path: root/src/main/java/com/thatgravyboat/skyblockhud/overlay/DungeonOverlay.java
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authorThatGravyBoat <thatgravyboat@gmail.com>2021-07-06 19:09:11 -0230
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2021-07-06 19:09:11 -0230
commit93248d28d6b314b42f6b0d82164975343b214ece (patch)
treee3e06c24454080f059355133d633e5a076d85ad3 /src/main/java/com/thatgravyboat/skyblockhud/overlay/DungeonOverlay.java
parent91464c8f433e8bf323932ac956678971207b607e (diff)
parent804767ebfc26e2a1252bc327def02389b35dfc6e (diff)
Merge pull request #2 from ThatGravyBoat/prettier
Add prettier settings and format code
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/java/com/thatgravyboat/skyblockhud/overlay/DungeonOverlay.java')
1 files changed, 20 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/thatgravyboat/skyblockhud/overlay/DungeonOverlay.java b/src/main/java/com/thatgravyboat/skyblockhud/overlay/DungeonOverlay.java
index 4a3b36f..f8a2e0d 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/thatgravyboat/skyblockhud/overlay/DungeonOverlay.java
+++ b/src/main/java/com/thatgravyboat/skyblockhud/overlay/DungeonOverlay.java
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import net.minecraftforge.client.event.RenderGameOverlayEvent;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent;
public class DungeonOverlay extends Gui {
private static final FontRenderer font = Minecraft.getMinecraft().fontRendererObj;
private static boolean bossBarVisible = false;
@@ -42,27 +43,27 @@ public class DungeonOverlay extends Gui {
- public void drawDungeonClock(int width, int offset, Minecraft mc){
+ public void drawDungeonClock(int width, int offset, Minecraft mc) {
GlStateManager.color(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
int dungeonTime = DungeonHandler.getDungeonTime();
- int dungeonTimeMin = dungeonTime /60;
+ int dungeonTimeMin = dungeonTime / 60;
int dungeonTimeSec = dungeonTime - dungeonTimeMin * 60;
- drawTexturedModalRect((width/ 2) - 17, offset + (bossBarVisible ? 17 : 0), 0, 0, 34, 34);
+ drawTexturedModalRect((width / 2) - 17, offset + (bossBarVisible ? 17 : 0), 0, 0, 34, 34);
- drawTexturedModalRect((width/ 2) - 7, offset + (bossBarVisible ? 20 : 3), 16, 50, 3, 8);
- drawTexturedModalRect((width/ 2) - 7, offset + (bossBarVisible ? 30 : 13), 19, 50, 3, 8);
+ drawTexturedModalRect((width / 2) - 7, offset + (bossBarVisible ? 20 : 3), 16, 50, 3, 8);
+ drawTexturedModalRect((width / 2) - 7, offset + (bossBarVisible ? 30 : 13), 19, 50, 3, 8);
String dungeonTimeElapsed = (dungeonTimeMin > 9 ? String.valueOf(dungeonTimeMin) : "0" + dungeonTimeMin) + ":" + (dungeonTimeSec > 9 ? String.valueOf(dungeonTimeSec) : "0" + dungeonTimeSec);
- drawCenteredString(font, dungeonTimeElapsed, (width/ 2), offset + (bossBarVisible ? 40 : 23), 0xFFFF55);
+ drawCenteredString(font, dungeonTimeElapsed, (width / 2), offset + (bossBarVisible ? 40 : 23), 0xFFFF55);
- drawString(font, (DungeonHandler.hasBloodkey() ? "\u2714" : "x"), (width/ 2), offset + (bossBarVisible ? 19 : 2), (DungeonHandler.hasBloodkey() ? 0x55FF55 : 0xAA0000));
- drawString(font, DungeonHandler.getWitherKeys()+"x", (width/ 2), offset + (bossBarVisible ? 30 : 13), 0x555555);
+ drawString(font, (DungeonHandler.hasBloodkey() ? "\u2714" : "x"), (width / 2), offset + (bossBarVisible ? 19 : 2), (DungeonHandler.hasBloodkey() ? 0x55FF55 : 0xAA0000));
+ drawString(font, DungeonHandler.getWitherKeys() + "x", (width / 2), offset + (bossBarVisible ? 30 : 13), 0x555555);
GlStateManager.color(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
int clearPercent = DungeonHandler.getDungeonCleared();
- String clearPercentage = "Dungeon Cleared: \u00A7" + (clearPercent <= 20 ? "4" : clearPercent <= 50 ? "6" : clearPercent <= 80 ? "e" : "a") + clearPercent + "%";
+ String clearPercentage = "Dungeon Cleared: \u00A7" + (clearPercent <= 20 ? "4" : clearPercent <= 50 ? "6" : clearPercent <= 80 ? "e" : "a") + clearPercent + "%";
drawTexturedModalRect((width / 2) + 17, offset + (bossBarVisible ? 20 : 3), 2, 34, font.getStringWidth(clearPercentage) + 3, 14);
