path: root/src
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-04-28Add alert sound to configbowser0000
2022-04-28Fix importing taurus from APIbowser0000
2022-04-23Fix some drops not counting in blaze trackerbowser0000
2022-04-23Add fire pillar displaybowser0000
2022-04-23Fix typo in fishing trackerbowser0000
2022-04-22Fix of inquistor not counted in trackerbowser0000
2022-04-22Add lava fishing trackerbowser0000
2022-04-21Fix text for blaze displaybowser0000
2022-04-20Fix crimson isle custom musicbowser0000
2022-04-20Add blaze slayer support + trackerbowser0000
2022-04-18Add farming weight to /weightbowser0000
2022-04-16Add auto add player waypointsbowser0000
2022-04-16Add location and desktop notification for alertsbowser0000
2022-04-16Add automatically joining skyblockbowser0000
2022-04-05Fix MM tracker adding S+ runs when doing S runsbowser0000
2022-04-05Fix pickobulus ability crashing /hotmofbowser0000
2022-04-05Fix estimated time in lobby commandsbowser0000
2022-04-05Fix same colour solver resetting correct colourbowser0000
2022-03-22Add new f7 terminalsbowser0000
2022-03-20Add hiding player armourbowser0000
2022-03-17Fix NPE with chat waypointsbowser0000
2022-03-15Fix alerts not saving when editingbowser0000
2022-03-10Prevent crash from playing non .wav musicbowser0000
2022-03-10Add Necron Dye to MM trackerbowser0000
2022-03-07Fix /loot catacombs mm giving errorbowser0000
2022-03-07Fix missing values in /resetlootbowser0000
2022-03-07Fix golden drag pet xp and change level 30-39 pet colourbowser0000
2022-03-07Add cata 99 and class average to /dungeonsbowser0000
2022-03-05Fix /loot fishing giving 2 loot summariesbowser0000
2022-03-05Update catacombs trackerbowser0000
2022-03-04Fix typo in /lobbybankbowser0000
2022-03-04Add custom colours to titlesbowser0000
2022-03-04Add CH fishing trackerbowser0000
2022-03-04Remove networth commandbowser0000
2022-03-04Small fixes to chat message triggersbowser0000
2022-03-04Update F7 notificationsbowser0000
2022-02-25Fix slayer trackers not counting if drop is >= 10bowser0000
2022-02-25Fix chronomatron solverbowser0000
2022-01-11Fix custom colour crashbowser0000
2022-01-06Actually fix dungeon coins spentbowser0000
2021-12-26Add master mode loot trackerbowser0000
2021-12-26Fix issues with dungeon score displaybowser0000
2021-12-23Add dungeon score displaybowser0000
2021-11-25Fix ability cooldown tracker using full set bonus cooldownbowser0000
2021-11-24Add custom alerts based on chatbowser0000
2021-11-24Fix gemstone lore with mining, combat and defensive slotsbowser0000
2021-11-24Re-add blocking click featuresbowser0000
2021-11-22Fix /hotmof error when missing API valuesbowser0000
2021-11-21Add /networth commandbowser0000
2021-11-20Add /inv alias to /inventorybowser0000