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-rw-r--r-- | src/main/java/de/hysky/skyblocker/skyblock/dungeon/DungeonScore.java | 290 |
1 files changed, 254 insertions, 36 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/de/hysky/skyblocker/skyblock/dungeon/DungeonScore.java b/src/main/java/de/hysky/skyblocker/skyblock/dungeon/DungeonScore.java index d67d6988..ebec99dc 100644 --- a/src/main/java/de/hysky/skyblocker/skyblock/dungeon/DungeonScore.java +++ b/src/main/java/de/hysky/skyblocker/skyblock/dungeon/DungeonScore.java @@ -1,28 +1,81 @@ package de.hysky.skyblocker.skyblock.dungeon; + import de.hysky.skyblocker.config.SkyblockerConfig; import de.hysky.skyblocker.config.SkyblockerConfigManager; -import de.hysky.skyblocker.skyblock.dungeon.secrets.DungeonManager; +import de.hysky.skyblocker.skyblock.tabhud.util.PlayerListMgr; import de.hysky.skyblocker.utils.Constants; import de.hysky.skyblocker.utils.Utils; import de.hysky.skyblocker.utils.scheduler.MessageScheduler; import de.hysky.skyblocker.utils.scheduler.Scheduler; import net.fabricmc.fabric.api.client.networking.v1.ClientPlayConnectionEvents; +import net.fabricmc.fabric.api.entity.event.v1.ServerLivingEntityEvents; import net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient; +import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; +import net.minecraft.entity.mob.ZombieEntity; +import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; +import net.minecraft.nbt.NbtCompound; +import net.minecraft.nbt.NbtElement; import net.minecraft.sound.SoundEvents; +import net.minecraft.util.collection.DefaultedList; +import org.slf4j.Logger; +import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; +import java.util.HashMap; +import java.util.Map; +import java.util.Optional; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class DungeonScore { - private static final SkyblockerConfig.DungeonScore CONFIG = SkyblockerConfigManager.get().locations.dungeons.dungeonScore; - private static final Pattern DUNGEON_CLEARED_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("Cleared: (?<cleared>\\d+)% \\((?<score>\\d+)\\)"); + private static final SkyblockerConfig.DungeonScore SCORE_CONFIG = SkyblockerConfigManager.get().locations.dungeons.dungeonScore; + private static final SkyblockerConfig.MimicMessages MIMIC_MESSAGES_CONFIG = SkyblockerConfigManager.get().locations.dungeons.mimicMessages; + private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger("Skyblocker Dungeon Score"); + private static final Pattern CLEARED_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("Cleared: (?<cleared>\\d+)%.*"); + private static final Pattern SECRETS_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("Secrets Found: (?<secper>\\d+\\.?\\d*)%"); + private static final Pattern PUZZLES_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(".+?(?=:): \\[(?<state>.)](?: \\(\\w+\\))?"); + private static final Pattern PUZZLE_COUNT_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("Puzzles: \\((?<count>\\d+)\\)"); + private static final Pattern TIME_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("Time: (?:(?<hours>\\d+(?=h))?h? ?(?<minutes>\\d+(?=m))?m? ?(?<seconds>\\d+(?=s))s|Soon!)"); + private static final Pattern CRYPTS_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("Crypts: (?<crypts>\\d+)"); + private static final Pattern COMPLETED_ROOMS_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(" *Completed Rooms: (?<rooms>\\d+)"); + private static final Pattern DUNGEON_START_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(?:Auto-closing|Starting) in: \\d:\\d+"); + private static final Pattern FLOOR_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(".*?(?=T)The Catacombs \\((?