path: root/src/main/kotlin/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/changelog/Main.kt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/kotlin/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/changelog/Main.kt')
1 files changed, 347 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/changelog/Main.kt b/src/main/kotlin/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/changelog/Main.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f62f34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/at/hannibal2/skyhanni/changelog/Main.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+package org.example
+import java.time.Instant
+import java.util.regex.Matcher
+import java.util.regex.Pattern
+import kotlin.system.exitProcess
+enum class Category(val changeLogName: String, val prTitle: String) {
+ NEW("New Features", "Feature"),
+ IMPROVEMENT("Improvements", "Improvement"),
+ FIX("Fixes", "Fix"),
+ INTERNAL("Technical Details", "Backend"),
+ REMOVED("Removed Features", "Removed Feature"),
+ ;
+//val allowedCategories = listOf("New Features", "Improvements", "Fixes", "Technical Details", "Removed Features")
+val categoryPattern = "## Changelog (?<category>.*)".toPattern()
+val changePattern = "\\+ (?<text>.*) - (?<author>.*)".toPattern()
+val extraInfoPattern = " {4}\\* (?<text>.*)".toPattern()
+val illegalStartPattern = "^[-=*+ ].*".toPattern()
+fun getTextFromUrl(urlString: String): List<String> {
+ val url = URL(urlString)
+ val connection = url.openConnection()
+ val inputStream = connection.getInputStream()
+ val text = mutableListOf<String>()
+ inputStream.bufferedReader().useLines { lines ->
+ lines.forEach {
+ text.add(it)
+ }
+ }
+ return text
+enum class WhatToDo {
+ ;
+fun main() {
+ val firstPr = 1168
+ val hideWhenError = true
+ val fullVersion = "0.24"
+ val beta = 13
+ val whatToDo = WhatToDo.NEXT_BETA
+ @Suppress("KotlinConstantConditions")
+ val url = when (whatToDo) {
+ WhatToDo.NEXT_BETA -> ""
+ WhatToDo.OPEN_PRS -> ""
+ }
+ val data = getTextFromUrl(url).joinToString("")
+ val gson = GsonBuilder().create()
+ val fromJson = gson.fromJson(data,
+ val prs = { gson.fromJson(it, }
+ readPrs(prs, firstPr, hideWhenError, whatToDo, fullVersion, beta)
+fun readPrs(
+ prs: List<PullRequest>,
+ firstPr: Int,
+ hideWhenError: Boolean,
+ whatToDo: WhatToDo,
+ fullVersion: String,
+ beta: Int,
+) {
+ val allChanges = mutableListOf<Change>()
+ val errors = mutableListOf<String>()
+ var excluded = 0
+ var done = 0
+ var wrongPrName = 0
+ // TODO find better solution for this sorting logic
+ val filtered = when (whatToDo) {
+ WhatToDo.NEXT_BETA -> prs.filter { it.mergedAt != null }
+ .map { it to it.mergedAt }
+ WhatToDo.OPEN_PRS -> prs
+ .map { it to it.updatedAt }
+ }
+ .map { it.first to Long.MAX_VALUE - Instant.parse(it.second).toEpochMilli() }
+ .sortedBy { it.second }
+ .map { it.first }
+ println("")
+ for (pr in filtered) {
+ val number = pr.number
+ val prLink = pr.htmlUrl
+ val body = pr.body
+ val title = pr.title
+ val description = body?.split(System.lineSeparator()) ?: emptyList()
+ if (description.isNotEmpty()) {
+ val last = description.last()
+ if (last == "exclude_from_changelog") {
+ println("")
+ println("Excluded #$number ($prLink)")
+ excluded++
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+ try {
+ val newChanges = parseChanges(description, prLink)
+ if (hasWrongPrName(prLink, title, newChanges)) {
+ wrongPrName++
+ }
+ allChanges.addAll(newChanges)
+ done++
+ } catch (t: Throwable) {
+ errors.add("Error in #$number ($prLink)\n${t.message}")
+ if (hasWrongPrName(prLink, title, emptyList())) {
+ wrongPrName++
+ }
+ }
+ if (whatToDo == WhatToDo.NEXT_BETA) {
+ if (number == firstPr) break
+ }
+ }
+ println("")
+ for (error in errors) {
+ println(" ")
+ println(error)
+ }
+ for (type in OutputType.entries) {
+ print(allChanges, type, fullVersion, beta)
+ }
+ println("")
+ if (excluded > 0) {
+ println("Excluded $excluded PRs.")
+ }
+ val errorSize = errors.size
+ if (errorSize > 0) {
+ println("Found $errorSize PRs with errors!")
+ }
+ if (wrongPrName > 0) {
+ println("Found $wrongPrName PRs with wrong names!")
+ }
+ println("Loaded $done PRs correctly.")
+ if (errorSize > 0) {
+ if (hideWhenError) {
+ exitProcess(-1)
+ }
+ }
+fun hasWrongPrName(prLink: String, title: String, newChanges: List<Change>): Boolean {
+ val hasFix = newChanges.any { it.category == Category.FIX }
+ for (category in Category.entries) {
+ if (newChanges.any { it.category == category }) {
+ var start = category.prTitle
+ if (hasFix && category != Category.FIX) {
+ start += " + Fix"
+ }
+ start += ": "
+ val wrongName = !title.startsWith(start)
+ if (wrongName) {
+ println("wrong pr title!")
