path: root/src/main/java/com/thatgravyboat/skyblockhud/overlay/OverlayHud.java
diff options
authorThatGravyBoat <thatgravyboat@gmail.com>2021-07-06 19:09:11 -0230
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2021-07-06 19:09:11 -0230
commit93248d28d6b314b42f6b0d82164975343b214ece (patch)
treee3e06c24454080f059355133d633e5a076d85ad3 /src/main/java/com/thatgravyboat/skyblockhud/overlay/OverlayHud.java
parent91464c8f433e8bf323932ac956678971207b607e (diff)
parent804767ebfc26e2a1252bc327def02389b35dfc6e (diff)
Merge pull request #2 from ThatGravyBoat/prettier
Add prettier settings and format code
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/java/com/thatgravyboat/skyblockhud/overlay/OverlayHud.java')
1 files changed, 69 insertions, 84 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/thatgravyboat/skyblockhud/overlay/OverlayHud.java b/src/main/java/com/thatgravyboat/skyblockhud/overlay/OverlayHud.java
index 8cdd44c..23b9df0 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/thatgravyboat/skyblockhud/overlay/OverlayHud.java
+++ b/src/main/java/com/thatgravyboat/skyblockhud/overlay/OverlayHud.java
@@ -8,8 +8,11 @@ import com.thatgravyboat.skyblockhud.handlers.CurrencyHandler;
import com.thatgravyboat.skyblockhud.handlers.SlayerHandler;
import com.thatgravyboat.skyblockhud.handlers.TimeHandler;
import com.thatgravyboat.skyblockhud.location.*;
-import com.thatgravyboat.skyblockhud.seasons.SeasonDateHandler;
import com.thatgravyboat.skyblockhud.seasons.Season;
+import com.thatgravyboat.skyblockhud.seasons.SeasonDateHandler;
+import java.text.DecimalFormat;
+import java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols;
+import java.util.Locale;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.FontRenderer;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.Gui;
@@ -20,19 +23,16 @@ import net.minecraftforge.client.GuiIngameForge;
import net.minecraftforge.client.event.RenderGameOverlayEvent;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent;
-import java.text.DecimalFormat;
-import java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols;
-import java.util.Locale;
public class OverlayHud extends Gui {
private static final FontRenderer font = Minecraft.getMinecraft().fontRendererObj;
private static boolean eventToggle;
public static boolean bossBarVisible = false;
- public void drawClock(int width, int offset, Minecraft mc){
+ public void drawClock(int width, int offset, Minecraft mc) {
GlStateManager.color(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
@@ -44,10 +44,9 @@ public class OverlayHud extends Gui {
int time12Hour = timeHour >= 12 ? timeHour - 12 : timeHour;
String normalTime = (time12Hour == 0 ? "00" : String.valueOf(time12Hour)) + ":" + (timeMin == 0 ? "00" : timeMin) + (timeHour >= 12 ? "pm" : "am");
- drawTexturedModalRect((width/ 2) - 17, offset + (bossBarVisible ? 17 : 0), 0, 0, 34, 34);
- drawTexturedModalRect((width/ 2) - 4, offset + (bossBarVisible ? 24 : 7), (timeHour > 19 || timeHour < 4) ? 43 : 43 + 8, 0, 8, 8);
- if (SkyblockHud.config.main.twelveHourClock) drawScaledString(0.8f, width/ 2, offset + (bossBarVisible ? 38 : 21), normalTime, (timeHour > 19 || timeHour < 4) ? 0xAFB8CC : 0xFFFF55);
- else drawCenteredString(font, militaryTime, (width/ 2), offset + (bossBarVisible ? 38 : 21), (timeHour > 19 || timeHour < 4) ? 0xAFB8CC : 0xFFFF55);
+ drawTexturedModalRect((width / 2) - 17, offset + (bossBarVisible ? 17 : 0), 0, 0, 34, 34);