<floor>[EFM]\\D*\\d*)\\)"); + private static final Pattern DEATHS_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("Team Deaths: (?<deaths>\\d+)"); + private static String currentFloor; private static boolean sent270; private static boolean sent300; + private static boolean isMimicKilled; + private static int puzzleCount; + //Caching the dungeon start state to prevent unnecessary scoreboard pattern matching after dungeon starts + private static boolean isDungeonStarted; + private static boolean isMayorPaul; + private static final HashMap<String, FloorRequirement> floorRequirements = new HashMap<>(Map.ofEntries( + Map.entry("E", new FloorRequirement(30, 1200)), + Map.entry("F1", new FloorRequirement(30, 600)), + Map.entry("F2", new FloorRequirement(40, 600)), + Map.entry("F3", new FloorRequirement(50, 600)), + Map.entry("F4", new FloorRequirement(60, 720)), + Map.entry("F5", new FloorRequirement(70, 600)), + Map.entry("F6", new FloorRequirement(85, 720)), + Map.entry("F7", new FloorRequirement(100, 840)), + Map.entry("M1", new FloorRequirement(100, 480)), + Map.entry("M2", new FloorRequirement(100, 480)), + Map.entry("M3", new FloorRequirement(100, 480)), + Map.entry("M4", new FloorRequirement(100, 480)), + Map.entry("M5", new FloorRequirement(100, 480)), + Map.entry("M6", new FloorRequirement(100, 600)), + Map.entry("M7", new FloorRequirement(100, 840)) + )); public static void init() { Scheduler.INSTANCE.scheduleCyclic(DungeonScore::tick, 20); ClientPlayConnectionEvents.JOIN.register((handler, sender, client) -> reset()); + ServerLivingEntityEvents.AFTER_DEATH.register((entity, source) -> { + if (isEntityMimic(entity)) { + if (MIMIC_MESSAGES_CONFIG.sendMimicMessages) MessageScheduler.INSTANCE.sendMessageAfterCooldown(MIMIC_MESSAGES_CONFIG.mimicMessage); + setMimicKilled(true); + } + }); } public static void tick() { @@ -31,46 +84,211 @@ public class DungeonScore { reset(); return; } + if (!isDungeonStarted) { + if (checkIfDungeonStarted()) onDungeonStart(); + return; + } + int score = calculateScore(); + if (SCORE_CONFIG.enableDungeonScore270 && !sent270 && score >= 270 && score < 300) { + MessageScheduler.INSTANCE.sendMessageAfterCooldown("/pc " + Constants.PREFIX.get().getString() + SCORE_CONFIG.dungeonScore270Message.replaceAll("\\[score]", "270")); + client.player.playSound(SoundEvents.BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_PLING.value(), 1f, 0.1f); + sent270 = true; + } + if (SCORE_CONFIG.enableDungeonScore300 && !sent300 && score >= 300) { + MessageScheduler.INSTANCE.sendMessageAfterCooldown("/pc " + Constants.PREFIX.get().getString() + SCORE_CONFIG.dungeonScore300Message.replaceAll("\\[score]", "300")); + client.player.playSound(SoundEvents.BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_PLING.value(), 1f, 1f); + sent300 = true; + } + } + + public static boolean isEntityMimic(Entity entity) { + if (!(entity instanceof ZombieEntity zombie)) return false; + if (!zombie.isBaby()) return false; + try { + DefaultedList<ItemStack> armor = (DefaultedList<ItemStack>) zombie.getArmorItems(); + if (armor.isEmpty()) return false; + NbtCompound helmetNbt = armor.get(3).getNbt(); + if (helmetNbt == null) return false; + return helmetNbt.getCompound("SkullOwner") + .getCompound("Properties") + .getList("textures", NbtElement.COMPOUND_TYPE) + .getCompound(0).getString("Value") + .equals("eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZTE5YzEyNTQzYmM3NzkyNjA1ZWY2OGUxZjg3NDlhZThmMmEzODFkOTA4NWQ0ZDRiNzgwYmExMjgyZDM1OTdhMCJ9fX0K"); + } catch (NullPointerException e) { + return false; + } catch (ClassCastException f) { + f.printStackTrace(); + return false; + } + } + private static boolean checkIfDungeonStarted() { for (String sidebarLine : Utils.STRING_SCOREBOARD) { - Matcher dungeonClearedMatcher = DUNGEON_CLEARED_PATTERN.matcher(sidebarLine); - if (!dungeonClearedMatcher.matches()) { - continue; - } - int score = Integer.parseInt(dungeonClearedMatcher.group("score")); - if (!DungeonManager.isInBoss()) score += 28; - if (!sent270 && score >= 270 && score < 300) { - if (CONFIG.enableDungeonScore270Message) { - MessageScheduler.INSTANCE.sendMessageAfterCooldown(Constants.PREFIX.get().getString() + CONFIG.dungeonScore270Message.replaceAll("\\[score]", "270")); - } - if (CONFIG.enableDungeonScore270Title) { - client.inGameHud.setDefaultTitleFade(); - client.inGameHud.setTitle(Constants.PREFIX.get().append(CONFIG.dungeonScore270Message.replaceAll("\\[score]", "270"))); - } - if (CONFIG.enableDungeonScore270Sound) { - client.player.playSound(SoundEvents.BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_PLING.value(), 100f, 0.1f); - } - sent270 = true; - } - if (!sent300 && score >= 300) { - if (CONFIG.enableDungeonScore300Message) { - MessageScheduler.INSTANCE.sendMessageAfterCooldown(Constants.PREFIX.get().getString() + CONFIG.dungeonScore300Message.replaceAll("\\[score]", "300")); - } - if (CONFIG.enableDungeonScore300Title) { - client.inGameHud.setDefaultTitleFade(); - client.inGameHud.setTitle(Constants.PREFIX.get().append(CONFIG.dungeonScore300Message.replaceAll("\\[score]", "300"))); - } - if (CONFIG.enableDungeonScore300Sound) { - client.player.playSound(SoundEvents.BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_PLING.value(), 100f, 0.1f); - } - sent300 = true; - } - break; + Matcher matcher = DUNGEON_START_PATTERN.matcher(sidebarLine); + if (matcher.matches()) return false; } + return true; + } + + private static void onDungeonStart() { + setCurrentFloor(); + isDungeonStarted = true; + puzzleCount = getPuzzleCount(); + isMayorPaul = Utils.getMayor().equals("Paul"); + } + + private static int calculateScore() { + int timeScore = calculateTimeScore(); + int exploreScore = calculateExploreScore(); + int skillScore = calculateSkillScore(); + int paulScore = isMayorPaul ? 10 : 0; + int cryptsScore = Math.min(getCrypts(), 5); + int mimicScore = isMimicKilled ? 2 : 0; + int totalScore = timeScore + exploreScore + skillScore + paulScore + cryptsScore + mimicScore; + //Will be this way until ready for pr, so it's easy to debug. + LOGGER.info("Total Score: {} (Time: {}, Explore: {}, Skill: {}, Paul: {}, Crypts: {}, Mimic: {})", totalScore, timeScore, exploreScore, skillScore, paulScore, cryptsScore, mimicScore); + return totalScore; + } + + private static int calculateExploreScore() { + int completedRoomScore = (int) Math.floor(60.0 * getCompletedRooms() / getTotalRooms()); + int percentageRequirement = floorRequirements.get(currentFloor).percentage; + int secretsScore = (int) Math.floor(40 * Math.min(percentageRequirement, getSecretsPercentage()) / percentageRequirement); + return completedRoomScore + secretsScore; + } + + private static int calculateTimeScore() { + Matcher timeMatcher = PlayerListMgr.regexAt(45, TIME_PATTERN); + if (timeMatcher == null) { + LOGGER.error("Time pattern doesn't match"); + return 0; + } + int score = 100; + int hours = Optional.ofNullable(timeMatcher.group("hours")).map(Integer::parseInt).orElse(0); + int minutes = Optional.ofNullable(timeMatcher.group("minutes")).map(Integer::parseInt).orElse(0); + int seconds = Optional.ofNullable(timeMatcher.group("seconds")).map(Integer::parseInt).orElse(0); + int timeSpent = hours * 3600 + minutes * 60 + seconds; + int timeRequirement = floorRequirements.get(currentFloor).timeLimit; + if (timeSpent < timeRequirement) return score; + + double timePastRequirement = ((double) (timeSpent - timeRequirement) / timeRequirement) * 100; + if (timePastRequirement >= 0 && timePastRequirement < 20) { + score -= (int) timePastRequirement / 2; + } else if (timePastRequirement >= 20 && timePastRequirement < 40) { + score -= (int) (10 + (timePastRequirement - 20) / 4); + } else if (timePastRequirement >= 40 && timePastRequirement < 50) { + score -= (int) (15 + (timePastRequirement - 40) / 5); + } else if (timePastRequirement >= 50 && timePastRequirement < 60) { + score -= (int) (17 + (timePastRequirement - 50) / 6); + } else if (timePastRequirement >= 60) { + score -= (int) (18 + (2.0 / 3.0) + (timePastRequirement - 60) / 7); + } + return score; + } + + private static int calculateSkillScore() { + return 20 + (int) Math.floor(80.0 * getCompletedRooms() / getTotalRooms()) - (2 * getDeathCount()) - (10 * getFailedPuzzles()); } private static void reset() { sent270 = false; sent300 = false; + isDungeonStarted = false; + isMimicKilled = false; + isMayorPaul = false; + puzzleCount = 0; + currentFloor = ""; + } + + public static void setMimicKilled(boolean killed) { + isMimicKilled = killed; + } + + private static int getTotalRooms() { + return (int) Math.round((getCompletedRooms()) / getClearPercentage()); //Clear% rounds to the closest integer so it can be off by 0.5% at most, this should be accurate enough + } + + private static int getCompletedRooms() { + Matcher completedRoomsMatcher = PlayerListMgr.regexAt(43, COMPLETED_ROOMS_PATTERN); + if (completedRoomsMatcher == null) { + LOGGER.error("Completed rooms pattern doesn't match"); + return 0; + } + return Integer.parseInt(completedRoomsMatcher.group("rooms")); + } + + private static double getClearPercentage() { + for (String sidebarLine : Utils.STRING_SCOREBOARD) { + Matcher clearMatcher = CLEARED_PATTERN.matcher(sidebarLine); + if (!clearMatcher.matches()) continue; + return Double.parseDouble(clearMatcher.group("cleared")) / 100; + } + LOGGER.error("Clear pattern doesn't match"); + return 0; + } + + private static int getDeathCount() { + Matcher matcher = PlayerListMgr.regexAt(25, DEATHS_PATTERN); + if (matcher == null) { + LOGGER.error("Death count pattern doesn't match"); + return 0; + } + //TODO: Turn this into a map of players and their deathcounts, get party members' pets, check if they have spirit pet, if they have it reduce their death count by 0.5 + return Integer.parseInt(matcher.group("deaths")); + } + + private static int getPuzzleCount() { + Matcher matcher = PlayerListMgr.regexAt(47, PUZZLE_COUNT_PATTERN); + if (matcher == null) { + LOGGER.error("Puzzle count pattern doesn't match"); + return 0; + } + return Integer.parseInt(matcher.group("count")); + } + + //Might be replaced to look for puzzle fail messages on chat instead of playerlist + private static int getFailedPuzzles() { + int failedPuzzles = 0; + for (int index = 0; index < puzzleCount; index++) { + Matcher puzzleMatcher = PlayerListMgr.regexAt(48 + index, PUZZLES_PATTERN); + if (puzzleMatcher == null) { + LOGGER.error("Puzzle pattern doesn't match"); + return 0; + } + if (puzzleMatcher.group("state").equals("✖")) failedPuzzles++; + } + return failedPuzzles; + } + + private static double getSecretsPercentage() { + Matcher matcher = PlayerListMgr.regexAt(44, SECRETS_PATTERN); + if (matcher == null) { + LOGGER.error("Secrets pattern doesn't match"); + return 0; + } + return Double.parseDouble(matcher.group("secper")); + } + + private static int getCrypts() { + Matcher matcher = PlayerListMgr.regexAt(33, CRYPTS_PATTERN); + if (matcher == null) { + LOGGER.error("Crypts pattern doesn't match"); + return 0; + } + return Integer.parseInt(matcher.group("crypts")); + } + + public static void setCurrentFloor() { + for (String sidebarLine : Utils.STRING_SCOREBOARD) { + Matcher floorMatcher = FLOOR_PATTERN.matcher(sidebarLine); + if (!floorMatcher.matches()) continue; + currentFloor = floorMatcher.group("floor"); + return; + } + LOGGER.error("Floor pattern doesn't match"); + } + + record FloorRequirement(int percentage, int timeLimit) { } } + |