path: root/src/main/java/de/hysky/skyblocker/config/configs/DungeonsConfig.java
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/java/de/hysky/skyblocker/config/configs/DungeonsConfig.java')
1 files changed, 292 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/de/hysky/skyblocker/config/configs/DungeonsConfig.java b/src/main/java/de/hysky/skyblocker/config/configs/DungeonsConfig.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4bf90435
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/de/hysky/skyblocker/config/configs/DungeonsConfig.java
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+package de.hysky.skyblocker.config.configs;
+import de.hysky.skyblocker.utils.waypoint.Waypoint;
+import dev.isxander.yacl3.config.v2.api.SerialEntry;
+import net.minecraft.util.Formatting;
+public class DungeonsConfig {
+ @SerialEntry
+ public boolean fancyPartyFinder = true;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public boolean croesusHelper = true;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public boolean playerSecretsTracker = false;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public boolean starredMobGlow = false;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public boolean starredMobBoundingBoxes = true;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public boolean allowDroppingProtectedItems = false;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public boolean acceptReparty = true;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public DungeonMap dungeonMap = new DungeonMap();
+ @SerialEntry
+ public PuzzleSolver puzzleSolver = new PuzzleSolver();
+ @SerialEntry
+ public TheProfessor theProfessor = new TheProfessor();
+ @SerialEntry
+ public Livid livid = new Livid();
+ @SerialEntry
+ public Terminals terminals = new Terminals();
+ @SerialEntry
+ public SecretWaypoints secretWaypoints = new SecretWaypoints();
+ @SerialEntry
+ public MimicMessage mimicMessage = new MimicMessage();
+ @SerialEntry
+ public DoorHighlight doorHighlight = new DoorHighlight();
+ @SerialEntry
+ public DungeonScore dungeonScore = new DungeonScore();
+ @SerialEntry
+ public DungeonChestProfit dungeonChestProfit = new DungeonChestProfit();
+ public static class DungeonMap {
+ @SerialEntry
+ public boolean enableMap = true;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public float mapScaling = 1f;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public int mapX = 2;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public int mapY = 2;
+ }
+ public static class PuzzleSolver {
+ @SerialEntry
+ public boolean solveTicTacToe = true;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public boolean solveThreeWeirdos = true;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public boolean creeperSolver = true;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public boolean solveWaterboard = true;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public boolean blazeSolver = true;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public boolean solveBoulder = true;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public boolean solveIceFill = true;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public boolean solveSilverfish = true;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public boolean solveTrivia = true;
+ }
+ public static class TheProfessor {
+ @SerialEntry
+ public boolean fireFreezeStaffTimer = true;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public boolean floor3GuardianHealthDisplay = true;
+ }
+ public static class Livid {
+ @SerialEntry
+ public boolean enableLividColorGlow = true;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public boolean enableLividColorText = true;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public boolean enableLividColorTitle = true;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public String lividColorText = "The livid color is [color]";
+ }
+ public static class Terminals {
+ @SerialEntry
+ public boolean solveColor = true;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public boolean solveOrder = true;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public boolean solveStartsWith = true;
+ }
+ public static class SecretWaypoints {
+ @SerialEntry
+ public boolean enableRoomMatching = true;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public boolean enableSecretWaypoints = true;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public Waypoint.Type waypointType = Waypoint.Type.WAYPOINT;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public boolean showSecretText = true;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public boolean enableEntranceWaypoints = true;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public boolean enableSuperboomWaypoints = true;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public boolean enableChestWaypoints = true;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public boolean enableItemWaypoints = true;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public boolean enableBatWaypoints = true;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public boolean enableWitherWaypoints = true;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public boolean enableLeverWaypoints = true;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public boolean enableFairySoulWaypoints = true;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public boolean enableStonkWaypoints = true;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public boolean enableAotvWaypoints = true;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public boolean enablePearlWaypoints = true;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public boolean enableDefaultWaypoints = true;
+ }
+ public static class MimicMessage {
+ @SerialEntry
+ public boolean sendMimicMessage = true;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public String mimicMessage = "Mimic dead!";
+ }
+ public static class DoorHighlight {
+ @SerialEntry
+ public boolean enableDoorHighlight = true;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public Type doorHighlightType = Type.OUTLINED_HIGHLIGHT;
+ public enum Type {
+ @Override
+ public String toString() {
+ return switch (this) {
+ case HIGHLIGHT -> "Highlight";
+ case OUTLINED_HIGHLIGHT -> "Outlined Highlight";
+ case OUTLINE -> "Outline";
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public static class DungeonScore {
+ @SerialEntry
+ public boolean enableDungeonScore270Message = false;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public boolean enableDungeonScore270Title = false;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public boolean enableDungeonScore270Sound = false;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public String dungeonScore270Message = "270 Score Reached!";
+ @SerialEntry
+ public boolean enableDungeonScore300Message = true;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public boolean enableDungeonScore300Title = true;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public boolean enableDungeonScore300Sound = true;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public String dungeonScore300Message = "300 Score Reached!";
+ @SerialEntry
+ public boolean enableDungeonCryptsMessage = true;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public int dungeonCryptsMessageThreshold = 250;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public String dungeonCryptsMessage = "We only have [crypts] crypts out of 5, we need more!";
+ @SerialEntry
+ public boolean enableScoreHUD = true;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public int scoreX = 29;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public int scoreY = 134;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public float scoreScaling = 1f;
+ }
+ public static class DungeonChestProfit {
+ @SerialEntry
+ public boolean enableProfitCalculator = true;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public boolean includeKismet = false;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public boolean includeEssence = true;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public boolean croesusProfit = true;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public int neutralThreshold = 1000;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public Formatting neutralColor = Formatting.DARK_GRAY;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public Formatting profitColor = Formatting.DARK_GREEN;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public Formatting lossColor = Formatting.RED;
+ @SerialEntry
+ public Formatting incompleteColor = Formatting.BLUE;
+ }