Compatibility.Summary"></div> + <div v-if="mod.BetaCompatibility"> + <strong v-if="mod.BetaCompatibility">SDV beta only:</strong> + <span v-html="mod.BetaCompatibility.Summary"></span> + </div> + </td> + <td class="mod-broke-in" v-html="mod.BrokeIn" v-show="showAllFields"></td> + <td v-show="showAllFields"> + <span v-if="mod.SourceUrl"><a v-bind:href="mod.SourceUrl">source</a></span> + <span v-else class="mod-closed-source">no source</span> + </td> + <td> + <small><a v-bind:href="'#' + mod.Slug">#</a></small> + </td> + </tr> + </tbody> </table> </div> diff --git a/src/SMAPI.Web/wwwroot/Content/css/mods.css b/src/SMAPI.Web/wwwroot/Content/css/mods.css index 3b7a17ce..358a5741 100644 --- a/src/SMAPI.Web/wwwroot/Content/css/mods.css +++ b/src/SMAPI.Web/wwwroot/Content/css/mods.css @@ -46,6 +46,25 @@ table.wikitable > caption { opacity: 0.7; } +#mod-list { + font-size: 0.9em; +} + +#mod-list th.header { + background-repeat: no-repeat; + background-position: center right; + cursor: pointer; + background-image: url(); +} + +#mod-list th.headerSortUp { + background-image: url(); +} + +#mod-list th.headerSortDown { + background-image: url(); +} + #mod-list .mod-page-links, #mod-list .mod-alt-authors, #mod-list .mod-alt-names, @@ -58,10 +77,6 @@ table.wikitable > caption { display: block; } -#mod-list tr { - font-size: 0.9em; -} - #mod-list tr[data-status="Ok"], #mod-list tr[data-status="Optional"] { background: #BFB; diff --git a/src/SMAPI.Web/wwwroot/Content/js/external/jquery-tablesorter.js b/src/SMAPI.Web/wwwroot/Content/js/external/jquery-tablesorter.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..535de99f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/SMAPI.Web/wwwroot/Content/js/external/jquery-tablesorter.js @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +/*! +* TableSorter 2.17.8 min - Client-side table sorting with ease! +* Copyright (c) 2007 Christian Bach +*/ +!function (h) { h.extend({ tablesorter: new function () { function d() { var b = arguments[0], a = 1 < arguments.length ? Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments) : b; if ("undefined" !== typeof console && "undefined" !== typeof console.log) console[/error/i.test(b) ? "error" : /warn/i.test(b) ? "warn" : "log"](a); else alert(a) } function q(b, a) { d(b + " (" + ((new Date).getTime() - a.getTime()) + "ms)") } function p(b) { for (var a in b) return !1; return !0 } function r(b, a, c) { if (!a) return ""; var f, e = b.config, l = e.textExtraction || "", d = "", d = "basic" === l ? h(a).attr(e.textAttribute) || a.textContent || a.innerText || h(a).text() || "" : "function" === typeof l ? l(a, b, c) : "function" === typeof (f = g.getColumnData(b, l, c)) ? f(a, b, c) : a.textContent || a.innerText || h(a).text() || ""; return h.trim(d) } function v(b) { var a, c, f = b.config, e = f.$tbodies = f.$table.children("tbody:not(." + f.cssInfoBlock + ")"), l, x, k, h, m, B, u, s, t, p = 0, v = "", w = e.length; if (0 === w) return f.debug ? d("Warning: *Empty table!* Not building a parser cache") : ""; f.debug && (t = new Date, d("Detecting parsers for each column")); a = []; for (c = []; p < w;) { l = e[p].rows; if (l[p]) for (x = f.columns, k = 0; k < x; k++) { h = f.$headers.filter('[data-column="' + k + '"]:last'); m = g.getColumnData(b, f.headers, k); s = g.getParserById(g.getData(h, m, "extractor")); u = g.getParserById(g.getData(h, m, "sorter")); B = "false" === g.getData(h, m, "parser"); f.empties[k] = (g.getData(h, m, "empty") || f.emptyTo || (f.emptyToBottom ? "bottom" : "top")).toLowerCase(); f.strings[k] = (g.getData(h, m, "string") || f.stringTo || "max").toLowerCase(); B && (u = g.getParserById("no-parser")); s || (s = !1); if (!u) a: { h = b; m = l; B = -1; u = k; for (var A = void 0, K = g.parsers.length, G = !1, z = "", A = !0; "" === z && A;)B++ , m[B] ? (G = m[B].cells[u], z = r(h, G, u), h.config.debug && d("Checking if value was empty on row " + B + ", column: " + u + ': "' + z + '"')) : A = !1; for (; 0 <= --K;)if ((A = g.parsers[K]) && "text" !== A.id && A.is && A.is(z, h, G)) { u = A; break a } u = g.getParserById("text") } f.debug && (v += "column:" + k + "; extractor:" + s.id + "; parser:" + u.id + "; string:" + f.strings[k] + "; empty: " + f.empties[k] + "\n"); c[k] = u; a[k] = s } p += c.length ? w : 1 } f.debug && (d(v ? v : "No parsers detected"), q("Completed detecting parsers", t)); f.parsers = c; f.extractors = a } function w(b) { var a, c, f, e, l, x, k, n, m, p, u, s = b.config, t = s.$table.children("tbody"), v = s.extractors, w = s.parsers; s.cache = {}; s.totalRows = 0; if (!w) return s.debug ? d("Warning: *Empty table!