+ println("found: '$title'")
+ println("should start with $start")
+ println("link: $prLink")
+ println(" ")
+ }
+ return wrongName
+ }
+ }
+ val prefix = "Wrong/broken Changelog: "
+ if (!title.startsWith(prefix)) {
+ println("wrong pr title!")
+ println("found: '$title'")
+ println("should start with $prefix")
+ println("link: $prLink")
+ println(" ")
+ return true
+ }
+ return false
+enum class OutputType {
+private fun print(
+ allChanges: MutableList<Change>,
+ outputType: OutputType,
+ fullVersion: String,
+ beta: Int,
+) {
+ val extraInfoPrefix = when (outputType) {
+ OutputType.DISCORD_PUBLIC -> " = "
+ OutputType.GITHUB -> " * "
+ OutputType.DISCORD_INTERNAL -> " - "
+ }
+ val list = createPrint(outputType, allChanges, extraInfoPrefix, fullVersion, beta)
+ val border = "================================================================================="
+ println("")
+ println("outputType ${}:")
+ val totalLength = list.sumOf { it.length }
+ if (outputType != OutputType.GITHUB) {
+ println("$totalLength/2000 characters used")
+ }
+ println(border)
+ for (line in list) {
+ println(line)
+ }
+ println(border)
+private fun createPrint(
+ outputType: OutputType,
+ allChanges: MutableList<Change>,
+ extraInfoPrefix: String,
+ fullVersion: String,
+ beta: Int,
+): MutableList<String> {
+ val list = mutableListOf<String>()
+ list.add("## Version $fullVersion Beta $beta")
+ for (category in Category.entries) {
+ if (outputType == OutputType.DISCORD_PUBLIC && category == Category.INTERNAL) continue
+ val changes = allChanges.filter { it.category == category }
+ if (changes.isEmpty()) continue
+ list.add("### " + category.changeLogName)
+ if (outputType == OutputType.DISCORD_PUBLIC) {
+ list.add("```diff")
+ }
+ for (change in changes) {
+ val pr = when (outputType) {
+ OutputType.DISCORD_PUBLIC -> ""
+ OutputType.GITHUB -> " (${change.prLink})"
+ OutputType.DISCORD_INTERNAL -> " [PR](<${change.prLink}>)"
+ }
+ val changePrefix = getChangePrefix(category, outputType)
+ list.add("$changePrefix${change.text} - ${}$pr")
+ for (s in change.extraInfo) {
+ list.add("$extraInfoPrefix$s")
+ }
+ }
+ if (outputType == OutputType.DISCORD_PUBLIC) {
+ list.add("```")
+ }
+ }
+ if (outputType == OutputType.DISCORD_PUBLIC) {
+ val root = ""
+ val releaseLink = "$root/releases/tag/$fullVersion.Beta.$beta>"
+ list.add("For a full changelog, including technical details, see the [GitHub release](<$releaseLink)")
+ val downloadLink = "$root/releases/download/$fullVersion.Beta.$beta/SkyHanni-$fullVersion.Beta.$beta.jar"
+ list.add("Download link: $downloadLink")
+ }
+ return list
+fun getChangePrefix(category: Category, outputType: OutputType): String = when (outputType) {
+ OutputType.DISCORD_INTERNAL -> "- "
+ OutputType.GITHUB -> "+ "
+ OutputType.DISCORD_PUBLIC -> when (category) {
+ Category.NEW -> "+ "
+ Category.IMPROVEMENT -> "+ "
+ Category.FIX -> "~ "
+ Category.REMOVED -> "- "
+ Category.INTERNAL -> error("internal not in discord public")
+ }
+inline fun <T> Pattern.matchMatcher(text: String, consumer: Matcher.() -> T) =
+ matcher(text).let { if (it.matches()) consumer(it) else null }
+fun parseChanges(
+ description: List<String>,
+ prLink: String,
+): List<Change> {
+ var currentCategory: Category? = null
+ var currentChange: Change? = null
+ val changes = mutableListOf<Change>()
+ for (line in description) {
+ if (line == "") {
+ currentChange = null
+ currentCategory = null
+ continue
+ }
+ categoryPattern.matchMatcher(line) {
+ val categoryName = group("category")
+ currentCategory = getCategoryByLogName(categoryName) ?: error("unknown category: '$categoryName'")
+ currentChange = null
+ continue
+ }
+ val category = currentCategory ?: continue
+ changePattern.matchMatcher(line) {
+ val author = group("author")
+ if (author == "your_name_here") {
+ error("no author name")
+ }
+ val text = group("text")
+ if (illegalStartPattern.matcher(text).matches()) {
+ error("illegal start at change: '$text'")
+ }
+ currentChange = Change(text, category, prLink, author).also {
+ changes.add(it)
+ }
+ continue
+ }
+ extraInfoPattern.matchMatcher(line) {
+ val change = currentChange ?: error("Found extra info without change: '$line'")
+ val text = group("text")
+ if (illegalStartPattern.matcher(text).matches()) {
+ error("illegal start at extra info: '$text'")
+ }
+ change.extraInfo.add(text)
+ continue
+ }
+ error("found unexpected line: '$line'")
+ }
+ if (changes.isEmpty()) {
+ error("no changes found")
+ }
+ return changes
+fun getCategoryByLogName(name: String): Category? = Category.entries.find { it.changeLogName == name }
+//class Category(val name: String)
+class Change(val text: String, val category: Category, val prLink: String, val author: String) {
+ val extraInfo = mutableListOf<String>()