path: root/src/main/java/kr
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-11-04fix null pointer when opening mimic chest (#72)Eryk Ruta
2022-11-013rd time is the charm (#70)Eryk Ruta
2022-10-07fix player profile not never loading in chat (#63)kokoniara
2022-10-06Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'syeyoung
2022-10-06- Use essential-loom (fork of architectury-loom) instead of unmaintained fork...syeyoung
2022-10-04make sonarlint less mad (refactor)kingstefan26
2022-10-04reimplement check if player deadkingstefan26
2022-10-04remove unnecessary yaw interpolation that caused weird jutterkingstefan26
2022-10-04un-rotate the heads on map (it was the wrong way)kingstefan26
2022-10-04fix the code not checking if player is not deadkingstefan26
2022-10-03fix dungeon map not showing ppl headskingstefan26
2022-05-07- Fix thorn coordinatesyeyoung
2022-05-07- Enable force-refresh, but do not perform if there's pathfind undergoing.syeyoung
2022-05-07- Remove unnecessary un-culling.syeyoung
2022-05-07- Add culling to gui elements that disabled culling.syeyoung
2022-05-06- Remove unnecessary close of mechanic browser tooltip.syeyoung
2022-05-06- 30% of secrets required for entrance (but why)syeyoung
2022-05-06- Find route, with timeout 10ssyeyoung
2022-05-06- Support for entrancesyeyoung
2022-05-06- Add party kick message to party status detectionsyeyoung
2022-05-06- Fix useless println that might have caused lag.syeyoung
2022-05-06- Fix inconsistency in tracking chest secret status that caused bunch of issuessyeyoung
2022-03-11<3 Hypixel v2syeyoung
2022-03-02<3 Hypixelsyeyoung
2022-02-01- remove spirit bow timer after player shoots an arrowsyeyoung
2022-01-31- Fix Custom Party List flickering and sometimes not displaying elementssyeyoung
2022-01-31- Fix mimic messing up secret detectionsyeyoung
2022-01-31- Add 3 new pathfinding algorithmssyeyoung
2022-01-31- Fix cursor turning into colored square when it has failed to load cursors f...syeyoung
2022-01-31- add "Party was transfered to X because Y left"syeyoung
2022-01-26- Very subtle typo in pathfind logicsyeyoung
2022-01-26- Move session check to separate threadsyeyoung
2022-01-12- Fix undisocvered room cnt getting reset to 0 on bossfightsyeyoung
2022-01-12- Fix value "false" getting removed in data collectionsyeyoung
2022-01-12- Fix Timescore approximation with datasyeyoung
2022-01-12- Fix false being set to empty in data collectionsyeyoung
2022-01-12- Fix time score going over 100syeyoung
2022-01-11- Fix Keys repeating and re-implement key repeat mechanics using Keyboard.ena...syeyoung
2022-01-11- M5 Support Fixsyeyoung
2022-01-11- M5 Support.syeyoung
2021-12-23- Collect room complete percentage and if player is in bossroomsyeyoung
2021-12-23- Fix Discord alarms appearing while feature is disabledsyeyoung
2021-12-19- Ceil total secretssyeyoung
2021-12-19- Fix Dungeon Realtime resetting time on dungeon end instead of dungeon leavesyeyoung
2021-12-19- Remove loggingsyeyoung
2021-12-19- Collect Scoresyeyoung
2021-12-18- Suggestion 353syeyoung
2021-12-18- Fix Typo in pathfindersyeyoung
2021-12-18- Index out of bounds (-1)syeyoung
2021-11-28- wrong Bloodrush toggle messagesyeyoung