path: root/src/StardewModdingAPI/Framework/SContentManager.cs
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-10-07reorganise repo structureJesse Plamondon-Willard
2017-10-01fix errors caused by content managers finalizing asynchronouslyJesse Plamondon-Willard
2017-09-19merge assembly rewriters into main SMAPI project (#347)Jesse Plamondon-Willard
2017-08-24simplify & fix asset disposal (#352)Jesse Plamondon-Willard
2017-08-24restructure content manager to better handle asset disposal (#352)Jesse Plamondon-Willard
2017-08-17break loops when loading assets through a mod loaderJesse Plamondon-Willard
2017-08-16only invalidate cache entries matched by new interceptorsJesse Plamondon-Willard
2017-07-23use more flexible approach to core asset reloading (#335)Jesse Plamondon-Willard
2017-07-23let mods invalidate cached assets by name or type (#335)Jesse Plamondon-Willard
2017-07-23add support for partial cache invalidation (#335)Jesse Plamondon-Willard
2017-07-07split reflection logic out of mod helper (#318)Jesse Plamondon-Willard
2017-07-03fix crash in new content manager when returning to title (#255)Jesse Plamondon-Willard
2017-07-03remove System.ValueTupleJesse Plamondon-Willard
2017-07-03add SMAPI 2.0 compile modeJesse Plamondon-Willard
2017-07-01add support for asset loaders (#255)Jesse Plamondon-Willard
2017-07-01improve error handling when mods set invalid asset value (#255)Jesse Plamondon-Willard
2017-07-01let mods implement IAssetEditor for simple cases (#255)Jesse Plamondon-Willard
2017-07-01reset asset cache when a new interceptor is added (#255)Jesse Plamondon-Willard
2017-07-01tweak asset interception code to simplify future work (#255)Jesse Plamondon-Willard
2017-07-01rewrite content interception using latest proposed API (#255)Jesse Plamondon-Willard
2017-05-24add translation API (#296)Jesse Plamondon-Willard
2017-05-02fix XNBs loaded from the mod folder through the content API never being found...Jesse Plamondon-Willard
2017-04-30fix crossplatform compatibility (#257)Jesse Plamondon-Willard
2017-04-29add contentHelper.GetActualAssetKey(..) to support custom map tilesheets (#257)Jesse Plamondon-Willard
2017-04-29add initial content API (#257)Jesse Plamondon-Willard
2017-03-10fix SMAPI not correctly detecting cached assets if they were translated (#173)Jesse Plamondon-Willard
2017-03-10rename content event for consistency, simplify usage (#173)Jesse Plamondon-Willard
2017-03-08add dictionary/image content helpers for more intuitive usage (#173)Jesse Plamondon-Willard
2017-02-25fix handling of localised XNB files (#173)Jesse Plamondon-Willard
2017-02-25improve asset key normalisation (#173)Jesse Plamondon-Willard
2017-02-25fix current path not being normalised in path checks (#173)Jesse Plamondon-Willard
2017-02-25add prototype content event + helper to manipulate XNB data (#173)Jesse Plamondon-Willard
2017-02-24add release note, fix docblockJesse Plamondon-Willard
2017-02-24fix content manager compatibility with MonoGame (#173)Jesse Plamondon-Willard
2017-02-24override content manager (#173)Jesse Plamondon-Willard