path: root/mod/src
diff options
authorsyeyoung <cyoung06@naver.com>2023-01-25 17:29:17 +0900
committersyeyoung <cyoung06@naver.com>2023-01-25 17:29:17 +0900
commitce40e115163e83aac7861d0281f8bd2936864d09 (patch)
tree64a529c3b7aaa6698c664a200019662af9908422 /mod/src
parentc857d35a2d457fe60f4a7365c728b6f8808118ed (diff)
- Text now uses richtext as backend
Signed-off-by: syeyoung <cyoung06@naver.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'mod/src')
1 files changed, 26 insertions, 260 deletions
diff --git a/mod/src/main/java/kr/syeyoung/dungeonsguide/mod/guiv2/elements/Text.java b/mod/src/main/java/kr/syeyoung/dungeonsguide/mod/guiv2/elements/Text.java
index b0e7baa0..bd04ab42 100644
--- a/mod/src/main/java/kr/syeyoung/dungeonsguide/mod/guiv2/elements/Text.java
+++ b/mod/src/main/java/kr/syeyoung/dungeonsguide/mod/guiv2/elements/Text.java
@@ -21,6 +21,11 @@ package kr.syeyoung.dungeonsguide.mod.guiv2.elements;
import kr.syeyoung.dungeonsguide.mod.guiv2.BindableAttribute;
import kr.syeyoung.dungeonsguide.mod.guiv2.DomElement;
import kr.syeyoung.dungeonsguide.mod.guiv2.Widget;
+import kr.syeyoung.dungeonsguide.mod.guiv2.elements.richtext.BreakWord;
+import kr.syeyoung.dungeonsguide.mod.guiv2.elements.richtext.RichText;
+import kr.syeyoung.dungeonsguide.mod.guiv2.elements.richtext.TextSpan;
+import kr.syeyoung.dungeonsguide.mod.guiv2.elements.richtext.shaders.SingleColorShader;
+import kr.syeyoung.dungeonsguide.mod.guiv2.elements.richtext.styles.ParentDelegatingTextStyle;
import kr.syeyoung.dungeonsguide.mod.guiv2.layouter.Layouter;
import kr.syeyoung.dungeonsguide.mod.guiv2.primitive.ConstraintBox;
import kr.syeyoung.dungeonsguide.mod.guiv2.primitive.Size;
@@ -39,24 +44,16 @@ import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
-public class Text extends AnnotatedExportOnlyWidget implements Layouter, Renderer {
+public class Text extends AnnotatedExportOnlyWidget {
@Export(attributeName = "text")
public final BindableAttribute<String> text = new BindableAttribute<>(String.class, "");
+ private final ParentDelegatingTextStyle textStyle = new ParentDelegatingTextStyle();
+ private final RichText richText = new RichText(new TextSpan(textStyle, ""), BreakWord.WORD, true,RichText.TextAlign.LEFT);
public List<Widget> build(DomElement buildContext) {
- return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
+ return Collections.singletonList(richText);
- @Data @AllArgsConstructor
- public static class WrappedTextData {
- final int width;
- final String text;
- }
- public List<WrappedTextData> wrappedTexts = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
- @Export(attributeName = "font")
- public final BindableAttribute<FontRenderer> fontRenderer =new BindableAttribute<>(FontRenderer.class, Minecraft.getMinecraft().fontRendererObj);
public static enum WordBreak {
@@ -77,253 +74,22 @@ public class Text extends AnnotatedExportOnlyWidget implements Layouter, Rendere
public final BindableAttribute<Integer> color = new BindableAttribute<>(Integer.class, 0xFF000000);
public Text() {
- text.addOnUpdate((a,b) -> getDomElement().requestRelayout());
- fr = Minecraft.getMinecraft().fontRendererObj;
- }
- private FontRenderer fr;
- @Override
- public void doRender(int absMouseX, int absMouseY, double relMouseX, double relMouseY, float partialTicks, RenderingContext context, DomElement buildContext) {
- int y = 0;
- int color = this.color.getValue();
- int yInc = (int) (fr.FONT_HEIGHT * lineSpacing.getValue());
- double width =buildContext.getSize().getWidth();
- GlStateManager.enableTexture2D();
- if (textAlign.getValue() == TextAlign.LEFT) {
- for (WrappedTextData wrappedText : wrappedTexts) {
- fr.drawString(wrappedText.text, 0, y, color);
- y += yInc;
- }
- } else if (textAlign.getValue() == TextAlign.CENTER) {
- for (WrappedTextData wrappedText : wrappedTexts) {
- fr.drawString(wrappedText.text, (int) ((width-wrappedText.getWidth())/2), y, color);
