path: root/src/StardewModdingAPI/Framework
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1 files changed, 159 insertions, 165 deletions
diff --git a/src/StardewModdingAPI/Framework/SGame.cs b/src/StardewModdingAPI/Framework/SGame.cs
index d551ff5b..33d823ef 100644
--- a/src/StardewModdingAPI/Framework/SGame.cs
+++ b/src/StardewModdingAPI/Framework/SGame.cs
@@ -47,223 +47,128 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI.Framework
private readonly IMonitor Monitor;
- ** Private wrappers
+ ** Game state
- // ReSharper disable ArrangeStaticMemberQualifier, ArrangeThisQualifier, InconsistentNaming
- /// <summary>Used to access private fields and methods.</summary>
- private static readonly IReflectionHelper Reflection = new ReflectionHelper();
- private static List<float> _fpsList => SGame.Reflection.GetPrivateField<List<float>>(typeof(Game1), nameof(_fpsList)).GetValue();
- private static Stopwatch _fpsStopwatch => SGame.Reflection.GetPrivateField<Stopwatch>(typeof(Game1), nameof(SGame._fpsStopwatch)).GetValue();
- private static float _fps
- {
- set { SGame.Reflection.GetPrivateField<float>(typeof(Game1), nameof(_fps)).SetValue(value); }
- }
- private static Task _newDayTask => SGame.Reflection.GetPrivateField<Task>(typeof(Game1), nameof(_newDayTask)).GetValue();
- private Color bgColor => SGame.Reflection.GetPrivateField<Color>(this, nameof(bgColor)).GetValue();
- public RenderTarget2D screenWrapper => SGame.Reflection.GetPrivateProperty<RenderTarget2D>(this, "screen").GetValue(); // deliberately renamed to avoid an infinite loop
- public BlendState lightingBlend => SGame.Reflection.GetPrivateField<BlendState>(this, nameof(lightingBlend)).GetValue();
- private readonly Action drawFarmBuildings = () => SGame.Reflection.GetPrivateMethod(SGame.Instance, nameof(drawFarmBuildings)).Invoke(new object[0]);
- private readonly Action drawHUD = () => SGame.Reflection.GetPrivateMethod(SGame.Instance, nameof(drawHUD)).Invoke(new object[0]);
- private readonly Action drawDialogueBox = () => SGame.Reflection.GetPrivateMethod(SGame.Instance, nameof(drawDialogueBox)).Invoke(new object[0]);
- private readonly Action renderScreenBuffer = () => SGame.Reflection.GetPrivateMethod(SGame.Instance, nameof(renderScreenBuffer)).Invoke(new object[0]);
- // ReSharper restore ArrangeStaticMemberQualifier, ArrangeThisQualifier, InconsistentNaming
- /*********
- ** Accessors
- *********/
/// <summary>Arrays of pressed controller buttons indexed by <see cref="PlayerIndex"/>.</summary>
- public Buttons[][] PreviouslyPressedButtons;
+ private Buttons[][] PreviouslyPressedButtons;
/// <summary>A record of the keyboard state (i.e. the up/down state for each button) as of the latest tick.</summary>
- public KeyboardState KStateNow { get; private set; }
+ private KeyboardState KStateNow;
/// <summary>A record of the keyboard state (i.e. the up/down state for each button) as of the previous tick.</summary>
- public KeyboardState KStatePrior { get; private set; }
+ private KeyboardState KStatePrior;
/// <summary>A record of the mouse state (i.e. the cursor position, scroll amount, and the up/down state for each button) as of the latest tick.</summary>
- public MouseState MStateNow { get; private set; }
+ private MouseState MStateNow;
/// <summary>A record of the mouse state (i.e. the cursor position, scroll amount, and the up/down state for each button) as of the previous tick.</summary>
- public MouseState MStatePrior { get; private set; }
+ private MouseState MStatePrior;
/// <summary>The current mouse position on the screen adjusted for the zoom level.</summary>
- public Point MPositionNow { get; private set; }
+ private Point MPositionNow;
/// <summary>The previous mouse position on the screen adjusted for the zoom level.</summary>
- public Point MPositionPrior { get; private set; }
+ private Point MPositionPrior;
/// <summary>The keys that were pressed as of the latest tick.</summary>
- public Keys[] CurrentlyPressedKeys => this.KStateNow.GetPressedKeys();
+ private Keys[] CurrentlyPressedKeys => this.KStateNow.GetPressedKeys();
/// <summary>The keys that were pressed as of the previous tick.</summary>
- public Keys[] PreviouslyPressedKeys => this.KStatePrior.GetPressedKeys();
+ private Keys[] PreviouslyPressedKeys => this.KStatePrior.GetPressedKeys();
/// <summary>The keys that just entered the down state.</summary>
- public Keys[] FramePressedKeys => this.CurrentlyPressedKeys.Except(this.PreviouslyPressedKeys).ToArray();
+ private Keys[] FramePressedKeys => this.CurrentlyPressedKeys.Except(this.PreviouslyPressedKeys).ToArray();
/// <summary>The keys that just entered the up state.</summary>
- public Keys[] FrameReleasedKeys => this.PreviouslyPressedKeys.Except(this.CurrentlyPressedKeys).ToArray();
+ private Keys[] FrameReleasedKeys => this.PreviouslyPressedKeys.Except(this.CurrentlyPressedKeys).ToArray();
