path: root/src/SMAPI.Mods.ConsoleCommands
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/SMAPI.Mods.ConsoleCommands')
1 files changed, 133 insertions, 115 deletions
diff --git a/src/SMAPI.Mods.ConsoleCommands/Framework/ItemRepository.cs b/src/SMAPI.Mods.ConsoleCommands/Framework/ItemRepository.cs
index 0357fe6b..4a57ba5a 100644
--- a/src/SMAPI.Mods.ConsoleCommands/Framework/ItemRepository.cs
+++ b/src/SMAPI.Mods.ConsoleCommands/Framework/ItemRepository.cs
@@ -139,15 +139,8 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI.Mods.ConsoleCommands.Framework
if (ShouldGet(ItemType.Object))
- foreach (int secretNoteId in this.TryLoad<int, string>("Data\\SecretNotes").Keys)
- {
- yield return this.TryCreate(ItemType.Object, this.CustomIDOffset + secretNoteId, _ =>
- {
- SObject note = new SObject(79, 1);
- = $"{} #{secretNoteId}";
- return note;
- });
- }
+ foreach (SearchableItem secretNote in this.GetSecretNotes())
+ yield return secretNote;
@@ -176,112 +169,8 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI.Mods.ConsoleCommands.Framework
// flavored items
if (includeVariants)
- switch (item.Category)
- {
- // fruit products
- case SObject.FruitsCategory:
- // wine
- yield return this.TryCreate(ItemType.Object, this.CustomIDOffset * 2 + item.ParentSheetIndex, _ => new SObject(348, 1)
- {
- Name = $"{item.Name} Wine",
- Price = item.Price * 3,
- preserve = { SObject.PreserveType.Wine },
- preservedParentSheetIndex = { item.ParentSheetIndex }
- });
- // jelly
- yield return this.TryCreate(ItemType.Object, this.CustomIDOffset * 3 + item.ParentSheetIndex, _ => new SObject(344, 1)
- {
- Name = $"{item.Name} Jelly",
- Price = 50 + item.Price * 2,
- preserve = { SObject.PreserveType.Jelly },
- preservedParentSheetIndex = { item.ParentSheetIndex }
- });
- break;
- // vegetable products
- case SObject.VegetableCategory:
- // juice
- yield return this.TryCreate(ItemType.Object, this.CustomIDOffset * 4 + item.ParentSheetIndex, _ => new SObject(350, 1)
- {
- Name = $"{item.Name} Juice",
- Price = (int)(item.Price * 2.25d),
- preserve = { SObject.PreserveType.Juice },
- preservedParentSheetIndex = { item.ParentSheetIndex }
- });
- // pickled
- yield return this.TryCreate(ItemType.Object, this.CustomIDOffset * 5 + item.ParentSheetIndex, _ => new SObject(342, 1)
- {
- Name = $"Pickled {item.Name}",
- Price = 50 + item.Price * 2,
- preserve = { SObject.PreserveType.Pickle },
- preservedParentSheetIndex = { item.ParentSheetIndex }
- });
- break;
- // flower honey
- case SObject.flowersCategory:
- yield return this.TryCreate(ItemType.Object, this.CustomIDOffset * 5 + item.ParentSheetIndex, _ =>
- {
- SObject honey = new SObject(Vector2.Zero, 340, $"{item.Name} Honey", false, true, false, false)
- {
- Name = $"{item.Name} Honey",
- preservedParentSheetIndex = { item.ParentSheetIndex }
- };
- honey.Price += item.Price * 2;
- return honey;
- });
- break;
- // roe and aged roe (derived from FishPond.GetFishProduce)
- case SObject.sellAtFishShopCategory when item.ParentSheetIndex == 812:
- {
- this.GetRoeContextTagLookups(out HashSet<string> simpleTags, out List<List<string>> complexTags);
- foreach (var pair in Game1.objectInformation)
- {
- // get input
- SObject input = this.TryCreate(ItemType.Object, pair.Key, p => new SObject(p.ID, 1))?.Item as SObject;
- var inputTags = input?.GetContextTags();
- if (inputTags?.Any() != true)
- continue;
- // check if roe-producing fish
- if (!inputTags.Any(tag => simpleTags.Contains(tag)) && !complexTags.Any(set => set.All(tag => input.HasContextTag(tag))))
- continue;
- // yield roe
- SObject roe = null;
- Color color = this.GetRoeColor(input);
- yield return this.TryCreate(ItemType.Object, this.CustomIDOffset * 7 + item.ParentSheetIndex, _ =>
- {
- roe = new ColoredObject(812, 1, color)
- {
- name = $"{input.Name} Roe",
- preserve = { Value = SObject.PreserveType.Roe },
- preservedParentSheetIndex = { Value = input.ParentSheetIndex }
- };
- roe.Price += input.Price / 2;
- return roe;
- });
- // aged roe
- if (roe != null && pair.Key != 698) // aged sturgeon roe is caviar, which is a separate item
- {
- yield return this.TryCreate(ItemType.Object, this.CustomIDOffset * 7 + item.ParentSheetIndex, _ => new ColoredObject(447, 1, color)
- {
- name = $"Aged {input.Name} Roe",
- Category = -27,
- preserve = { Value = SObject.PreserveType.AgedRoe },
- preservedParentSheetIndex = { Value = input.ParentSheetIndex },
- Price = roe.Price * 2
- });
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- }
