path: root/src/test
diff options
authorKevinthegreat <92656833+kevinthegreat1@users.noreply.github.com>2024-07-22 16:28:26 +0800
committerKevinthegreat <92656833+kevinthegreat1@users.noreply.github.com>2024-07-22 16:28:26 +0800
commitc6c3f30fcbacb018a6aaa8aab89395e987ca99ab (patch)
treeb3a92bc005df157d8232d27004eb95c3f43a9a27 /src/test
parent14d4abe61f1344f29a9eebb73d6a3d7004dfc2d5 (diff)
Add slot text config data fixer
Diffstat (limited to 'src/test')
3 files changed, 1223 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/src/test/java/de/hysky/skyblocker/config/datafixer/ConfigDataFixerTest.java b/src/test/java/de/hysky/skyblocker/config/datafixer/ConfigDataFixerTest.java
index fcdbc314..7e73b9e9 100644
--- a/src/test/java/de/hysky/skyblocker/config/datafixer/ConfigDataFixerTest.java
+++ b/src/test/java/de/hysky/skyblocker/config/datafixer/ConfigDataFixerTest.java
@@ -37,6 +37,16 @@ public class ConfigDataFixerTest {
JsonObject expectedNewConfig = GSON.fromJson(new InputStreamReader(ConfigDataFixerTest.class.getResourceAsStream("/assets/skyblocker/config/skyblocker-v3.json")), JsonObject.class);
- Assertions.assertEquals(expectedNewConfig, ConfigDataFixer.apply(oldConfig));
+ Assertions.assertEquals(expectedNewConfig, ConfigDataFixer.apply(oldConfig, 3));
+ }
+ @Test
+ void testDataFixer3SlotText() {
+ @SuppressWarnings("DataFlowIssue")
+ JsonObject oldConfig = GSON.fromJson(new InputStreamReader(ConfigDataFixerTest.class.getResourceAsStream("/assets/skyblocker/config/skyblocker-v3.1.json")), JsonObject.class);
+ @SuppressWarnings("DataFlowIssue")
+ JsonObject expectedNewConfig = GSON.fromJson(new InputStreamReader(ConfigDataFixerTest.class.getResourceAsStream("/assets/skyblocker/config/skyblocker-v4.json")), JsonObject.class);
+ Assertions.assertEquals(expectedNewConfig, ConfigDataFixer.apply(oldConfig, 4));
diff --git a/src/test/resources/assets/skyblocker/config/skyblocker-v3.1.json b/src/test/resources/assets/skyblocker/config/skyblocker-v3.1.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5c4e1348
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/resources/assets/skyblocker/config/skyblocker-v3.1.json
@@ -0,0 +1,606 @@
+ "version": 3,
+ "general": {
+ "enableTips": true,
+ "acceptReparty": true,
+ "shortcuts": {
+ "enableShortcuts": true,
+ "enableCommandShortcuts": true,
+ "enableCommandArgShortcuts": true
+ },
+ "quiverWarning": {
+ "enableQuiverWarning": true,
+ "enableQuiverWarningInDungeons": true,
+ "enableQuiverWarningAfterDungeon": true
+ },
+ "itemList": {
+ "enableItemList": true
+ },
+ "itemTooltip": {
+ "enableNPCPrice": true,
+ "enableMotesPrice": true,
+ "enableAvgBIN": true,
+ "avg": "THREE_DAY",
+ "enableLowestBIN": true,
+ "enableBazaarPrice": true,
+ "enableObtainedDate": true,
+ "enableMuseumInfo": true,
+ "enableExoticTooltip": true,
+ "enableAccessoriesHelper": true,
+ "dungeonQuality": true
+ },
+ "itemInfoDisplay": {
+ "slotText": true,
+ "attributeShardInfo": true,
+ "itemRarityBackgrounds": false,
+ "itemRarityBackgroundStyle": "CIRCULAR",
+ "itemRarityBackgroundsOpacity": 1.0
+ },
+ "itemProtection": {
+ "slotLockStyle": "FANCY"
+ },
+ "wikiLookup": {
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+ "officialWiki": true
+ },
+ "specialEffects": {
+ "rareDungeonDropEffects": true