* Not building a cache") : ""; s.debug && (n = new Date); s.showProcessing && g.isProcessing(b, !0); for (l = 0; l < t.length; l++)if (u = [], a = s.cache[l] = { normalized: [] }, !t.eq(l).hasClass(s.cssInfoBlock)) { m = t[l] && t[l].rows.length || 0; for (f = 0; f < m; ++f)if (p = { child: [] }, x = h(t[l].rows[f]), k = [], x.hasClass(s.cssChildRow) && 0 !== f) c = a.normalized.length - 1, a.normalized[c][s.columns].$row = a.normalized[c][s.columns].$row.add(x), x.prev().hasClass(s.cssChildRow) || x.prev().addClass(g.css.cssHasChild), p.child[c] = h.trim(x[0].textContent || x[0].innerText || x.text() || ""); else { p.$row = x; p.order = f; for (e = 0; e < s.columns; ++e)"undefined" === typeof w[e] ? s.debug && d("No parser found for cell:", x[0].cells[e], "does it have a header?") : (c = r(b, x[0].cells[e], e), c = "undefined" === typeof v[e].id ? c : v[e].format(c, b, x[0].cells[e], e), c = "no-parser" === w[e].id ? "" : w[e].format(c, b, x[0].cells[e], e), k.push(s.ignoreCase && "string" === typeof c ? c.toLowerCase() : c), "numeric" === (w[e].type || "").toLowerCase() && (u[e] = Math.max(Math.abs(c) || 0, u[e] || 0))); k[s.columns] = p; a.normalized.push(k) } a.colMax = u; s.totalRows += a.normalized.length } s.showProcessing && g.isProcessing(b); s.debug && q("Building cache for " + m + " rows", n) } function z(b, a) { var c = b.config, f = c.widgetOptions, e = b.tBodies, l = [], d = c.cache, k, n, m, r, u, s; if (p(d)) return c.appender ? c.appender(b, l) : b.isUpdating ? c.$table.trigger("updateComplete", b) : ""; c.debug && (s = new Date); for (u = 0; u < e.length; u++)if (k = h(e[u]), k.length && !k.hasClass(c.cssInfoBlock)) { m = g.processTbody(b, k, !0); k = d[u].normalized; n = k.length; for (r = 0; r < n; r++)l.push(k[r][c.columns].$row), c.appender && (!c.pager || c.pager.removeRows && f.pager_removeRows || c.pager.ajax) || m.append(k[r][c.columns].$row); g.processTbody(b, m, !1) } c.appender && c.appender(b, l); c.debug && q("Rebuilt table", s); a || c.appender || g.applyWidget(b); b.isUpdating && c.$table.trigger("updateComplete", b) } function D(b) { return /^d/i.test(b) || 1 === b } function E(b) { var a, c, f, e, l, x, k, n = b.config; n.headerList = []; n.headerContent = []; n.debug && (k = new Date); n.columns = g.computeColumnIndex(n.$table.children("thead, tfoot").children("tr")); e = n.cssIcon ? '<i class="' + (n.cssIcon === g.css.icon ? g.css.icon : n.cssIcon + " " + g.css.icon) + '"></i>' : ""; n.$headers = h(b).find(n.selectorHeaders).each(function (k) { c = h(this); a = g.getColumnData(b, n.headers, k, !0); n.headerContent[k] = h(this).html(); "" !== n.headerTemplate && (l = n.headerTemplate.replace(/\{content\}/g, h(this).html()).replace(/\{icon\}/g, e), n.onRenderTemplate && (f = n.onRenderTemplate.apply(c, [k, l])) && "string" === typeof f && (l = f), h(this).html('<div class="' + g.css.headerIn + '">' + l + "</div>")); n.onRenderHeader && n.onRenderHeader.apply(c, [k]); this.column = parseInt(h(this).attr("data-column"), 10); this.order = D(g.getData(c, a, "sortInitialOrder") || n.sortInitialOrder) ? [1, 0, 2] : [0, 1, 2]; this.count = -1; this.lockedOrder = !1; x = g.getData(c, a, "lockedOrder") || !1; "undefined" !== typeof x && !1 !== x && (this.order = this.lockedOrder = D(x) ? [1, 1, 1] : [0, 0, 0]); c.addClass(g.css.header + " " + n.cssHeader); n.headerList[k] = this; c.parent().addClass(g.css.headerRow + " " + n.cssHeaderRow).attr("role", "row"); n.tabIndex && c.attr("tabindex", 0) }).attr({ scope: "col", role: "columnheader" }); H(b); n.debug && (q("Built headers:", k), d(n.$headers)) } function C(b, a, c) { var f = b.config; f.$table.find(f.selectorRemove).remove(); v(b); w(b); I(f.$table, a, c) } function H(b) { var a, c, f, e = b.config; e.$headers.each(function (l, d) { c = h(d); f = g.getColumnData(b, e.headers, l, !0); a = "false" === g.getData(d, f, "sorter") || "false" === g.getData(d, f, "parser"); d.sortDisabled = a; c[a ? "addClass" : "removeClass"]("sorter-false").attr("aria-disabled", "" + a); b.id && (a ? c.removeAttr("aria-controls") : c.attr("aria-controls", b.id)) }) } function F(b) { var a, c, f = b.config, e = f.sortList, l = e.length, d = g.css.sortNone + " " + f.cssNone, k = [g.css.sortAsc + " " + f.cssAsc, g.css.sortDesc + " " + f.cssDesc], n = ["ascending", "descending"], m = h(b).find("tfoot tr").children().add(f.$extraHeaders).removeClass(k.join(" ")); f.$headers.removeClass(k.join(" ")).addClass(d).attr("aria-sort", "none"); for (a = 0; a < l; a++)if (2 !== e[a][1] && (b = f.$headers.not(".sorter-false").filter('[data-column="' + e[a][0] + '"]' + (1 === l ? ":last" : "")), b.length)) { for (c = 0; c < b.length; c++)b[c].sortDisabled || b.eq(c).removeClass(d).addClass(k[e[a][1]]).attr("aria-sort", n[e[a][1]]); m.length && m.filter('[data-column="' + e[a][0] + '"]').removeClass(d).addClass(k[e[a][1]]) } f.$headers.not(".sorter-false").each(function () { var b = h(this), a = this.order[(this.count + 1) % (f.sortReset ? 