drawTexturedModalRect(((width / 2) + 17) + font.getStringWidth(clearPercentage) + 3, offset + (bossBarVisible ? 20 : 3), 252, 34, 4, 14);
drawString(font, clearPercentage, (width / 2) + 18, offset + (bossBarVisible ? 23 : 6), 0xAAAAAA);
@@ -83,21 +84,21 @@ public class DungeonOverlay extends Gui {
int secrets = DungeonHandler.getSecrets();
int totalSecrets = DungeonHandler.getTotalSecrets();
String secretsText = "Secrets: " + secrets + "/" + maxSecrets + " (" + totalSecrets + ")";
- drawTexturedModalRect((width/ 2) - 17 - (font.getStringWidth(secretsText)) - 4, offset + (bossBarVisible ? 20 : 3), 0, 34, 2, 14);
- drawTexturedModalRect(((width/ 2) - 17 - (font.getStringWidth(secretsText))) - 2, offset + (bossBarVisible ? 20 : 3), 2, 34, font.getStringWidth(secretsText) + 2, 14);
- drawString(font, secretsText, (width/ 2) - 17 - (font.getStringWidth(secretsText)) , offset + (bossBarVisible ? 23 : 6), 0xAAAAAA);
+ drawTexturedModalRect((width / 2) - 17 - (font.getStringWidth(secretsText)) - 4, offset + (bossBarVisible ? 20 : 3), 0, 34, 2, 14);
+ drawTexturedModalRect(((width / 2) - 17 - (font.getStringWidth(secretsText))) - 2, offset + (bossBarVisible ? 20 : 3), 2, 34, font.getStringWidth(secretsText) + 2, 14);
+ drawString(font, secretsText, (width / 2) - 17 - (font.getStringWidth(secretsText)), offset + (bossBarVisible ? 23 : 6), 0xAAAAAA);
GlStateManager.color(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
int crypts = DungeonHandler.getCrypts();
String cryptText = "Crypts: " + crypts;
- drawTexturedModalRect((width/ 2) - 17 - (font.getStringWidth(cryptText)) - 4, offset + (bossBarVisible ? 35 : 18), 0, 34, 2, 14);
- drawTexturedModalRect(((width/ 2) - 17 - (font.getStringWidth(cryptText))) - 2, offset + (bossBarVisible ? 35 : 18), 2, 34, font.getStringWidth(cryptText) + 2, 14);
- drawString(font, cryptText, (width/ 2) - 17 - (font.getStringWidth(cryptText)) , offset + (bossBarVisible ? 38 : 21), 0xAAAAAA);
+ drawTexturedModalRect((width / 2) - 17 - (font.getStringWidth(cryptText)) - 4, offset + (bossBarVisible ? 35 : 18), 0, 34, 2, 14);
+ drawTexturedModalRect(((width / 2) - 17 - (font.getStringWidth(cryptText))) - 2, offset + (bossBarVisible ? 35 : 18), 2, 34, font.getStringWidth(cryptText) + 2, 14);
+ drawString(font, cryptText, (width / 2) - 17 - (font.getStringWidth(cryptText)), offset + (bossBarVisible ? 38 : 21), 0xAAAAAA);
- public void drawUltimateBar(Minecraft mc, ScaledResolution resolution){
+ public void drawUltimateBar(Minecraft mc, ScaledResolution resolution) {
if (!SkyblockHud.config.dungeon.hideUltimateBar) {
float percentage = mc.thePlayer.experience;
SBHConfig.DungeonHud dungeonHud = SkyblockHud.config.dungeon;
@@ -106,12 +107,7 @@ public class DungeonOverlay extends Gui {
int x = position.getAbsX(resolution, 182);
int y = position.getAbsY(resolution, 5);
- GenericOverlays.drawLargeBar(mc,
- x - 91, y,
- percentage, 0.999f,
- SpecialColour.specialToChromaRGB(dungeonHud.barLoadColor),
- SpecialColour.specialToChromaRGB(dungeonHud.barFullColor),
- dungeonHud.barStyle);
+ GenericOverlays.drawLargeBar(mc, x - 91, y, percentage, 0.999f, SpecialColour.specialToChromaRGB(dungeonHud.barLoadColor), SpecialColour.specialToChromaRGB(dungeonHud.barFullColor), dungeonHud.barStyle);
@@ -125,8 +121,8 @@ public class DungeonOverlay extends Gui {
GlStateManager.color(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
if (!SkyblockHud.config.dungeon.hideDungeonPlayers) {
- int[] hardCodedPos = new int[]{5, 42, 79, 116};
- Position[] positions = new Position[]{SkyblockHud.config.dungeon.dungeonPlayer1, SkyblockHud.config.dungeon.dungeonPlayer2, SkyblockHud.config.dungeon.dungeonPlayer3, SkyblockHud.config.dungeon.dungeonPlayer4};
+ int[] hardCodedPos = new int[] { 5, 42, 79, 116 };
+ Position[] positions = new Position[] { SkyblockHud.config.dungeon.dungeonPlayer1, SkyblockHud.config.dungeon.dungeonPlayer2, SkyblockHud.config.dungeon.dungeonPlayer3, SkyblockHud.config.dungeon.dungeonPlayer4 };
for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(DungeonHandler.getDungeonPlayers().values().size(), 4); i++) {
DungeonPlayer player = (DungeonPlayer) DungeonHandler.getDungeonPlayers().values().toArray()[i];
int posX;