+ },
+ "hitbox": {
+ "oldFarmlandHitbox": false,
+ "oldLeverHitbox": false
+ },
+ "lockedSlots": [],
+ "protectedItems": [],
+ "customItemNames": {},
+ "customDyeColors": {},
+ "customArmorTrims": {},
+ "customAnimatedDyes": {}
+ },
+ "uiAndVisuals": {
+ "compactorDeletorPreview": true,
+ "dontStripSkinAlphaValues": true,
+ "backpackPreviewWithoutShift": false,
+ "hideEmptyTooltips": true,
+ "fancyCraftingTable": true,
+ "hideStatusEffectOverlay": false,
+ "chestValue": {
+ "enableChestValue": true,
+ "color": "DARK_GREEN",
+ "incompleteColor": "BLUE"
+ },
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+ "enableItemCooldowns": true
+ },
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+ "x": 540,
+ "y": 10,
+ "direction": "HORIZONTAL",
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+ },
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+ "tabHudEnabled": true,
+ "tabHudScale": 100,
+ "enableHudBackground": true,
+ "plainPlayerNames": false,
+ "nameSorting": "DEFAULT"
+ },
+ "fancyAuctionHouse": {
+ "enabled": false,
+ "highlightCheapBIN": true
+ },
+ "bars": {
+ "enableBars": true,
+ "barPositions": {
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+ "manaBarPosition": "LAYER1",
+ "defenceBarPosition": "LAYER1",
+ "experienceBarPosition": "LAYER1"
+ }
+ },
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+ "waypointType": "WAYPOINT"
+ },
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+ "enableWeirdTransmission": true,
+ "enableInstantTransmission": true,
+ "enableEtherTransmission": true,
+ "enableSinrecallTransmission": true,
+ "enableWitherImpact": true
+ },
+ "searchOverlay": {
+ "enableBazaar": true,
+ "enableAuctionHouse": true,
+ "keepPreviousSearches": false,
+ "maxSuggestions": 3,
+ "historyLength": 3,
+ "enableCommands": false,
+ "bazaarHistory": [
+ "ab",
+ "Mystical Mushroom Soup",
+ "Enchanted Cocoa Beans"
+ ],
+ "auctionHistory": [
+ "Rich Chocolate Chunk",
+ "Smooth Chocolate Bar",
+ "Juju Shortbow"
+ ]
+ },
+ "inputCalculator": {
+ "enabled": true,
+ "requiresEquals": false
+ },
+ "flameOverlay": {
+ "flameHeight": 100,
+ "flameOpacity": 100
+ },
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+ "enabled": true,
+ "precision": 1,
+ "normalDamageColor": -1,
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+ "critDamageGradientEnd": -43691
+ }
+ },
+ "helpers": {
+ "enableNewYearCakesHelper": true,
+ "mythologicalRitual": {
+ "enableMythologicalRitualHelper": true
+ },
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+ "enableSuperpairsSolver": true,
+ "enableUltrasequencerSolver": true
+ },
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+ "fishingTimerScale": 1.0,
+ "hideOtherPlayersRods": false
+ },
+ "fairySouls": {
+ "enableFairySoulsHelper": false,
+ "highlightFoundSouls": true,
+ "highlightOnlyNearbySouls": false
+ },
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+ "enableChocolateFactoryHelper": true,
+ "enableEggFinder": true,
+ "sendEggFoundMessages": true,
+ "waypointType": "WAYPOINT",
+ "enableTimeTowerReminder": true
+ }
+ },
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+ "hideSoulweaverSkulls": false,
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+ "mapScaling": 1.0,
+ "mapX": 2,
+ "mapY": 2
+ },