3 : 2)], a = b.text() + ": " + g.language[b.hasClass(g.css.sortAsc) ? "sortAsc" : b.hasClass(g.css.sortDesc) ? "sortDesc" : "sortNone"] + g.language[0 === a ? "nextAsc" : 1 === a ? "nextDesc" : "nextNone"]; b.attr("aria-label", a) }) } function O(b) { var a, c, f = b.config; f.widthFixed && 0 === f.$table.find("colgroup").length && (a = h("<colgroup>"), c = h(b).width(), h(b.tBodies).not("." + f.cssInfoBlock).find("tr:first").children(":visible").each(function () { a.append(h("<col>").css("width", parseInt(h(this).width() / c * 1E3, 10) / 10 + "%")) }), f.$table.prepend(a)) } function P(b, a) { var c, f, e, l, g, k = b.config, d = a || k.sortList; k.sortList = []; h.each(d, function (b, a) { l = parseInt(a[0], 10); if (e = k.$headers.filter('[data-column="' + l + '"]:last')[0]) { f = (f = ("" + a[1]).match(/^(1|d|s|o|n)/)) ? f[0] : ""; switch (f) { case "1": case "d": f = 1; break; case "s": f = g || 0; break; case "o": c = e.order[(g || 0) % (k.sortReset ? 3 : 2)]; f = 0 === c ? 1 : 1 === c ? 0 : 2; break; case "n": e.count += 1; f = e.order[e.count % (k.sortReset ? 3 : 2)]; break; default: f = 0 }g = 0 === b ? f : g; c = [l, parseInt(f, 10) || 0]; k.sortList.push(c); f = h.inArray(c[1], e.order); e.count = 0 <= f ? f : c[1] % (k.sortReset ? 3 : 2) } }) } function Q(b, a) { return b && b[a] ? b[a].type || "" : "" } function L(b, a, c) { if (b.isUpdating) return setTimeout(function () { L(b, a, c) }, 50); var f, e, l, d, k = b.config, n = !c[k.sortMultiSortKey], m = k.$table; m.trigger("sortStart", b); a.count = c[k.sortResetKey] ? 2 : (a.count + 1) % (k.sortReset ? 3 : 2); k.sortRestart && (e = a, k.$headers.each(function () { this === e || !n && h(this).is("." + g.css.sortDesc + ",." + g.css.sortAsc) || (this.count = -1) })); e = a.column; if (n) { k.sortList = []; if (null !== k.sortForce) for (f = k.sortForce, l = 0; l < f.length; l++)f[l][0] !== e && k.sortList.push(f[l]); f = a.order[a.count]; if (2 > f && (k.sortList.push([e, f]), 1 < a.colSpan)) for (l = 1; l < a.colSpan; l++)k.sortList.push([e + l, f]) } else { if (k.sortAppend && 1 < k.sortList.length) for (l = 0; l < k.sortAppend.length; l++)d = g.isValueInArray(k.sortAppend[l][0], k.sortList), 0 <= d && k.sortList.splice(d, 1); if (0 <= g.isValueInArray(e, k.sortList)) for (l = 0; l < k.sortList.length; l++)d = k.sortList[l], f = k.$headers.filter('[data-column="' + d[0] + '"]:last')[0], d[0] === e && (d[1] = f.order[a.count], 2 === d[1] && (k.sortList.splice(l, 1), f.count = -1)); else if (f = a.order[a.count], 2 > f && (k.sortList.push([e, f]), 1 < a.colSpan)) for (l = 1; l < a.colSpan; l++)k.sortList.push([e + l, f]) } if (null !== k.sortAppend) for (f = k.sortAppend, l = 0; l < f.length; l++)f[l][0] !== e && k.sortList.push(f[l]); m.trigger("sortBegin", b); setTimeout(function () { F(b); J(b); z(b); m.trigger("sortEnd", b) }, 1) } function J(b) { var a, c, f, e, l, d, k, h, m, r, u, s = 0, t = b.config, v = t.textSorter || "", w = t.sortList, y = w.length, z = b.tBodies.length; if (!t.serverSideSorting && !p(t.cache)) { t.debug && (l = new Date); for (c = 0; c < z; c++)d = t.cache[c].colMax, k = t.cache[c].normalized, k.sort(function (c, l) { for (a = 0; a < y; a++) { e = w[a][0]; h = w[a][1]; s = 0 === h; if (t.sortStable && c[e] === l[e] && 1 === y) break; (f = /n/i.test(Q(t.parsers, e))) && t.strings[e] ? (f = "boolean" === typeof t.string[t.strings[e]] ? (s ? 1 : -1) * (t.string[t.strings[e]] ? -1 : 1) : t.strings[e] ? t.string[t.strings[e]] || 0 : 0, m = t.numberSorter ? t.numberSorter(c[e], l[e], s, d[e], b) : g["sortNumeric" + (s ? "Asc" : "Desc")](c[e], l[e], f, d[e], e, b)) : (r = s ? c : l, u = s ? l : c, m = "function" === typeof v ? v(r[e], u[e], s, e, b) : "object" === typeof v && v.hasOwnProperty(e) ? v[e](r[e], u[e], s, e, b) : g["sortNatural" + (s ? "Asc" : "Desc")](c[e], l[e], e, b, t)); if (m) return m } return c[t.columns].order - l[t.columns].order }); t.debug && q("Sorting on " + w.toString() + " and dir " + h + " time", l) } } function M(b, a) { var c = b[0]; c.isUpdating && b.trigger("updateComplete", c); h.isFunction(a) && a(b[0]) } function I(b, a, c) { var f = b[0].config.sortList; !1 !== a && !b[0].isProcessing && f.length ? b.trigger("sorton", [f, function () { M(b, c) }, !0]) : (M(b, c), g.applyWidget(b[0], !1)) } function N(b) { var a = b.config, c = a.$table; c.unbind("sortReset update updateRows updateCell updateAll addRows updateComplete sorton appendCache updateCache applyWidgetId applyWidgets refreshWidgets destroy mouseup mouseleave ".split(" ").join(a.namespace + " ")).bind("sortReset" + a.namespace, function (f, e) { f.stopPropagation(); a.sortList = []; F(b); J(b); z(b); h.isFunction(e) && e(b) }).bind("updateAll" + a.namespace, function (f, e, c) { f.stopPropagation(); b.isUpdating = !0; g.refreshWidgets(b, !0, !0); g.restoreHeaders(b); E(b); g.bindEvents(b, a.