+ drawTexturedModalRect((width / 2) - 4, offset + (bossBarVisible ? 24 : 7), (timeHour > 19 || timeHour < 4) ? 43 : 43 + 8, 0, 8, 8);
+ if (SkyblockHud.config.main.twelveHourClock) drawScaledString(0.8f, width / 2, offset + (bossBarVisible ? 38 : 21), normalTime, (timeHour > 19 || timeHour < 4) ? 0xAFB8CC : 0xFFFF55); else drawCenteredString(font, militaryTime, (width / 2), offset + (bossBarVisible ? 38 : 21), (timeHour > 19 || timeHour < 4) ? 0xAFB8CC : 0xFFFF55);
drawPurseAndBits(width, offset, mc);
@@ -64,27 +63,24 @@ public class OverlayHud extends Gui {
if (LocationHandler.getCurrentLocation().equals(Locations.YOURISLAND)) {
if (IslandHandler.flightTime > 0) drawFlightDuration(width, offset, mc);
- }
- else if (LocationHandler.getCurrentLocation().getCategory().equals(LocationCategory.MUSHROOMDESERT)){
+ } else if (LocationHandler.getCurrentLocation().getCategory().equals(LocationCategory.MUSHROOMDESERT)) {
drawTrapperOrPelts(width, offset, mc);
- }
- else if (LocationHandler.getCurrentLocation().getCategory().equals(LocationCategory.DWARVENMINES)) {
- if (DwarvenMineHandler.currentEvent != DwarvenMineHandler.Event.NONE){
+ } else if (LocationHandler.getCurrentLocation().getCategory().equals(LocationCategory.DWARVENMINES)) {
+ if (DwarvenMineHandler.currentEvent != DwarvenMineHandler.Event.NONE) {
drawDwarvenEvent(width, offset, mc);
- }else {
+ } else {
drawMithril(width, offset, mc);
- }
- else if (LocationHandler.getCurrentLocation().getCategory().equals(LocationCategory.PARK) && ParkIslandHandler.isRaining()){
- if (LocationHandler.getCurrentLocation().equals(Locations.HOWLINGCAVE)){
+ } else if (LocationHandler.getCurrentLocation().getCategory().equals(LocationCategory.PARK) && ParkIslandHandler.isRaining()) {
+ if (LocationHandler.getCurrentLocation().equals(Locations.HOWLINGCAVE)) {
drawSlayer(width, offset, mc);
- }else drawRainDuration(width, offset, mc);
- }else if (SlayerHandler.isDoingSlayer){
+ } else drawRainDuration(width, offset, mc);
+ } else if (SlayerHandler.isDoingSlayer) {
drawSlayer(width, offset, mc);
- public void drawSeasonAndDate(int width, int offset, Minecraft mc){
+ public void drawSeasonAndDate(int width, int offset, Minecraft mc) {
if (SeasonDateHandler.getCurrentSeason() != Season.ERROR) {
GlStateManager.color(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
if (mc.thePlayer.ticksExisted % 100 == 0 && eventToggle) eventToggle = false;
@@ -98,36 +94,31 @@ public class OverlayHud extends Gui {
drawString(font, dateText, (width / 2) + 18, offset + (bossBarVisible ? 23 : 6), 0xffffff);
- public void drawLocation(int width, int offset, Minecraft mc){
+ public void drawLocation(int width, int offset, Minecraft mc) {
GlStateManager.color(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
- drawTexturedModalRect((width/ 2) - 33 - (font.getStringWidth(LocationHandler.getCurrentLocation().getDisplayName())), offset + (bossBarVisible ? 20 : 3), 0, 34, 2, 14);
- drawTexturedModalRect(((width/ 2) - 33 - (font.getStringWidth(LocationHandler.getCurrentLocation().getDisplayName()))) + 2, offset + (bossBarVisible ? 20 : 3), 2, 34, font.getStringWidth(LocationHandler.getCurrentLocation().getDisplayName()) + 14, 14);
- drawTexturedModalRect(((width/ 2) - 33 - (font.getStringWidth(LocationHandler.getCurrentLocation().getDisplayName()))) + 4, offset + (bossBarVisible ? 23 : 6), LocationHandler.getCurrentLocation().getCategory().getTexturePos(), 8, 8, 8);
- drawString(font,
- LocationHandler.getCurrentLocation().getDisplayName(),
- (width/ 2) - 19 - (font.getStringWidth(LocationHandler.getCurrentLocation().getDisplayName())) ,