+ foreach (SearchableItem variant in this.GetFlavoredObjectVariants(item))
+ yield return variant;
@@ -295,6 +184,135 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI.Mods.ConsoleCommands.Framework
** Private methods
+ /// <summary>Get the individual secret note items, if any.</summary>
+ /// <remarks>Derived from <see cref="GameLocation.tryToCreateUnseenSecretNote"/>.</remarks>
+ private IEnumerable<SearchableItem> GetSecretNotes()
+ {
+ foreach (int secretNoteId in this.TryLoad<int, string>("Data\\SecretNotes").Keys)
+ {
+ yield return this.TryCreate(ItemType.Object, this.CustomIDOffset + secretNoteId, _ =>
+ {
+ SObject note = new(79, 1);
+ = $"{} #{secretNoteId}";
+ return note;
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ /// <summary>Get flavored variants of a base item (like Blueberry Wine for Blueberry), if any.</summary>
+ /// <param name="item">A sample of the base item.</param>
+ private IEnumerable<SearchableItem> GetFlavoredObjectVariants(SObject item)
+ {
+ int id = item.ParentSheetIndex;
+ switch (item.Category)
+ {
+ // fruit products
+ case SObject.FruitsCategory:
+ // wine
+ yield return this.TryCreate(ItemType.Object, this.CustomIDOffset * 2 + id, _ => new SObject(348, 1)
+ {
+ Name = $"{item.Name} Wine",
+ Price = item.Price * 3,
+ preserve = { SObject.PreserveType.Wine },
+ preservedParentSheetIndex = { id }
+ });
+ // jelly
+ yield return this.TryCreate(ItemType.Object, this.CustomIDOffset * 3 + id, _ => new SObject(344, 1)
+ {
+ Name = $"{item.Name} Jelly",
+ Price = 50 + item.Price * 2,
+ preserve = { SObject.PreserveType.Jelly },
+ preservedParentSheetIndex = { id }
+ });
+ break;
+ // vegetable products
+ case SObject.VegetableCategory:
+ // juice
+ yield return this.TryCreate(ItemType.Object, this.CustomIDOffset * 4 + id, _ => new SObject(350, 1)
+ {
+ Name = $"{item.Name} Juice",
+ Price = (int)(item.Price * 2.25d),
+ preserve = { SObject.PreserveType.Juice },
+ preservedParentSheetIndex = { id }
+ });
+ // pickled
+ yield return this.TryCreate(ItemType.Object, this.CustomIDOffset * 5 + id, _ => new SObject(342, 1)
+ {
+ Name = $"Pickled {item.Name}",
+ Price = 50 + item.Price * 2,
+ preserve = { SObject.PreserveType.Pickle },
+ preservedParentSheetIndex = { id }
+ });
+ break;
+ // flower honey
+ case SObject.flowersCategory:
+ yield return this.TryCreate(ItemType.Object, this.CustomIDOffset * 5 + id, _ =>
+ {
+ SObject honey = new SObject(Vector2.Zero, 340, $"{item.Name} Honey", false, true, false, false)
+ {
+ Name = $"{item.Name} Honey",
+ preservedParentSheetIndex = { id }
+ };
+ honey.Price += item.Price * 2;
+ return honey;
+ });
+ break;
+ // roe and aged roe (derived from FishPond.GetFishProduce)
+ case SObject.sellAtFishShopCategory when id == 812:
+ {
+ this.GetRoeContextTagLookups(out HashSet<string> simpleTags, out List<List<string>> complexTags);
+ foreach (var pair in Game1.objectInformation)
+ {
+ // get input
+ SObject input = this.TryCreate(ItemType.Object, pair.Key, p => new SObject(p.ID, 1))?.Item as SObject;
+ var inputTags = input?.GetContextTags();
+ if (inputTags?.Any() != true)
+ continue;
+ // check if roe-producing fish
+ if (!inputTags.Any(tag => simpleTags.Contains(tag)) && !complexTags.Any(set => set.All(tag => input.HasContextTag(tag))))
+ continue;
+ // yield roe
+ SObject roe = null;
+ Color color = this.GetRoeColor(input);
+ yield return this.TryCreate(ItemType.Object, this.CustomIDOffset * 7 + id, _ =>
+ {
+ roe = new ColoredObject(812, 1, color)
+ {
+ name = $"{input.Name} Roe",
+ preserve = { Value = SObject.PreserveType.Roe },
+ preservedParentSheetIndex = { Value = input.ParentSheetIndex }
+ };
+ roe.Price += input.Price / 2;
+ return roe;
+ });
+ // aged roe
+ if (roe != null && pair.Key != 698) // aged sturgeon roe is caviar, which is a separate item
+ {
+ yield return this.TryCreate(ItemType.Object, this.CustomIDOffset * 7 + id, _ => new ColoredObject(447, 1, color)
+ {
+ name = $"Aged {input.Name} Roe",
+ Category = -27,
+ preserve = { Value = SObject.PreserveType.AgedRoe },
+ preservedParentSheetIndex = { Value = input.ParentSheetIndex },
+ Price = roe.Price * 2
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
/// <summary>Get optimized lookups to match items which produce roe in a fish pond.</summary>
/// <param name="simpleTags">A lookup of simple singular tags which match a roe-producing fish.</param>
/// <param name="complexTags">A list of tag sets which match roe-producing fish.</param>