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+ "creeperSolver": true,
+ "solveWaterboard": true,
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+ "solveBoulder": true,
+ "solveIceFill": true,
+ "solveSilverfish": true,
+ "solveTrivia": true
+ },
+ "theProfessor": {
+ "fireFreezeStaffTimer": true,
+ "floor3GuardianHealthDisplay": true
+ },
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+ "enableLividColorText": true,
+ "enableLividColorTitle": true,
+ "lividColorText": "The livid color is [color]"
+ },
+ "terminals": {
+ "solveColor": true,
+ "solveOrder": true,
+ "solveStartsWith": true,
+ "blockIncorrectClicks": false
+ },
+ "secretWaypoints": {
+ "enableRoomMatching": true,
+ "enableSecretWaypoints": true,
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+ "showSecretText": true,
+ "enableEntranceWaypoints": true,
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+ "enableItemWaypoints": true,
+ "enableBatWaypoints": true,
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+ "enableStonkWaypoints": true,
+ "enableAotvWaypoints": true,
+ "enablePearlWaypoints": true,
+ "enableDefaultWaypoints": true
+ },
+ "mimicMessage": {
+ "sendMimicMessage": true,
+ "mimicMessage": "Mimic dead!"
+ },
+ "doorHighlight": {
+ "enableDoorHighlight": true,
+ "doorHighlightType": "OUTLINED_HIGHLIGHT"
+ },
+ "dungeonScore": {
+ "enableDungeonScore270Message": false,
+ "enableDungeonScore270Title": false,
+ "enableDungeonScore270Sound": false,
+ "dungeonScore270Message": "270 Score Reached!",
+ "enableDungeonScore300Message": true,
+ "enableDungeonScore300Title": true,
+ "enableDungeonScore300Sound": true,
+ "dungeonScore300Message": "300 Score Reached!",
+ "enableDungeonCryptsMessage": true,
+ "dungeonCryptsMessageThreshold": 250,
+ "dungeonCryptsMessage": "We only have [crypts] crypts out of 5, we need more!",
+ "enableScoreHUD": true,
+ "scoreX": 29,
+ "scoreY": 134,
+ "scoreScaling": 1.0
+ },
+ "dungeonChestProfit": {
+ "enableProfitCalculator": true,
+ "includeKismet": false,
+ "includeEssence": true,
+ "croesusProfit": true,
+ "neutralThreshold": 1000,
+ "neutralColor": "DARK_GRAY",
+ "profitColor": "DARK_GREEN",
+ "lossColor": "RED",
+ "incompleteColor": "BLUE"
+ }
+ },
+ "foraging": {
+ "hunting": {}
+ },
+ "crimsonIsle": {
+ "kuudra": {
+ "supplyWaypoints": true,
+ "fuelWaypoints": true,
+ "suppliesAndFuelWaypointType": "WAYPOINT",
+ "ballistaBuildWaypoints": true,
+ "safeSpotWaypoints": true,
+ "pearlWaypoints": true,
+ "noArrowPoisonWarning": true,
+ "arrowPoisonThreshold": 32
+ }
+ },
+ "mining": {
+ "enableDrillFuel": true,
+ "dwarvenMines": {
+ "solveFetchur": true,
+ "solvePuzzler": true
+ },
+ "dwarvenHud": {
+ "enabledCommissions": true,
+ "enabledPowder": true,
+ "style": "SIMPLE",
+ "commissionsX": 842,
+ "commissionsY": 0,
+ "powderX": 872,
+ "powderY": 59
+ },
+ "crystalHollows": {
+ "metalDetectorHelper": true
+ },
+ "crystalsHud": {
+ "enabled": true,
+ "showLocations": true,
+ "locationSize": 8,
+ "x": 9,
+ "y": 181,
+ "mapScaling": 1.0
+ },
+ "crystalsWaypoints": {
+ "enabled": true,
+ "findInChat": true
+ },
+ "commissionWaypoints": {
+ "mode": "BOTH",
+ "useColor": true,
+ "textScale": 1.0,
+ "showBaseCamp": false,
+ "showEmissary": true
+ },
+ "glacite": {
+ "coldOverlay": true
+ }
+ },