$headers, !0); N(b); C(b, e, c) }).bind("update" + a.namespace + " updateRows" + a.namespace, function (a, e, c) { a.stopPropagation(); b.isUpdating = !0; H(b); C(b, e, c) }).bind("updateCell" + a.namespace, function (f, e, l, g) { f.stopPropagation(); b.isUpdating = !0; c.find(a.selectorRemove).remove(); var d, n, m; n = c.find("tbody"); m = h(e); f = n.index(h.fn.closest ? m.closest("tbody") : m.parents("tbody").filter(":first")); d = h.fn.closest ? m.closest("tr") : m.parents("tr").filter(":first"); e = m[0]; n.length && 0 <= f && (n = n.eq(f).find("tr").index(d), m = m.index(), a.cache[f].normalized[n][a.columns].$row = d, d = "undefined" === typeof a.extractors[m].id ? r(b, e, m) : a.extractors[m].format(r(b, e, m), b, e, m), e = "no-parser" === a.parsers[m].id ? "" : a.parsers[m].format(d, b, e, m), a.cache[f].normalized[n][m] = a.ignoreCase && "string" === typeof e ? e.toLowerCase() : e, "numeric" === (a.parsers[m].type || "").toLowerCase() && (a.cache[f].colMax[m] = Math.max(Math.abs(e) || 0, a.cache[f].colMax[m] || 0)), I(c, l, g)) }).bind("addRows" + a.namespace, function (f, e, l, g) { f.stopPropagation(); b.isUpdating = !0; if (p(a.cache)) H(b), C(b, l, g); else { e = h(e).attr("role", "row"); var d, n, m, q, u, s = e.filter("tr").length, t = c.find("tbody").index(e.parents("tbody").filter(":first")); a.parsers && a.parsers.length || v(b); for (f = 0; f < s; f++) { n = e[f].cells.length; u = []; q = { child: [], $row: e.eq(f), order: a.cache[t].normalized.length }; for (d = 0; d < n; d++)m = "undefined" === typeof a.extractors[d].id ? r(b, e[f].cells[d], d) : a.extractors[d].format(r(b, e[f].cells[d], d), b, e[f].cells[d], d), m = "no-parser" === a.parsers[d].id ? "" : a.parsers[d].format(m, b, e[f].cells[d], d), u[d] = a.ignoreCase && "string" === typeof m ? m.toLowerCase() : m, "numeric" === (a.parsers[d].type || "").toLowerCase() && (a.cache[t].colMax[d] = Math.max(Math.abs(u[d]) || 0, a.cache[t].colMax[d] || 0)); u.push(q); a.cache[t].normalized.push(u) } I(c, l, g) } }).bind("updateComplete" + a.namespace, function () { b.isUpdating = !1 }).bind("sorton" + a.namespace, function (a, e, d, x) { var k = b.config; a.stopPropagation(); c.trigger("sortStart", this); P(b, e); F(b); k.delayInit && p(k.cache) && w(b); c.trigger("sortBegin", this); J(b); z(b, x); c.trigger("sortEnd", this); g.applyWidget(b); h.isFunction(d) && d(b) }).bind("appendCache" + a.namespace, function (a, e, c) { a.stopPropagation(); z(b, c); h.isFunction(e) && e(b) }).bind("updateCache" + a.namespace, function (c, e) { a.parsers && a.parsers.length || v(b); w(b); h.isFunction(e) && e(b) }).bind("applyWidgetId" + a.namespace, function (c, e) { c.stopPropagation(); g.getWidgetById(e).format(b, a, a.widgetOptions) }).bind("applyWidgets" + a.namespace, function (a, c) { a.stopPropagation(); g.applyWidget(b, c) }).bind("refreshWidgets" + a.namespace, function (a, c, d) { a.stopPropagation(); g.refreshWidgets(b, c, d) }).bind("destroy" + a.namespace, function (a, c, d) { a.stopPropagation(); g.destroy(b, c, d) }).bind("resetToLoadState" + a.namespace, function () { g.refreshWidgets(b, !0, !0); a = h.extend(!0, g.defaults, a.originalSettings); b.hasInitialized = !1; g.setup(b, a) }) } var g = this; g.version = "2.17.8"; g.parsers = []; g.widgets = []; g.defaults = { theme: "default", widthFixed: !1, showProcessing: !1, headerTemplate: "{content}", onRenderTemplate: null, onRenderHeader: null, cancelSelection: !0, tabIndex: !0, dateFormat: "mmddyyyy", sortMultiSortKey: "shiftKey", sortResetKey: "ctrlKey", usNumberFormat: !0, delayInit: !1, serverSideSorting: !1, headers: {}, ignoreCase: !0, sortForce: null, sortList: [], sortAppend: null, sortStable: !1, sortInitialOrder: "asc", sortLocaleCompare: !1, sortReset: !1, sortRestart: !1, emptyTo: "bottom", stringTo: "max", textExtraction: "basic", textAttribute: "data-text", textSorter: null, numberSorter: null, widgets: [], widgetOptions: { zebra: ["even", "odd"] }, initWidgets: !0, initialized: null, tableClass: "", cssAsc: "", cssDesc: "", cssNone: "", cssHeader: "", cssHeaderRow: "", cssProcessing: "", cssChildRow: "tablesorter-childRow", cssIcon: "tablesorter-icon", cssInfoBlock: "tablesorter-infoOnly", selectorHeaders: "> thead th, > thead td", selectorSort: "th, td", selectorRemove: ".remove-me", debug: !1, headerList: [], empties: {}, strings: {}, parsers: [] }; g.css = { table: "tablesorter", cssHasChild: "tablesorter-hasChildRow", childRow: "tablesorter-childRow", header: "tablesorter-header", headerRow: "tablesorter-headerRow", headerIn: "tablesorter-header-inner", icon: "tablesorter-icon", info: "tablesorter-infoOnly", processing: "tablesorter-processing", sortAsc: "tablesorter-headerAsc", sortDesc: "tablesorter-headerDesc", sortNone: "tablesorter-headerUnSorted" }; g.language = { sortAsc: "Ascending sort applied, ", sortDesc: "Descending sort applied, ", sortNone: "No sort applied, ", nextAsc: "activate to apply an ascending sort", nextDesc: "activate to apply a descending sort", nextNone: "activate to remove the sort" }; g.log = d; g.benchmark = q; g.construct = function (b) { return this.each(function () { var a = h.extend(!0, {}, g.defaults, b); a.originalSettings = b; !this.hasInitialized && g.buildTable && "TABLE" !