/// <summary>A hash of <see cref="Game1.locations"/> at last check.</summary>
- public int PreviousGameLocations { get; private set; }
+ private int PreviousGameLocations;
/// <summary>A hash of the current location's <see cref="GameLocation.objects"/> at last check.</summary>
- public int PreviousLocationObjects { get; private set; }
+ private int PreviousLocationObjects;
/// <summary>The player's inventory at last check.</summary>
- public Dictionary<Item, int> PreviousItems { get; private set; }
+ private IDictionary<Item, int> PreviousItems;
/// <summary>The player's combat skill level at last check.</summary>
- public int PreviousCombatLevel { get; private set; }
+ private int PreviousCombatLevel;
/// <summary>The player's farming skill level at last check.</summary>
- public int PreviousFarmingLevel { get; private set; }
+ private int PreviousFarmingLevel;
/// <summary>The player's fishing skill level at last check.</summary>
- public int PreviousFishingLevel { get; private set; }
+ private int PreviousFishingLevel;
/// <summary>The player's foraging skill level at last check.</summary>
- public int PreviousForagingLevel { get; private set; }
+ private int PreviousForagingLevel;
/// <summary>The player's mining skill level at last check.</summary>
- public int PreviousMiningLevel { get; private set; }
+ private int PreviousMiningLevel;
/// <summary>The player's luck skill level at last check.</summary>
- public int PreviousLuckLevel { get; private set; }
+ private int PreviousLuckLevel;
/// <summary>The player's location at last check.</summary>
- public GameLocation PreviousGameLocation { get; private set; }
+ private GameLocation PreviousGameLocation;
/// <summary>The active game menu at last check.</summary>
- public IClickableMenu PreviousActiveMenu { get; private set; }
+ private IClickableMenu PreviousActiveMenu;
/// <summary>The mine level at last check.</summary>
- public int PreviousMineLevel { get; private set; }
+ private int PreviousMineLevel;
/// <summary>The time of day (in 24-hour military format) at last check.</summary>
- public int PreviousTimeOfDay { get; private set; }
+ private int PreviousTime;
/// <summary>The day of month (1–28) at last check.</summary>
- public int PreviousDayOfMonth { get; private set; }
+ private int PreviousDay;
/// <summary>The season name (winter, spring, summer, or fall) at last check.</summary>
- public string PreviousSeasonOfYear { get; private set; }
+ private string PreviousSeason;
/// <summary>The year number at last check.</summary>
- public int PreviousYearOfGame { get; private set; }
+ private int PreviousYear;
/// <summary>Whether the game was transitioning to a new day at last check.</summary>
- public bool PreviousIsNewDay { get; private set; }
+ private bool PreviousIsNewDay;
/// <summary>The player character at last check.</summary>
- public SFarmer PreviousFarmer { get; private set; }
+ private SFarmer PreviousFarmer;
/// <summary>The previous content locale.</summary>
- public LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode? PreviousLocale { get; private set; }
+ private LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode? PreviousLocale;
/// <summary>An index incremented on every tick and reset every 60th tick (0–59).</summary>
- public int CurrentUpdateTick { get; private set; }
+ private int CurrentUpdateTick;
/// <summary>Whether this is the very first update tick since the game started.</summary>
- public bool FirstUpdate { get; private set; }
+ private bool FirstUpdate;
/// <summary>The current game instance.</summary>
- public static SGame Instance { get; private set; }
- /// <summary>Whether we're in pseudo-debug mode, which shows information like FPS.</summary>
- public static bool Debug { get; private set; }
- /*********
- ** Public methods
- *********/
- /// <summary>Get the controller buttons which are currently pressed.</summary>
- /// <param name="index">The controller to check.</param>
- public Buttons[] GetButtonsDown(PlayerIndex index)
- {
- var state = GamePad.GetState(index);
- var buttons = new List<Buttons>();
- if (state.IsConnected)
- {
- if (state.Buttons.A == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.A);
- if (state.Buttons.B == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.B);
- if (state.Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.Back);
- if (state.Buttons.BigButton == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.BigButton);
- if (state.Buttons.LeftShoulder == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.LeftShoulder);
- if (state.Buttons.LeftStick == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.LeftStick);
- if (state.Buttons.RightShoulder == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.RightShoulder);
- if (state.Buttons.RightStick == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.RightStick);