+ "farming": {
+ "garden": {
+ "farmingHud": {
+ "enableHud": true,
+ "x": 0,
+ "y": 0
+ },
+ "dicerTitlePrevent": true,
+ "visitorHelper": true,
+ "lockMouseTool": false,
+ "lockMouseGroundOnly": false
+ }
+ },
+ "otherLocations": {
+ "barn": {
+ "solveHungryHiker": true,
+ "solveTreasureHunter": true
+ },
+ "rift": {
+ "mirrorverseWaypoints": true,
+ "blobbercystGlow": true,
+ "enigmaSoulWaypoints": false,
+ "highlightFoundEnigmaSouls": true,
+ "mcGrubberStacks": 0
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "enableEnderNodeHelper": true,
+ "hudEnabled": true,
+ "zealotKillsEnabled": true,
+ "protectorLocationEnabled": true,
+ "waypoint": true,
+ "x": 10,
+ "y": 10
+ },
+ "spidersDen": {
+ "relics": {
+ "enableRelicsHelper": false,
+ "highlightFoundRelics": true
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "slayers": {
+ "endermanSlayer": {
+ "enableYangGlyphsNotification": true,
+ "highlightBeacons": true,
+ "highlightNukekubiHeads": true
+ },
+ "vampireSlayer": {
+ "enableEffigyWaypoints": true,
+ "compactEffigyWaypoints": false,
+ "effigyUpdateFrequency": 5,
+ "enableHolyIceIndicator": true,
+ "holyIceIndicatorTickDelay": 10,
+ "holyIceUpdateFrequency": 5,
+ "enableHealingMelonIndicator": true,
+ "healingMelonHealthThreshold": 4.0,
+ "enableSteakStakeIndicator": true,
+ "steakStakeUpdateFrequency": 5,
+ "enableManiaIndicator": true,
+ "maniaUpdateFrequency": 5
+ }
+ },
+ "chat": {
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+ "hideAds": "PASS",
+ "hideTeleportPad": "PASS",
+ "hideCombo": "PASS",
+ "hideAutopet": "PASS",
+ "hideShowOff": "PASS",
+ "hideToggleSkyMall": "PASS",
+ "hideMimicKill": "PASS",
+ "hideDeath": "PASS",
+ "hideMana": false,
+ "hideDicer": "PASS",
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+ "announcementScale": 3
+ }
+ },
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+ "render": true,
+ "itemData": {
+ "item": "minecraft:diamond_sword",
+ "count": 1,
+ "components": "[]"
+ },
+ "uiTitle": "Your Skills",
+ "clickEvent": "/skills"
+ },
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+ "render": true,
+ "itemData": {
+ "item": "minecraft:painting",
+ "count": 1,
+ "components": "[]"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "itemData": {
+ "item": "minecraft:bone",
+ "count": 1,
+ "components": "[]"
+ },
+ "uiTitle": "Pets(:? \\(\\d+\\/\\d+\\))?",
+ "clickEvent": "/pets"
+ },
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+ "components": "[minecraft:dyed_color={rgb:8991416}]"
+ },
+ "uiTitle": "Wardrobe \\([12]/2\\)",
+ "clickEvent": "/wardrobe"
+ },
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+ },
+ "uiTitle": "Sack of Sacks",
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+ },
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+ "render": true,
+ "itemData": {
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+ },
+ "uiTitle": "Accessory Bag(?: \\(\\d/\\d\\))?",
+ "clickEvent": "/accessories"
+ },
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+ "itemData": {
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+ "components": "[]"
+ },
+ "uiTitle": "(?:Rift )?Storage(?: \\(\\d/\\d\\))?",
+ "clickEvent": "/storage"
+ },
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+ },
+ "uiTitle": "",
