path: root/src/main/java/de/hysky/skyblocker/skyblock/dwarven/CrystalsLocationsManager.java
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/java/de/hysky/skyblocker/skyblock/dwarven/CrystalsLocationsManager.java')
1 files changed, 194 insertions, 58 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/de/hysky/skyblocker/skyblock/dwarven/CrystalsLocationsManager.java b/src/main/java/de/hysky/skyblocker/skyblock/dwarven/CrystalsLocationsManager.java
index 83167c18..22e494ab 100644
--- a/src/main/java/de/hysky/skyblocker/skyblock/dwarven/CrystalsLocationsManager.java
+++ b/src/main/java/de/hysky/skyblocker/skyblock/dwarven/CrystalsLocationsManager.java
@@ -21,16 +21,15 @@ import net.fabricmc.fabric.api.client.rendering.v1.WorldRenderEvents;
import net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient;
import net.minecraft.command.CommandRegistryAccess;
import net.minecraft.text.ClickEvent;
+import net.minecraft.text.HoverEvent;
import net.minecraft.text.MutableText;
import net.minecraft.text.Text;
import net.minecraft.util.Formatting;
import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos;
+import net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3d;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
-import java.awt.*;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
@@ -52,12 +51,15 @@ public class CrystalsLocationsManager {
private static final MinecraftClient CLIENT = MinecraftClient.getInstance();
- * A look-up table to convert between location names and waypoint in the {@link CrystalsWaypoint.Category} values.
+ * A look-up table to convert between location names and waypoint in the {@link MiningLocationLabel.CrystalHollowsLocationsCategory} values.
- private static final Map<String, CrystalsWaypoint.Category> WAYPOINT_LOCATIONS = Arrays.stream(CrystalsWaypoint.Category.values()).collect(Collectors.toMap(CrystalsWaypoint.Category::toString, Function.identity()));
- private static final Pattern TEXT_CWORDS_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("([0-9][0-9][0-9]) ([0-9][0-9][0-9]?) ([0-9][0-9][0-9])");
+ private static final Map<String, MiningLocationLabel.CrystalHollowsLocationsCategory> WAYPOINT_LOCATIONS = Arrays.stream(MiningLocationLabel.CrystalHollowsLocationsCategory.values()).collect(Collectors.toMap(MiningLocationLabel.CrystalHollowsLocationsCategory::getName, Function.identity()));
+ //Package-private for testing
+ static final Pattern TEXT_CWORDS_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\Dx?(\\d{3})(?=[, ]),? ?y?(\\d{2,3})(?=[, ]),? ?z?(\\d{3})\\D?(?!\\d)");
+ private static final int REMOVE_UNKNOWN_DISTANCE = 50;
- protected static Map<String, CrystalsWaypoint> activeWaypoints = new HashMap<>();
+ protected static Map<String, MiningLocationLabel> activeWaypoints = new HashMap<>();
+ protected static List<String> verifiedWaypoints = new ArrayList<>();
public static void init() {
// Crystal Hollows Waypoints
@@ -72,47 +74,65 @@ public class CrystalsLocationsManager {
private static void extractLocationFromMessage(Text message, Boolean overlay) {
- if (!SkyblockerConfigManager.get().mining.crystalsWaypoints.findInChat || !Utils.isInCrystalHollows()) {
+ if (!SkyblockerConfigManager.get().mining.crystalsWaypoints.findInChat || !Utils.isInCrystalHollows() || overlay) {
+ String text = Formatting.strip(message.getString());
try {
- //get the message text
- String value = message.getString();
- Matcher matcher = TEXT_CWORDS_PATTERN.matcher(value);
- //if there are coordinates in the message try to get them and what they are talking about
- if (matcher.find()) {
- String location = matcher.group();
- int[] coordinates = Arrays.stream(location.split(" ", 3)).mapToInt(Integer::parseInt).toArray();
- BlockPos blockPos = new BlockPos(coordinates[0], coordinates[1], coordinates[2]);
- //if position is not in the hollows do not add it
- if (!checkInCrystals(blockPos)) {
- return;
- }
+ //make sure that it is only reading user messages and not from skyblocker
+ if (text.contains(":") && !text.startsWith(Constants.PREFIX.get().getString())) {
+ String userMessage = text.split(":", 2)[1];
+ //get the message text
+ Matcher matcher = TEXT_CWORDS_PATTERN.matcher(userMessage);
+ //if there are coordinates in the message try to get them and what they are talking about
+ if (matcher.find()) {
+ BlockPos blockPos = new BlockPos(Integer.parseInt(matcher.group(1)), Integer.parseInt(matcher.group(2)), Integer.parseInt(matcher.group(3)));
+ String location = blockPos.getX() + " " + blockPos.getY() + " " + blockPos.getZ();
+ //if position is not in the hollows do not add it
+ if (!checkInCrystals(blockPos)) {
+ return;
+ }
- //see if there is a name of a location to add to this
- for (String waypointLocation : WAYPOINT_LOCATIONS.keySet()) {
- if (value.toLowerCase().contains(waypointLocation.toLowerCase())) { //todo be more lenient
- //all data found to create waypoint
- addCustomWaypoint(waypointLocation, blockPos);
+ //see if there is a name of a location to add to this