- offset + (bossBarVisible ? 23 : 6),
- );
+ drawTexturedModalRect((width / 2) - 33 - (font.getStringWidth(LocationHandler.getCurrentLocation().getDisplayName())), offset + (bossBarVisible ? 20 : 3), 0, 34, 2, 14);
+ drawTexturedModalRect(((width / 2) - 33 - (font.getStringWidth(LocationHandler.getCurrentLocation().getDisplayName()))) + 2, offset + (bossBarVisible ? 20 : 3), 2, 34, font.getStringWidth(LocationHandler.getCurrentLocation().getDisplayName()) + 14, 14);
+ drawTexturedModalRect(((width / 2) - 33 - (font.getStringWidth(LocationHandler.getCurrentLocation().getDisplayName()))) + 4, offset + (bossBarVisible ? 23 : 6), LocationHandler.getCurrentLocation().getCategory().getTexturePos(), 8, 8, 8);
+ drawString(font, LocationHandler.getCurrentLocation().getDisplayName(), (width / 2) - 19 - (font.getStringWidth(LocationHandler.getCurrentLocation().getDisplayName())), offset + (bossBarVisible ? 23 : 6), 0xFFFFFF);
- public void drawRedstone(int width, int offset, Minecraft mc){
+ public void drawRedstone(int width, int offset, Minecraft mc) {
GlStateManager.color(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
int redstoneColor = IslandHandler.redstone > 90 ? 0xFF0000 : IslandHandler.redstone > 75 ? 0xC45B00 : IslandHandler.redstone > 50 ? 0xFFFF55 : 0x55FF55;
if (IslandHandler.redstone > 0 && Utils.isPlayerHoldingRedstone(mc.thePlayer)) {
- drawTexturedModalRect((width/ 2) - 15, offset + (bossBarVisible ? 51 : 34), 0, 48, 30, 18);
- drawTexturedModalRect((width/ 2) - 4, offset + (bossBarVisible ? 51 : 34), 59, 0, 8, 8);
- drawCenteredString(mc.fontRendererObj, IslandHandler.redstone+"%", (width/ 2), offset + (bossBarVisible ? 58 : 41), redstoneColor);
+ drawTexturedModalRect((width / 2) - 15, offset + (bossBarVisible ? 51 : 34), 0, 48, 30, 18);
+ drawTexturedModalRect((width / 2) - 4, offset + (bossBarVisible ? 51 : 34), 59, 0, 8, 8);
+ drawCenteredString(mc.fontRendererObj, IslandHandler.redstone + "%", (width / 2), offset + (bossBarVisible ? 58 : 41), redstoneColor);
- public void drawPurseAndBits(int width, int offset, Minecraft mc){
+ public void drawPurseAndBits(int width, int offset, Minecraft mc) {
GlStateManager.color(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
- int xPos = (width/ 2) + 17;
+ int xPos = (width / 2) + 17;
drawTexturedModalRect(xPos, offset + (bossBarVisible ? 35 : 18), 2, 34, font.getStringWidth(CurrencyHandler.getCoinsFormatted()) + 11, 14);
@@ -150,38 +141,34 @@ public class OverlayHud extends Gui {
drawTexturedModalRect(xPos, offset + (bossBarVisible ? 35 : 18), 252, 34, 4, 14);
- public void drawFlightDuration(int width, int offset, Minecraft mc ){
- if (LocationHandler.getCurrentLocation().equals(Locations.YOURISLAND)){
+ public void drawFlightDuration(int width, int offset, Minecraft mc) {
+ if (LocationHandler.getCurrentLocation().equals(Locations.YOURISLAND)) {
GlStateManager.color(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
DecimalFormat flightFormat = new DecimalFormat("#.#", DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance(Locale.CANADA));
String duration;
- if (IslandHandler.flightTime < 60) duration = IslandHandler.flightTime + "s";
- else if (IslandHandler.flightTime < 3600) duration = flightFormat.format((double)IslandHandler.flightTime / 60) + "m";
- else if (IslandHandler.flightTime < 86400) duration = flightFormat.format((double)IslandHandler.flightTime / 3600) + "hr";
