path: root/mod/data/party/partyMessages
diff options
authorsyeyoung <42869671+cyoung06@users.noreply.github.com>2023-10-20 16:01:22 +0900
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2023-10-20 16:01:22 +0900
commit4a38331c9742a39348e0c21dd861314b19fcf391 (patch)
tree82d319e43fee38342fbb11b2e2e83bc096b3413d /mod/data/party/partyMessages
parent1164a7259d7bf8eef332bbb48bc141e08a22b780 (diff)
Multi Language support for Party context detection (#427)
* - Automatic Party Control Message collection for 25 languages Signed-off-by: syeyoung <cyoung06@naver.com> * - Processing generated file Signed-off-by: syeyoung <cyoung06@naver.com> * - Processing generated file, and add script for "transfering because leader left" message - Change how message detection is done to regex Maybe implement aho-corasick later. :D Signed-off-by: syeyoung <cyoung06@naver.com> * - update party messages Signed-off-by: syeyoung <cyoung06@naver.com> --------- Signed-off-by: syeyoung <cyoung06@naver.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'mod/data/party/partyMessages')
1 files changed, 110 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mod/data/party/partyMessages b/mod/data/party/partyMessages
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2eacf1aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mod/data/party/partyMessages
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+~ §ehas disbanded the party!§r
+§cYou are not currently in a party.§r
+§cYou are not in a party!§r
+§cYou are not in a party right now.§r
+§cYou must be in a party to join the party channel!§r
+§b[MVP§r§a+§r§b] syeyoung §r§einvited §r§b[MVP§r§0+§r§b] Azael_Nya §r§eto the party! They have §r§c60 §r§eseconds to accept.§r
+§ejoined the party.§r
+§aYou are now in the §r§6PARTY§r§a channel§r
+§aenabled All Invite§r
+§cdisabled All Invite§r
+§cCouldn't find a player with that name!§r
+§cYou cannot invite that player since they're not online.
+§b[MVP§r§f+§r§b] apotato321§r§e has promoted §r§a[VIP§r§6+§r§a] syeyoung §r§eto Party Moderator§r
+§a[VIP§r§6+§r§a] syeyoung§r§e has promoted §r§b[MVP§r§f+§r§b] apotato321 §r§eto Party Leader§r
+§b[MVP§r§a+§r§b] syeyoung§r§e has demoted §r§b[MVP§r§0+§r§b] Azael_Nya §r§eto Party Member§r
+§eThe party was transferred to §r§b[MVP§r§f+§r§b] apotato321 §r§eby §r§a[VIP§r§6+§r§a] syeyoung§r
+§ehas left the party.§r
+§cThe party was disbanded because all invites expired and the party was empty§r
+§cYou are not in a party and were moved to the ALL channel.§r
+|§r§b[MVP§r§0+§r§b] Azael_Nya §r§ehas invited you to join their party!
+|§r§eYou have §r§c60 §r§eseconds to accept. §r§6Click here to join!§r§9
+|§eYou have joined §r§b[MVP§r§0+§r§b] Azael_Nya's §r§eparty!§r
+|§eYou'll be partying with:
+§cYou are not allowed to invite players.§r
+§ehas been removed from the party.§r
+§eYou have been kicked from the party by
+§6Party Members
+§eYou left the party.§r
+§r§ejoined the dungeon group! (§r§b
+HUNGARIAN \ No newline at end of file