+ for (String waypointLocation : WAYPOINT_LOCATIONS.keySet()) {
+ if (Arrays.stream(waypointLocation.toLowerCase().split(" ")).anyMatch(word -> userMessage.toLowerCase().contains(word))) { //check if contains a word of location
+ //all data found to create waypoint
+ //make sure the waypoint does not already exist in active waypoints, so waypoints can not get randomly moved
+ if (!activeWaypoints.containsKey(waypointLocation)) {
+ addCustomWaypoint(waypointLocation, blockPos);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ //if the location is not found ask the user for the location (could have been in a previous chat message)
+ if (CLIENT.player == null || CLIENT.getNetworkHandler() == null) {
- }
- //if the location is not found ask the user for the location (could have been in a previous chat message)
- if (CLIENT.player == null || CLIENT.getNetworkHandler() == null) {
- return;
+ CLIENT.player.sendMessage(getLocationMenu(location, false), false);
- CLIENT.player.sendMessage(getLocationInputText(location), false);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("[Skyblocker Crystals Locations Manager] Encountered an exception while extracing a location from a chat message!", e);
+ //move waypoint to be more accurate based on locational chat messages if not already verifed
+ if (CLIENT.player != null && SkyblockerConfigManager.get().mining.crystalsWaypoints.enabled) {
+ for (MiningLocationLabel.CrystalHollowsLocationsCategory waypointLocation : WAYPOINT_LOCATIONS.values()) {
+ String waypointLinkedMessage = waypointLocation.getLinkedMessage();
+ String waypointName = waypointLocation.getName();
+ if (waypointLinkedMessage != null && text.contains(waypointLinkedMessage) && !verifiedWaypoints.contains(waypointName)) {
+ addCustomWaypoint(waypointLocation.getName(), CLIENT.player.getBlockPos());
+ verifiedWaypoints.add(waypointName);
+ }
+ }
+ }
- protected static Boolean checkInCrystals(BlockPos pos) {
+ protected static boolean checkInCrystals(BlockPos pos) {
//checks if a location is inside crystal hollows bounds
return pos.getX() >= 202 && pos.getX() <= 823
&& pos.getZ() >= 202 && pos.getZ() <= 823
@@ -122,16 +142,44 @@ public class CrystalsLocationsManager {
private static void registerWaypointLocationCommands(CommandDispatcher<FabricClientCommandSource> dispatcher, CommandRegistryAccess registryAccess) {
- .then(argument("pos", ClientBlockPosArgumentType.blockPos())
+ .then(literal("add")
+ .executes(context -> {
+ if (CLIENT.player == null) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ CLIENT.player.sendMessage(getLocationMenu((int) CLIENT.player.getX() + " " + (int) CLIENT.player.getY() + " " + (int) CLIENT.player.getZ(), true), false);
+ return Command.SINGLE_SUCCESS;
+ })
+ .then(argument("pos", ClientBlockPosArgumentType.blockPos())
+ .then(argument("place", StringArgumentType.greedyString())
+ .suggests((context, builder) -> suggestMatching(WAYPOINT_LOCATIONS.keySet(), builder))
+ .executes(context -> addWaypointFromCommand(context.getSource(), getString(context, "place"), context.getArgument("pos", ClientPosArgument.class)))
+ )
+ ))
+ .then(literal("share")
+ .executes(context -> {
+ if (CLIENT.player == null) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ CLIENT.player.sendMessage(getPlacesMenu("share"), false);
+ return Command.SINGLE_SUCCESS;
+ })
.then(argument("place", StringArgumentType.greedyString())
.suggests((context, builder) -> suggestMatching(WAYPOINT_LOCATIONS.keySet(), builder))
- .executes(context -> addWaypointFromCommand(context.getSource(), getString(context, "place"), context.getArgument("pos", ClientPosArgument.class)))
+ .executes(context -> shareWaypoint(getString(context, "place")))
- .then(literal("share")
+ .then(literal("remove")
+ .executes(context -> {
+ if (CLIENT.player == null) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ CLIENT.player.sendMessage(getPlacesMenu("remove"), false);
+ return Command.SINGLE_SUCCESS;
+ })
.then(argument("place", StringArgumentType.greedyString())
.suggests((context, builder) -> suggestMatching(WAYPOINT_LOCATIONS.keySet(), builder))
- .executes(context -> shareWaypoint(getString(context, "place")))
+ .executes(context -> removeWaypoint(getString(context, "place")))
@@ -139,21 +187,77 @@ public class CrystalsLocationsManager {
protected static Text getSetLocationMessage(String location, BlockPos blockPos) {
- MutableText text = Constants.PREFIX.get();
- text.append(Text.literal("Added waypoint for "));
- Color locationColor = WAYPOINT_LOCATIONS.get(location).color;
- text.append(Text.literal(location).withColor(locationColor.getRGB()));
- text.append(Text.literal(" at : " + blockPos.getX() + " " + blockPos.getY() + " " + blockPos.getZ() + "."));
+ int locationColor = WAYPOINT_LOCATIONS.get(location).getColor();
- return text;
+ // Minecraft transforms all arguments (`%s`, `%d`, whatever) to `%$1s` DURING LOADING in `Language#load(InputStream, BiConsumer<String,String>)` for some unknown reason.