- else if (IslandHandler.flightTime < 86460) duration = flightFormat.format((double)IslandHandler.flightTime / 86400) + "day";
- else duration = flightFormat.format((double)IslandHandler.flightTime / 86400) + "days";
+ if (IslandHandler.flightTime < 60) duration = IslandHandler.flightTime + "s"; else if (IslandHandler.flightTime < 3600) duration = flightFormat.format((double) IslandHandler.flightTime / 60) + "m"; else if (IslandHandler.flightTime < 86400) duration = flightFormat.format((double) IslandHandler.flightTime / 3600) + "hr"; else if (IslandHandler.flightTime < 86460) duration = flightFormat.format((double) IslandHandler.flightTime / 86400) + "day"; else duration = flightFormat.format((double) IslandHandler.flightTime / 86400) + "days";
- drawTexturedModalRect((width/ 2) - 33 - (font.getStringWidth(duration)), offset + (bossBarVisible ? 35 : 18), 0, 34, 2, 14);
- drawTexturedModalRect(((width/ 2) - 33 - (font.getStringWidth(duration))) + 2, offset + (bossBarVisible ? 35 : 18), 2, 34, font.getStringWidth(duration) + 14, 14);
- drawTexturedModalRect(((width/ 2) - 33 - (font.getStringWidth(duration))) + 4, offset + (bossBarVisible ? 38 : 21), 67, 0, 8, 8);
- drawString(font, duration, (width/ 2) - 19 - (font.getStringWidth(duration)) , offset + (bossBarVisible ? 38 : 21), 0xFFFFFF);
+ drawTexturedModalRect((width / 2) - 33 - (font.getStringWidth(duration)), offset + (bossBarVisible ? 35 : 18), 0, 34, 2, 14);
+ drawTexturedModalRect(((width / 2) - 33 - (font.getStringWidth(duration))) + 2, offset + (bossBarVisible ? 35 : 18), 2, 34, font.getStringWidth(duration) + 14, 14);
+ drawTexturedModalRect(((width / 2) - 33 - (font.getStringWidth(duration))) + 4, offset + (bossBarVisible ? 38 : 21), 67, 0, 8, 8);
+ drawString(font, duration, (width / 2) - 19 - (font.getStringWidth(duration)), offset + (bossBarVisible ? 38 : 21), 0xFFFFFF);
- public void drawRainDuration(int width, int offset, Minecraft mc ){
- if (LocationHandler.getCurrentLocation().getCategory().equals(LocationCategory.PARK)){
+ public void drawRainDuration(int width, int offset, Minecraft mc) {
+ if (LocationHandler.getCurrentLocation().getCategory().equals(LocationCategory.PARK)) {
GlStateManager.color(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
String duration = "Rain: " + ParkIslandHandler.getRainTime();
- drawTexturedModalRect((width/ 2) - 33 - (font.getStringWidth(duration)), offset + (bossBarVisible ? 35 : 18), 0, 34, 2, 14);
- drawTexturedModalRect(((width/ 2) - 33 - (font.getStringWidth(duration))) + 2, offset + (bossBarVisible ? 35 : 18), 2, 34, font.getStringWidth(duration) + 14, 14);
- drawTexturedModalRect(((width/ 2) - 33 - (font.getStringWidth(duration))) + 4, offset + (bossBarVisible ? 38 : 21), 83, 0, 8, 8);
- drawString(font, duration, (width/ 2) - 19 - (font.getStringWidth(duration)) , offset + (bossBarVisible ? 38 : 21), 0xFFFFFF);
+ drawTexturedModalRect((width / 2) - 33 - (font.getStringWidth(duration)), offset + (bossBarVisible ? 35 : 18), 0, 34, 2, 14);
+ drawTexturedModalRect(((width / 2) - 33 - (font.getStringWidth(duration))) + 2, offset + (bossBarVisible ? 35 : 18), 2, 34, font.getStringWidth(duration) + 14, 14);
+ drawTexturedModalRect(((width / 2) - 33 - (font.getStringWidth(duration))) + 4, offset + (bossBarVisible ? 38 : 21), 83, 0, 8, 8);
+ drawString(font, duration, (width / 2) - 19 - (font.getStringWidth(duration)), offset + (bossBarVisible ? 38 : 21), 0xFFFFFF);
- public void drawSlayer(int width, int offset, Minecraft mc){
- if (SlayerHandler.isDoingSlayer){
+ public void drawSlayer(int width, int offset, Minecraft mc) {