- if (state.Buttons.Start == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.Start);
- if (state.Buttons.X == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.X);
- if (state.Buttons.Y == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.Y);
- if (state.DPad.Up == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.DPadUp);
- if (state.DPad.Down == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.DPadDown);
- if (state.DPad.Left == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.DPadLeft);
- if (state.DPad.Right == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.DPadRight);
- if (state.Triggers.Left > 0.2f) buttons.Add(Buttons.LeftTrigger);
- if (state.Triggers.Right > 0.2f) buttons.Add(Buttons.RightTrigger);
- }
- return buttons.ToArray();
- }
- /// <summary>Get the controller buttons which were pressed after the last update.</summary>
- /// <param name="index">The controller to check.</param>
- public Buttons[] GetFramePressedButtons(PlayerIndex index)
- {
- var state = GamePad.GetState(index);
- var buttons = new List<Buttons>();
- if (state.IsConnected)
- {
- if (this.WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.A, state.Buttons.A, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.A);
- if (this.WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.B, state.Buttons.B, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.B);
- if (this.WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.Back, state.Buttons.Back, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.Back);
- if (this.WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.BigButton, state.Buttons.BigButton, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.BigButton);
- if (this.WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.LeftShoulder, state.Buttons.LeftShoulder, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.LeftShoulder);
- if (this.WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.LeftStick, state.Buttons.LeftStick, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.LeftStick);
- if (this.WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.RightShoulder, state.Buttons.RightShoulder, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.RightShoulder);
- if (this.WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.RightStick, state.Buttons.RightStick, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.RightStick);
- if (this.WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.Start, state.Buttons.Start, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.Start);
- if (this.WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.X, state.Buttons.X, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.X);
- if (this.WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.Y, state.Buttons.Y, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.Y);
- if (this.WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.DPadUp, state.DPad.Up, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.DPadUp);
- if (this.WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.DPadDown, state.DPad.Down, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.DPadDown);
- if (this.WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.DPadLeft, state.DPad.Left, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.DPadLeft);
- if (this.WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.DPadRight, state.DPad.Right, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.DPadRight);
- if (this.WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.LeftTrigger, state.Triggers.Left, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.LeftTrigger);
- if (this.WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.RightTrigger, state.Triggers.Right, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.RightTrigger);
- }
- return buttons.ToArray();
- }
+ private static SGame Instance;
- /// <summary>Get the controller buttons which were released after the last update.</summary>
- /// <param name="index">The controller to check.</param>
- public Buttons[] GetFrameReleasedButtons(PlayerIndex index)
+ /****
+ ** Private wrappers
+ ****/
+ // ReSharper disable ArrangeStaticMemberQualifier, ArrangeThisQualifier, InconsistentNaming
+ /// <summary>Used to access private fields and methods.</summary>
+ private static readonly IReflectionHelper Reflection = new ReflectionHelper();
+ private static List<float> _fpsList => SGame.Reflection.GetPrivateField<List<float>>(typeof(Game1), nameof(_fpsList)).GetValue();
+ private static Stopwatch _fpsStopwatch => SGame.Reflection.GetPrivateField<Stopwatch>(typeof(Game1), nameof(SGame._fpsStopwatch)).GetValue();
+ private static float _fps
- var state = GamePad.GetState(index);
- var buttons = new List<Buttons>();
- if (state.IsConnected)
- {
- if (this.WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.A, state.Buttons.A, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.A);