- y += yInc;
- }
- } else {
- for (WrappedTextData wrappedText : wrappedTexts) {
- fr.drawString(wrappedText.text, (int) (width - wrappedText.getWidth()), y, color);
- y += yInc;
- }
- }
- }
- @Override
- public Size layout(DomElement buildContext, ConstraintBox constraintBox) {
- List<WrappedTextData> wrappedTexts = new ArrayList<>();
- FontRenderer fr = fontRenderer.getValue();
- String text = this.text.getValue();
- boolean hadToWrap = false;
- int maxWidth2 = 0;
- WordBreak wordBreak = this.wordBreak.getValue();
- String[] splitByLine = text.split("\n");
- for (String line : splitByLine) {
- String[] splitByWord = line.split(" ");
- double maxWidth = constraintBox.getMaxWidth();
- int currentWidth = 0;
- boolean added = false;
- StringBuilder currentLine = new StringBuilder();
- for (String s : splitByWord) {
- int strWidth = fr.getStringWidth((added ? " " : "") +s);
- if (strWidth + currentWidth <= maxWidth) {
- if (added) currentLine.append(" ");
- currentLine.append(s);
- added = true;
- currentWidth += strWidth;
- } else {
- hadToWrap = true;
- // need to break word.
- if (wordBreak == WordBreak.WORD) {
- String current = s;
- if (fr.getStringWidth(s) > maxWidth) {
- // there is no hope. just continue.
- current = currentLine.toString()+ " "+s;
- } else {
- wrappedTexts.add(new WrappedTextData(currentWidth, currentLine.toString()));
- current = s;
- }
- // binary search unsplittable.
- while (fr.getStringWidth(current) > maxWidth) {
- currentLine = new StringBuilder("");
- String remaining = "";
- currentWidth = 0;
- double remainingWidth = maxWidth - currentWidth;
- while(current.length() > 1 && remainingWidth > 4) {
- String query = current.substring(0, current.length()/2);
- int len = fr.getStringWidth(query);
- if (len <= remainingWidth) {
- currentLine.append(query);
- remainingWidth -= len;
- current = current.substring(current.length() / 2);
- } else {
- remaining = current.substring(current.length() / 2) + remaining;
- current = query;
- }
- }
- remaining = current + remaining;
- wrappedTexts.add(new WrappedTextData((int) (maxWidth - remainingWidth), currentLine.toString()));
- current = remaining;
- }
- currentLine = new StringBuilder(current);
- currentWidth = fr.getStringWidth(current);
- } else if (wordBreak == WordBreak.NEVER) {
- currentLine.append(" ").append(s);
- currentWidth += strWidth;
- break;
- } else {
- // binary search correct length-
- String current = " "+s;
- double remainingWidth = maxWidth - currentWidth;
- String remaining = "";
- while(current.length() > 1 && remainingWidth > 4) {
- String query = current.substring(0, current.length()/2);
- int len = fr.getStringWidth(query);
- if (len <= remainingWidth) {
- currentLine.append(query);
- remainingWidth -= len;
- current = current.substring(current.length() / 2);
- } else {
- remaining = current.substring(current.length() / 2) + remaining;
- current = query;
- }
- }
- remaining = current + remaining;
- wrappedTexts.add(new WrappedTextData((int) (maxWidth - remainingWidth), currentLine.toString()));
- currentLine = new StringBuilder(remaining);
- currentWidth = fr.getStringWidth(remaining);
- }
- }
- }
- if (currentWidth > maxWidth2) maxWidth2 = currentWidth;
- wrappedTexts.add(new WrappedTextData(currentWidth, currentLine.toString()));
- }
- this.wrappedTexts = wrappedTexts;
- return new Size(hadToWrap ? constraintBox.getMaxWidth() :
- Layouter.clamp(maxWidth2, constraintBox.getMinWidth(), constraintBox.getMaxWidth()),
- Layouter.clamp( (fr.FONT_HEIGHT * lineSpacing.getValue()) * wrappedTexts.size(), constraintBox.getMinHeight(), constraintBox.getMaxHeight()));
- }
- @Override
- public double getMaxIntrinsicWidth(DomElement buildContext, double height) {
- int max = 0;
- for (String s : this.text.getValue().split("\n")) {
- max = Integer.max(max, fr.getStringWidth(s));
- }
- return max;
- }
- // TODO: incorporate line breaking into
- // TODO: maybe turn into rich text?