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+ },
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+ "itemData": {
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+ },
+ "uiTitle": "",
+ "clickEvent": "/warp garden"
+ },
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+ },
+ "uiTitle": "none",
+ "clickEvent": "/hub"
+ },
+ "button11": {
+ "render": true,
+ "itemData": {
+ "item": "minecraft:enchanting_table",
+ "count": 1,
+ "components": "[]"
+ },
+ "uiTitle": "Enchant Item",
+ "clickEvent": "/etable"
+ },
+ "button12": {
+ "render": true,
+ "itemData": {
+ "item": "minecraft:gold_block",
+ "count": 1,
+ "components": "[]"
+ },
+ "uiTitle": "",
+ "clickEvent": "/ah"
+ },
+ "button13": {
+ "render": true,
+ "itemData": {
+ "item": "minecraft:player_head",
+ "count": 1,
+ "components": "[minecraft:profile={id:[I;-562285948,532499670,-1705302742,775653035],name:\"\",properties:[{name:\"textures\",value:\"e3RleHR1cmVzOntTS0lOOnt1cmw6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZmZlMmRjZGE0MWVjM2FmZjhhZjUwZjI3MmVjMmUwNmE4ZjUwOWUwZjgwN2YyMzU1YTFmNWEzM2MxYjY2ZTliNCJ9fX0=\"}]}]"
+ },
+ "uiTitle": "Bazaar .*",
+ "clickEvent": "/bz"
+ },
+ "button14": {
+ "render": true,
+ "itemData": {
+ "item": "minecraft:crafting_table",
+ "count": 1,
+ "components": "[]"
+ },
+ "uiTitle": "Craft Item",
+ "clickEvent": "/craft"
+ }
+ },
+ "eventNotifications": {
+ "criterion": "SKYBLOCK",
+ "reminderSound": "PLING",
+ "eventsReminderTimes": {
+ "Season of Jerry": [
+ 60,
+ 300
+ ],
+ "New Year Celebration": [
+ 60,
+ 300
+ ],
+ "Jacob's Farming Contest": [
+ 60,
+ 300
+ ],
+ "Dark Auction": [
+ 60,
+ 300
+ ],
+ "Election Booth Opens": [
+ 60,
+ 300
+ ],
+ "Traveling Zoo": [
+ 60,
+ 300
+ ],
+ "Spooky Festival": [
+ 60,
+ 300
+ ],
+ "Jerry's Workshop Opens": [
+ 60,
+ 300
+ ],
+ "SkyBlock Anniversary": [
+ 60,
+ 300
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "misc": {
+ "richPresence": {
+ "enableRichPresence": false,
+ "info": "LOCATION",
+ "cycleMode": false,
+ "customMessage": "Playing Skyblock"
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/test/resources/assets/skyblocker/config/skyblocker-v4.json b/src/test/resources/assets/skyblocker/config/skyblocker-v4.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..907e6ad1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/resources/assets/skyblocker/config/skyblocker-v4.json
@@ -0,0 +1,606 @@
+ "version": 4,
+ "general": {
+ "enableTips": true,
+ "acceptReparty": true,
+ "shortcuts": {
+ "enableShortcuts": true,
+ "enableCommandShortcuts": true,
+ "enableCommandArgShortcuts": true
+ },
+ "quiverWarning": {
+ "enableQuiverWarning": true,
+ "enableQuiverWarningInDungeons": true,
+ "enableQuiverWarningAfterDungeon": true
+ },
+ "itemList": {
+ "enableItemList": true
+ },
+ "itemTooltip": {
+ "enableNPCPrice": true,
+ "enableMotesPrice": true,
+ "enableAvgBIN": true,
+ "avg": "THREE_DAY",
+ "enableLowestBIN": true,
+ "enableBazaarPrice": true,
+ "enableObtainedDate": true,
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+ ],
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+ ],
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+ ],
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+ 300
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