- if (this.WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.B, state.Buttons.B, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.B);
- if (this.WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.Back, state.Buttons.Back, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.Back);
- if (this.WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.BigButton, state.Buttons.BigButton, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.BigButton);
- if (this.WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.LeftShoulder, state.Buttons.LeftShoulder, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.LeftShoulder);
- if (this.WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.LeftStick, state.Buttons.LeftStick, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.LeftStick);
- if (this.WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.RightShoulder, state.Buttons.RightShoulder, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.RightShoulder);
- if (this.WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.RightStick, state.Buttons.RightStick, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.RightStick);
- if (this.WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.Start, state.Buttons.Start, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.Start);
- if (this.WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.X, state.Buttons.X, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.X);
- if (this.WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.Y, state.Buttons.Y, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.Y);
- if (this.WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.DPadUp, state.DPad.Up, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.DPadUp);
- if (this.WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.DPadDown, state.DPad.Down, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.DPadDown);
- if (this.WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.DPadLeft, state.DPad.Left, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.DPadLeft);
- if (this.WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.DPadRight, state.DPad.Right, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.DPadRight);
- if (this.WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.LeftTrigger, state.Triggers.Left, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.LeftTrigger);
- if (this.WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.RightTrigger, state.Triggers.Right, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.RightTrigger);
- }
- return buttons.ToArray();
+ set { SGame.Reflection.GetPrivateField<float>(typeof(Game1), nameof(_fps)).SetValue(value); }
+ private static Task _newDayTask => SGame.Reflection.GetPrivateField<Task>(typeof(Game1), nameof(_newDayTask)).GetValue();
+ private Color bgColor => SGame.Reflection.GetPrivateField<Color>(this, nameof(bgColor)).GetValue();
+ public RenderTarget2D screenWrapper => SGame.Reflection.GetPrivateProperty<RenderTarget2D>(this, "screen").GetValue(); // deliberately renamed to avoid an infinite loop
+ public BlendState lightingBlend => SGame.Reflection.GetPrivateField<BlendState>(this, nameof(lightingBlend)).GetValue();
+ private readonly Action drawFarmBuildings = () => SGame.Reflection.GetPrivateMethod(SGame.Instance, nameof(drawFarmBuildings)).Invoke(new object[0]);
+ private readonly Action drawHUD = () => SGame.Reflection.GetPrivateMethod(SGame.Instance, nameof(drawHUD)).Invoke(new object[0]);
+ private readonly Action drawDialogueBox = () => SGame.Reflection.GetPrivateMethod(SGame.Instance, nameof(drawDialogueBox)).Invoke(new object[0]);
+ private readonly Action renderScreenBuffer = () => SGame.Reflection.GetPrivateMethod(SGame.Instance, nameof(renderScreenBuffer)).Invoke(new object[0]);
+ // ReSharper restore ArrangeStaticMemberQualifier, ArrangeThisQualifier, InconsistentNaming
@@ -278,6 +183,9 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI.Framework
SGame.Instance = this;
+ /****
+ ** Intercepted methods & events
+ ****/
/// <summary>The method called during game launch after configuring XNA or MonoGame. The game window hasn't been opened by this point.</summary>
protected override void Initialize()
@@ -331,10 +239,6 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI.Framework
// update SMAPI events
- // toggle debug output
- if (this.FramePressedKeys.Contains(Keys.F3))
- SGame.Debug = !SGame.Debug;
// let game update
@@ -1043,6 +947,96 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI.Framework
+ /****
+ ** Methods
+ ****/
+ /// <summary>Get the controller buttons which are currently pressed.</summary>
+ /// <param name="index">The controller to check.</param>
+ private Buttons[] GetButtonsDown(PlayerIndex index)
+ {
+ var state = GamePad.GetState(index);
+ var buttons = new List<Buttons>();
+ if (state.IsConnected)