+ // And then `TranslatableTextContent#forEachPart` only accepts `%s` for some other unknown reason.
+ // So that's why the arguments are all `%s`. Wtf mojang?????????
+ return Constants.PREFIX.get().append(Text.translatableWithFallback("skyblocker.config.mining.crystalsWaypoints.addedWaypoint", "Added waypoint for '%s' at %s %s %s.", Text.literal(location).withColor(locationColor), blockPos.getX(), blockPos.getY(), blockPos.getZ()));
- private static Text getLocationInputText(String location) {
- MutableText text = Constants.PREFIX.get();
+ /**
+ * Creates a formated text with a list of possible places to add a waypoint for
+ *
+ * @param location the location where the waypoint will be created
+ * @param excludeUnknown if the {@link de.hysky.skyblocker.skyblock.dwarven.MiningLocationLabel.CrystalHollowsLocationsCategory#UNKNOWN Unknown} location should be available to add
+ * @return text for a message to send to the player
+ */
+ private static Text getLocationMenu(String location, boolean excludeUnknown) {
+ //if the user has all available waypoints active warn them instead of an empty list (excused unknown from check when disabled)
+ if (activeWaypoints.size() == WAYPOINT_LOCATIONS.size() || (excludeUnknown && WAYPOINT_LOCATIONS.size() - activeWaypoints.size() == 1 && !activeWaypoints.containsKey(MiningLocationLabel.CrystalHollowsLocationsCategory.UNKNOWN.getName()))) {
+ return Constants.PREFIX.get().append(Text.translatable("skyblocker.config.mining.crystalsWaypoints.allActive").formatted(Formatting.RED));
+ }
+ //add starting message
+ MutableText text = Text.empty();
+ //add possible locations to the message
for (String waypointLocation : WAYPOINT_LOCATIONS.keySet()) {
- Color locationColor = WAYPOINT_LOCATIONS.get(waypointLocation).color;
- text.append(Text.literal("[" + waypointLocation + "]").withColor(locationColor.getRGB()).styled(style -> style.withClickEvent(new ClickEvent(ClickEvent.Action.RUN_COMMAND, "/skyblocker crystalWaypoints " + location + " " + waypointLocation))));
+ //do not show option to add waypoints for existing locations or unknown if its disabled
+ if (activeWaypoints.containsKey(waypointLocation) || (excludeUnknown && Objects.equals(waypointLocation, MiningLocationLabel.CrystalHollowsLocationsCategory.UNKNOWN.getName()))) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ int locationColor = WAYPOINT_LOCATIONS.get(waypointLocation).getColor();
+ text.append(Text.literal("[" + waypointLocation + "]").withColor(locationColor).styled(style -> style
+ .withClickEvent(new ClickEvent(ClickEvent.Action.RUN_COMMAND, "/skyblocker crystalWaypoints add " + location + " " + waypointLocation))
+ .withHoverEvent(new HoverEvent(HoverEvent.Action.SHOW_TEXT, Text.translatable("skyblocker.config.mining.crystalsWaypoints.getLocationHover.add").withColor(locationColor))))
+ );
+ }
+ return Constants.PREFIX.get().append(Text.translatable("skyblocker.config.mining.crystalsWaypoints.markLocation", location, text));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a formated text with a list of found places to remove / share a waypoint for
+ *
+ * @param action the action the command should perform (remove / share)
+ * @return text for a message to send to the player
+ */
+ private static Text getPlacesMenu(String action) {
+ MutableText text = Constants.PREFIX.get();
+ //if the user has no active warn them instead of an empty list
+ if (activeWaypoints.isEmpty()) {
+ return text.append(Text.translatable("skyblocker.config.mining.crystalsWaypoints.noActive").formatted(Formatting.RED));
+ }
+ //depending on the action load the correct prefix and hover message
+ MutableText hoverMessage;
+ if (action.equals("remove")) {
+ text.append(Text.translatable("skyblocker.config.mining.crystalsWaypoints.getLocationHover.remove").append(Text.literal(": ")));
+ hoverMessage = Text.translatable("skyblocker.config.mining.crystalsWaypoints.getLocationHover.remove");
+ } else {