== this.tagName ? g.buildTable(this, a) : g.setup(this, a) }) }; g.setup = function (b, a) { if (!b || !b.tHead || 0 === b.tBodies.length || !0 === b.hasInitialized) return a.debug ? d("ERROR: stopping initialization! No table, thead, tbody or tablesorter has already been initialized") : ""; var c = "", f = h(b), e = h.metadata; b.hasInitialized = !1; b.isProcessing = !0; b.config = a; h.data(b, "tablesorter", a); a.debug && h.data(b, "startoveralltimer", new Date); a.supportsDataObject = function (a) { a[0] = parseInt(a[0], 10); return 1 < a[0] || 1 === a[0] && 4 <= parseInt(a[1], 10) }(h.fn.jquery.split(".")); a.string = { max: 1, min: -1, emptymin: 1, emptymax: -1, zero: 0, none: 0, "null": 0, top: !0, bottom: !1 }; a.emptyTo = a.emptyTo.toLowerCase(); a.stringTo = a.stringTo.toLowerCase(); /tablesorter\-/.test(f.attr("class")) || (c = "" !== a.theme ? " tablesorter-" + a.theme : ""); a.table = b; a.$table = f.addClass(g.css.table + " " + a.tableClass + c).attr("role", "grid"); a.$headers = f.find(a.selectorHeaders); a.namespace = a.namespace ? "." + a.namespace.replace(/\W/g, "") : ".tablesorter" + Math.random().toString(16).slice(2); a.$table.children().children("tr").attr("role", "row"); a.$tbodies = f.children("tbody:not(." + a.cssInfoBlock + ")").attr({ "aria-live": "polite", "aria-relevant": "all" }); a.$table.find("caption").length && a.$table.attr("aria-labelledby", "theCaption"); a.widgetInit = {}; a.textExtraction = a.$table.attr("data-text-extraction") || a.textExtraction || "basic"; E(b); O(b); v(b); a.totalRows = 0; a.delayInit || w(b); g.bindEvents(b, a.$headers, !0); N(b); a.supportsDataObject && "undefined" !== typeof f.data().sortlist ? a.sortList = f.data().sortlist : e && f.metadata() && f.metadata().sortlist && (a.sortList = f.metadata().sortlist); g.applyWidget(b, !0); 0 < a.sortList.length ? f.trigger("sorton", [a.sortList, {}, !a.initWidgets, !0]) : (F(b), a.initWidgets && g.applyWidget(b, !1)); a.showProcessing && f.unbind("sortBegin" + a.namespace + " sortEnd" + a.namespace).bind("sortBegin" + a.namespace + " sortEnd" + a.namespace, function (c) { clearTimeout(a.processTimer); g.isProcessing(b); "sortBegin" === c.type && (a.processTimer = setTimeout(function () { g.isProcessing(b, !0) }, 500)) }); b.hasInitialized = !0; b.isProcessing = !1; a.debug && g.benchmark("Overall initialization time", h.data(b, "startoveralltimer")); f.trigger("tablesorter-initialized", b); "function" === typeof a.initialized && a.initialized(b) }; g.getColumnData = function (b, a, c, f) { if ("undefined" !== typeof a && null !== a) { b = h(b)[0]; var e, d = b.config; if (a[c]) return f ? a[c] : a[d.$headers.index(d.$headers.filter('[data-column="' + c + '"]:last'))]; for (e in a) if ("string" === typeof e && (b = f ? d.$headers.eq(c).filter(e) : d.$headers.filter('[data-column="' + c + '"]:last').filter(e), b.length)) return a[e] } }; g.computeColumnIndex = function (b) { var a = [], c = 0, f, e, d, g, k, n, m, p, q, s; for (f = 0; f < b.length; f++)for (k = b[f].cells, e = 0; e < k.length; e++) { d = k[e]; g = h(d); n = d.parentNode.rowIndex; g.index(); m = d.rowSpan || 1; p = d.colSpan || 1; "undefined" === typeof a[n] && (a[n] = []); for (d = 0; d < a[n].length + 1; d++)if ("undefined" === typeof a[n][d]) { q = d; break } c = Math.max(q, c); g.attr({ "data-column": q }); for (d = n; d < n + m; d++)for ("undefined" === typeof a[d] && (a[d] = []), s = a[d], g = q; g < q + p; g++)s[g] = "x" } return c + 1 }; g.isProcessing = function (b, a, c) { b = h(b); var f = b[0].config, e = c || b.find("." + g.css.header); a ? ("undefined" !== typeof c && 0 < f.sortList.length && (e = e.filter(function () { return this.sortDisabled ? !1 : 0 <= g.isValueInArray(parseFloat(h(this).attr("data-column")), f.sortList) })), b.add(e).addClass(g.css.processing + " " + f.cssProcessing)) : b.add(e).removeClass(g.css.processing + " " + f.cssProcessing) }; g.processTbody = function (b, a, c) { b = h(b)[0]; if (c) return b.isProcessing = !0, a.before('<span class="tablesorter-savemyplace"/>'), c = h.fn.detach ? a.detach() : a.remove(); c = h(b).find("span.tablesorter-savemyplace"); a.insertAfter(c); c.remove(); b.isProcessing = !1 }; g.clearTableBody = function (b) { h(b)[0].config.