path: root/src
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1 files changed, 77 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/SMAPI.Mods.ConsoleCommands/Framework/Commands/Other/ApplySaveFixCommand.cs b/src/SMAPI.Mods.ConsoleCommands/Framework/Commands/Other/ApplySaveFixCommand.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8f59342e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SMAPI.Mods.ConsoleCommands/Framework/Commands/Other/ApplySaveFixCommand.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using StardewValley;
+namespace StardewModdingAPI.Mods.ConsoleCommands.Framework.Commands.Other
+ /// <summary>A command which runs one of the game's save migrations.</summary>
+ internal class ApplySaveFixCommand : TrainerCommand
+ {
+ /*********
+ ** Public methods
+ *********/
+ /// <summary>Construct an instance.</summary>
+ public ApplySaveFixCommand()
+ : base("apply_save_fix", "Apply one of the game's save migrations to the currently loaded save. WARNING: This may corrupt or make permanent changes to your save. DO NOT USE THIS unless you're absolutely sure.\n\nUsage: apply_save_fix list\nList all valid save IDs.\n\nUsage: apply_save_fix <fix ID>\nApply the named save fix.") { }
+ /// <summary>Handle the command.</summary>
+ /// <param name="monitor">Writes messages to the console and log file.</param>
+ /// <param name="command">The command name.</param>
+ /// <param name="args">The command arguments.</param>
+ public override void Handle(IMonitor monitor, string command, ArgumentParser args)
+ {
+ // get fix ID
+ if (!args.TryGet(0, "fix_id", out string rawFixId, required: false))
+ {
+ monitor.Log("Invalid usage. Type 'help apply_save_fix' for details.", LogLevel.Error);
+ return;
+ }
+ rawFixId = rawFixId.Trim();
+ // list mode
+ if (rawFixId == "list")
+ {
+ monitor.Log("Valid save fix IDs:\n - " + string.Join("\n - ", this.GetSaveIds()), LogLevel.Info);
+ return;
+ }
+ // validate fix ID
+ if (!Enum.TryParse(rawFixId, ignoreCase: true, out SaveGame.SaveFixes fixId))
+ {
+ monitor.Log($"Invalid save ID '{rawFixId}'. Type 'help apply_save_fix' for details.", LogLevel.Error);
+ return;
+ }
+ // apply
+ monitor.Log("THIS MAY CAUSE PERMANENT CHANGES TO YOUR SAVE FILE. If you're not sure, exit your game without saving to avoid issues.", LogLevel.Warn);
+ monitor.Log($"Trying to apply save fix ID: '{fixId}'.", LogLevel.Warn);
+ try
+ {
+ Game1.applySaveFix(fixId);
+ monitor.Log("Save fix applied.", LogLevel.Info);
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ monitor.Log("Applying save fix failed. The save may be in an invalid state; you should exit your game now without saving to avoid issues.", LogLevel.Error);
+ monitor.Log($"Technical details: {ex}", LogLevel.Debug);
+ }
+ }
+ /*********
+ ** Private methods
+ *********/
+ /// <summary>Get the valid save fix IDs.</summary>
+ private IEnumerable<string> GetSaveIds()
+ {
+ foreach (SaveGame.SaveFixes id in Enum.GetValues(typeof(SaveGame.SaveFixes)))
+ {
+ if (id == SaveGame.SaveFixes.MAX)
+ continue;
+ yield return id.ToString();
+ }
+ }
+ }