- @Override
- public double getMaxIntrinsicHeight(DomElement buildContext, double width) {
- List<WrappedTextData> wrappedTexts = new ArrayList<>();
- FontRenderer fr = fontRenderer.getValue();
- String text = this.text.getValue();
- boolean hadToWrap = false;
- int maxWidth2 = 0;
- WordBreak wordBreak = this.wordBreak.getValue();
- String[] splitByLine = text.split("\n");
- for (String line : splitByLine) {
- String[] splitByWord = line.split(" ");
- double maxWidth = width;
- int currentWidth = 0;
- boolean added = false;
- StringBuilder currentLine = new StringBuilder();
- for (String s : splitByWord) {
- int strWidth = fr.getStringWidth((added ? " " : "") +s);
- if (strWidth + currentWidth <= maxWidth) {
- if (added) currentLine.append(" ");
- currentLine.append(s);
- added = true;
- currentWidth += strWidth;
- } else {
- hadToWrap = true;
- // need to break word.
- if (wordBreak == WordBreak.WORD) {
- String current = s;
- if (fr.getStringWidth(s) > maxWidth) {
- // there is no hope. just continue.
- current = currentLine.toString()+ " "+s;
- } else {
- wrappedTexts.add(new WrappedTextData(currentWidth, currentLine.toString()));
- current = s;
- }
- // binary search unsplittable.
- while (fr.getStringWidth(current) > maxWidth) {
- currentLine = new StringBuilder("");
- String remaining = "";
- currentWidth = 0;
- double remainingWidth = maxWidth - currentWidth;
- while(current.length() > 1 && remainingWidth > 4) {
- String query = current.substring(0, current.length()/2);
- int len = fr.getStringWidth(query);
- if (len <= remainingWidth) {
- currentLine.append(query);
- remainingWidth -= len;
- current = current.substring(current.length() / 2);
- } else {
- remaining = current.substring(current.length() / 2) + remaining;
- current = query;
- }
- }
- remaining = current + remaining;
- wrappedTexts.add(new WrappedTextData((int) (maxWidth - remainingWidth), currentLine.toString()));
- current = remaining;
- }
- currentLine = new StringBuilder(current);
- currentWidth = fr.getStringWidth(current);
- } else if (wordBreak == WordBreak.NEVER) {
- currentLine.append(" ").append(s);
- currentWidth += strWidth;
- break;
- } else {
- // binary search correct length-
- String current = " "+s;
- double remainingWidth = maxWidth - currentWidth;
- String remaining = "";
- while(current.length() > 1 && remainingWidth > 4) {
- String query = current.substring(0, current.length()/2);
- int len = fr.getStringWidth(query);
- if (len <= remainingWidth) {
- currentLine.append(query);
- remainingWidth -= len;
- current = current.substring(current.length() / 2);
- } else {
- remaining = current.substring(current.length() / 2) + remaining;
- current = query;
- }
- }
- remaining = current + remaining;
- wrappedTexts.add(new WrappedTextData((int) (maxWidth - remainingWidth), currentLine.toString()));
- currentLine = new StringBuilder(remaining);
- currentWidth = fr.getStringWidth(remaining);
- }
- }
- }
- if (currentWidth > maxWidth2) maxWidth2 = currentWidth;
- wrappedTexts.add(new WrappedTextData(currentWidth, currentLine.toString()));
- }
- return (fr.FONT_HEIGHT * lineSpacing.getValue()) * wrappedTexts.size();
+ text.addOnUpdate((a,b) -> {
+ richText.setRootSpan(new TextSpan(textStyle, b));
+ });
+ wordBreak.addOnUpdate((a,b) -> {
+ richText.setBreakWord(b == WordBreak.WORD ? BreakWord.WORD : BreakWord.ALL);
+ });
+ lineSpacing.addOnUpdate((a,b) -> {
+ textStyle.topAscent = b;
+ richText.setRootSpan(new TextSpan(textStyle, text.getValue()));
+ });
+ textAlign.addOnUpdate((a,b) -> {
+ richText.setAlign(b == TextAlign.LEFT ? RichText.TextAlign.LEFT : b == TextAlign.CENTER ? RichText.TextAlign.CENTER : RichText.TextAlign.RIGHT);
+ });
+ color.addOnUpdate((a,b) -> {
+ textStyle.textShader = new SingleColorShader(b);
+ richText.setRootSpan(new TextSpan(textStyle, text.getValue()));
+ });