$tbodies.children().detach() }; g.bindEvents = function (b, a, c) { b = h(b)[0]; var f, e = b.config; !0 !== c && (e.$extraHeaders = e.$extraHeaders ? e.$extraHeaders.add(a) : a); a.find(e.selectorSort).add(a.filter(e.selectorSort)).unbind(["mousedown", "mouseup", "sort", "keyup", ""].join(e.namespace + " ")).bind(["mousedown", "mouseup", "sort", "keyup", ""].join(e.namespace + " "), function (c, d) { var g; g = c.type; if (!(1 !== (c.which || c.button) && !/sort|keyup/.test(g) || "keyup" === g && 13 !== c.which || "mouseup" === g && !0 !== d && 250 < (new Date).getTime() - f)) { if ("mousedown" === g) return f = (new Date).getTime(), /(input|select|button|textarea)/i.test(c.target.tagName) ? "" : !e.cancelSelection; e.delayInit && p(e.cache) && w(b); g = h.fn.closest ? h(this).closest("th, td")[0] : /TH|TD/.test(this.tagName) ? this : h(this).parents("th, td")[0]; g = e.$headers[a.index(g)]; g.sortDisabled || L(b, g, c) } }); e.cancelSelection && a.attr("unselectable", "on").bind("selectstart", !1).css({ "user-select": "none", MozUserSelect: "none" }) }; g.restoreHeaders = function (b) { var a = h(b)[0].config; a.$table.find(a.selectorHeaders).each(function (b) { h(this).find("." + g.css.headerIn).length && h(this).html(a.headerContent[b]) }) }; g.destroy = function (b, a, c) { b = h(b)[0]; if (b.hasInitialized) { g.refreshWidgets(b, !0, !0); var f = h(b), e = b.config, d = f.find("thead:first"), q = d.find("tr." + g.css.headerRow).removeClass(g.css.headerRow + " " + e.cssHeaderRow), k = f.find("tfoot:first > tr").children("th, td"); !1 === a && 0 <= h.inArray("uitheme", e.widgets) && (f.trigger("applyWidgetId", ["uitheme"]), f.trigger("applyWidgetId", ["zebra"])); d.find("tr").not(q).remove(); f.removeData("tablesorter").unbind("sortReset update updateAll updateRows updateCell addRows updateComplete sorton appendCache updateCache applyWidgetId applyWidgets refreshWidgets destroy mouseup mouseleave keypress sortBegin sortEnd resetToLoadState ".split(" ").join(e.namespace + " ")); e.$headers.add(k).removeClass([g.css.header, e.cssHeader, e.cssAsc, e.cssDesc, g.css.sortAsc, g.css.sortDesc, g.css.sortNone].join(" ")).removeAttr("data-column").removeAttr("aria-label").attr("aria-disabled", "true"); q.find(e.selectorSort).unbind(["mousedown", "mouseup", "keypress", ""].join(e.namespace + " ")); g.restoreHeaders(b); f.toggleClass(g.css.table + " " + e.tableClass + " tablesorter-" + e.theme, !1 === a); b.hasInitialized = !1; delete b.config.cache; "function" === typeof c && c(b) } }; g.regex = { chunk: /(^([+\-]?(?:0|[1-9]\d*)(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?)?$|^0x[0-9a-f]+$|\d+)/gi, chunks: /(^\\0|\\0$)/, hex: /^0x[0-9a-f]+$/i }; g.sortNatural = function (b, a) { if (b === a) return 0; var c, f, e, d, h, k; f = g.regex; if (f.hex.test(a)) { c = parseInt(b.match(f.hex), 16); e = parseInt(a.match(f.hex), 16); if (c < e) return -1; if (c > e) return 1 } c = b.replace(f.chunk, "\\0$1\\0").replace(f.chunks, "").split("\\0"); f = a.replace(f.chunk, "\\0$1\\0").replace(f.chunks, "").split("\\0"); k = Math.max(c.length, f.length); for (h = 0; h < k; h++) { e = isNaN(c[h]) ? c[h] || 0 : parseFloat(c[h]) || 0; d = isNaN(f[h]) ? f[h] || 0 : parseFloat(f[h]) || 0; if (isNaN(e) !== isNaN(d)) return isNaN(e) ? 1 : -1; typeof e !== typeof d && (e += "", d += ""); if (e < d) return -1; if (e > d) return 1 } return 0 }; g.sortNaturalAsc = function (b, a, c, f, e) { if (b === a) return 0; c = e.string[e.empties[c] || e.emptyTo]; return "" === b && 0 !== c ? "boolean" === typeof c ? c ? -1 : 1 : -c || -1 : "" === a && 0 !== c ? "boolean" === typeof c ? c ? 1 : -1 : c || 1 : g.sortNatural(b, a) }; g.sortNaturalDesc = function (b, a, c, f, e) { if (b === a) return 0; c = e.string[e.empties[c] || e.emptyTo]; return "" === b && 0 !== c ? "boolean" === typeof c ? c ? -1 : 1 : c || 1 : "" === a && 0 !== c ? "boolean" === typeof c ? c ? 1 : -1 : -c || -1 : g.sortNatural(a, b) }; g.sortText = function (b, a) { return b > a ? 1 : b < a ? -1 : 0 }; g.getTextValue = function (b, a, c) { if (c) { var f = b ? b.length : 0, e = c + a; for (c = 0; c < f; c++)e += b.charCodeAt(c); return a * e } return 0 }; g.sortNumericAsc = function (b, a, c, f, e, d) { if (b === a) return 0; d = d.config; e = d.string[d.empties[e] || d.emptyTo]; if ("" === b && 0 !== e) return "boolean" === typeof e ? e ? -1 : 1 : -e || -1; if ("" === a && 0 !== e) return "boolean" === typeof e ? e ? 1 : -1 : e || 1; isNaN(b) && (b = g.getTextValue(b, c, f)); isNaN(a) && (a = g.getTextValue(a, c, f)); return b - a }; g.sortNumericDesc = function (b, a, c, f, e, d) { if (b === a) return 0; d = d.config; e = d.string[d.empties[e] || d.emptyTo]; if ("" === b && 0 !