+ text.append(Text.translatable("skyblocker.config.mining.crystalsWaypoints.getLocationHover.share").append(Text.literal(": ")));
+ hoverMessage = Text.translatable("skyblocker.config.mining.crystalsWaypoints.getLocationHover.share");
+ }
+ for (String waypointLocation : activeWaypoints.keySet()) {
+ int locationColor = WAYPOINT_LOCATIONS.get(waypointLocation).getColor();
+ text.append(Text.literal("[" + waypointLocation + "]").withColor(locationColor).styled(style -> style
+ .withClickEvent(new ClickEvent(ClickEvent.Action.RUN_COMMAND, "/skyblocker crystalWaypoints " + action + " " + waypointLocation))
+ .withHoverEvent(new HoverEvent(HoverEvent.Action.SHOW_TEXT, hoverMessage.withColor(locationColor))))
+ );
return text;
@@ -178,8 +282,8 @@ public class CrystalsLocationsManager {
public static int shareWaypoint(String place) {
if (activeWaypoints.containsKey(place)) {
- BlockPos pos = activeWaypoints.get(place).pos;
- MessageScheduler.INSTANCE.sendMessageAfterCooldown(Constants.PREFIX.get().getString() + " " + place + ": " + pos.getX() + ", " + pos.getY() + ", " + pos.getZ());
+ Vec3d pos = activeWaypoints.get(place).centerPos();
+ MessageScheduler.INSTANCE.sendMessageAfterCooldown(Constants.PREFIX.get().getString() + " " + place + ": " + (int) pos.getX() + ", " + (int) pos.getY() + ", " + (int) pos.getZ());
} else {
//send fail message
if (CLIENT.player == null || CLIENT.getNetworkHandler() == null) {
@@ -191,25 +295,57 @@ public class CrystalsLocationsManager {
return Command.SINGLE_SUCCESS;
+ public static int removeWaypoint(String place) {
+ if (CLIENT.player == null || CLIENT.getNetworkHandler() == null) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (activeWaypoints.containsKey(place)) {
+ CLIENT.player.sendMessage(Constants.PREFIX.get().append(Text.translatable("skyblocker.config.mining.crystalsWaypoints.removeSuccess").formatted(Formatting.GREEN)).append(Text.literal(place).withColor(WAYPOINT_LOCATIONS.get(place).getColor())), false);
+ activeWaypoints.remove(place);
+ verifiedWaypoints.remove(place);
+ } else {
+ //send fail message
+ CLIENT.player.sendMessage(Constants.PREFIX.get().append(Text.translatable("skyblocker.config.mining.crystalsWaypoints.removeFail").formatted(Formatting.RED)), false);
+ }
- private static void addCustomWaypoint(String waypointName, BlockPos pos) {
- CrystalsWaypoint.Category category = WAYPOINT_LOCATIONS.get(waypointName);
- CrystalsWaypoint waypoint = new CrystalsWaypoint(category, Text.literal(waypointName), pos);
+ return Command.SINGLE_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ protected static void addCustomWaypoint(String waypointName, BlockPos pos) {
+ removeUnknownNear(pos);
+ MiningLocationLabel.CrystalHollowsLocationsCategory category = WAYPOINT_LOCATIONS.get(waypointName);
+ MiningLocationLabel waypoint = new MiningLocationLabel(category, pos);
activeWaypoints.put(waypointName, waypoint);
+ /**
+ * Removes unknown waypoint from active waypoints if it's close to a location
+ *
+ * @param location center location
+ */
+ private static void removeUnknownNear(BlockPos location) {
+ String name = MiningLocationLabel.CrystalHollowsLocationsCategory.UNKNOWN.getName();
+ MiningLocationLabel unknownWaypoint = activeWaypoints.getOrDefault(name, null);
+ if (unknownWaypoint != null) {
+ double distance = unknownWaypoint.centerPos().distanceTo(location.toCenterPos());
+ if (distance < REMOVE_UNKNOWN_DISTANCE) {
+ activeWaypoints.remove(name);
+ }
+ }
+ }
public static void render(WorldRenderContext context) {
if (SkyblockerConfigManager.get().mining.crystalsWaypoints.enabled) {
- for (CrystalsWaypoint crystalsWaypoint : activeWaypoints.values()) {
- if (crystalsWaypoint.shouldRender()) {
- crystalsWaypoint.render(context);
- }
+ for (MiningLocationLabel crystalsWaypoint : activeWaypoints.values()) {
+ crystalsWaypoint.render(context);
private static void reset() {
+ verifiedWaypoints.clear();
public static void update() {