+ {
+ if (state.Buttons.A == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.A);
+ if (state.Buttons.B == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.B);
+ if (state.Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.Back);
+ if (state.Buttons.BigButton == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.BigButton);
+ if (state.Buttons.LeftShoulder == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.LeftShoulder);
+ if (state.Buttons.LeftStick == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.LeftStick);
+ if (state.Buttons.RightShoulder == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.RightShoulder);
+ if (state.Buttons.RightStick == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.RightStick);
+ if (state.Buttons.Start == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.Start);
+ if (state.Buttons.X == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.X);
+ if (state.Buttons.Y == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.Y);
+ if (state.DPad.Up == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.DPadUp);
+ if (state.DPad.Down == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.DPadDown);
+ if (state.DPad.Left == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.DPadLeft);
+ if (state.DPad.Right == ButtonState.Pressed) buttons.Add(Buttons.DPadRight);
+ if (state.Triggers.Left > 0.2f) buttons.Add(Buttons.LeftTrigger);
+ if (state.Triggers.Right > 0.2f) buttons.Add(Buttons.RightTrigger);
+ }
+ return buttons.ToArray();
+ }
+ /// <summary>Get the controller buttons which were pressed after the last update.</summary>
+ /// <param name="index">The controller to check.</param>
+ private Buttons[] GetFramePressedButtons(PlayerIndex index)
+ {
+ var state = GamePad.GetState(index);
+ var buttons = new List<Buttons>();
+ if (state.IsConnected)
+ {
+ if (this.WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.A, state.Buttons.A, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.A);
+ if (this.WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.B, state.Buttons.B, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.B);
+ if (this.WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.Back, state.Buttons.Back, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.Back);
+ if (this.WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.BigButton, state.Buttons.BigButton, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.BigButton);
+ if (this.WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.LeftShoulder, state.Buttons.LeftShoulder, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.LeftShoulder);
+ if (this.WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.LeftStick, state.Buttons.LeftStick, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.LeftStick);
+ if (this.WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.RightShoulder, state.Buttons.RightShoulder, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.RightShoulder);
+ if (this.WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.RightStick, state.Buttons.RightStick, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.RightStick);
+ if (this.WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.Start, state.Buttons.Start, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.Start);
+ if (this.WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.X, state.Buttons.X, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.X);
+ if (this.WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.Y, state.Buttons.Y, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.Y);
+ if (this.WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.DPadUp, state.DPad.Up, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.DPadUp);
+ if (this.WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.DPadDown, state.DPad.Down, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.DPadDown);
+ if (this.WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.DPadLeft, state.DPad.Left, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.DPadLeft);
+ if (this.WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.DPadRight, state.DPad.Right, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.DPadRight);
+ if (this.WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.LeftTrigger, state.Triggers.Left, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.LeftTrigger);
+ if (this.WasButtonJustPressed(Buttons.RightTrigger, state.Triggers.Right, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.RightTrigger);
+ }
+ return buttons.ToArray();
+ }
+ /// <summary>Get the controller buttons which were released after the last update.</summary>
+ /// <param name="index">The controller to check.</param>
+ private Buttons[] GetFrameReleasedButtons(PlayerIndex index)
+ {
+ var state = GamePad.GetState(index);
+ var buttons = new List<Buttons>();
+ if (state.IsConnected)
+ {