== e) return "boolean" === typeof e ? e ? -1 : 1 : e || 1; if ("" === a && 0 !== e) return "boolean" === typeof e ? e ? 1 : -1 : -e || -1; isNaN(b) && (b = g.getTextValue(b, c, f)); isNaN(a) && (a = g.getTextValue(a, c, f)); return a - b }; g.sortNumeric = function (b, a) { return b - a }; g.characterEquivalents = { a: "\u00e1\u00e0\u00e2\u00e3\u00e4\u0105\u00e5", A: "\u00c1\u00c0\u00c2\u00c3\u00c4\u0104\u00c5", c: "\u00e7\u0107\u010d", C: "\u00c7\u0106\u010c", e: "\u00e9\u00e8\u00ea\u00eb\u011b\u0119", E: "\u00c9\u00c8\u00ca\u00cb\u011a\u0118", i: "\u00ed\u00ec\u0130\u00ee\u00ef\u0131", I: "\u00cd\u00cc\u0130\u00ce\u00cf", o: "\u00f3\u00f2\u00f4\u00f5\u00f6", O: "\u00d3\u00d2\u00d4\u00d5\u00d6", ss: "\u00df", SS: "\u1e9e", u: "\u00fa\u00f9\u00fb\u00fc\u016f", U: "\u00da\u00d9\u00db\u00dc\u016e" }; g.replaceAccents = function (b) { var a, c = "[", d = g.characterEquivalents; if (!g.characterRegex) { g.characterRegexArray = {}; for (a in d) "string" === typeof a && (c += d[a], g.characterRegexArray[a] = new RegExp("[" + d[a] + "]", "g")); g.characterRegex = new RegExp(c + "]") } if (g.characterRegex.test(b)) for (a in d) "string" === typeof a && (b = b.replace(g.characterRegexArray[a], a)); return b }; g.isValueInArray = function (b, a) { var c, d = a.length; for (c = 0; c < d; c++)if (a[c][0] === b) return c; return -1 }; g.addParser = function (b) { var a, c = g.parsers.length, d = !0; for (a = 0; a < c; a++)g.parsers[a].id.toLowerCase() === b.id.toLowerCase() && (d = !1); d && g.parsers.push(b) }; g.getParserById = function (b) { if ("false" == b) return !1; var a, c = g.parsers.length; for (a = 0; a < c; a++)if (g.parsers[a].id.toLowerCase() === b.toString().toLowerCase()) return g.parsers[a]; return !1 }; g.addWidget = function (b) { g.widgets.push(b) }; g.hasWidget = function (b, a) { b = h(b); return b.length && b[0].config && b[0].config.widgetInit[a] || !1 }; g.getWidgetById = function (b) { var a, c, d = g.widgets.length; for (a = 0; a < d; a++)if ((c = g.widgets[a]) && c.hasOwnProperty("id") && c.id.toLowerCase() === b.toLowerCase()) return c }; g.applyWidget = function (b, a) { b = h(b)[0]; var c = b.config, d = c.widgetOptions, e = [], l, p, k; !1 !== a && b.hasInitialized && (b.isApplyingWidgets || b.isUpdating) || (c.debug && (l = new Date), c.widgets.length && (b.isApplyingWidgets = !0, c.widgets = h.grep(c.widgets, function (a, b) { return h.inArray(a, c.widgets) === b }), h.each(c.widgets || [], function (a, b) { (k = g.getWidgetById(b)) && k.id && (k.priority || (k.priority = 10), e[a] = k) }), e.sort(function (a, b) { return a.priority < b.priority ? -1 : a.priority === b.priority ? 0 : 1 }), h.each(e, function (e, g) { if (g) { if (a || !c.widgetInit[g.id]) c.widgetInit[g.id] = !0, g.hasOwnProperty("options") && (d = b.config.widgetOptions = h.extend(!0, {}, g.options, d)), g.hasOwnProperty("init") && g.init(b, g, c, d); !a && g.hasOwnProperty("format") && g.format(b, c, d, !1) } })), setTimeout(function () { b.isApplyingWidgets = !1 }, 0), c.debug && (p = c.widgets.length, q("Completed " + (!0 === a ? "initializing " : "applying ") + p + " widget" + (1 !== p ? "s" : ""), l))) }; g.refreshWidgets = function (b, a, c) { b = h(b)[0]; var f, e = b.config, l = e.widgets, q = g.widgets, k = q.length; for (f = 0; f < k; f++)q[f] && q[f].id && (a || 0 > h.inArray(q[f].id, l)) && (e.debug && d('Refeshing widgets: Removing "' + q[f].id + '"'), q[f].hasOwnProperty("remove") && e.widgetInit[q[f].id] && (q[f].remove(b, e, e.widgetOptions), e.widgetInit[q[f].id] = !1)); !0 !== c && g.applyWidget(b, a) }; g.getData = function (b, a, c) { var d = ""; b = h(b); var e, g; if (!b.length) return ""; e = h.metadata ? b.metadata() : !1; g = " " + (b.attr("class") || ""); "undefined" !== typeof b.data(c) || "undefined" !== typeof b.data(c.toLowerCase()) ? d += b.data(c) || b.data(c.toLowerCase()) : e && "undefined" !== typeof e[c] ? d += e[c] : a && "undefined" !== typeof a[c] ? d += a[c] : " " !== g && g.match(" " + c + "-") && (d = g.match(new RegExp("\\s" + c + "-([\\w-]+)"))[1] || ""); return h.trim(d) }; g.formatFloat = function (b, a) { if ("string" !== typeof b || "" === b) return b; var c; b = (a && a.config ? !1 !== a.config.usNumberFormat : "undefined" !== typeof a ? a : 1) ? b.replace(/,/g, "") : b.replace(/[\s|\.]/g, "").replace(/,/g, "."); /^\s*\([.\d]+\)/.test(b) && (b = b.replace(/^\s*\(([.\d]+)\)/, "-$1")); c = parseFloat(b); return isNaN(c) ? h.trim(b) : c }; g.isDigit = function (b) { return isNaN(b) ? /^[\-+(]?\d+[)]?$/.test(b.toString().replace(/[,.'"