+ if (SlayerHandler.isDoingSlayer) {
int kills = SlayerHandler.progress;
int maxKills = SlayerHandler.maxKills;
int tier = SlayerHandler.slayerTier;
@@ -193,13 +180,13 @@ public class OverlayHud extends Gui {
stringBuilder.append(" ");
- if (SlayerHandler.isKillingBoss){
+ if (SlayerHandler.isKillingBoss) {
stringBuilder.append("Slay Boss!");
- } else if (SlayerHandler.bossSlain){
+ } else if (SlayerHandler.bossSlain) {
stringBuilder.append("Boss Slain!");
- } else if (kills == 0 && maxKills == 0){
+ } else if (kills == 0 && maxKills == 0) {
stringBuilder.append("Not Slaying!");
} else {
@@ -215,37 +202,36 @@ public class OverlayHud extends Gui {
drawTexturedModalRect(((width / 2) - 33 - (font.getStringWidth(text))) + 2, offset + (bossBarVisible ? 35 : 18), 2, 34, font.getStringWidth(text) + 14, 14);
drawTexturedModalRect(((width / 2) - 33 - (font.getStringWidth(text))) + 4, offset + (bossBarVisible ? 38 : 21), slayerType.getX(), 24, 8, 8);
drawString(font, text, (width / 2) - 19 - (font.getStringWidth(text)), offset + (bossBarVisible ? 38 : 21), 0xFFFFFF);
- public void drawMithril(int width, int offset, Minecraft mc){
- if (LocationHandler.getCurrentLocation().getCategory().equals(LocationCategory.DWARVENMINES)){
+ public void drawMithril(int width, int offset, Minecraft mc) {
+ if (LocationHandler.getCurrentLocation().getCategory().equals(LocationCategory.DWARVENMINES)) {
GlStateManager.color(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
String mithril = DwarvenMineHandler.getMithrilFormatted();
- drawTexturedModalRect((width/ 2) - 33 - (font.getStringWidth(mithril)), offset + (bossBarVisible ? 35 : 18), 0, 34, 2, 14);
- drawTexturedModalRect(((width/ 2) - 33 - (font.getStringWidth(mithril))) + 2, offset + (bossBarVisible ? 35 : 18), 2, 34, font.getStringWidth(mithril) + 14, 14);
- drawTexturedModalRect(((width/ 2) - 33 - (font.getStringWidth(mithril))) + 4, offset + (bossBarVisible ? 38 : 21), 91, 0, 8, 8);
- drawString(font, mithril, (width/ 2) - 19 - (font.getStringWidth(mithril)) , offset + (bossBarVisible ? 38 : 21), 0x00C896);
+ drawTexturedModalRect((width / 2) - 33 - (font.getStringWidth(mithril)), offset + (bossBarVisible ? 35 : 18), 0, 34, 2, 14);
+ drawTexturedModalRect(((width / 2) - 33 - (font.getStringWidth(mithril))) + 2, offset + (bossBarVisible ? 35 : 18), 2, 34, font.getStringWidth(mithril) + 14, 14);
+ drawTexturedModalRect(((width / 2) - 33 - (font.getStringWidth(mithril))) + 4, offset + (bossBarVisible ? 38 : 21), 91, 0, 8, 8);
+ drawString(font, mithril, (width / 2) - 19 - (font.getStringWidth(mithril)), offset + (bossBarVisible ? 38 : 21), 0x00C896);
- public void drawTrapperOrPelts(int width, int offset, Minecraft mc){
- if (LocationHandler.getCurrentLocation().getCategory().equals(LocationCategory.MUSHROOMDESERT)){
+ public void drawTrapperOrPelts(int width, int offset, Minecraft mc) {
+ if (LocationHandler.getCurrentLocation().getCategory().equals(LocationCategory.MUSHROOMDESERT)) {
GlStateManager.color(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
- String duration = FarmingIslandHandler.location != Locations.NONE ? FarmingIslandHandler.location.getDisplayName() : ""+FarmingIslandHandler.pelts;
- drawTexturedModalRect((width/ 2) - 33 - (font.getStringWidth(duration)), offset + (bossBarVisible ? 35 : 18), 0, 34, 2, 14);
- drawTexturedModalRect(((width/ 2) - 33 - (font.getStringWidth(duration))) + 2, offset + (bossBarVisible ? 35 : 18), 2, 34, font.getStringWidth(duration) + 14, 14);