+ if (this.WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.A, state.Buttons.A, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.A);
+ if (this.WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.B, state.Buttons.B, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.B);
+ if (this.WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.Back, state.Buttons.Back, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.Back);
+ if (this.WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.BigButton, state.Buttons.BigButton, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.BigButton);
+ if (this.WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.LeftShoulder, state.Buttons.LeftShoulder, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.LeftShoulder);
+ if (this.WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.LeftStick, state.Buttons.LeftStick, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.LeftStick);
+ if (this.WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.RightShoulder, state.Buttons.RightShoulder, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.RightShoulder);
+ if (this.WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.RightStick, state.Buttons.RightStick, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.RightStick);
+ if (this.WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.Start, state.Buttons.Start, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.Start);
+ if (this.WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.X, state.Buttons.X, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.X);
+ if (this.WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.Y, state.Buttons.Y, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.Y);
+ if (this.WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.DPadUp, state.DPad.Up, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.DPadUp);
+ if (this.WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.DPadDown, state.DPad.Down, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.DPadDown);
+ if (this.WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.DPadLeft, state.DPad.Left, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.DPadLeft);
+ if (this.WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.DPadRight, state.DPad.Right, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.DPadRight);
+ if (this.WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.LeftTrigger, state.Triggers.Left, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.LeftTrigger);
+ if (this.WasButtonJustReleased(Buttons.RightTrigger, state.Triggers.Right, index)) buttons.Add(Buttons.RightTrigger);
+ }
+ return buttons.ToArray();
+ }
/// <summary>Get whether a controller button was pressed since the last check.</summary>
/// <param name="button">The controller button to check.</param>
/// <param name="buttonState">The last known state.</param>
@@ -1272,25 +1266,25 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI.Framework
// raise time changed
- if (Game1.timeOfDay != this.PreviousTimeOfDay)
+ if (Game1.timeOfDay != this.PreviousTime)
- TimeEvents.InvokeTimeOfDayChanged(this.Monitor, this.PreviousTimeOfDay, Game1.timeOfDay);
- this.PreviousTimeOfDay = Game1.timeOfDay;
+ TimeEvents.InvokeTimeOfDayChanged(this.Monitor, this.PreviousTime, Game1.timeOfDay);
+ this.PreviousTime = Game1.timeOfDay;
- if (Game1.dayOfMonth != this.PreviousDayOfMonth)
+ if (Game1.dayOfMonth != this.PreviousDay)
- TimeEvents.InvokeDayOfMonthChanged(this.Monitor, this.PreviousDayOfMonth, Game1.dayOfMonth);
- this.PreviousDayOfMonth = Game1.dayOfMonth;
+ TimeEvents.InvokeDayOfMonthChanged(this.Monitor, this.PreviousDay, Game1.dayOfMonth);
+ this.PreviousDay = Game1.dayOfMonth;
- if (Game1.currentSeason != this.PreviousSeasonOfYear)
+ if (Game1.currentSeason != this.PreviousSeason)
- TimeEvents.InvokeSeasonOfYearChanged(this.Monitor, this.PreviousSeasonOfYear, Game1.currentSeason);
- this.PreviousSeasonOfYear = Game1.currentSeason;
+ TimeEvents.InvokeSeasonOfYearChanged(this.Monitor, this.PreviousSeason, Game1.currentSeason);
+ this.PreviousSeason = Game1.currentSeason;
- if (Game1.year != this.PreviousYearOfGame)
+ if (Game1.year != this.PreviousYear)
- TimeEvents.InvokeYearOfGameChanged(this.Monitor, this.PreviousYearOfGame, Game1.year);
- this.PreviousYearOfGame = Game1.year;
+ TimeEvents.InvokeYearOfGameChanged(this.Monitor, this.PreviousYear, Game1.year);
+ this.PreviousYear = Game1.year;
// raise mine level changed
@@ -1304,7 +1298,7 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI.Framework
// raise game day transition event (obsolete)
if (Game1.newDay != this.PreviousIsNewDay)
- TimeEvents.InvokeOnNewDay(this.Monitor, this.PreviousDayOfMonth, Game1.dayOfMonth, Game1.newDay);
+ TimeEvents.InvokeOnNewDay(this.Monitor, this.PreviousDay, Game1.dayOfMonth, Game1.newDay);
this.PreviousIsNewDay = Game1.newDay;