\s]/g, "")) : !0 } } }); var r = h.tablesorter; h.fn.extend({ tablesorter: r.construct }); r.addParser({ id: "no-parser", is: function () { return !1 }, format: function () { return "" }, type: "text" }); r.addParser({ id: "text", is: function () { return !0 }, format: function (d, q) { var p = q.config; d && (d = h.trim(p.ignoreCase ? d.toLocaleLowerCase() : d), d = p.sortLocaleCompare ? r.replaceAccents(d) : d); return d }, type: "text" }); r.addParser({ id: "digit", is: function (d) { return r.isDigit(d) }, format: function (d, q) { var p = r.formatFloat((d || "").replace(/[^\w,. \-()]/g, ""), q); return d && "number" === typeof p ? p : d ? h.trim(d && q.config.ignoreCase ? d.toLocaleLowerCase() : d) : d }, type: "numeric" }); r.addParser({ id: "currency", is: function (d) { return /^\(?\d+[\u00a3$\u20ac\u00a4\u00a5\u00a2?.]|[\u00a3$\u20ac\u00a4\u00a5\u00a2?.]\d+\)?$/.test((d || "").replace(/[+\-,. ]/g, "")) }, format: function (d, q) { var p = r.formatFloat((d || "").replace(/[^\w,. \-()]/g, ""), q); return d && "number" === typeof p ? p : d ? h.trim(d && q.config.ignoreCase ? d.toLocaleLowerCase() : d) : d }, type: "numeric" }); r.addParser({ id: "ipAddress", is: function (d) { return /^\d{1,3}[\.]\d{1,3}[\.]\d{1,3}[\.]\d{1,3}$/.test(d) }, format: function (d, h) { var p, y = d ? d.split(".") : "", v = "", w = y.length; for (p = 0; p < w; p++)v += ("00" + y[p]).slice(-3); return d ? r.formatFloat(v, h) : d }, type: "numeric" }); r.addParser({ id: "url", is: function (d) { return /^(https?|ftp|file):\/\//.test(d) }, format: function (d) { return d ? h.trim(d.replace(/(https?|ftp|file):\/\//, "")) : d }, parsed: !0, type: "text" }); r.addParser({ id: "isoDate", is: function (d) { return /^\d{4}[\/\-]\d{1,2}[\/\-]\d{1,2}/.test(d) }, format: function (d, h) { return d ? r.formatFloat("" !== d ? (new Date(d.replace(/-/g, "/"))).getTime() || d : "", h) : d }, type: "numeric" }); r.addParser({ id: "percent", is: function (d) { return /(\d\s*?%|%\s*?\d)/.test(d) && 15 > d.length }, format: function (d, h) { return d ? r.formatFloat(d.replace(/%/g, ""), h) : d }, type: "numeric" }); r.addParser({ id: "usLongDate", is: function (d) { return /^[A-Z]{3,10}\.?\s+\d{1,2},?\s+(\d{4})(\s+\d{1,2}:\d{2}(:\d{2})?(\s+[AP]M)?)?$/i.test(d) || /^\d{1,2}\s+[A-Z]{3,10}\s+\d{4}/i.test(d) }, format: function (d, h) { return d ? r.formatFloat((new Date(d.replace(/(\S)([AP]M)$/i, "$1 $2"))).getTime() || d, h) : d }, type: "numeric" }); r.addParser({ id: "shortDate", is: function (d) { return /(^\d{1,2}[\/\s]\d{1,2}[\/\s]\d{4})|(^\d{4}[\/\s]\d{1,2}[\/\s]\d{1,2})/.test((d || "").replace(/\s+/g, " ").replace(/[\-.,]/g, "/")) }, format: function (d, h, p, y) { if (d) { p = h.config; var v = p.$headers.filter("[data-column=" + y + "]:last"); y = v.length && v[0].dateFormat || r.getData(v, r.getColumnData(h, p.headers, y), "dateFormat") || p.dateFormat; d = d.replace(/\s+/g, " ").replace(/[\-.,]/g, "/"); "mmddyyyy" === y ? d = d.replace(/(\d{1,2})[\/\s](\d{1,2})[\/\s](\d{4})/, "$3/$1/$2") : "ddmmyyyy" === y ? d = d.replace(/(\d{1,2})[\/\s](\d{1,2})[\/\s](\d{4})/, "$3/$2/$1") : "yyyymmdd" === y && (d = d.replace(/(\d{4})[\/\s](\d{1,2})[\/\s](\d{1,2})/, "$1/$2/$3")) } return d ? r.formatFloat((new Date(d)).getTime() || d, h) : d }, type: "numeric" }); r.addParser({ id: "time", is: function (d) { return /^(([0-2]?\d:[0-5]\d)|([0-1]?\d:[0-5]\d\s?([AP]M)))$/i.test(d) }, format: function (d, h) { return d ? r.formatFloat((new Date("2000/01/01 " + d.replace(/(\S)([AP]M)$/i, "$1 $2"))).getTime() || d, h) : d }, type: "numeric" }); r.addParser({ id: "metadata", is: function () { return !1 }, format: function (d, q, p) { d = q.config; d = d.parserMetadataName ? d.parserMetadataName : "sortValue"; return h(p).metadata()[d] }, type: "numeric" }); r.addWidget({ id: "zebra", priority: 90, format: function (d, q, p) { var y, v, w, z, D, E = new RegExp(q.cssChildRow, "i"), C = q.$tbodies; q.debug && (D = new Date); for (d = 0; d < C.length; d++)w = 0, y = C.eq(d), y = y.children("tr:visible").not(q.selectorRemove), y.each(function () { v = h(this); E.test(this.className) || w++; z = 0 === w % 2; v.removeClass(p.zebra[z ? 1 : 0]).addClass(p.zebra[z ? 0 : 1]) }); q.debug && r.benchmark("Applying Zebra widget", D) }, remove: function (d, q, p) { var r; q = q.$tbodies; var v = (p.zebra || ["even", "odd"]).join(" "); for (p = 0; p < q.length; p++)r = h.tablesorter.processTbody(d, q.eq(p), !0), r.children().removeClass(v), h.tablesorter.processTbody(d, r, !1) } }) }(jQuery); diff --git a/src/SMAPI.Web/wwwroot/Content/js/mods.js b/src/SMAPI.Web/wwwroot/Content/js/mods.js index 488692e7..690b81df 100644 --- a/src/SMAPI.Web/wwwroot/Content/js/mods.js +++ b/src/SMAPI.Web/wwwroot/Content/js/mods.js @@ -61,4 +61,11 @@ smapi.modList = function (mods) { // put focus in textbox for quick search if (!location.hash) $("#search-box").focus(); + + // enable table sorting + $("#mod-list").tablesorter({ + cssHeader: "header", + cssAsc: "headerSortUp", + cssDesc: "headerSortDown" + }); }; |