- drawTexturedModalRect(((width/ 2) - 33 - (font.getStringWidth(duration))) + 4, offset + (bossBarVisible ? 38 : 21), FarmingIslandHandler.location != Locations.NONE ? 123 : 115, 0, 8, 8);
- drawString(font, duration, (width/ 2) - 19 - (font.getStringWidth(duration)) , offset + (bossBarVisible ? 38 : 21), 0xFFFFFF);
+ String duration = FarmingIslandHandler.location != Locations.NONE ? FarmingIslandHandler.location.getDisplayName() : "" + FarmingIslandHandler.pelts;
+ drawTexturedModalRect((width / 2) - 33 - (font.getStringWidth(duration)), offset + (bossBarVisible ? 35 : 18), 0, 34, 2, 14);
+ drawTexturedModalRect(((width / 2) - 33 - (font.getStringWidth(duration))) + 2, offset + (bossBarVisible ? 35 : 18), 2, 34, font.getStringWidth(duration) + 14, 14);
+ drawTexturedModalRect(((width / 2) - 33 - (font.getStringWidth(duration))) + 4, offset + (bossBarVisible ? 38 : 21), FarmingIslandHandler.location != Locations.NONE ? 123 : 115, 0, 8, 8);
+ drawString(font, duration, (width / 2) - 19 - (font.getStringWidth(duration)), offset + (bossBarVisible ? 38 : 21), 0xFFFFFF);
- public void drawDwarvenEvent(int width, int offset, Minecraft mc){
- if (LocationHandler.getCurrentLocation().getCategory().equals(LocationCategory.DWARVENMINES)){
+ public void drawDwarvenEvent(int width, int offset, Minecraft mc) {
+ if (LocationHandler.getCurrentLocation().getCategory().equals(LocationCategory.DWARVENMINES)) {
GlStateManager.color(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
if (DwarvenMineHandler.eventMax > 0) {
@@ -254,7 +240,7 @@ public class OverlayHud extends Gui {
drawTexturedModalRect(((width / 2) - 33 - (font.getStringWidth(duration))) + 2, offset + (bossBarVisible ? 35 : 18), 2, 34, font.getStringWidth(duration) + 14, 14);
drawTexturedModalRect(((width / 2) - 33 - (font.getStringWidth(duration))) + 4, offset + (bossBarVisible ? 38 : 21), DwarvenMineHandler.currentEvent.x, 0, 8, 8);
drawString(font, duration, (width / 2) - 19 - (font.getStringWidth(duration)), offset + (bossBarVisible ? 38 : 21), 0xFFFFFF);
- }else {
+ } else {
String text = DwarvenMineHandler.currentEvent.displayName;
drawTexturedModalRect((width / 2) - 33 - (font.getStringWidth(text)), offset + (bossBarVisible ? 35 : 18), 0, 34, 2, 14);
drawTexturedModalRect(((width / 2) - 33 - (font.getStringWidth(text))) + 2, offset + (bossBarVisible ? 35 : 18), 2, 34, font.getStringWidth(text) + 14, 14);
@@ -270,17 +256,16 @@ public class OverlayHud extends Gui {
bossBarVisible = BossStatus.statusBarTime > 0 && GuiIngameForge.renderBossHealth && BossbarHandler.bossBarRendered;
Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getMinecraft();
GlStateManager.color(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
- if (LocationHandler.getCurrentLocation() != Locations.CATACOMBS){
+ if (LocationHandler.getCurrentLocation() != Locations.CATACOMBS) {
drawClock(event.resolution.getScaledWidth(), SkyblockHud.config.main.mainHudPos.getAbsY(event.resolution, 34), mc);
GlStateManager.color(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
- public void drawScaledString(float factor, int x, int y, String text, int color){
+ public void drawScaledString(float factor, int x, int y, String text, int color) {
GlStateManager.scale(factor, factor, 1);
- drawCenteredString(font, text, (int)(x/factor), (int)(y/factor), color);
- GlStateManager.scale(1/factor, 1/factor, 1);
+ drawCenteredString(font, text, (int) (x / factor), (int) (y / factor), color);
+ GlStateManager.scale(1 / factor, 1 / factor, 1);